Improving classification by using clustering as a feature - python

I'm trying to improve my classification results by doing clustering and use the clustered data as another feature (or use it alone instead of all other features - not sure yet).
So let's say that I'm using unsupervised algorithm - GMM:
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=4, random_state=RSEED)
pred_labels = gmm.predict(X_test)
I trained the model with training data and predicted the clusters by the test data.
Now I want to use a classifier (KNN for example) and use the clustered data within it. So I tried:
#define the model and parameters
knn = KNeighborsClassifier()
parameters = {'n_neighbors':[3,5,7],
'algorithm':['auto', 'kd_tree'],
#Fit the model
model_gmm_knn = GridSearchCV(knn, param_grid=parameters), 1),Y_train)
But I'm getting:
ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [418, 891]
Train and Test are not with same dimension.
So how can I implement such approach?

Your method is not correct - you are attempting to use as a single feature the cluster labels of your test data pred_labels, in order to fit a classifier with your training labels Y_train. Even in the huge coincidental case that the dimensions of these datasets were the same (hence not giving a dimension mismatch error, as here), this is conceptually wrong and does not actually make any sense.
What you actually want to do is:
Fit a GMM with your training data
Use this fitted GMM to get cluster labels for both your training and test data.
Append the cluster labels as a new feature in both datasets
Fit your classifier with this "enhanced" training data.
All in all, and assuming that your X_train and X_test are pandas dataframes, here is the procedure:
import pandas as pd
cluster_train = gmm.predict(X_train)
cluster_test = gmm.predict(X_test)
X_train['cluster_label'] = pd.Series(cluster_train, index=X_train.index)
X_test['cluster_label'] = pd.Series(cluster_test, index=X_test.index), Y_train)
Notice that you should not fit your clustering model with your test data - only with your training ones, otherwise you have data leakage similar to the one encountered when using the test set for feature selection, and your results will be both invalid and misleading .


ValueError: X has 2 features, but SVC is expecting 472082 features as input

I am loading Linear SVM model and then predicting new data using the stored trained SVM Model. I used TFIDF while training such as:
vector = TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 3)).fit(data['text'])
**when i apply new data than I am getting error at the time of Prediction.
ValueError: X has 2 features, but SVC is expecting 472082 features as input.
Code for the Prediction of new data
Linear_SVC_classifier = joblib.load("/content/drive/MyDrive/dataset/Classifers/Linear_SVC_classifier.sav")
test_data = input("Enter Data for Testing: ")
newly_testing_data = vector.transform(test_data)
SVM_Prediction_NewData = Linear_SVC_classifier.predict(newly_testing_data)
I want to predict new data using stored SVM model without applying TFIDF on training data when I give data to model for prediction. When I use the new data for prediction than the prediction line gives error. Is there any way to remove this error?
The problem is due to your creation of a new TfidfVectorizer by fitting it on the test dataset. As the classifier has been trained on a matrix generated by the TfidfVectorier fitted on the training dataset, it expects the test dataset to have the exact same dimensions.
In order to do so, you need to transform your test dataset with the same vectorizer that was used during training rather than initialize a new one based on the test set.
The vectorizer fitted on the train set can be pickled and stored for later use to avoid any re-fitting at inference time.

adding more data to Support Vector Classifier training

I am using the LinearSVC() available on scikit learn to classify texts into a max of 7 seven labels. So, it is a multilabel classification problem. I am training on a small amount of data and testing it. Now, I want to add more data (retrieved from a pool based on a criteria) to the fitted model and evaluate on the same test set. How can this be done?
It is necessary to merge the previous data set with the new data set, get everything preprocessed and then retrain to see if the performance improve with the old + new data?
My code so far is below:
def preprocess(data, x, y):
global Xfeatures
global y_train
global labels
porter = PorterStemmer()
print("\nLabels are now binarized\n")
data[multilabel.classes_] = y_train
labels = multilabel.classes_
data[x].apply(lambda x:nt.TextFrame(x).noise_scan())
print("\English stop words were extracted\n")
data[x].apply(lambda x:nt.TextExtractor(x).extract_stopwords())
corpus = data[x].apply(nfx.remove_stopwords)
corpus = data[x].apply(lambda x: porter.stem(x))
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer()
Xfeatures = tfidf.fit_transform(corpus).toarray()
print('\nThe text is now vectorized\n')
return Xfeatures, y_train
Xfeatures, y_train = preprocess(df1, 'corpus', 'zero_level_name')
y_train_features = y_train[:300]
def model(modelo, tipo):
svc= modelo
clf = tipo(svc),y_train_features)
clf_predictions = clf.predict(X_test)
return clf_predictions
preds_pool = model(LinearSVC(class_weight='balanced'), OneVsRestClassifier)
It depends on how your previous dataset was. If your previous dataset was a well representation of your problem at hand, then adding more data will not increase your model performance by a large. So you can just test with the new data.
However, it is also possible that your initial dataset was not representative enough, and therefore with more data your classification accuracy increases. So in that case it is better to include all the data and preprocess it. Because preprocessing generally includes parameters that are computed on the dataset as whole. e.g., I can see you have TFIDF, or mean which is sensitive to the dataset at hand.

Can I use StandardScaler() on whole data set, or should I calculate on train and test sets separately?

I'm developing a SVR for ~100 continuous features and a continuous label.
For scaling the data, I wrote:
#Read in
df = pd.read_csv(data_path,sep='\t')
features = df.iloc[:,1:-1] #100 features
target = df.iloc[:,-1] #The label
names = df.iloc[:,0] #Column names
#Scale features
scaler = StandardScaler()
scaled_df = scaler.fit_transform(features)
# rename columns (since now its an np array)
features.columns = df_columns
So now I have a scaled data frame, and my next step was to split into train and test, and then develop a model (SVR):
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(scaled_df, target, test_size=0.2)
model = SVR()
...and then I fit the model to the data.
But I noticed other people don't fit the StandardScaler() to the whole data frame, but they split the dataframe into train and test first, and then apply StandardScaler() to each separately.
Is there a difference between whether you apply the StandardScaler to the whole data frame, or train and test separately?
The previous answer says that you should separate the training and testing set when scaling, otherwise the testing one might bias the transformation of the training one. This is half correct and half wrong.
If you do the transformation separately, then it might well be that the training set will get scaled to wrong proportions (e.g. if it comes from a narrow continuous time range, thus taking on a subset of the values range). You will end up having wrong values for the variables of the test set.
In general, what you must do is scale on the training set and transfer the scale over to the testing set. This is done by using the methods fit and transform separately, as seen in the documentation.
You need to apply StandardScaler to the training set to prevent the distribution of the test set leaking into the model. If you fit the scaler on the full dataset before splitting, the test set information is used to transform the training set and use it to train the model.

Cross validation: cross_val_score function from scikit-learn arguments

According to the DOC of scikit-learn
sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_score(estimator, X, y=None,
groups=None, scoring=None, cv=None, n_jobs=1, verbose=0,
fit_params=None, pre_dispatch=‘2*n_jobs’)
X and y
X : array-like The data to fit. Can be for example a list, or an
y : array-like, optional, default: None The target variable to
try to predict in the case of supervised learning.
I am wondering whether [X,y] is X_train and y_train or [X,y] should be the whole dataset. In some of the notebooks from kaggle some people use the whole dataset and some others X_train and y_train.
To my knowledge, cross validation just evaluate the model and shows whether or not you overfit/underfit your data (it does not actually train the model). Then, in my view the most data you have the better will be the performance, so I would use the whole dataset.
What do you think?
Model performance is dependent on way the data is split and sometimes model does not have ability to generalize.
So that's why we need the cross validation.
Cross-validation is a vital step in evaluating a model. It maximizes the amount of data that is used to train the model, as during the course of training, the model is not only trained, but also tested on all of the available data.
I am wondering whether [X,y] is X_train and y_train or [X,y] should be
the whole dataset.
[X, y] should be the whole dataset because internally cross validation spliting the data into training data and test data.
Suppose you use cross validation with 5 folds (cv = 5).
We begin by splitting the dataset into five groups or folds. Then we hold out the first fold as a test set, fit out model on the remaining four folds, predict on the test set and compute the metric of interest.
Next, we hold out the second fold as out test set, fit on the remaining data, predict on the test set and compute the metric of interest.
By default, scikit-learn's cross_val_score() function uses R^2 score as the metric of choice for regression.
R^2 score is called coefficient of determination.

When scale the data, why the train dataset use 'fit' and 'transform', but the test dataset only use 'transform'?

When scale the data, why the train dataset use 'fit' and 'transform', but the test dataset only use 'transform'?
TEST_COUNT = 20000
sample = list()
test_sample = list()
for index, line in enumerate(open('','rb')):
if index < SAMPLE_COUNT:
r = randint(0,index)
sample[r] = line
k = randint(0,index)
if k < TEST_COUNT:
if len(test_sample) < TEST_COUNT:
test_sample[k] = line
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
for n, line in enumerate(sample):
sample[n] = map(float, line.strip().split(','))
y = np.array(sample)[:,-1]
scaling = StandardScaler()
X = scaling.fit_transform(np.array(sample)[:,:-1]) ##here use fit and transform
for n,line in enumerate(test_sample):
test_sample[n] = map(float,line.strip().split(','))
yt = np.array(test_sample)[:,-1]
Xt = scaling.transform(np.array(test_sample)[:,:-1])##why here only use transform
As the annotation says, why Xt only use transform but no fit?
We use fit_transform() on the train data so that we learn the parameters of scaling on the train data and in the same time we scale the train data.
We only use transform() on the test data because we use the scaling paramaters learned on the train data to scale the test data.
This is the standart procedure to scale. You always learn your scaling parameters on the train and then use them on the test. Here is an article that explane it very well :
We have two datasets : The training and the test dataset. Imagine we have just 2 features :
'x1' and 'x2'.
Now consider this (A very hypothetical example):
A sample in the training data has values: 'x1' = 100 and 'x2' = 200
When scaled, 'x1' gets a value of 0.1 and 'x2' a value of 0.1 too. The response variable value is 100 for this. These have been calculated w.r.t only the training data's mean and std.
A sample in the test data has the values : 'x1' = 50 and 'x2' = 100. When scaled according to the test data values, 'x1' = 0.1 and 'x2' = 0.1. This means that our function will predict response variable value of 100 for this sample too. But this is wrong. It shouldn't be 100. It should be predicting something else because the not-scaled values of the features of the 2 samples mentioned above are different and thus point to different response values. We will know what the correct prediction is only when we scale it according to the training data because those are the values that our linear regression function has learned.
I have tried to explain the intuition behind this logic below:
We decide to scale both the features in the training dataset before applying linear regression and fitting the linear regression function. When we scale the features of the training dataset, all 'x1' features get adjusted according to the mean and the standard deviations of the different samples w.r.t to their 'x1' feature values. Same thing happens for 'x2' feature.
This essentially means that every feature has been transformed into a new number based on just the training data. It's like Every feature has been given a relative position. Relative to the mean and std of just the training data. So every sample's new 'x1' and 'x2' values are dependent on the mean and the std of the training data only.
Now what happens when we fit the linear regression function is that it learns the parameters (i.e, learns to predict the response values) based on the scaled features of our training dataset. That means that it is learning to predict based on those particular means and standard deviations of 'x1' and 'x2' of the different samples in the training dataset. So the value of the predictions depends on the:
*learned parameters. Which in turn depend on the
*value of the features of the training data (which have been scaled).And because of the scaling the training data's features depend on the
*training data's mean and std.
If we now fit the standardscaler() to the test data, the test data's 'x1' and 'x2' will have their own mean and std. This means that the new values of both the features will in turn be relative to only the data in the test data and thus will have no connection whatsoever to the training data. It's almost like they have been subtracted by and divided by random values and have got new values now which do not convey how they are related to the training data.
Any transformation you do to the data must be done by the parameters generated by the training data.
Simply what fit() method does is create a model that extracts the various parameters from your training samples to do the neccessary transformation later on. transform() on the other hand is doing the actual transformation to the data itself returning a standardized or scaled form.
fit_transform() is just a faster way of doing the operations of fit() and transform() consequently.
Important thing here is that when you divide your dataset into train and test sets what you are trying to achieve is somewhat simulate a real world application. In a real world scenario you will only have training data and you will develop a model according to that and predict unseen instances of similar data.
If you transform the entrire data with fit_transform() and then split to train test you violate that simulation approach and do the transformation according to the unseen examples as well. Which will inevatibly result in an optimistic model as you already somewhat prepared your model by the unseen samples metrics as well.
If you split the data to train test and apply fit_transform() to both you will also be mistaken as your first transformation of train data will be done by train splits metrics only and your second will be done by test metrics only.
The right way to do these preprocessings is to train any transformer with train data only and do the transformations to the test data. Because only then you can be sure that your resulting model represents a real world solution.
Following this it actually doesnt matter if you
fit(train) then transform(train) then transform(test) OR
fit_transform(train) then transform(test)
fit() is used to compute the parameter needed for transformation and transform() is for scaling the data to convert into standard format for the model.
fit_tranform() is combination of two which is doing above work in efficiently.
Since fit_transform() is already computing and transforming the training data only transformation for testing data is left,since parameter needed for transformation is already computed and stored only transformation() of testing data is left therefor only transform() is used instead of fit_transform().
there could be two approaches:
1st approach scale with fit and transform train data, transform only test data
2nd fit and transform the whole set :train + test
if you think about: how will the model handle scaling when goes live?: When new data arrives, new data will behave just like the unseen test data in your backtest.
In the 1st case , new data will will just be scale transformed and your model backtest scaled values remain unchanged.
But in the 2nd case when new data comes then you will need to fit transform the whole dataset , that means that the backtest scaled values will no longer be the same and then you need to re-train the model..if this task can be done quickly then I guess it is ok
but the 1st case requires less work...
and if there are big differences between scaling in train and test then probably the data is non stationary and ML is probably not a good idea
fit() and transform() are the two methods used to generally account for the missing values in the dataset.The missing values can be filled either by computing the mean or the median of the data and filling that empty places with that mean or median.
fit() is used to calculate the mean or the median.
transform() is used to fill in missing values with the calculated mean or the median.
fit_tranform() performs the above 2 tasks in a single stretch.
fit_transform() is used for the training data to perform the above.When it comes to validation set only transform() is required since you dont want to change the way you handle missing values when it comes to the validation set, because by doing so you may take your model by surprise!! and hence it may fail to perform as expected.
we use fit() or fit_transform() in order to learn (to train the model) on the train data set. transform() can be used on the trained model against the test data set.
fit_transform() - learn the parameter of scaling (Train data)
transform() - Apply those learned scaling method here (Test data)
ss = StandardScaler()
X_train = ss.fit_transform(X_train) #here we need to feed this to the model to learn so it will learn the parameter of scaling
X_test = ss.transform(X_test) #It will use the learn parameter to transform

