I'm learning to use FastAPI, and I'm getting this error over and over again while implementing a simple API and I've not being able to figure out why
"detail": "There was an error parsing the body"
This happends me on this two endpoints:
Full code: Code Repository
app_v1 = FastAPI(root_path='/v1')
# JWT Token request
async def login_access_token(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
jwt_user_dict = {"username": form_data.username, "password": form_data.password}
jwt_user = JWTUser(**jwt_user_dict)
user = authenticate_user(jwt_user)
if user is None:
jwt_token = create_jwt_token(user)
return {"token": jwt_token}
async def update_photo(response: Response, profile_photo: bytes = File(...)):
response.headers['x-file-size'] = str(len(profile_photo))
response.set_cookie(key='cookie-api', value="test")
return {"profile photo size": len(profile_photo)}
I acomplished to figure out, it was because when FastAPI was installed, it didn't install python-multipart, so with this package missing everything that needs multipart falls
After installing it works fine
The problem with the first request is that you should be sending username and password in a form-data. Instead of x-www-form-urlencoded, use form-data and you should be fine.
I can't see the problem with the second one. Can you try using Swagger interface and see if the same happens there?
I'm a noobie at Python and was just messing around, but now I'm really curious why it isn't working. I'm currently trying to build a telegram bot that generates an image based on the text given to the bot. I think there might be a problem with my DeepAI api? When I click this link: https://api.deepai.org/api/text2img i always get the error
{"err": "error processing given inputs from request"}
. The bot is linked but gives me the error as in the code below. My code below:
import requests
import json
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters
def text_to_image(update, context):
# Get the text from the user
text = update.message.text
# Set up the DeepAI API request
api_key = "{{ api }}"
headers = {
"api-key": api_key
data = {
"text": text
# Make the request to the DeepAI API
response = requests.post("https://api.deepai.org/api/text2img", headers=headers, json=data)
if response.status_code != 200:
update.message.reply_text("An error occurred while generating the image. Please try again later.")
# Get the generated image from the response
response_json = response.json()
image_url = response_json["output_url"]
# Send the generated image to the user
context.bot.send_photo(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, photo=image_url)
def main():
# Set up the Telegram bot
updater = Updater(token="{{ api }}", use_context=True)
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
# Add the text_to_image handler
text_to_image_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.text, text_to_image)
# Start the bot
if __name__ == '__main__':
I've tried changing code and different things but nothing seems to work, i'm really stuck right now
From the looks of it, it's an error on the API side of things. The status code of the API server depends on traffic and account/key.
Things to do:
Check if your API key is valid and wait when server works on google, then try to run your code
I'm trying to add authentication to a FastAPI application using AWS Cognito. I can get valid JSON responses from Cognito, including AccessToken and RefreshToken. Using the FastAPI Oauth2 examples I've seen has led me to create code like this:
async def get_token(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
# get token from cognito
response = await concurrency.run_in_threadpool(
"USERNAME": form_data.username,
"PASSWORD": form_data.password,
return response["AuthenticationResult"]["AccessToken"]
async def things(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
return {"token": token}
This seems to work as the "/things" endpoint is only accessible if authorized through the OpendAPI authentication popup. However, two things:
The token value is "undefined" in the things() handler, why is that?
How do I get the RefreshToken to the user?
Any suggestions or ideas are welcome.
Currently, I have a working API that uses Connexion and receives an OpenAPI specification:
options={"swagger_ui": False},
strict_validation=True, # Changing this also didn't help
A response gets validated in the following order:
Check if API-Key is valid
Validate if the request body contains all necessary parameters
Validate message-signature
Handle request and send response
The verification of the API-Key is done via the OpenAPI spec:
type: apiKey
in: header
name: API-Key
x-apikeyInfoFunc: server.security.check_api_key
- apiKeyAuth: []
The validation is also done via the OpenAPI spec.
The signature gets verified in the endpoint:
if not verify_signature(kwargs):
abort(401, "Signature could not be verified")
Where verify_signature is basically this:
def verify_signature(request) -> bool:
"""Calculate the signature using the header and data."""
signature = re.findall(r'"([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+)"', connexion.request.headers.get("Message-Signature", ""))
created = re.findall(r"created=(\d+)", connexion.request.headers.get("Message-Signature", ""))
if len(signature) == 0:
abort(401, "No valid Signature found.")
if len(created) == 0:
abort(401, "No valid created timestamp found.")
signature = signature[0]
created = int(created[0])
method, path, host, api_key, content_type = _get_attributes_from_request()
message = create_signature_message(request["body"], created, method, path, host, api_key, content_type)
recreated_signature = _encode_message(message)
return recreated_signature == str(signature)
For security purposes I would like to swap 2. and 3.:
Check if API-Key is valid
Validate message-signature
Validate if the request body contains all necessary parameters
Handle request and send response
The problem is that Connexion validates the body before I get to my endpoint in which I execute my Python code such as verify_signature.
I tried adding the following to my OpenAPI.yaml:
type: http
scheme: basic
x-basicInfoFunc: server.security.verify_signature
- apiKeyAuth: []
signatureAuth: []
But I think this is the wrong approach since I think this is only used as a simple verification method and I get the following error message:
No authorization token provided.
Now to my question:
Is there a way to execute a function which receives the whole request that gets executed before Connexion validates the body?
Yes you can use the Connexion before_request annotation so it runs a function on a new request before validating the body. Here's an example that logs the headers and content:
import connexion
import logging
from flask import request
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
conn_app = connexion.FlaskApp(__name__)
def before_request():
for h in request.headers:
logger.debug('header %s', h)
logger.debug('data %s', request.get_data())
For me the Problem got fixed as soon as I was putting "encoding: URLEncoding(destination: .queryString)" in my request. Maybe this helps somebody else. link
I struggled the whole day to find the problem in my Alamofire PUT Request or the Flask Restful API. Request like GET, DELETE and POST are working fine with Alamofire, except the PUT Request.
When I'm using PUT Requests in combination with Postman and Flask-Restful everything is also working fine. But as soon as I'm trying to achieve the same Result with Alamofire, I'm not getting any parameters in Flask. I tried to illustrate this in the code examples.
So in short my example illustrates the following:
DELETE Request(Same with GET and POST)
Postman: success
Alamofire: success
PUT Request
Postman: success
Alamofire: failure (parameter dictionary empty in Flask-Restful)
Here is my Python Code [API Server]:
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from flask_restful import Resource, Api, reqparse
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
class Stackoverflow(Resource):
def delete(self):
if request.args.get('test-key') is None:
return jsonify({"message": "failure"})
return jsonify({"message": "success"})
def put(self):
if request.args.get('test-key') is None:
return jsonify({"message": "failure"})
return jsonify({"message": "success"})
api.add_resource(Stackoverflow, '/stackoverflow')
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(debug=True, host='')
If I'm using Postman, I get this result (like expected):
Result in Postman
But now I'm trying to do the same with Alamofire in Swift. Same Server, nothing changed.
SWIFT demo Code [IOS APP]:
import UIKit
import Alamofire
import SwiftyJSON
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view
func simplePUTRequest(){
AF.request("http://localhost:5000/stackoverflow", method: .put, parameters: ["test-key":"testvalue"])
.validate(statusCode: 200..<300)
.responseJSON { response in
if let data = response.data {
print("Result PUT Request:")
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)
func simpleDELETERequest(){
AF.request("http://localhost:5000/stackoverflow", method: .delete, parameters: ["test-key":"testvalue"])
.validate(statusCode: 200..<300)
.responseJSON { response in
if let data = response.data {
print("Result DELETE Request:")
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)
Xcode Console:
Result PUT Request:
"message": "failure"
Result DELETE Request:
"message": "success"
python Console (both Alamofire Requests):
ImmutableMultiDict([]) - - [15/Jun/2019 21:17:31] "PUT /stackoverflow HTTP/1.1" 200 -
ImmutableMultiDict([('test-key', 'testvalue')]) - - [15/Jun/2019 21:17:31] "DELETE /stackoverflow?test-key=testvalue HTTP/1.1" 200 -
As you can see, I'm getting the success message only while using the DELETE method.
Till now I tried using different encodings like URLEncoding.httpbody and URLEncoding.default, but nothing really helped.
For me it seems like it's a Alamofire/Swift Problem, because in Postman the same request method is working fine.
I would really appreciate your help, because I'm stuck and don't know anything further to do. I hope I didn't misunderstood something essential.
Thank you in advance!
I am currently using the same version AlamoFire, and when I use the PUT method, I use it as follows:
let request = AF.request(url, method: .put, parameters: ["uid": uid],
encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers)
request.responseJSON(completionHandler: { response in
guard response.error == nil else {
//Handle error
if let json = response.value as? [String: Any]
// Handle result.
The only difference to your post is that I used the encoding option. You can try to put the option and see what happens.
It looks like your server is expecting your PUT parameters to be URL form encoded into the URL. You may be hitting the version of the request method that uses JSON encoding by default, so adding encoder: URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default at the end of your request call should fix that. A future release will make that the default, as it's safe across all request types.
If that's not the issue, I suggest you investigate more closely to see what the differences between the requests may be. Since you control the server you should have easy access to the traffic.
I'm in the process of writing a very simple Python application for a friend that will query a service and get some data in return. I can manage the GET requests easily enough, but I'm having trouble with the POST requests. Just to get my feet wet, I've only slightly modified their example JSON data, but when I send it, I get an error. Here's the code (with identifying information changed):
import urllib.request
import json
def WebServiceClass(Object):
def __init__(self, user, password, host):
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.host = host
self.url = "https://{}/urldata/".format(self.host)
mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
mgr.add_password(None, "https://{}".format(self.host), self.user, self.password)
self.opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(mgr))
username = "myusername"
password = "mypassword"
service_host = "thisisthehostinfo"
web_service_object = WebServiceClass(username, password, service_host)
user_query = {"searchFields":
"First Name": "firstname",
"Last Name": "lastname"
"returnFields":["Entity ID","First Name","Last Name"]
user_query = json.dumps(user_query)
user_query = user_query.encode("ascii")
the_url = web_service_object.url + "modules/Users/search"
user_data = web_service_object.opener.open(the_url, user_query)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
I got the class data from their API documentation.
As I said, I can do GET requests fine, but this POST request gives me a 500 error with the following text:
Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported
In researching this error, my assumption has become that the above error means I need to submit the data as multipart/form-data. Whether or not that assumption is correct is something I would like to test, but stock Python doesn't appear to have any easy way to create multipart/form-data - there are modules out there, but all of them appear to take a file and convert it to multipart/form-data, whereas I just want to convert this simple JSON data to test.
This leads me to two questions: does it seem as though I'm correct in my assumption that I need multipart/form-data to get this to work correctly? And if so, do I need to put my JSON data into a text file and use one of those modules out there to turn it into multipart, or is there some way to do it without creating a file?
Maybe you want to try the requests lib, You can pass a files param, then requests will send a multipart/form-data POST instead of an application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST. You are not limited to using actual files in that dictionary, however:
import requests
response = requests.post('http://httpbin.org/post', files=dict(foo='bar'))
print response.status_code
If you want to know more about the requests lib, and specially in sending multipart forms take a look at this: