What would be the best strategy to mask only specific words during the LM training?
My aim is to dynamically mask at batch-time only words of interest which I have previously collected in a list.
I have already had a look at the mask_tokens() function into the DataCollatorForLanguageModeling class, which is the function actually masking the tokens during each batch, but I cannot find any efficient and smart way to mask only specific words and their corresponding IDs.
I tried one naive approach consisting of matching all the IDs of each batch with a list of word's IDs to mask. However, a for-loop approach has a negative on the performance.
Side issue about word prefixed space - Already fixed
Thanks to #amdex1 and #cronoik for helping with a side issue.
This problem arose since the tokenizer, not only splits a single word in multiple tokens, but it also adds special characters if the word does not occur at the begging of a sentence.
The word "Valkyria":
at the beginning of a sentences gets split as ['V', 'alky', 'ria'] with corresponding IDs: [846, 44068, 6374].
while in the middle of a sentence as ['ĠV', 'alky', 'ria'] with corresponding IDs: [468, 44068, 6374],
It is solved by setting add_prefix_space=True in the tokenizer.
I'm building a simple spam classifier and from a cursory look at my dataset, most spams put spaces in between "spammy" words, which I assume is for them to bypass spam classifier. Here's some examples:
c redi t card
mort - gage
I would like to be able to take these and encode them in my dataframe as the correct words:
credit card
I'm using Python by the way.
This depends a lot on whether you have a list of all spam words or not.
If you do have a list of spam words and you know that there are always only ADDED spaces (e.g. give me your cred it card in formation) but never MISSING spaces (e.g. give me yourcredit cardinformation), then you could use a simple rule-based approach:
import itertools
spam_words = {"credit card", "rolex"}
spam_words_no_spaces = {"".join(s.split()) for s in spam_words}
sentence = "give me your credit car d inform ation and a rol ex"
tokens = sentence.split()
for length in range(1, len(tokens)):
for t in set(itertools.combinations(tokens, length)):
if "".join(t) in spam_words_no_spaces:
Which prints:
> ('rol', 'ex')
> ('credit', 'car', 'd')
So first create a set of all spam words, then for an easier comparison remove all spaces (although you could adjust the method to consider only correct spacing spam words).
Then split the sentence into tokens and finally get all possible unique consequtive subsequences in the token list (including one-word sequences and the whole sentence without whitespaces), then check if they're in the list of spam words.
If you don't have a list of spam words your best chance would probably be to do general whitespace-correction on the data. Check out Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Post Correction which you can find some pretrained models for. Also check out this thread which talks about how to add spaces to spaceless text and even mentions a python package for that. So in theory you could remove all spaces and then try to split it again into meaningful words to increase the chance the spam words are found. Generally your problem (and the oppositve, missing whitespaces) is called word boundary detection, so you might want to check some ressources on that.
Also you should be aware that modern pretrained models such as common transformer models often use sub-token-level embeddings for unknown words so that they can relatively easiely still combine what they learned for a split and a non-split version of a common word.
As far as I understand it, in Bert's operating logic, he changes 50% of his sentences that he takes as input. It doesn't touch the rest.
1-) Is the changed part the transaction made with tokenizer.encoder? And is this equal to input_ids?
Then padding is done. Creating a matrix according to the specified Max_len. the empty part is filled with 0.
After these, cls tokens are placed per sentence. Sep token is placed at the end of the sentence.
2-) Is input_mask happening in this process?
3 -) In addition, where do we use input_segment?
The input_mask obtained by encoding the sentences does not show the presence of [MASK] tokens. Instead, when the batch of sentences are tokenized, prepended with [CLS], and appended with [SEP] tokens, it obtains an arbitrary length.
To make all the sentences in the batch has fixed number of tokens, zero padding is performed. The input_ids variable shows whether a given token position contians actual token or if it a zero padded position.
Using [MASK] token is using only if you want to train on Masked Language Model(MLM) objective.
BERT is trained on two objectives, MLM and Next Sentence Prediction(NSP). In NSP, you pass two sentences and try to predict if the second sentence is the following sentence of first sentence or not. segment_id holds the information if of which sentence a particular token belongs to.
I have a pre-trained word2vec model that I load to spacy to vectorize new words. Given new text I perform nlp('hi').vector to obtain the vector for the word 'hi'.
Eventually, a new word needs to be vectorized which is not present in the vocabulary of my pre-trained model. In this scenario spacy defaults to a vector filled with zeros. I would like to be able to set this default vector for OOV terms.
import spacy
path_model= '/home/bionlp/spacy.bio_word2vec.model'
print(nlp('abcdef').vector, '\n',nlp('gene').vector)
This code outputs a dense vector for the word 'gene' and a vector full of 0s for the word 'abcdef' (since it's not present in the vocabulary):
My goal is to be able to specify the vector for missing words, so instead of getting a vector full of 0s for the word 'abcdef' you can get (for instance) a vector full of 1s.
If you simply want your plug-vector instead of the SpaCy default all-zeros vector, you could just add an extra step where you replace any all-zeros vectors with yours. For example:
words = ['words', 'may', 'by', 'fehlt']
my_oov_vec = ... # whatever you like
spacy_vecs = [nlp(word) for word in words]
fixed_vecs = [vec if vec.any() else my_oov_vec
for vec in spacy_vecs]
I'm not sure why you'd want to do this. Lots of work with word-vectors simply elides out-of-vocabulary words; using any plug value, including SpaCy's zero-vector, may just be adding unhelpful noise.
And if better handling of OOV words is important, note that some other word-vector models, like FastText, can synthesize better-than-nothing guess-vectors for OOV words, by using vectors learned for subword fragments during training. That's similar to how people can often work out the gist of a word from familiar word-roots.
I am using spaCys NLP model to work out the POS of input data so that the my Markov chains can be a bit more gramatically correct as with the example in the python markovify library found here. However the way that spaCy splits tokens makes it difficult when reconstructing them because certain grammatical elements are also split up for example "don't" becomes ["do", "n't"]. This means that you can't rejoin generated Markov chains simply by space anymore but need to know if the tokens make up one word.
I assumed that the is_left_punct and is_right_punct properties of tokens might relate to this but it doesn't seem to be related. My current code simply accounts for PUNCT tokens but the do n't problem persists.
Is there a property of the tokens that I can use to tell the method that joins sentences together when to omit spaces or some other way to know this?
Spacy tokens have a whitespace_ attribute which is always set.
You can always use that as it will represent actual spaces when they were present, or be an empty string when it was not.
This occurs in cases like you mentioned, when the tokenisation splits a continuous string.
So Token("do").whitespace_ will be the empty string.
For example
[bool(token.whitespace_) for token in nlp("don't")]
Should produce
[False, False]
I have a large string and a large number of smaller substrings and I am trying to check if each substring exists in the larger string and get the position of each of these substrings.
string="some large text here"
sub_strings=["some", "text"]
for each_sub_string in sub_strings:
if each_sub_string in string:
print each_sub_string, string.index(each_sub_string)
The problem is, since I have a large number of substrings (around a million), it takes about an hour of processing time. Is there any way to reduce this time, maybe by using regular expressions or some other way?
The best way to solve this is with a tree implementation. As Rishav mentioned, you're repeating a lot of work here. Ideally, this should be implemented as a tree-based FSM. Imagine the following example:
Large String: 'The cat sat on the mat, it was great'
Small Strings: ['cat', 'sat', 'ca']
Then imagine a tree where each level is an additional letter.
small_lookup = {
['a', {
'a': ['t']
}], {
Apologies for the gross formatting, but I think it's helpful to map back to a python data structure directly. You can build a tree where the top level entries are the starting letters, and they map to the list of potential final substrings that could be completed. If you hit something that is a list element and has nothing more nested beneath you've hit a leaf and you know that you've hit the first instance of that substring.
Holding that tree in memory is a little hefty, but if you've only got a million string this should be the most efficient implementation. You should also make sure that you trim the tree as you find the first instance of words.
For those of you with CS chops, or if you want to learn more about this approach, it's a simplified version of the Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm.
If you're interested in learning more about these approaches there are three main algorithms used in practice:
Aho-Corasick (Basis of fgrep) [Worst case: O(m+n)]
Commentz-Walter (Basis of vanilla GNU grep) [Worst case: O(mn)]
Rabin-Karp (Used for plagiarism detection) [Worst case: O(mn)]
There are domains in which all of these algorithms will outperform the others, but based on the fact that you've got a very high number of sub-strings that you're searching and there's likely a lot of overlap between them I would bet that Aho-Corasick is going to give you significantly better performance than the other two methods as it avoid the O(mn) worst-case scenario
There is also a great python library that implements the Aho-Corasick algorithm found here that should allow you to avoid writing the gross implementation details yourself.
Depending on the distribution of the lengths of your substrings, you might be able to shave off a lot of time using preprocessing.
Say the set of the lengths of your substrings form the set {23, 33, 45} (meaning that you might have millions of substrings, but each one takes one of these three lengths).
Then, for each of these lengths, find the Rabin Window over your large string, and place the results into a dictionary for that length. That is, let's take 23. Go over the large string, and find the 23-window hashes. Say the hash for position 0 is 13. So you insert into the dictionary rabin23 that 13 is mapped to [0]. Then you see that for position 1, the hash is 13 as well. Then in rabin23, update that 13 is mapped to [0, 1]. Then in position 2, the hash is 4. So in rabin23, 4 is mapped to [2].
Now, given a substring, you can calculate its Rabin hash and immediately check the relevant dictionary for the indices of its occurrence (which you then need to compare).
BTW, in many cases, then lengths of your substrings will exhibit a Pareto behavior, where say 90% of the strings are in 10% of the lengths. If so, you can do this for these lengths only.
This is approach is sub-optimal compared to the other answers, but might be good enough regardless, and is simple to implement. The idea is to turn the algorithm around so that instead of testing each sub-string in turn against the larger string, iterate over the large string and test against possible matching sub-strings at each position, using a dictionary to narrow down the number of sub-strings you need to test.
The output will differ from the original code in that it will be sorted in ascending order of index as opposed to by sub-string, but you can post-process the output to sort by sub-string if you want to.
Create a dictionary containing a list of sub-strings beginning each possible 1-3 characters. Then iterate over the string and at each character read the 1-3 characters after it and check for a match at that position for each sub-string in the dictionary that begins with those 1-3 characters:
string="some large text here"
sub_strings=["some", "text"]
# add each of the substrings to a dictionary based the first 1-3 characters
dict = {}
for s in sub_strings:
if s[0:3] in dict:
dict[s[0:3]] = [s];
# iterate over the chars in string, testing words that match on first 1-3 chars
for i in range(0, len(string)):
for j in range(1,4):
char = string[i:i+j]
if char in dict:
for word in dict[char]:
if string[i:i+len(word)] == word:
print word, i
If you don't need to match any sub-strings 1 or 2 characters long then you can get rid of the for j loop and just assign char with char = string[i:3]
Using this second approach I timed the algorithm by reading in Tolstoy's War and Peace and splitting it into unique words, like this:
with open ("warandpeace.txt", "r") as textfile:
string=textfile.read().replace('\n', '')
Doing a complete search for every unique word in the text and outputting every instance of each took 124 seconds.