I am currently building a web-app that requires a Spotify user to login using their credentials in order to access their playlists
I'm using the Spotipy python wrapper for Spotify's Web API and generating an access token using,
token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username,scope,client_id,client_secret,redirect_uri)
The code runs without any issues on my local machine. But, when I deploy the web-app on AWS, it does not proceed to the redirected uri and allow for user login.
I have tried transferring the ".cache-username" file via SCP to my AWS machine instance and gotten it to work in limited fashion.
Is there a solution to this issue? I'm fairly new to AWS and hence don't have much to go on or any idea where to look. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
The quick way
Run the script locally so the user can sign in once
In the local project folder, you will find a file .cache-{userid}
Copy this file to your project folder on AWS
It should work
The database way
There is currently an open feature request on Github that suggests to store tokens in a DB. Feel free to subscribe to the issue or to contribute https://github.com/plamere/spotipy/issues/51
It's also possible to write a bit of code to persist new tokens into a DB and then read from it. That's what I'm doing as part of an AWS Lambda using DynamoDB, it's not very nice but it works perfectly https://github.com/resident-archive/resident-archive/blob/a869b73f1f64538343be1604d43693b6165cc58a/functions/to-spotify/main.py#L129..L157
The API way
This is probably the best way, as it allows multiple users to sign in simultaneously. However it is a bit more complex and requires you host a server that's accessible by URL.
This example uses Flask but one could adapt it to Django for example https://github.com/plamere/spotipy/blob/master/examples/app.py
I am trying to use Google Sheets API to load data into EC2 using Python.
So, I tried this quickstart.
But I am stuck configuring OAuth client to get credential.json file. I can't understand what drop-down type I should select.
Hope I was clear. Thanks in advance for your time.
Depending on the type of applications you want to create, you will have to choose one of the options provided in the dropdown.
Since you want to use a Python script, you can use the credentials of type Desktop and connect to AWS EC2 from the same application. However, you can always create new ones in the corresponding GCP project to match the application you are working on.
Sheets API Authorize Requests.
I created a Flask-Webservice with Python that runs independently inside a docker container. I then uploaded the docker image to an Azure Container Registry. From there I can create a WebService (for Containers) with some few clicks in the Azure Portal, that runs this container. So far so good. It behaves just as I want it to.
But of course I don't want anyone to access the service. So I need some kind if authentication. Luckily (or so I thought) there is a built-in authentication-mechanism (I think it is based on OAuth ... I am not that well versed in security issues). Its documentation is a bit sparse on what actually happens and also concentrates on solutions in C#.
I first created a project with Google as described here and then configured the WebApp-Authentication with the Client-Id and Secret. I of course gave Google a java script source and callback-url, too.
When I now log off my Google account and try a GET-Request to my Webservice in the Browser (the GET should just return a "hello world"-String), I am greeted with a Login Screen ... just as I expected.
When I now login to Google again, I am redirected to the callback-url in the browser with some kind of information in the parameters.
a token perhaps? It looks something like this:
Here something goes wrong, because an error appears.
An error occurred.
Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.
If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.
Faithfully yours, nginx.
As far as I now, nginx is a server software that hosts my code. I can imagine that it also should handle the authentication process. It obviously lets all requests through to my code when authentication is turned off, but blocks un-authenticated accesses otherwise and redirects to the google login. Google then checks if your account is authorized for the application and redirects you to the callback with the access token along with it. This then returns a cookie which should grant my browser access to the app. (I am just reproducing the documentation here).
So my question is: What goes wrong. Does my Browser not accept the cookie. Did I something wrong when configuring Google+ or the Authentication in the WebApp. Do I have to use a certain development stack to use the authentication. Is it not supported for any of the technologies I use (Python, Flask...).
In Microsofts documentation of the authentication/authorization it says
The authentication and authorization module runs in the same sandbox
as your application code. When it's enabled, every incoming HTTP
request passes through it before being handled by your application
The module runs separately from your application code and is
configured using app settings. No SDKs, specific languages, or changes
to your application code are required.
So while you are probably right that the information in the callback-redirect is the authorization grant/code and that after that this code should now be used to get an access token from Google, I don't quite understand how this would work in my situation.
As far as I can see it Microsofts WebApp for Container-Resource on Azure should take care of getting the token automatically and return it as part of the response to the callback-request. The documentation states 4 steps:
Sign user in: Redirects client to /.auth/login/.
Post-authentication: Provider redirects client to /.auth/login//callback.
Establish authenticated session: App Service adds authenticated cookie to response.
Serve authenticated content: Client includes authentication cookie in subsequent requests (automatically handled by browser).
It seems to me that step 2 fails and that that would be exactly what you wrote: that the authorization grant is to be used by the server to get the access token but isn't.
But I also don't have any control over that. Perhaps someone could clear things up by correcting me on some other things:
First I can't quite figure out which parts of my problem represent which role in the OAuth-scheme.
I think I am the Owner, and by adding users to the list in the Google+-Project I authorize them to use my service.
Google is obviously the authorization server
my WebService (or better yet my WebApp for Containers) is the resource server
and finally an application or postman that does the requests is the Client
In the descriptions of OAuth I read the problematic step boils down to: the resource server gets the access token from the authorization server and passes it along to the client. And Azures WebApps Resource is prompted (and enabled) to do so by being called with the callback-url. Am I right somewhere in this?
Alas, I agree that I don't quite understand the whole protocol. But I find most descriptions on the net less than helpful because they are not specific to Azure. If anyone knows a good explanation, general or Azure-specific, please make a comment.
I found a way to make it work and I try to explain what went wrong as good as I can. Please correct me if I go wrong or use the wrong words.
As I suspected the problem wasn't so much that I didn't understand OAuth (or at least how Azure manages it) but the inner workings of the Azure WebApp Service (plus some bad programming on my part). Azure runs an own Server and is not using the built-in server of flask. The actual problem was that my flask-program didn't implement a WSGI-Interface. As I could gather this is another standard for python scripts to interact with any server. So while rudimentary calls from the server (I think Azure uses nginx) were possible, more elaborate calls, like the redirect to the callback url went to dev/null.
I build a new app following this tutorial and then secured it by following the authentication/authorization-tutorial and everything worked fine. The code in the tutorial implements WSGI and is probably more conform to what Azure expects. My docker solution was too simple.
My conclusion: read up on this WSGI-standard that flask always warned me about and I didn't listen and implement it in any code that goes beyond fiddeling around in development.
I'm working on small python script (raspberry pi + Linux) that getting filename, as script argument, and upload it to Google drive.
In order to upload file to Google drive, I'm using this tutorial:
This script is basically working good, but, it's require manual authorization of the request - EACH time. This impossible when developing automated background task.
What I'm want to improve is to accept my application only once. From this time, all the file upload tasks will pass without security questions.
How to achieve this?
You want to follow server-side auth. Basically you store a refresh token that you receive the first time the user authorizes you, and you can use that to get new tokens without prompting the user.
See https://developers.google.com/drive/web/auth/web-server
To use Google API's, after activating them from the Google Developers Console, one needs to generate credentials. In my case, I have a backend that is supposed to consume the API server side. For this purpose, there is an option to generate what the Google page calls "Key for server applications". So far so good.
The problem is that in order to generate the key, one has to mention IP addresses of servers that would be whitelisted. But GAE has no static IP address that I could use there.
There is an option to manually get the IP's by executing:
dig -t TXT _netblocks.google.com #ns1.google.com
However there is no guarantee that the list is static (further more, it is known to change from time to time), and there is no programatic way I could automate the use of adding IP's that I get from dig into the Google Developers Console.
This leaves me with two choices:
Forget about GAE for this project, ironically, GAE cannot be used as a backend for Google API's (better use Amazon or some other solution for that). or
Program something like a watchdog over the output of the dig command that would notify me if there's a change, and then I would manually update the whitelist (no way I am going to do this - too dangerous), or allow all IP's to use the Google API granted it has my API key. Not the most secure solution but it works.
Is there any other workaround? Can it be that GAE does not support consuming Google API's server side?
You can use App Identity to access Google's API from AppEngine. See: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/appidentity/. If you setup your app using the cloud console, it should have already added your app's identity with permission to your project, but you can always check that out. From the "Permissions" Tab in cloud console for your project, make sure your service account is added under "Service Accounts" (in the form of your_app_id#appspot.gserviceaccount.com)
Furthermore, if you use something like the JSON API Libs available for python, you can use the bundled oauth2 library to do all of this for you using AppAssertionCredentials to authorize the API you wish to use. See: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/python/guide/google_app_engine#ServiceAccounts
Yes, you should use App Identity. Forget about getting an IP or giving up on GAE :-) Here is an example of how to use Big Query, for example, inside a GAE application:
static {
// initializes Big Query
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
HttpTransport httpTransport = new UrlFetchTransport();
AppIdentityCredential credential = new AppIdentityCredential(Arrays.asList(Constants.BIGQUERY_SCOPE));
bigquery = new Bigquery.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential)
.setBigqueryRequestInitializer(new BigqueryRequestInitializer(Constants.API_KEY)).build();
I've tried to do it like they describe in the AppEngine docs but I can't get it to accept my upload. (I haven't tried to download.) I want to get it working in the development environment before I tried on the live site.
It's kind of confusing, because I don't know if I should be trying appcfg.py or bulkloader.py. (I mostly tried appcfg.py.) I think it's an authentication problem, as it keeps asking me for the email/password. (Even after I removed 'login: admin' from app.yaml.)
I did --dry_run and it seemed to work, so I think my stuff is well formed.
Before asking for specific debugging help, I thought I would ask if anyone knows of working sample code that I can download. I run OS X 10.6, if anyone cares. I'm not new to Python, and have a lot of web.py experience, so it's probably not unfamiliarity with the language that's tripping me up.
The docs have a section on uploading and downloading data, with examples. You should be using appcfg.py unless you need one of the features of bulkloader.py that are not yet integrated, such as --dump/--restore functionality.
It sounds like the authentication problems you're having are related to Google Apps: If you have an App Engine app that allows any Google account to authenticate, and you have a Google Apps account as administrator, you won't be able to authenticate against your app as an administrator with it, even if you have created a Google account for that email address. You need to create a gmail account, and add that account as an administrator, so you can use that address when you need to authenticate against your app.