Integrating python code with Visual Studio c# - python

I have created GuI in Visual Studio 2019.
There user will enter username and password and that i have to pass to python script. That when user will click on login button, python script will be triggered and output will be displayed.
My Tried python code is:
import paramiko
import time
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
hostname = input("Enter host IP address: ")
username = input("Enter SSH Username: ")
password = input("Enter SSH Password: ")
port = 22
ssh.connect(hostname, port, username, password, look_for_keys=False)
print("ssh login successfully")
#stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command('show version')
#output = stdout.readlines()
Device_access = ssh.invoke_shell()
Device_access.send(b'environment no more \n')
Device_access.send(b'show version\n')
output = Device_access.recv(65000)
print (output.decode('ascii'))
print("error in connection due to wrong input entered")
But in this i am not getting how to link with input enter to Gui c# with python script. Please let me know how i can do.
Thanks in advance!

You could use arguments to call your Python Script.
Change the python script:
import paramiko
import time
import sys # Used to get arguments
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
hostname = sys.argv[1] # Skip 0th arg, since it is just the filename
username = sys.argv[2]
password = sys.argv[3]
port = 22
ssh.connect(hostname, port, username, password, look_for_keys=False)
print("ssh login successfully")
#stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command('show version')
#output = stdout.readlines()
Device_access = ssh.invoke_shell()
Device_access.send(b'environment no more \n')
Device_access.send(b'show version\n')
output = Device_access.recv(65000)
print (output.decode('ascii'))
print("error in connection due to wrong input entered")
And change your C# code which calls the Script to something like this:
Process pythonScript = new Process();
pythonScript.StartInfo.FileName = "Your python script";
pythonScript.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{YouHostnameVar} {YouUsernameVar} {YourPasswordVar}"; // Start the script with the credentials as arguments

There are multiple approaches to incorporating a Python script with .NET C# code
I will try and give a basic overview, along with my suggestion, but ultimately, it will be up to you to figure out what works best.
IronPython is an actual separate interpreter to translate Python code into the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR). It works well for simple Python2 scripts that are not reliant on certain libraries.
Python.NET uses the normal Python interpreter. It simply provides a way to interface between Python scripts and .NET code.
System Diagnostics (My Suggestion)
The System Diagnostics C# tool allows you to run Python scripts as a system process. Not that this only runs the Python script. In order to transfer information between the Python script and the C# code, you will need some kind of shared file. I recommend setting up a folder where you save information used by both the C# and Python programs.
For a simple implementation of System Diagnostics, along with notes on the particular way System Diagnostics is being called, check out this:
EDIT Based on Paul Sütterlin Answer
As opposed to using a file to share information, Paul correctly points out that you can pass information as arguments. He also points out the simple process tool in C#, which is easier to set up than System Diagnostics. I recommend you read the article I linked to see which solution best suits you. System diagnostics gives you more options, but they do have to be configured.


How to create a python script to ssh and run commands on multiple linux devices

I've been scalping to find an explained python script to ssh to multiple Linux devices via ssh using paramiko. I found a few tweaked them and actually worked but i still cannot understand how it works.
Can someone please explain in the most appealing way how a python script to ssh to multiple Linux device and run commands works? Just as you would explain to a 6 year old. I mean I saw some scripts and they haver some complexity for no reason. I just wanted a Python script that imports a txt of hostnames and a another txt of commands and runs the same commands to all the Linux devices and returns the output. If someone could explain how such a script works I would be grateful.
ip = input("Please enter the hostname ")
user = ""
password = ""
print ("creating ssh")
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
print("please wait")
ssh_client.connect(hostname=ip, username=user, password=password)
cmd= "uname -r;pwd"
print("please wait")
sdtin,stdout,stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
stdout = stdout.readlines()
stdout = "".join(stdout)
print (stdout)
I want this but for multiple devices and getting the hostnames and commands from 2 separate files.
Turns out I've found the answer (the perfect script for what I want).
Here it is:
import paramiko
import time
p = paramiko.SSHClient()
cred = open("hostnames.csv","r")
for i in cred.readlines():
ls =line.split(",")
p.connect("%s"%ls[0],port =22, username = "%s"%ls[1], password="%s"%ls[2])
stdin, stdout, stderr = p.exec_command('sudo pwd' , get_pty=True)
opt = stdout.readlines()
opt ="".join(opt)
So, it basically reads the csv file with is formatted as : hostname,username,password
and runs the script sequentially. Also, it can run sudo commands this way :)

Command output is corrupted when executed using Python Paramiko exec_command

I'm a software tester, trying to verify that the log on a remote QNX (a BSD variant) machine will contain the correct entries after specific actions are taken. I am able to list the contents of the directory in which the log resides, and use that information in the command to read (really want to use tail -n XX <file>) the file. So far, I always get a "(No such file or directory)" when trying to read the file.
We are using Froglogic Squish for automated testing, because the Windows UI (that interacts with the server piece on QNX) is built using Qt extensions for standard Windows elements. Squish uses Python 2.7, so I am using Python 2.7.
I am using paramiko for the SSH connection to the QNX server. This has worked great for sending commands to the simulator piece that also runs on the QNX server.
So, here's the code. Some descriptive names have been changed to avoid upsetting my employer.
import sys
import time
import select
import paramiko
# Import SSH configuration variables
ssh_host = ''
thelog_dir = "/logs/the/"
ssh_user = 'un'
ssh_pw = 'pw'
def execute_Command(fullCmd):
outptLines = []
# Try to connect to the host.
# Retry a few times if it fails.
i = 1
while True:
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(ssh_host, 22, ssh_user, ssh_pw)
except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
log ("Authentication failed when connecting to %s" % ssh_host)
return 1
log ("Could not SSH to %s, waiting for it to start" % ssh_host)
i += 1
# If we could not connect within time limit
if i == 30:
log ("Could not connect to %s. Giving up" % ssh_host)
return 1
# Send the command (non-blocking?)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(fullCmd, get_pty=True)
for line in iter(stdout.readline, ""):
# Disconnect from the host
return outptLines
def get_Latest_Log():
fullCmd = "ls -1 %s | grep the_2" %thelog_dir
files = execute_Command(fullCmd)
theFile = files[-1]
return theFile
def main():
numLines = 20
theLog = get_Latest_Log()
print("\n\nThe latest log is %s\n\n" %theLog)
fullCmd = "cd /logs/the; tail -n 20 /logs/the/%s" %theLog
#fullCmd = "tail -n 20 /logs/the/%s" %theLog
print fullCmd
logLines = execute_Command(fullCmd)
for line in logLines:
print line
if __name__ == "__main__":
# execute only if run as a script
I have tried to read the file using both tail and cat. I have also tried to get and open the file using Paramiko's SFTP client.
In all cases, the response of trying to read the file fails -- despite the fact that listing the contents of the directory works fine. (?!) And BTW, the log file is supposed to be readable by 'world'. Permissions are -rw-rw-r--.
The output I get is:
The latest log is the_20210628_115455_205.log
cd /logs/the; tail -n 20 /logs/the/the_20210628_115455_205.log
(No such file or directory)the/the_20210628_115455_205.log"
The file name is correct. If I copy and paste the tail command into an interactive SSH session with the QNX server, it works fine.
Is it something to do with the 'non-interactive' nature of this method of sending commands? I read that some implementations of SSH are built upon a command that offers a very limited environment. I don't see how that would impact this tail command.
Or am I doing something stupid in this code?
I cannot really explain completely, why you get the results you get.
But in general a corrupted output is a result of enabling and not handling terminal emulation. You enable the terminal emulation using get_pty=True. Remove it. You should not use the terminal emulation, when automating command execution.
Related question:
Is there a simple way to get rid of junk values that come when you SSH using Python's Paramiko library and fetch output from CLI of a remote machine?

How to connect to windows 2012 machine from Centos using Python3

My requirement is ability to run a PowerShell script on a Windows 2012 server remotely, this has to be triggered from a Linux server using Python script.
Need suggestions on best way to handle this and also sample code (if possible).
Below are the steps I intend to achieve but i see it's not working as expected.
PowerShell scripts to be executed are already placed in Windows server (2012).
Python3 program running on Linux (CentOS) does SSH to Windows server (2012) using netmiko module.
sends the command (PowerShell command to execute script in remote Windows server) over the SSH connection.
I was able to connect to the remote Windows server using Python. But I don't see this method working as expected.
Need an effective and efficient way to achieve this.
from netmiko import ConnectHandler
device = ConnectHandler(device_type="terminal_server",
hostname = device.find_prompt()
output = device.send_command("ipconfig")
print (hostname)
print (output)
Nothing much is done for 'terminal_server" device type. You have to do manual passing at the moment.
Below is extracted from
Does Netmiko support connecting via a terminal server?
There is a 'terminal_server' device_type that basically does nothing post SSH connect. This means you have to manually handle the interaction with the terminal server to connect to the end device. After you are fully connected to the end network device, you can then 'redispatch' and Netmiko will behave normally
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import time
from netmiko import ConnectHandler, redispatch
net_connect = ConnectHandler(
device_type='terminal_server', # Notice 'terminal_server' here
# Manually handle interaction in the Terminal Server
# (fictional example, but hopefully you see the pattern)
# Send Enter a Couple of Times
output = net_connect.read_channel()
print(output) # Should hopefully see the terminal server prompt
# Login to end device from terminal server
net_connect.write_channel("connect 1\r\n")
# Manually handle the Username and Password
max_loops = 10
i = 1
while i <= max_loops:
output = net_connect.read_channel()
if 'Username' in output:
net_connect.write_channel(net_connect.username + '\r\n')
output = net_connect.read_channel()
# Search for password pattern / send password
if 'Password' in output:
net_connect.write_channel(net_connect.password + '\r\n')
output = net_connect.read_channel()
# Did we successfully login
if '>' in output or '#' in output:
i += 1
# We are now logged into the end device
# Dynamically reset the class back to the proper Netmiko class
redispatch(net_connect, device_type='cisco_ios')
# Now just do your normal Netmiko operations
new_output = net_connect.send_command("show ip int brief")

Create remote control desktop with python

I am trying to create a program with python,
I wrote code that allows one computer to connect another,
I don't know how I can see the other computer desktop and control it's running programs
ip = ""
username = ""#"username"
password = ""#"password"
print ("Establishing connection to %s" %ip)
connection = wmi.WMI(ip, user=username, password=password)
connection.Win32_Process.Create(CommandLine="notepad.exe /c text.txt")
print ("Connection established")
except wmi.x_wmi:
print ("Your Username and Password of "+getfqdn(ip)+" are wrong.")
To view the screen, you'll need to use a different protocol. I recommend RDP, because it's already installed on Windows computers. You can use the rdpy module to do this.
As for seeing what programs are running, there's probably some way to list currently running processes but I can't find it either.

Connecting to splunk server using python script then use this a in robotframework test

I am new to python and have run in to a problem with the following.
This is a code snippet from the Splunk api, thats used to connect to a splunk server then print the installed apps.
import splunklib.client as client
HOST = "server.splunk"
PORT = 8089
PASSWORD = "Passw000rd"
# Create a Service instance and log in
service = client.connect(
# Print installed apps to the console to verify login
for app in service.apps:
I've tried it on my system in cmd and it works fine. However I intend to use this function in a Robot Framework test so the function needs to be defined in order to have a keyword I can use. I'm guessing something like the following:
import splunklib.client as client
HOST = "server.splunk"
PORT = 8089
PASSWORD = "Passw000rd"
service = client.connect(host=HOST,port=PORT,username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD)
for app in service.apps:
print ("\n")
My problem is when I run this nothing is printed to CMD at all. Any ideas
A print in Python library is not displayed on the console of Robot Framework, that is the expected behaviour. If you want to check that the piece of code was run and the print was done, check the log.html produced by Robot. It should contain your print. Then if you really want to display something on Robot Console, then you have to use Log To Console keyword from your Robot Test. But as your print is in the python lib, you will have to import BuiltIn lib within your Python code. With all that, you should be fine.

