In order to have a better overview on which page I'm loading which form, I would like to change the name with which it is accessed in the template. By default as far as I know it is set to 'form'. In the snipped below I'm trying to load the form with 'form_inv' but that doesn't work.
{% extends "dashboard/base.html" %}
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
{% block content %}
<div class="content-section">
<form method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
<fieldset class="form-group">
<legend class="border-bottom mb-4">Create Investment</legend>
{{ form_inv|crispy }}
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-outline-info" type="submit">Create</button>
{% endblock content %}
The following is the Model I created and the respective view.
The Model:
class MoneyGroups(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
size = models.IntegerField()
interest = models.FloatField()
The Django View:
class MoneyCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):
model = MoneyGroups
template_name = 'dashboard/scenario_form.html' # <app>/<model>_<viewtype>.html
context_object_name = 'investments'
fields = ['title', 'size', 'interest']
success_url = '/dashboard/'
def form_valid(self, form): = self.request.user #add the author to the form before it is submitted
return super().form_valid(form)
What parameter do I have to change/add in my model or view in order to change the name with which I can access it in the template?
Thanks for your help!
Not sure why you would want to do this but add get_context_data method to your view like so:
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
context[‘form_inv’] = context[‘form’]
return context
I want to add the functionality of adding comments in the same html page with post details starting from this class based view.
I also have left below the model and the html template that I want to use.
Please help me
The class based view that I want to use as a starting point :
class PostDetailView(DetailView):
model = Post
The model:
class Comments(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
post = models.ForeignKey(Post, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
content = models.TextField()
date_added = models.DateTimeField(
def __str__(self):
return self.content
The html template:
<div id="comments">
<h3>{{ }}</h3>
<ol class="commentlist">
{% for comment in comments %}
<li class="depth-1">
<div class="avatar">
<img width="50" height="50" alt=""
src="{{ comment.user.profile.image.url }}"
<div class="comment-content">
<div class="comment-info">
<cite>{{ comment.user }}</cite>
<div class="comment-meta">
<time datetime="2014-07-12T23:05"
class="comment-time">{{ comment.date_added|date:"F d, Y" }}</time>
<div class="comment-text">
<p>{{ comment.content }}</p>
{% endfor %}
</ol> <!-- /commentlist -->
<!-- respond -->
<div class="respond">
<h3>Leave a Comment</h3>
<!-- form -->
<form action="" method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="group">
{{ form|crispy }}
<button class="submit full-width" type="submit">Add Comment</button>
</form> <!-- /contactForm -->
</div> <!-- /respond -->
</div> <!-- /comments -->
Override DetailView's get_context_data method to transfer comments through context. add this method in your class PostDetailView.
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = {}
if self.object:
context['object'] = self.object
context['comments']=Comments.objects.all() #modify this queryset according to how you want to display comments
return super().get_context_data(**context)
than in template you can include this piece of code
{% for comment in comments%}
{% endfor %}
and to get comments, In
from django import forms
from .models import Comments
class CommentForm(forms.Form):
class Meta:
model = Comments
fields = [] #mention fields of comments u want to render in form
you have to extend FormView along with DetailView as DetailView dosent have post method to override.
So in
from .forms imoprt CommentForm
from django.views.generic.edit import FormView
class PostDetailView(DetailView, FormView):
model = Post
form_class = CommentForm
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
form = self.get_form()
if form.is_valid():
#do what you want with data
I suggest you go through the Methods of the classes to override them.FormView
im new to Django. Im creating a bidding site, where users should be able to visit a page to create a new listing (item that they are going to put up).The form that they are required to submit has a few common fields and when valid, the said form should be saved.
Problem is, my listingcreateview() is not doing that. I submit a correct form but it wont save, it just redirects to the same form page and No errors are shown.
This because the submitted form is validated as invalid every time. I know this because of the two functions i added inside listingcreateview(), the second one is called.
It was working properly before, dont know what changes messed it up. If i add in the admin interface information by hand, it is saved successfully.
class ListingCreateView(CreateView):
model = Listing
fields = ['title', 'content', 'image', 'min_bid', 'categories']
def form_valid(self, form):
form.instance.seller = self.request.user
return super().form_valid(form)
def form_invalid(self, form):
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("index"))
class User(AbstractUser):
class Listing(models.Model):
id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
image = models.ImageField(blank=False, upload_to='media')
content = models.TextField()
date_posted = models.DateTimeField(
categories = models.CharField(max_length=25, choices = category)
seller = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) ##
min_bid = models.FloatField(blank=False)
image_thumbnail = ImageSpecField(source='image', processors=[ResizeToFill(300, 150)], format='JPEG', options={'quality':100})
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('listing-detail', kwargs={'pk':})
{% extends "auctions/layout.html" %}
{% block body %}
<h2> Create Listing </h2>
{% if message %}
<div>{{ message }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if messages %}
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
{{ messages }}
{% endif %}
<div class="container">
<form method="POST" action="">
{% csrf_token %}
<label class="label">{{ form.title.label }}</label>
<div class="input">{{ form.title }}</div>
<label class="label">{{ form.content.label }}</label>
<div class="input">{{ form.content }}</div>
<label class="label">{{ form.image.label }}</label>
<div class="input">{{ form.image }}</div>
<label class="label">Minimal bid</label>
<div class="input">{{ form.min_bid }}</div>
<label class="label">{{ form.categories.label }}</label>
<div class="input">{{ form.categories }}</div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
{% endblock %}
path("create-listing", login_required(ListingCreateView.as_view()), name="create-listing")
Your form is invalid because form is missing
enctype="multipart/form-data" which is needed for file uploads
I extend the django User model with a profile model. I want add update user's profile function. Because I make the num field a unique field, in my update view function, the update form's is_valid was always False. I also cannot update the photo png? Here is my code;
class Profile(models.model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
num =models.CharField('identity',max_length=254,unique=True)
photo = models.ImageField('image',upload_to = 'images/licences')
class ProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model= Profile
fields = ['num','photo']
def modify_view(request):
user = request.user
if request.method=="POST":
form = ProfileForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
if form.is_valid()
user_profile = Profile.objects.get(user=user)
user_profile.image = form.clean_data['image']
form = ProfileForm()
return render(request,"profile.html",{form:form})
{% extends 'account/home/index.html' %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-8">
<form class="signup needs-validation" id="signup_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
{% csrf_token %}
{% if redirect_field_value %}
<input type="hidden" name="{{ redirect_field_name }}" value="{{ redirect_field_value }}" />
{% endif %}
<div class="form-group">
<button type="submit" class="col-sm-8 offset-sm-4 btn btn-success btn-block">update</button>
{% endblock %}
Since num field is unique and will not be generated again on updating the profile image, you can ignore request.POST and pass the instance argument to the ProfileForm class.
def modify_view(request):
user = request.user
if request.method=="POST":
user_profile = Profile.objects.get(user=user)
form = ProfileForm(files=request.FILES, instance=user_profile)
if form.is_valid():
user_profile.image = form.clean_data['image']
form = ProfileForm()
return render(request,"profile.html",{form:form}
My custom CBV is working fine but When I open a page it displays nothing.
All I want is when a get() is called it displays a Blog Post and form underneath the post and when form is filled it calls the post() and save it in the database. but when I open a blog post it displays nothing.
before moving to Custom CBV I was using the (detailView) everything was fine.
class DetailView(View):
form_class = CommentForm
template_name = "blogs/details.html"
model = BLOG
def get(self, request, slug):
forms = self.form_class(None)
blogs = self.model
context = {'forms': forms, "blogs":blogs}
return render(request, self.template_name, context)
def post(self, request):
forms = self.form_class(request.POST)
if forms.is_valid():
user_comment =
Name = cleaned_data["Name"]
Email = cleaned_data["Name"]
comment = cleaned_data['comment']
{% extends "blogs/main.html" %}
{% block dyn_title %}{{blog.blog_title}}{% endblock dyn_title %}
{% block body %}
<p> {{blog.blog_body|safe}} </p>
<form action="" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{% include "blogs/form_template.html" %}
{% endblock body %}
<!-- form_template.html -->
{% for field in form %}
<div class="">
{% endfor %}
I subscribed the code of my model, and after this i'm rendering this form django to put on a bootstrap form. I'm trying, without no sucess, put a datepicker in this form, but I dont found it in anywhere how to do this.
This is my model:
class Usuario(User):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, primary_key=True)
birthday = models.DateField("Birthday")
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Usuario"
This other code is about the form:
class FormUsuario(UserCreationForm):
class Meta:
model = Usuario
fields = ("username", "email", "birthday")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FormUsuario, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['username'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = "Usuário"
self.fields['email'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = "Email"
self.fields['password1'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = "Senha"
self.fields['password2'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = "Confirmar senha"
self.fields["birthday"].help_text = "mm/dd/aaaa"
self.fields['email'].required = True
When I used {% csrf_token %} {{ form|bootstrap_horizontal }} on template, is not show a datepicker.
{% load bootstrap %}
<form class="form-horizontal" method="POST" action="/cadastro/">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form|bootstrap_horizontal }}
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block">Salvar</button>
{% endblock %}
How can I make up a datepicker on my bootstrap form?