Change IDLE Shell window title - python

I'm using multiple instances (idle/shell) of python and they both have the same title ('Python 3.8.1 Shell'). How I can change it directly from python shell?
Os Windows.
I tried, but this is not helped me:
import ctypes
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA("My New Title")
also tried:
>>> from os import system
>>> system("title " + 'abc')
Screenshot that demonstrates a same titles

for python 3
import ctypes
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW("My New Title")
For python 2:
import ctypes
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA("My New Title")
Try this code:
>>> import sys
>>> sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;test\x07")
Where in place of test, put your name you want
Edit 2
Added screenshot for confirmation
I am also using Windows See

IDLE intentionally isolates its GUI, including Shell, from the running of your code. By default, they run in separate processes. If you start idle with 'python -m idlelib -n' so that GUI code and your code run in the same process, you might possibly break out of the within-process sandbox and change the window title. If you were to do so and said how, I might consider it a bug to be fixed.
What you can do from outside IDLE, is outside IDLE's control, and likely system dependent.
IDLE has a '-t title' startup option. python -m idlelib -t My-shell starts IDLE with a shell entitled "My-shell". To have a space in the title (and perhaps other chars, depending on the system), as with "My shell", quote it on the command line. On Windows, use double quotes, as I just did. I hope that this meets your need.
We could add 'Change title' to the Shell menu. But AFAIK you are the first to request this ability, and the IDLE charter is to keep it reasonably simple.


launch external shell python instance in shell from python

I'd like to call a separate non-child python program from a python script and have it run externally in a new shell instance. The original python script doesn't need to be aware of the instance it launches, it shouldn't block when the launched process is running and shouldn't care if it dies. This is what I have tried which returns no error but seems to do nothing...
import subprocess
python_path = '/usr/bin/python'
args = [python_path, '&']
p = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True)
What should I be doing differently
The reason for doing this is I have an application with a built in version of python, I have written some python tools that should be run separately alongside this application but there is no assurance that the user will have python installed on their system outside the application with the builtin version I'm using. Because of this I can get the python binary path from the built in version programatically and I'd like to launch an external version of the built in python. This eliminates the need for the user to install python themselves. So in essence I need a simple way to call an external python script using my current running version of python programatically.
I don't need to catch any output into the original program, in fact once launched I'd like it to have nothing to do with the original program
So it seems that my original question was very unclear so here are more details, I think I was trying to over simplify the question:
I'm running OSX but the code should also work on windows machines.
The main application that has a built in version of CPython is a compiled c++ application that ships with a python framework that it uses at runtime. You can launch the embedded version of this version of python by doing this in a Terminal window on OSX
From my main application I'd like to be able to run a command in the version of python embedded in the main app that launches an external copy of a python script using the above python version just like I would if I did the following command in a Terminal window. The new launched orphan process should have its own Terminal window so the user can interact with it.
/my_main_app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python my_python_script
I would like the child python instance not to block the main application and I'd like it to have its own terminal window so the user can interact with it. The main application doesn't need to be aware of the child once its launched in any way. The only reason I would do this is to automate launching an external application using a Terminal for the user
If you're trying to launch a new terminal window to run a new Python in (which isn't what your question asks for, but from a comment it sounds like it's what you actually want):
You can't. At least not in a general-purpose, cross-platform way.
Python is just a command-line program that runs with whatever stdin/stdout/stderr it's given. If those happen to be from a terminal, then it's running in a terminal. It doesn't know anything about the terminal beyond that.
If you need to do this for some specific platform and some specific terminal program—e.g., on OS X, iTerm on OS X, the "DOS prompt" on Windows, gnome-terminal on any X11 system, etc.—that's generally doable, but the way to do it is by launching or scripting the terminal program and telling it to open a new window and run Python in that window. And, needless to say, they all have completely different ways of doing that.
And even then, it's not going to be possible in all cases. For example, if you ssh in to a remote machine and run Python on that machine, there is no way it can reach back to your machine and open a new terminal window.
On most platforms that have multiple possible terminals, you can write some heuristic code that figures out which terminal you're currently running under by just walking os.getppid() until you find something that looks like a terminal you know how to deal with (and if you get to init/launchd/etc. without finding one, then you weren't running in a terminal).
The problem is that you're running Python with the argument &. Python has no idea what to do with that. It's like typing this at the shell:
/usr/bin/python '&'
In fact, if you pay attention, you're almost certainly getting something like this through your stderr:
python: can't open file '&': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
… which is exactly what you'd get from doing the equivalent at the shell.
What you presumably wanted was the equivalent of this shell command:
/usr/bin/python &
But the & there isn't an argument at all, it's part of sh syntax. The subprocess module doesn't know anything about sh syntax, and you're telling it not to use a shell, so there's nobody to interpret that &.
You could tell subprocess to use a shell, so it can do this for you:
cmdline = '{} &'.format(python_path)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell=True)
But really, there's no good reason to. Just opening a subprocess and not calling communicate or wait on it already effectively "puts it in the background", just like & does on the shell. So:
args = [python_path]
p = subprocess.Popen(args)
This will start a new Python interpreter that sits there running in the background, trying to use the same stdin/stdout/stderr as your parent. I'm not sure why you want that, but it's the same thing that using & in the shell would have done.
Actually I think there might be a solution to your problem, I found a useful solution at another question here.
This way subprocess.popen starts a new python shell instance and runs the second script from there. It worked perfectly for me on Windows 10.
You can try using screen command
with this command a new shell instance created and the current instance runs in the background.
# screen; python
After running above command, a new shell prompt will be seen where we can run another script and will be running in the background.
Hope it helps.

Is it possible to minimize the console in python with the standard librairy (without extra module)?

I wrote a program that uses the console. Most of the time, the user must see the console informations. For a specific function from command line, I would like to run the script without the console rises. I just don't want see the window but it can be in the task bar. I know I can use extra modules (gui, win32,..) to do that but I would like to use the standard python librairy.
Is it possible to do that?
The program should run on Windows. (python 2.7)
I specify... I know I can use pythonw.exe too. The question then is how to launch the same script with python.exe sometimes and with pythonw.exe (from command line) for a specific function?
Found this question via google, so to answer the question, how to minimize (not completely hide) the console window on Windows when running a Python script:
# Python 3
import ctypes
ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow( ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow(), 6 )
GetConsoleWindow() will return the window handle for the current console.
ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow) will set the properties for the specific window. 6 is SW_MINIMIZE. Click on the link for other parameters.
on windows there are two python executables in your installation, one is "python.exe", which is the one you typically use. There is another called "pythonw.exe" which is for gui programs. It works just like python.exe, but does not display a console at all.
My first idea would be to have a .pyw-script for that specific task, that is launched in this case. Then only the original script's console pops up for a short time.

How to get out of interactive mode in Python

This obviously an extremely novice question, but I've installed Python 2.7 and started reading the manual. However I looked and looked, and couldn't understand how to start programming a file rather than writing in interactive mode. One book that was online suggested quit(), which surprise -- quit the program.
Should coding be done in a different program? I'm using IDLE (Python GUI). Can coding not be done within that program?
Yes, coding should be done in a different program. The interactive shell is very useful but it's not an editor.
You write Python code line by line (as you would on Python interactive mode) in a text editor such as vim, emacs etc...
Then you run these line by line code using the Python interpreter by giving it the name of your script.
$ python
I like to use a different directory for each project. Suppose I decide to use W:/mytest as my directory. First I create the directory.
Then I start Idle. I type the following:
import os
This makes W:/mytest the current directory for Idle.
import sys
This changes the path so that when I "import", it will look in the current directory.
Next I do File / New Window to open an editor window, and in that new window I select File / Save As. It starts in the Python home directory so I have to navigate to W:/mytest. I save this (empty) file as "".
I type this into my file and save it again:
""" is my test
print ("This is test1.")
class Test1:
def __init__(self):
print ("Constructed")
This is a contrived example that can be run as a script or imported as a module.
So I have two windows now; an editor window and the Idle "Python Shell". I can do this in the Python Shell:
>>> execfile("")
This is test1.
>>> import test1
This is test1
>>> tt = test1.Test1()
Push new to start making your own script file. Then when you are ready to test click run and then you can watch the results in the interactive mode, and even try new things as if you were adding code to the end of your script file, its a very useful app for debugging, testing and trying new things.
Also in the options you can change the way python opens your scripts when you click edit from windows, you can set it so that it opens the interactive shell or just the editor.
use new window tool in the file icon,in the python idle itself to write a program
To start coding in a file, just open a new file and start typing.

IPython workflow (edit, run)

Is there a GUI for IPython that allows me to open/run/edit Python files? My way of working in IDLE is to have two windows open: the shell and a .py file. I edit the .py file, run it, and interact with the results in the shell.
Is it possible to use IPython like this? Or is there an alternative way of working?
When I'm working with python, I usually have two terminal windows open - one with IPython, and the other with a fairly customized Vim.
Two good resources:
Though it sounds like what you want is IPython's magic function %ed/%edit:
An example of what you can do:
In [72]: %ed
IPython will make a temporary file named: c:\docume~1\wjwe312\locals~1\temp\
In the file I put:
x = "Hello World"
print 3
After saving and quitting the file:
Editing... done. Executing edited code...
Out[72]: "x = 'Hello world'\nprint 3\n"
In [73]: x
Out[73]: 'Hello world'
You can define functions or anything else - just remember that the contents of the file will be executed when you close it.
Another similar workflow is to cd to the directory containing your Python script that you're editing with your favorite editor. Then you can %run the script from within IPython and you'll have access to everything defined in the file. For instance, if you have the following in the file in your /home/myself directory:
class Tester(object):
def __init__(self):
print "hi"
def knightme(name):
print "Hello, Sir ", name
Then you can do the following:
In [42]: cd /home/myself
In [43]: %run # <Tab> autocomplete also works
In [44]: knightme('John')
Hello, Sir John
In [45]: t = Tester()
Either a mix or one of those workflows should give you something very similar to the way you're used to working in IDLE.
Spyder, previously known as SPyderlib / Spyder2
Pretty lightweight, fast and support almost all features you will ever need to work with a python project. It can edit and run .py files in an embedded IPython instance and then interact with them, set breakpoints, etc.
Try Spyder, I have spent all day trying to find an IDE which has the functionality of ipython and Spyder just kicks it out of the park..
Autocomplete is top notch right from install, no config files and all that crap, and it has an Ipython terminal in the corner for you to instantly run your code.
big thumbs up
Take a look at DreamPie. Might be what you are looking for.
Personally, I like PyScripter. Unfortunately, it only works on Windows, but also runs perfectly in Wine.
The latest version of IdleX supports IPython within IDLE, as well as the %edit magic. You can run your files from the IDLE editor within the IPython shell many ways, either by F5 (run everything), F9 (run a selection), or Ctrl+Enter (run a subcode).
sudo apt-get install ipython
Once you are done with installing ipython.
Start ipython from terminal (just hit ipython in the ternminal)
To run file all you need to do is
If you like the work-flow under Matlab, then you probably should try the following two:
1, Try the combination of Spyder and Vim.
Edit python files in Vim (Spyder can reload the file automatically)
Run the code in Spyder (in the same interpreter, which is important for me):
Use F9 to run the current file
Ctrl+F9 to run the selected block
2, Use Vim + conque-shell. (on google code)
Open your preferred Python interpreter in Vim,
e.g., just :ConqueTermSplit python.
then visual select some Python code
press F9 to paste and run it in the Python interpreter buffer.
Note: a few more:
:ConqueTermVSplit python,
:ConqueTerm python
:ConqueTermVSplit rlwrap python
If your interpretor misses readline, you can use rlwrap.
You might like PySlices...
It's kind of a shell/editor hybrid that lets you save your session as special (barely) modified python files called .pyslice files.
It's now part of wxPython, so just install that (v2.8.11 or later) and run "python -m" on the command line to launch it.
That said, I still end up using an external editor for scripts (geany).
I want to suggest excellent plugin for vim that makes two-way integration between Vim and IPython: vim-ipython.
From project page on
Using this plugin, you can send lines or whole files for IPython to execute, and also get back object introspection and word completions in Vim, like what you get with: object? and object. in IPython.
This plugin has one big limitation: it doesn't support python 3 (it's planned).
Personally, I use what #Wayne suggested, a combination of vim and ipython...
However, if you'd prefer a different approach, take a look at spyder.
As of the latest version (1.1) ipython should be fully integrated. If you download an earlier version, things will work fine with ipython as an external shell, but you won't get a few of spyder's nifty features (like viewing all of the currently defined variables in the workspace window).
Spyder is definitely a bit heavyweight, but it's an interesting project.
Another (very, very, new) similar project to take a look at is iep. It will (sort-of) work with ipython as shell, and I'd be willing to be bet that nicer ipython integration will be along before too long. At any rate, iep is essentially a more lightweight alternative to spyder.
Both of these are oriented towards scientific computing, and so have nice integration with things like matplotlib (and thus can automatically run gui main loops in a seperate thread). They're not quite like "normal" IDE's but they may fill the niche you're looking for quite nicely.
You can use the autoreload module in IPython to automatically reload code.
Open jupyter qtconsole or jupyter console and type:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from your_work_file import *
Now every time you save, it will be automatically reloaded.
Hint: if you want this to happen automatically, put the followinglines in your file:
c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['autoreload']
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = ['%autoreload 2']
Try Ptpython. It has much better integration with VIM. You can directly edit in VIM by just pressing V. It also allows browsing your history.. so you can pretty much code in the shell, and incrementally build up your code.
If you are already familiar with ipython, you can check the advantages of ptpython here:
I just use the exclamation mark (!) to run vi as a shell command
In [1]: !vi
and when done with editing I just quit vi to get back to the Ipython shell.
To run the script one can then use
In [2]: %run
as suggested in another answer and not !python ... because the Python version in ipython might be different from the one in the underlying shell.
If you want to dump some code in a file use the magic %%writefile
In [3]:%%writefile
...: print("hello")
Be careful because this will overwrite To append use %%writefile -a.

How to fix pdb in Aquamacs on Mac OS X?

I'm developing a django app using aquamacs as my ide. Pdb isn't working since upgrading to emacs 23.2.1 using python 2.6.1. When I invoke pdb like this:
M-x pdb
Run pdb (like this): pdb ./ runserver
The frame appears with this message (and nothing more) -
Current directory is /path/to/my/source/
It isn't responsive to keyboard input, though I can right-click and send a quit or kill signal. It seems like emacs isn't capturing the pdb output correctly.
Has anyone seen this and (hopefully) fixed it? I believe it has something to do with the gud-pdb-marker-regexp variable (see point #2 in link).
Related issues
Seems to have been around since 2007
One person a solution for this problem on Windows (adding -u to the python command in the pdb script). I tried it anyway, but this didn't work for me.
Same issue (Current directory is ...) to me with emacs 23.2 (9). As you mentioned, it is caused by a CR/LF ending and can be fixed by setting the gud-pdb-marker-regexp.
I added the CR (\r) to the gud-pdb-marker-regexp. May you want to add the following line to your .emacs file and give it a try.
(setq gud-pdb-marker-regexp "^> \\([-axx-zA-Z0-9_/.:\\]*\\|<string>\\)(\\([0-9]+\\))\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\|\\?\\|<module>\\)()\\(->[^\n\r]*\\)?[\n\r]")
Not sure if that is the case for you, but just to mention it: PDB hangs for me in Emacs when the source code path contains a space - when I move the python file to a directory without a space in the name, it works (on Emacs 23.1.1).
I have been having this same issue. I had it fixed in 23.1 ( but now in 23.2 that fix no longer works, or at least it doesn't appear to for me. I've just submitted a bug to Emacs explaining the problem in detail and hopefully it will get resolved.
A workaround for this is to execute pdb from the emacs shell:
Open the shell: M-x shell
Enter this in the shell: pdb
This will get pdb working properly within the shell.

