Tkinter lable config dynamically - python

i want dynamic lable.config is it possible ? because the result doesn't fix with the screen size and the rest of the text are cut off and cannot see. Here is the code. i know my code is not effective but i am a beginner and i have no idea and dont know anything about GUI in python
def link_GUI(graph):
def btn_click():
data1 = str(txtDataEntry.get()) # get data from test box
data2 = str(txtDataEntry2.get())
r_edge = link(graph, data1, data2)
lblResult.config(text="" + data1 + " and " + data2 + " are linked")
lblResult2.config(text="" + str(r_edge))
root = Tk()
root.title("SSM Application")
lblTitle = Label(text=" Link a station to another station", font=('arial', 20, 'bold'), fg='Black')
lblTitle = Label(text=" *Close the box to choose another option* ", font=('arial', 10, 'bold'), fg='Black')
frame1 = Frame()
lblDataentry = Label(frame1, text="Enter first station name:", pady=1, fg='black') # 1111111111111111
lblDataentry.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtDataEntry = Entry(frame1) # 111111111111111
txtDataEntry.grid(row=0, column=1)
lblDataentry = Label(frame1, text="Enter second station name:", pady=1, fg='black') # 2222222222222
lblDataentry.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtDataEntry2 = Entry(frame1) # 222222222222222
txtDataEntry2.grid(row=1, column=1)
btnSubmit = Button(frame1, text="Link", bg='grey', fg='black', command=btn_click)
btnSubmit.grid(row=2, column=1)
frame1.pack() # add frame to gui
lblResult = Label(font=('arial', 18, 'bold'), fg='darkblue')
lblResult2 = Label(font=('arial', 18, 'bold'), fg='darkblue')
the original output result1:
here is the result after i tried with wrap length but it also cannot help too is there any other ways to do?

change root.geometry("1500x600") to root.minsize(1500, 600) in order to let the root window to expand.
change lblResult2.pack() to lblResult2.pack(fill="both", expand=1), so that lblResult2 will fill the root window width and adjust the root window height in order to show all its content.
change lblResult2.config(text=""+str(r_edge)) to lblResult2.config(text=str(r_edget), wraplength=lblResult2.winfo_width(), justify='left') in order to wrap its content to fit its width.
Edit: Another solution is to use Text widget instead of Label:
change the following lines
lblResult2 = Label(font=('arial', 18, 'bold'), fg='darkblue')
txtResult2 = Text(font=('arial', 18, 'bold'), fg='darkblue')
txtResult2.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
change the following line in btn_click():
txtResult2.delete(1.0, 'end')
txtResult2.insert('end', str(r_edge))


Values not stored in Tkinter Variables

In my code, I have tried to get the user input through text fields, store them in variables and finally print them in a tabular form.
The problem I am facing is that none of the values I enter through the text fields get displayed; when I try printing the variables, they come up empty.
Here's part of my code:
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as tktrv
root = tk.Tk()
lb1 = Label(root, text="SPASC \n Welcomes You !!!", fg="red", bg="sky blue"
, font=('Arial Black', 20), width=22, anchor=CENTER)
lb2 = Label(root, text="What would you like to compare?",
font=('Arial', 18), anchor=CENTER)
space1 = Label(root, text="\n\n")
hpw, mil = StringVar(), StringVar()
def bt_cars():
w1 = Toplevel()
w1.title("Choose Features")
lb3 = Label(w1, text="Choose features for comparison", bg="yellow"
, font=('Arial Black', 18), width=25)
lb4 = Label(w1, text=" ", anchor=CENTER)
fr1 = LabelFrame(w1, width=20, padx=100)
hpw_cb = Checkbutton(fr1, text="Horsepower", variable=hpw, anchor='w', onvalue="Horsepower", offvalue="")
mil_cb = Checkbutton(fr1, text="Mileage", variable=mil, anchor='w', onvalue="Mileage", offvalue="")
var_stor = [hpw, mil]
var_fill = []
for itr1 in var_stor:
if itr1 != "":
def car_1():
name1 = StringVar()
c1 = Toplevel()
c1.title("Car 1")
car1_lb1 = Label(c1, text="Car Name:")
name1_ifl = Entry(c1)
name1 = name1_ifl.get()
elm_var_fill = len(var_fill)
ct1 = 0
car1_val = []
for itr2 in var_fill:
if ct1 == elm_var_fill:
lb5 = Label(c1, text=itr2.get())
#Creating text field
ftr1_ifl = Entry(c1)
car1_ftr = ftr1_ifl.get()
car1_ftr = None
lb5.grid(row=ct1 + 2, column=1)
ftr1_ifl.grid(row=ct1 + 2, column=2)
ct1 += 1
def display():
dp = Toplevel()
car1_pt = 0
car2_pt = 0
car_tree = tktrv.Treeview(dp)
car_tree["columns"] = ("car1col")
car_tree.column("#0", width=120, minwidth=30)
car_tree.column("car1col", width=120, minwidth=30)
car_tree.heading("#0", text="Features" )
car_tree.heading("car1col", text=str(name1))
done1_bt = Button(c1, text="Continue", command=display)
name1_ifl.grid(row=0, column=2)
car1_lb1.grid(row=0, column=1)
done_bt = Button(w1, text="Done", command=car_1)
done_bt.grid(row=3, column=1)
lb3.grid(row=0, column=1)
lb4.grid(row=1, column=1)
fr1.grid(row=2, column=1)
bt1 = Button(root, text="CARS", width=5, font=('Calibri', 15), command=bt_cars)
space2 = Label(root, text="\n\n")
I am facing trouble with the variables named: hpw, mil, name1.
Any help would be welcome.
NOTE:- Please excuse the amount of code; I wanted others to replicate the error and see it for themselves
For the variables hpw and mil, these variables are empty strings that's why you are not getting any value from those checkboxes. To get values from the checkboxes replace these lines of code:
var_stor = [hpw, mil]
var_stor = [hpw_cb.cget('onvalue'), mil_cb.cget('onvalue')]
since you want the onvalue then you must use cget() method to access those values.
also, replace
lb5 = Label(c1, text=itr2.get())
lb5 = Label(c1, text=itr2)
because now you have required values (not objects) in a list, so just need to access those values.
For the variable name1 you can use #BokiX's method.
The problem is you are using get() wrong. You cannot use get() right after Entry() because as soon as entry is created it's getting the input before the user can even input something.
Use this code:
def get_input(text):
e = Entry(root)
b = Button(root, text="Print input", command=lambda: get_input(e.get()))
Now get() method will not be executed before you click the button.

Only open 1 window when button clicked multiple times

I am trying to create a basic invoicing system. However i have encountered an issue as you can tell from my the title, is there any way to achieve this. I have been using a counter to determine if the window should open or not but i dont think it is right.
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
count = 0
def openNewWindow():
global count
count = count + 1
if count == 1:
newWindow = Toplevel(window)
newWindow.title("New Window")
newWindow.title('test ©') # Frame title
newWindow.iconbitmap('icon4.ico') # Frame logo
if 'normal' == newWindow.state():
count = 2
count = 0
width = window.winfo_screenwidth()
height = window.winfo_screenheight()
window.geometry("%dx%d" % (width, height))
bg = PhotoImage(file="bsor.gif")
label_image = Label(window, image=bg), y=0)
title_label = Label(window, text="Job Management System", bg="black", fg="white")
title_label.config(font=("Courier", 70)), y=3)
customer_database_button = Button(window, text="Customer Database", width="23", height="2",
font=('Courier', 13, 'bold'), command=openNewWindow)
customer_database_button.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=185, padx=(110, 0))
employee_database_button = Button(window, text="Employee Database", width="23", height="2",
font=('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
employee_database_button.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
job_category_button = Button(window, text="Job Category (Pricing)", width="23", height="2",
font=('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
job_category_button.grid(row=3, column=2, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
quote_sale_button = Button(window, text="Quotes / Sales", width="23", height="2", font=
('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
quote_sale_button.grid(row=3, column=3, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
cash_management_button = Button(window, text="Cash Management", width="23", height="2", font=
('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
cash_management_button.grid(row=3, column=4, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
analysis_mode_button = Button(window, text="Analysis Mode", width="23", height="2", font=
('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
analysis_mode_button.grid(row=3, column=5, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
window.title('test') # Frame title
window.iconbitmap('icon4.ico') # Frame logo
Here is a minimal example on how to do it (works best with only one additional allowed window):
from tkinter import Tk, Toplevel, Button
def open_window(button):
top = Toplevel(root)
top.bind('<Destroy>', lambda _: btn.config(state='normal'))
root = Tk()
btn = Button(root, text='Open new window!', command=lambda: open_window(btn))
Just have the function disable the button and bind a <Destroy> event to the Toplevel to set the button's state back to normal. (Also you may want to use .transient on the Toplevel to make it appear above its master so that people don't forget that they haven't closed the window and wonder why they can't press the button (it will also not display additional icon in the taskbar))
I strongly advise against using wildcard (*) when importing something, You should either import what You need, e.g. from module import Class1, func_1, var_2 and so on or import the whole module: import module then You can also use an alias: import module as md or sth like that, the point is that don't import everything unless You actually know what You are doing; name clashes are the issue.
I strongly suggest following PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code. Function and variable names should be in snake_case, class names in CapitalCase. Don't have space around = if it is used as a part of keyword argument (func(arg='value')) but have space around = if it is used for assigning a value (variable = 'some value'). Have space around operators (+-/ etc.: value = x + y(except here value += x + y)). Have two blank lines around function and class declarations.

Converting Python3 script to .exe with cx_Freeze, attribute error

Writing my first Python application and my first post here.
I am running windows 10 with Python 3.7 and cx_Freeze version 5.1.1.
Once I've run the setup build and I double click the executable file I am meet with the error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write'.
I can't seem to figure it out myself.
(Also having problem with the picture that can't be found, so I commented it out in the script just to work on one issue at a time)
Tbh I am not sure where to start, I believe the error is thrown because of the write to textbox code:
def decorator(func):
def inner(inputStr):
textbox.insert(INSERT, inputStr)
return func(inputStr)
return func(inputStr)
return inner
This is the script I've created.
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
root = Tk()
root.title("Ghost task")
#Image load
#load ='Ghost.png')
#ghost = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load)
#img = Label(root, image=ghost)
#img.image = ghost, y=0)
heading = Label(root, text="Finish workflow script", font =("arial", 20, "bold"), fg="steelblue").place(x=200, y=0)
label1 = Label(root, text="Provide the wf_group:", font =("arial", 12, "bold"), fg="steelblue").place(x=200, y=80)
label2 = Label(root, text="Provide the client:", font =("arial", 12, "bold"), fg="steelblue").place(x=200, y=103)
label3 = Label(root, text="Provide the user:", font =("arial", 12, "bold"), fg="steelblue").place(x=200, y=126)
label4 = Label(root, text="Provide the voucher no:", font =("arial", 12, "bold"), fg="steelblue").place(x=200, y=149)
bottom = Label(root, text="Version 1.01", font = ("arial", 6, "bold"), fg="black").place(x=580, y=625)
wfgroup = StringVar()
client = StringVar()
user = StringVar()
voucher = StringVar()
entry_box = Entry(root, textvariable=wfgroup, width=28, bg="lightgreen").place(x=445, y=85)
entry_box = Entry(root, textvariable=client, width=28, bg="lightgreen").place(x=445, y=107)
entry_box = Entry(root, textvariable=user, width = 28, bg="lightgreen").place(x=445, y=129)
entry_box = Entry(root, textvariable=voucher, width = 28, bg="lightgreen").place(x=445, y=151)
def do_mssql():
textbox.delete('1.0', END)
print("Removed some useless information")
def do_oracle():
textbox.delete('1.0', END)
print("Removed some useless information")
work = Button(root, text="MsSQL Buu", width=30, height=5, bg="pink", command=do_mssql).place(x=50, y=200)
work2 = Button(root, text="Oracle Buu", width=30, height=5, bg="pink", command=do_oracle).place(x=360, y=200)
#Text output
textbox=Text(root, width = 77, height = 20), y=300)
def decorator(func):
def inner(inputStr):
textbox.insert(INSERT, inputStr)
return func(inputStr)
return func(inputStr)
return inner
Appreciate any help I can get.
Figured it out.
It was the .write that caused the issue.
I rewrote the script a bit.
Did not need to but that's how I solved it.
def do_mssql():
textbox.delete('1.0', END)
sys.stdout("--This script is for MsSQL--\n")
def redirector(inputStr):
textbox.insert(INSERT, inputStr)
sys.stdout = redirector
Removed .write from sys.stdout.write
Changed the print() to sys.stdout and it worked. :)

Highlight text when clicked in tkinter

I'm working on my Python program (on an Ubuntu system), and I have little idea of what I am doing: I am importing media filenames from a folder, and print it in a Text widget, and then click it to open on VLC Player.
I just want to add an additional feature, that is: when I click on any filename, it should be highlight and then open on VLC.
Can you please guide me on how can I do it?
import subprocess,os
from Tkinter import *
def viewFile():
tex.delete('1.0', END)
for f in os.listdir(path):
if f.endswith('.h264'):
linkname="link-" + f
tex.insert(END,f + "\n", linkname)
tex.tag_configure(linkname, foreground="blue", underline=True)
tex.tag_bind(linkname, "<1>", lambda event, filename =path+'/'+f:['vlc',filename])) # Video play on VLC Player
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
step= root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
step = LabelFrame(root,text="FILE MANAGER", font = "Arial 20 bold italic")
step.grid(row=1, columnspan=7, sticky='W',padx=100, pady=5, ipadx=130, ipady=25)
Button(step, text="ViewFile", font = "Arial 8 bold italic", activebackground="turquoise", width=30, height=5, command=viewFile).grid (row= 6, column =3)
Button(step, text="Exit", font = "Arial 8 bold italic", activebackground="turquoise", width=20, height=5, command=root.quit).grid (row= 6, column =5)
tex = Text(master=root) # TextBox For Displaying File Information
scr=Scrollbar(root,orient =VERTICAL,command=tex.yview)
scr.grid(row=8, column=2, rowspan=15, columnspan=1, sticky=NS)
tex.grid(row=8, column=1, sticky=E)
tex.config(yscrollcommand=scr.set,font=('Arial', 8, 'bold', 'italic'))
global process
path = os.path.expanduser("~/python") # Define path To play, delete, or rename video
I modified your example to have the lines highlight. How to highlight a line is explained here. Basicly I added a text_click_callback that check which line is clicked and highlight it and calls vlc. I changed the input folder, to be able to execute the code, as I dont have any video files to work with.
import subprocess,os
from Tkinter import *
def text_click_callback(event):
# an event to highlight a line when single click is done
line_no = event.widget.index("#%s,%s linestart" % (event.x, event.y))
line_end = event.widget.index("%s lineend" % line_no)
event.widget.tag_remove("highlight", 1.0, "end")
event.widget.tag_add("highlight", line_no, line_end)
event.widget.tag_configure("highlight", background="yellow")
def viewFile():
tex.delete('1.0', END)
for f in os.listdir(path):
#if f.endswith('.h264'):
linkname="link-" + f
tex.insert(END,f + "\n", linkname)
tex.tag_configure(linkname, foreground="blue", underline=True)
tex.tag_bind(linkname, "<Button-1>", text_click_callback ) # highlight a line
tex.tag_bind(linkname, "<Double-Button-1>", lambda event, filename =path+'/'+f:['vlc',filename]) ) # Video play on VLC Player
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
#step= root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
step = LabelFrame(root,text="FILE MANAGER", font = "Arial 20 bold italic")
step.grid(row=1, columnspan=7, sticky='W',padx=100, pady=5, ipadx=130, ipady=25)
Button(step, text="ViewFile", font = "Arial 8 bold italic", activebackground="turquoise", width=30, height=5, command=viewFile).grid (row= 6, column =3)
Button(step, text="Exit", font = "Arial 8 bold italic", activebackground="turquoise", width=20, height=5, command=root.quit).grid (row= 6, column =5)
tex = Text(master=root) # TextBox For Displaying File Information
scr=Scrollbar(root,orient =VERTICAL,command=tex.yview)
scr.grid(row=8, column=2, rowspan=15, columnspan=1, sticky=NS)
tex.grid(row=8, column=1, sticky=E)
tex.config(yscrollcommand=scr.set,font=('Arial', 8, 'bold', 'italic'))
global process
path = os.path.expanduser("/tmp") # Define path To play, delete, or rename video
How it works is shown below:
But I think Bryan Oakley is right. A listbox would be better for this. Nevertheless, if you want to keep using Text, you can do as in the example provided.

print in TextBox Tkinter Python on Ubuntu

I don't know what exactly what should I called this problem so if plz edit if not fully understand.
I am writing a program in Python on Ubuntu, to print file names in TextBox with scrolling option in Y-axis.
But file names are appearing outside the TextBox and scroll option is also not working properly.
I also attached the output of program below
Can you plz me to resolve this issue?
import io,sys,os,subprocess
from Tkinter import *
def viewFile():
for f in os.listdir(path):
var= StringVar()
l1 = Label(mainframe, textvariable=var)
s += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
mainframe= root.title("FILE MANAGER APPLICATION") # Program Objective
mainframe= root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
step = LabelFrame(root,text="FILE MANAGER", font = "Arial 20 bold italic")
step.grid(row=0, columnspan=7, sticky='W',padx=100, pady=5, ipadx=130, ipady=25)
Button(step, text="File View", font = "Arial 8 bold italic", activebackground="turquoise", width=30, height=5, command=viewFile).grid (row= 1, column =2)
Button(step, text="Exit", font = "Arial 8 bold italic", activebackground="turquoise", width=20, height=5, command=root.quit).grid (row= 1, column =5)
tex = Text(master=root)
scr=Scrollbar(root,orient =VERTICAL,command=tex.yview)
scr.grid(row=2, column=2, rowspan=15, columnspan=1, sticky=NS)
tex.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W)
tex.config(yscrollcommand=scr.set,font=('Arial', 8, 'bold', 'italic'))
global process
path = os.path.expanduser("~/python") # Define path To play, delete, or rename video
If you want to insert the filenames in tex, then call tex.insert instead of creating new Labels.
def viewFile():
for f in os.listdir(path):
tex.insert(END, f + "\n")

