How to change pixel_ratio in pyglet? - python

I coded a game using pylet. It uses a static window with width 1600 and height 900 assuming users have a fullHD display so everything will be visible. However on some devices (with small displays) the window is way bigger as expected. I figured out that the pixel_ratio is set up (for example to 2.0) making each virtual pixel to be displayed double size (2x2) in physical pixel.
I want to prevent this behavior but can't figure out how, I know I can get the pixel ratio easily by get_pixel_ratio() but I actually don't know how to set them or prevent pyglet from automatically setting them.
I also tried to use glViewport which seemed to have an effect but it didn't worked the way I wanted.
So how can I change the pixel_ratio or prevent changing it automatically.

Asked around in the official discord server for information, as I tried to reproduce the issue myself with some code, and this is what I used to test it:
import math
from pyglet import *
from import *
key = pyglet.window.key
class main(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__ (self, width=800, height=600, fps=False, *args, **kwargs):
super(main, self).__init__(width, height, *args, **kwargs)
self.x, self.y = 0, 0
self.keys = {}
verts = []
for i in range(30):
angle = math.radians(float(i)/30 * 360.0)
x = 100*math.cos(angle) + 300
y = 100*math.sin(angle) + 200
verts += [x,y]
self.pixel_ratio = 100 =, ('v2f', verts))
self.alive = 1
def on_draw(self):
def on_close(self):
self.alive = 0
def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers):
del self.keys[symbol]
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
if symbol == key.ESCAPE: # [ESC]
self.alive = 0
self.keys[symbol] = True
def render(self):
def run(self):
while self.alive == 1:
# -----------> This is key <----------
# This is what replaces
# but is required for the GUI to not freeze
event = self.dispatch_events()
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = main()
Not that the code mattered heh, since the variable pixel_ratio is just, and I quote: "indicating that the actual number of pixels in the window is larger than the size of the Window created."
This is something OSX does to cope with the high DPI, using this information you should be able to scale your graphics accordingly. Window.get_framebuffer_size() will show you the difference in requested Window size and Framebuffer size, if any.
So your only way to actually scale up, would be to use glScale or if you're using sprites you can use Sprite.scale to scale the image-data. If you're using 2D graphics I'd go with the sprite option as it's pretty easy to work with.


PyQt5 QTabBar paintEvent with tabs that can move

I would like to have a QTabBar with customised painting in the paintEvent(self,event) method, whilst maintaining the moving tabs animations / mechanics. I posted a question the other day about something similar, but it wasn't worded too well so I have heavily simplified the question with the following code:
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtTest import QTest
import sys
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self,parent=None,*args,**kwargs):
self.tabs = QTabWidget(self)
for color in ["red","orange","yellow","lime","green","cyan","blue","purple","violet","magenta"]:
title = color
widget = QWidget(styleSheet="background-color:%s" % color)
pixmap = QPixmap(8,8)
icon = QIcon(pixmap)
class TabBar(QTabBar):
def __init__(self,parent,*args,**kwargs):
def paintEvent(self,event):
painter = QStylePainter(self)
option = QStyleOptionTab()
for i in range(self.count()):
#Customise 'option' here
def tabSizeHint(self,index):
return QSize(112,48)
def exceptHook(e,v,t):
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.excepthook = exceptHook
application = QApplication(sys.argv)
mainwindow = MainWindow()
there are some clear problems:
Dragging the tab to 'slide' it in the QTabBar is not smooth (it doens't glide) - it jumps to the next index.
The background tabs (non-selected tabs) don't glide into place once displaced - they jump into position.
When the tab is slid to the end of the tab bar (past the most right tab) and then let go of it doesn't glide back to the last index - it jumps there.
When sliding a tab, it stays in its original place and at the mouse cursor (in its dragging position) at the same time, and only when the mouse is released does the tab only show at the correct place (up until then it is also showing at the index it is originally from).
How can I modify the painting of a QTabBar with a QStyleOptionTab whilst maintaining all of the moving mechanics / animations of the tabs?
While it might seem a slightly simple widget, QTabBar is not, at least if you want to provide all of its features.
If you closely look at its source code, you'll find out that within the mouseMoveEvent() a private QMovableTabWidget is created whenever the drag distance is wide enough. That QWidget is a child of QTabBar that shows a QPixmap grab of the "moving" tab using the tab style option and following the mouse movements, while at the same moment that tab becomes invisible.
While your implementation might seem reasonable (note that I'm also referring to your original, now deleted, question), there are some important issues:
it doesn't account for the above "moving" child widget (in fact, with your code I can still see the original tab, even if that is that moving widget that's not actually moving since no call to the base implementation of mouseMoveEvent() is called);
it doesn't actually tabs;
it doesn't correctly process mouse events;
This is a complete implementation partially based on the C++ sources (I've tested it even with vertical tabs, and it seems to behave as it should):
class TabBar(QTabBar):
class MovingTab(QWidget):
A private QWidget that paints the current moving tab
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
self.pixmap = pixmap
def paintEvent(self, event):
qp = QPainter(self)
qp.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.pixmap)
def __init__(self,parent, *args, **kwargs):
QTabBar.__init__(self,parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.movingTab = None
self.isMoving = False
self.animations = {}
self.pressedIndex = -1
def isVertical(self):
return self.shape() in (
def createAnimation(self, start, stop):
animation = QVariantAnimation()
def removeAni():
for k, v in self.animations.items():
if v == animation:
return animation
def layoutTab(self, overIndex):
oldIndex = self.pressedIndex
self.pressedIndex = overIndex
if overIndex in self.animations:
# if the animation exists, move its key to the swapped index value
self.animations[oldIndex] = self.animations.pop(overIndex)
start = self.tabRect(overIndex).topLeft()
stop = self.tabRect(oldIndex).topLeft()
self.animations[oldIndex] = self.createAnimation(start, stop)
self.moveTab(oldIndex, overIndex)
def finishedMovingTab(self):
self.movingTab = None
self.pressedIndex = -1
# reimplemented functions
def tabSizeHint(self, i):
return QSize(112, 48)
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
self.pressedIndex = self.tabAt(event.pos())
if self.pressedIndex < 0:
self.startPos = event.pos()
def mouseMoveEvent(self,event):
if not event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton or self.pressedIndex < 0:
delta = event.pos() - self.startPos
if not self.isMoving and delta.manhattanLength() < QApplication.startDragDistance():
# ignore the movement as it's too small to be considered a drag
if not self.movingTab:
# create a private widget that appears as the current (moving) tab
tabRect = self.tabRect(self.pressedIndex)
overlap =
QStyle.PM_TabBarTabOverlap, None, self)
tabRect.adjust(-overlap, 0, overlap, 0)
pm = QPixmap(tabRect.size())
qp = QStylePainter(pm, self)
opt = QStyleOptionTab()
self.initStyleOption(opt, self.pressedIndex)
if self.isVertical():
opt.rect.moveTopLeft(QPoint(0, overlap))
opt.rect.moveTopLeft(QPoint(overlap, 0))
opt.position = opt.OnlyOneTab
qp.drawControl(QStyle.CE_TabBarTab, opt)
self.movingTab = self.MovingTab(self)
self.isMoving = True
self.startPos = event.pos()
isVertical = self.isVertical()
startRect = self.tabRect(self.pressedIndex)
if isVertical:
delta = delta.y()
translate = QPoint(0, delta)
startRect.moveTop(startRect.y() + delta)
delta = delta.x()
translate = QPoint(delta, 0)
startRect.moveLeft(startRect.x() + delta)
movingRect = self.movingTab.geometry()
if delta < 0:
overIndex = self.tabAt(startRect.topLeft())
if isVertical:
overIndex = self.tabAt(startRect.bottomLeft())
overIndex = self.tabAt(startRect.topRight())
if overIndex < 0:
# if the target tab is valid, move the current whenever its position
# is over the half of its size
overRect = self.tabRect(overIndex)
if isVertical:
if ((overIndex < self.pressedIndex and < or
(overIndex > self.pressedIndex and movingRect.bottom() >
elif ((overIndex < self.pressedIndex and movingRect.left() < or
(overIndex > self.pressedIndex and movingRect.right() >
def mouseReleaseEvent(self,event):
if self.movingTab:
if self.pressedIndex > 0:
animation = self.createAnimation(
# restore the position faster than the default 250ms
self.pressedIndex = -1
self.isMoving = False
def paintEvent(self, event):
if self.pressedIndex < 0:
painter = QStylePainter(self)
tabOption = QStyleOptionTab()
for i in range(self.count()):
if i == self.pressedIndex and self.isMoving:
self.initStyleOption(tabOption, i)
if i in self.animations:
painter.drawControl(QStyle.CE_TabBarTab, tabOption)
I strongly suggest you to carefully read and try to understand the above code (along with the source code), as I didn't comment everything I've done, and it's very important to understand what's happening if you really need to do further subclassing in the future.
If you need to alter the appearance of the dragged tab while moving it, you need to update its pixmap. You can just store the QStyleOptionTab when you create it, and then update when necessary. In the following example the WindowText (note that QPalette.Foreground is obsolete) color is changed whenever the index of the tab is changed:
def mouseMoveEvent(self,event):
# ...
if not self.movingTab:
# ...
self.movingOption = opt
def layoutTab(self, overIndex):
# ...
self.moveTab(oldIndex, overIndex)
pm = QPixmap(self.movingTab.pixmap.size())
qp = QStylePainter(pm, self)
self.movingOption.palette.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, <someColor>)
qp.drawControl(QStyle.CE_TabBarTab, self.movingOption)
Another small suggestion: while you can obviously use the indentation style you like, when sharing your code on public spaces like StackOverflow it's always better to stick to common conventions, so I suggest you to always provide your code with 4-spaces indentations; also, remember that there should always be a space after each comma separated variable, as it dramatically improves readability.

Changing a rectangle's X value does not actually move it in the GUI

I'm working on a GUI in Python with PySide2. I have a GraphicsView, where I'll put an image, and I'd like to draw and move a polygon around on that image. I've found many examples of simply drawing polygons, circles, etc. in PySide, PySide2, or PyQt 4/5 in Python. However, I haven't been able to figure out why my graphics items do not move on an event without deleting and redrawing.
I'm using the keyboard to change the X value on a PySide2 QRectF. The X value is clearly changing, but the rectangle does not actually move.
Here is a minimal example:
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from functools import partial
class DebuggingDrawing(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# initialize the scene and set the size
self._scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self)
# make a green pen and draw a 10 wide, 20 high rectangle at x=20, y=30
self.pen = QtGui.QPen(, 0)
self.draw_rect = QtCore.QRectF(20, 30, 10, 20)
# add the rectangle to our scene
self._scene.addRect(self.draw_rect, self.pen)
def move_rect(self, dx: int):
# method for moving the existing rectangle
# get the x value
x = self.draw_rect.x()
print('x: {} dx: {}'.format(x, dx))
# use the moveLeft method of QRectF to change the rectangle's left side x value
self.draw_rect.moveLeft(x + dx)
class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.labelImg = DebuggingDrawing()
# Get a keyboard shortcut and hook it up to the move_rect method
next_shortcut = QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence('Right'), self)
next_shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.labelImg.move_rect, 1))
# get the left key shortcut, move_rect one pixel left
back_shortcut = QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence('Left'), self)
back_shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.labelImg.move_rect, -1))
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
testing = MainWindow()
Here's what the output looks like:
You clearly can't see in the image, but even though the rectangle's x value is changing according to our print calls, nothing moves around in the image. I've confirmed it's not just my eyes, because if I draw new rectangles in move_rect, they clearly show up.
draw_rect is a QRectF is an input to create an item(QGraphicsRectItem) that is returned by the addRect() method similar to pen, that is, it takes the information but then no longer uses it. The idea is to move the item using setPos():
class DebuggingDrawing(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# initialize the scene and set the size
self._scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self)
self._scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, 500, 500)
# make a green pen and draw a 10 wide, 20 high rectangle at x=20, y=30
pen = QtGui.QPen(, 0)
draw_rect = QtCore.QRectF(20, 30, 10, 20)
# add the rectangle to our scene
self.item_rect = self._scene.addRect(draw_rect, pen)
def move_rect(self, dx: int):
p = self.item_rect.pos()
p += QtCore.QPointF(dx, 0)
If you still want to use draw_rect then you have to set it again in the item:
self.pen = QtGui.QPen(, 0)
self.draw_rect = QtCore.QRectF(20, 30, 10, 20)
# add the rectangle to our scene
self.item_rect = self._scene.addRect(self.draw_rect, self.pen)
def move_rect(self, dx: int):
# method for moving the existing rectangle
# get the x value
x = self.draw_rect.x()
print('x: {} dx: {}'.format(x, dx))
# use the moveLeft method of QRectF to change the rectangle's left side x value
self.draw_rect.moveLeft(x + dx)
It is recommended that "Graphics View Framework" be read so that the QGraphicsItems, QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene work.

Call a function every 1 seconds in python

class Viewer:
def __init__(self, width, height, arm_info, point_info, point_l):
self.list_x = [1,2,3,4]
self.list_y = [5,6,7,8]
self.i = 0
self.arm_info = arm_info
self.point_info = point_info
def on_key_press(self,symbol,modifiers):
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.Z:
self.point_info[:] = [self.list_x[self.i],self.list_y[self.i]]
self.i += 1
Here to update the point_info[:] I have to press the 'Z' everytime, I just want Z to be pressed once to update point_info[:] in every 1 second .
def on_key_press(self,symbol,modifiers):
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.Z:
for i in range(0,4):
self.point_info[:] = [self.list_x[i],self.list_y[i]]
I have tried above but it doesn't work. How can I do this?
Here is the complete code, the render method is called from another module.
class Viewer(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__(self, width, height, arm_info, point_info, point_l, mouse_in):
self.list_x = [100,150,200,300,400]
self.list_y = [100,150,200,300,400]
#initialisation of variables
def render(self):
def on_draw(self):
#draws on the screen
def _update_arm(self):
#updates the coordinates of the arm , as it moves
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
if symbol == pyglet.window.key.S:
for j in range(0,4):
self.point_info[:] = [self.list_x[j],self.list_y[j]]
#below 2 lines are for drawing on the screen.
I created a small runnable example code, on how to achieve this. The point is, that sleep() blocks the program flow. With pyglet, you have a convenient way to schedule future executions with the pyglet.clock.schedule* methods. You can use that, to call a specific function in the future.
Note: Actual, piglet is running a main loop in it's framework. If you hold the program at some position (like you do with sleep()), no further code can be executed meanwhile, therefore, no drawing can happen, if pyglet requires to call some required methods around the draw call. I guess, you are not supposed to call the on_draw() method by yourself.
import pyglet
from pyglet.window import key
from pyglet import clock
import random
window = pyglet.window.Window()
label = pyglet.text.Label('Hello, world',
font_name='Times New Roman',
x=window.width//2, y=window.height//2,
anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center')
def updatePoint(dt):
label.x = random.random() * window.width//2
label.y = random.random() * window.height//2
def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers):
if symbol == key.S:
print('The "S" key was pressed.')
for j in range(0,4):
clock.schedule_once(updatePoint, j)
def on_draw():
if __name__ == '__main__':

Make intro screen with pyglet

I am trying to make a simple game with pyglet, and it has to include an intro screen. Unfortunately, it's been proving more difficult than I expected.
The following code is a simpler version of what I am trying to do.
import pyglet
from game import intro
game_window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 600)
def on_draw():
def update(dt):
running = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1/120.0)
main_batch =
score_label = pyglet.text.Label(text = 'RUNNING GAME', x = 400, y = 200, batch=main_batch)
Where game/ has the following written in it:
import pyglet
from time import sleep
def play(game_window):
studio = pyglet.text.Label('foo studios', font_size=36, font_name='Arial', x=400, y=300)
This opens a window (the intro window) and waits 5 seconds, after which the message "RUNNING GAME" appears, but the "foo studios" message does not appear.
Clearly I am doing something wrong.
I am not very experienced with pyglet, but I managed to get the game running (needs a bit of tweaking, but it's essentially done). All I need left is the intro screen.
If anyone knows a good way of doing an intro screen (just with text, I don't need any animations of music for now), I would be very grateful.
You're better off creating classes based on for instance pyglet.sprite.Sprite and using those objects as "windows" or "screens".
Feels like i'm pasting this code everywhere but use this, and in "def render()` put the different "scenarios"/"windows" you'd wish to be rendered at the time.
import pyglet
from time import time, sleep
class Window(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__(self, refreshrate):
super(Window, self).__init__(vsync = False)
self.frames = 0
self.framerate = pyglet.text.Label(text='Unknown', font_name='Verdana', font_size=8, x=10, y=10, color=(255,255,255,255))
self.last = time()
self.alive = 1
self.refreshrate = refreshrate
def on_draw(self):
def render(self):
if time() - self.last >= 1:
self.framerate.text = str(self.frames)
self.frames = 0
self.last = time()
self.frames += 1
def on_close(self):
self.alive = 0
def run(self):
while self.alive:
event = self.dispatch_events() # <-- This is the event queue
win = Window(23) # set the fps
What does it is the fact that you have a rendering function that clears and flips the entire graphical memory X times per second and you descide which objects are included in that render perior in the render function.
Try it out and see if it helps.
Here is a example using the above example, it consists of 3 things:
* A main window
* A Intro screen
* A Menu screen
You can ignore class Spr() and def convert_hashColor_to_RGBA(), these are mere helper functions to avoid repetative code further down.
I will also go ahead and mark the important bits that actually do things, the rest are just initation-code or positioning things.
import pyglet
from time import time, sleep
__WIDTH__ = 800
__HEIGHT__ = 600
def convert_hashColor_to_RGBA(color):
if '#' in color:
c = color.lstrip("#")
c = max(6-len(c),0)*"0" + c
r = int(c[:2], 16)
g = int(c[2:4], 16)
b = int(c[4:], 16)
color = (r,g,b,255)
return color
class Spr(pyglet.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, texture=None, width=__WIDTH__, height=__HEIGHT__, color='#000000', x=0, y=0):
if texture is None:
self.texture = pyglet.image.SolidColorImagePattern(convert_hashColor_to_RGBA(color)).create_image(width,height)
self.texture = texture
super(Spr, self).__init__(self.texture)
## Normally, objects in graphics have their anchor in the bottom left corner.
## This means that all X and Y cordinates relate to the bottom left corner of
## your object as positioned from the bottom left corner of your application-screen.
## We can override this and move the anchor to the WIDTH/2 (aka center of the image).
## And since Spr is a class only ment for generating a background-image to your "intro screen" etc
## This only affects this class aka the background, so the background gets positioned by it's center.
self.image.anchor_x = self.image.width / 2
self.image.anchor_y = self.image.height / 2
## And this sets the position.
self.x = x
self.y = y
def _draw(self):
## IntoScreen is a class that inherits a background, the background is Spr (our custom background-image class)
## IntoScreen contains 1 label, and it will change it's text after 2 seconds of being shown.
## That's all it does.
class IntroScreen(Spr):
def __init__(self, texture=None, width=300, height = 150, x = 10, y = 10, color='#000000'):
super(IntroScreen, self).__init__(texture, width=width, height=height, x=x, y=y, color=color)
self.intro_text = pyglet.text.Label('Running game', font_size=8, font_name=('Verdana', 'Calibri', 'Arial'), x=x, y=y, multiline=False, width=width, height=height, color=(100, 100, 100, 255), anchor_x='center')
self.has_been_visible_since = time()
def _draw(self): # <-- Important, this is the function that is called from the main window.render() function. The built-in rendering function of pyglet is called .draw() so we create a manual one that's called _draw() that in turn does stuff + calls draw(). This is just so we can add on to the functionality of Pyglet.
if time() - 2 > self.has_been_visible_since:
self.intro_text.text = 'foo studios'
## Then we have a MenuScreen (with a red background)
## Note that the RED color comes not from this class because the default is black #000000
## the color is set when calling/instanciating this class further down.
## But all this does, is show a "menu" (aka a text saying it's the menu..)
class MenuScreen(Spr):
def __init__(self, texture=None, width=300, height = 150, x = 10, y = 10, color='#000000'):
super(MenuScreen, self).__init__(texture, width=width, height=height, x=x, y=y, color=color)
self.screen_text = pyglet.text.Label('Main menu screen', font_size=8, font_name=('Verdana', 'Calibri', 'Arial'), x=x, y=y+height/2-20, multiline=False, width=300, height=height, color=(100, 100, 100, 255), anchor_x='center')
def _draw(self):
## This is the actual window, the game, the glory universe that is graphics.
## It will be blank, so you need to set up what should be visible when and where.
## I've creates two classes which can act as "screens" (intro, game, menu etc)
## And we'll initate the Window class with the IntroScreen() and show that for a
## total of 5 seconds, after 5 seconds we will swap it out for a MenuScreeen().
## All this magic is done in __init__() and render(). All the other functions are basically
## just "there" and executes black magic for your convencience.
class Window(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__(self, refreshrate):
super(Window, self).__init__(vsync = False)
self.alive = 1
self.refreshrate = refreshrate
self.currentScreen = IntroScreen(x=320, y=__HEIGHT__/2, width=50) # <-- Important
self.screen_has_been_shown_since = time()
def on_draw(self):
def on_key_down(self, symbol, mod):
print('Keyboard down:', symbol) # <-- Important
def render(self):
if time() - 5 > self.screen_has_been_shown_since and type(self.currentScreen) is not MenuScreen: # <-- Important
self.currentScreen = MenuScreen(x=320, y=__HEIGHT__-210, color='#FF0000') # <-- Important, here we switch screen (after 5 seconds)
self.currentScreen._draw() # <-- Important, draws the current screen
def on_close(self):
self.alive = 0
def run(self):
while self.alive:
event = self.dispatch_events()
win = Window(23) # set the fps

pyqt - error while running, probably wrong paintevent method implementation

Me and my colleagues are writing a data processing application in python.
We are currently working on the frontend part of the application.
We have a big problem though, that's that the application gets the following error after a random amount of time:
QWidget::repaint: Recursive repaint detected
This one also pops up from time to time:
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
This is the file where all gui related stuff happens, I cut out the irrelevant methods for the sake of not being to lengthy:
import sys, random, math
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
from random import randrange
from eventbased import listener
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
def exec():
return app.exec_()
class MapView(QtGui.QMainWindow, listener.Listener):
def __init__(self, mapimagepath = 0, nodes = 0):
self.setWindowTitle('Population mapping') = Map(self, mapimagepath)
def center(self):
screen = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry()
size = self.geometry()
self.move(50, 0)
def handle(self, event):
if(event.type == 0):
if(event.type == 1):
if(event.type == 2):, event.object.node2.scanner)
if(event.type == 3):, event.object.node2.scanner)
if(event.type == 4):, event.result)
if(event.type == 5):, event.object.node2.scanner.sensorid, event.result)
class Map(QtGui.QFrame):
def __init__(self, parent, mapimagepath):
QtGui.QFrame.__init__(self, parent)
#self.timer = QtCore.QBasicTimer()
#coordinaten hoeken NE en SW voor kaart in map graphics van SKO
self.realmap = RealMap(
(51.0442, 3.7268),
(51.0405, 3.7242),
parent.setGeometry(0,0,self.realmap.width, self.realmap.height)
self.refreshspeed = 5000
self.mapNodes = {}
def addNode(self, scanner):
coord = self.realmap.convertLatLon2Pix((scanner.latitude, scanner.longitude))
self.mapNodes[scanner.sensorid] = MapNode(scanner, coord[0], coord[1])
# type: 4 --> changenode ,
#((change, gem_ref, procentuele verandering ref), scanner object)
def changeNode(self, sensorid, branchdata):
def paintEvent(self, event):
painter = QtGui.QPainter(self)
rect = self.contentsRect()
#teken achtergrond
#teken nodes
for sensorid, mapNode in self.mapNodes.items():
mapNode.drawMapNode(painter, self.realmap)
class RealMap:
def __init__(self, path, coordRightTop,
coordLeftBot, width, height, pixpermet = 2.6):
self.path = path
self.coordLeftBot = coordLeftBot
self.coordRightTop = coordRightTop
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.realdim = self.calcRealDim()
self.pixpermet = pixpermet
def drawRealMap(self, painter):
image = QtGui.QImage(self.path)
class MapNode:
dangertocolor = {"normal":"graphics//gradients//green.png",
def __init__(self, scanner, x, y, danger = 0):
self.scanner = scanner
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.danger = 'normal'
def drawMapNode(self, painter, realmap):
radiusm = self.scanner.range
radiusp = radiusm*realmap.pixpermet
factor = radiusp/200 # basis grootte gradiƫnten is 200 pixels.
icon = QtGui.QImage("graphics//BT-icon.png")
grad = QtGui.QImage(MapNode.dangertocolor[self.danger])
grad = grad.scaled(grad.size().width()*factor, grad.size().height()*factor)
painter.drawImage(self.x-100*factor,self.y-100*factor, grad)
painter.drawImage(self.x-10, self.y-10,icon)
painter.drawText(self.x-15, self.y+20, str(self.scanner.sensorid) + '-' + str(
An object is made through our application class:
mapview = gfx.MapView(g_image)
So the first question is. What are we doing wrong in the paintEvent method?
Secondly question
Is there a way to make the paintevent not be called at EVERY RANDOM THING that happens ? (like mouseovers, etc)?
I tried something like:
def paintEvent(self, event):
if(isinstance(event, QtGui.QPaintEvent)):
painter = QtGui.QPainter(self)
rect = self.contentsRect()
#teken achtergrond
#teken nodes
for sensorid, mapNode in self.mapNodes.items():
mapNode.drawMapNode(painter, self.realmap)
This 'works' but is to general I guess.. It actually makes the error appear a lot faster then without the conditional.
When in your you have:
Calling repaint and calling update one right after another is redundant. And if a paint event comes through that handler and you call repaint() there, you are asking for infinite recursion.
Take note of any Warnings or Notes in the documentation.
I don't see the cause for your other error right off, but it probably has to do with QPainter getting used when it shouldn't...
Hope that helps.

