Extracting data continuously from RDS MySQL schemas in parallel - python

I have got a requirement to extract data from Amazon Aurora RDS instance and load it to S3 to make it a data lake for analytics purposes. There are multiple schemas/databases in one instance and each schema has a similar set of tables. I need to pull selective columns from these tables for all schemas in parallel. This should happen in real-time capturing the DML operations periodically.
There may arise the question of using dedicated services like Data Migration or Copy activity provided by AWS. But I can't use them since the plan is to make the solution cloud platform independent as it could be hosted on Azure down the line.
I was thinking Apache Spark could be used for this, but I got to know it doesn't support JDBC as a source in Structured streaming. I read about multi-threading and multiprocessing techniques in Python for this but have to assess if they are suitable (the idea is to run the code as daemon threads, each thread fetching data from the tables of a single schema in the background and they run continuously in defined cycles, say every 5 minutes). The data synchronization between RDS tables and S3 is also a crucial aspect to consider.
To talk more about the data in the source tables, they have an auto-increment ID field but are not sequential and might be missing a few numbers in between as a result of the removal of those rows due to the inactivity of the corresponding entity, say customers. It is not needed to pull the entire data of a record, only a few are pulled which would be been predefined in the configuration. The solution must be reliable, sustainable, and automatable.
Now, I'm quite confused to decide which approach to use and how to implement the solution once decided. Hence, I seek the help of people who dealt with or know of any solution to this problem statement. I'm happy to provide more info in case it is required to get to the right solution. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


HBase on AWS EMR slow to retrieve data

I am running an AWS EMR cluster with HBase installed, I followed these instructions for setting up the cluster using s3 as the Hbase datastore. The cluster is up and running and I am able to ssh in and use the hbase shell with no problems.
The data we are trying to store is genomic data and very wide. For each row-key, there can be up to 250,000 column keys. We have experimented with different numbers of column families, from grouping all the keys in 1 column family, to using 42 different column families with the column keys spread out amongst them.
To interact with Hbase, we are using happybase in python, which uses thrift to communicate with the primary node. When retrieving a single row-key, it takes around 2.7s to return the result. I was expecting ms data retrieval times for this type of operation. When retrieving. Our configuration is very simple with no additional optimizations done. We are trying to decide if Hbase is the right application for our database needs but given the slow data retrieval times, we are leaning away from it.
I am aware that other large industry players use HBase for their needs and was wondering if anyone knows what things we can try to optimize performance? While these times aren't terrible, the application will eventually need to put thousands of row-keys and retrieve thousands of row-keys for all columns. Given the scaling we have seen so far, it would be untenable for our needs.
I have minimal experience with distributed NoSQL technologies like HBase so any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
Cluster setup:
1 Master node, 3 Core nodes
m4.large instances
Things we have tried:
Adjusting number of column families
Using HDFS instead of s3 as datastore

Migrating large tables using Airflow

I'm new to using Airflow (and newish to Python.)
I need to migrate some very large MySQL tables to s3 files using Airflow. All of the relevant hooks and operators in Airflow seem geared to using Pandas dataframes to load the full SQL output into memory and then transform/export to the desired file format.
This is causing obvious problems for the large tables which cannot fully fit into memory and are failing. I see no way to have Airflow read the query results and save them off to a local file instead of tanking it all up into memory.
I see ways to bulk_dump to output results to a file on the MySQL server using the MySqlHook, but no clear way to transfer that file to s3 (or to Airflow local storage then to s3).
I'm scratching my head a bit because I've worked in Pentaho which would easily handle this problem, but cannot see any apparent solution.
I can try to slice the tables up into small enough chunks that Airflow/Pandas can handle them, but that's a lot of work, a lot of query executions, and there are a lot of tables.
What would be some strategies for moving very large tables from a MySQL server to s3?
You don't have to use Airflow transfer operators if they don't fit to your scale. You can (and probably should) create your very own CustomMySqlToS3Operator with the logic that fits to your process.
Few options:
Don't transfer all the data in one task. slice the data based on dates/number of rows/other. You can use several tasks of CustomMySqlToS3Operator in your workflow. This is not alot of work as you mentioned. This is simply the matter of providing the proper WHERE conditions to the SQL queries that you generate. Depends on the process that you build You can define that every run process the data of a single day thus your WHERE condition is simple date_column between execution_date and next_execution_date (you can read about it in https://stackoverflow.com/a/65123416/14624409 ) . Then use catchup=True to backfill runs.
Use Spark as part of your operator.
As you pointed you can dump the data to local disk and then upload it to S3 using load_file method of S3Hook. This can be done as part of the logic of your CustomMySqlToS3Operator or if you prefer as Python callable from PythonOperator.

Multi-user efficient time-series storing for Django web app

I'm developing a Django app. Use-case scenario is this:
50 users, each one can store up to 300 time series and each time serie has around 7000 rows.
Each user can ask at any time to retrieve all of their 300 time series and ask, for each of them, to perform some advanced data analysis on the last N rows. The data analysis cannot be done in SQL but in Pandas, where it doesn't take much time... but retrieving 300,000 rows in separate dataframes does!
Users can also ask results of some analysis that can be performed in SQL (like aggregation+sum by date) and that is considerably faster (to the point where I wouldn't be writing this post if that was all of it).
Browsing and thinking around, I've figured storing time series in SQL is not a good solution (read here).
Ideal deploy architecture looks like this (each bucket is a separate server!):
Problem: time series in SQL are too slow to retrieve in a multi-user app.
Researched solutions (from this article):
PyStore: https://github.com/ranaroussi/pystore
Arctic: https://github.com/manahl/arctic
Here are some problems:
1) Although these solutions are massively faster for pulling millions of rows time series into a single dataframe, I might need to pull around 500.000 rows into 300 different dataframes. Would that still be as fast?
This is the current db structure I'm using:
class TimeSerie(models.Model):
class TimeSerieRow(models.Model):
date = models.DateField()
timeserie = models.ForeignKey(timeserie)
number = ...
another_number = ...
And this is the bottleneck in my application:
for t in TimeSerie.objects.filter(user=user):
q = TimeSerieRow.objects.filter(timeserie=t).orderby("date")
q = q.filter( ... time filters ...)
df = pd.DataFrame(q.values())
# ... analysis on df
2) Even if PyStore or Arctic can do that faster, that'd mean I'd loose the ability to decouple my db from the Django instances, effictively using resources of one machine way better, but being stuck to use only one and not being scalable (or use as many separate databases as machines). Can PyStore/Arctic avoid this and provide an adapter for remote storage?
Is there a Python/Linux solution that can solve this problem? Which architecture I can use to overcome it? Should I drop the scalability of my app and/or accept that every N new users I'll have to spawn a separate database?
The article you refer to in your post is probably the best answer to your question. Clearly good research and a few good solutions being proposed (don't forget to take a look at InfluxDB).
Regarding the decoupling of the storage solution from your instances, I don't see the problem:
Arctic uses mongoDB as a backing store
pyStore uses a file system as a backing store
InfluxDB is a database server on its own
So as long as you decouple the backing store from your instances and make them shared among instances, you'll have the same setup as for your posgreSQL database: mongoDB or InfluxDB can run on a separate centralised instance; the file storage for pyStore can be shared, e.g. using a shared mounted volume. The python libraries that access these stores of course run on your django instances, like psycopg2 does.

Pandas as fast data storage for Flask application

I'm impressed by the speed of running transformations, loading data and ease of use of Pandas and want to leverage all these nice properties (amongst others) to model some large-ish data sets (~100-200k rows, <20 columns). The aim is to work with the data on some computing nodes, but also to provide a view of the data sets in a browser via Flask.
I'm currently using a Postgres database to store the data, but the import (coming from csv files) of the data is slow, tedious and error prone and getting the data out of the database and processing it is not much easier. The data is never going to be changed once imported (no CRUD operations), so I thought it's ideal to store it as several pandas DataFrame (stored in hdf5 format and loaded via pytables).
The question is:
(1) Is this a good idea and what are the things to watch out for? (For instance I don't expect concurrency problems as DataFrames are (should?) be stateless and immutable (taken care of from application-side)). What else needs to be watched out for?
(2) How would I go about caching the data once it's loaded from the hdf5 file into a DataFrame, so it doesn't need to be loaded for every client request (at least the most recent/frequent dataframes). Flask (or werkzeug) has a SimpleCaching class, but, internally, it pickles the data and unpickles the cached data on access. I wonder if this is necessary in my specific case (assuming the cached object is immutable). Also, is such a simple caching method usable when the system gets deployed with Gunicorn (is it possible to have static data (the cache) and can concurrent (different process?) requests access the same cache?).
I realise these are many questions, but before I invest more time and build a proof-of-concept, I thought I get some feedback here. Any thoughts are welcome.
Answers to some aspects of what you're asking for:
It's not quite clear from your description whether you have the tables in your SQL database only, stored as HDF5 files or both. Something to look out for here is that if you use Python 2.x and create the files via pandas' HDFStore class, any strings will be pickled leading to fairly large files. You can also generate pandas DataFrame's directly from SQL queries using read_sql, for example.
If you don't need any relational operations then I would say ditch the postgre server, if it's already set up and you might need that in future keep using the SQL server. The nice thing about the server is that even if you don't expect concurrency issues, it will be handled automatically for you using (Flask-)SQLAlchemy causing you less headache. In general, if you ever expect to add more tables (files), it's less of an issue to have one central database server than maintaining multiple files lying around.
Whichever way you go, Flask-Cache will be your friend, using either a memcached or a redis backend. You can then cache/memoize the function that returns a prepared DataFrame from either SQL or HDF5 file. Importantly, it also let's you cache templates which may play a role in displaying large tables.
You could, of course, also generate a global variable, for example, where you create the Flask app and just import that wherever it's needed. I have not tried this and would thus not recommend it. It might cause all sorts of concurrency issues.

A good blobstore / memcache solution

Setting up a data warehousing mining project on a Linux cloud server. The primary language is Python .
Would like to use this pattern for querying on data and storing data:
SQL Database - SQL database is used to query on data. However, the SQL database stores only fields that need to be searched on, it does NOT store the "blob" of data itself. Instead it stores a key that references that full "blob" of data in the a key-value Blobstore.
Blobstore - A key-value Blobstore is used to store actual "documents" or "blobs" of data.
The issue that we are having is that we would like more frequently accessed blobs of data to be automatically stored in RAM. We were planning to use Redis for this. However, we would like a solution that automatically tries to get the data out of RAM first, if it can't find it there, then it goes to the blobstore.
Is there a good library or ready-made solution for this that we can use without rolling our own? Also, any comments and criticisms about the proposed architecture would also be appreciated.
Thanks so much!
Rather than using Redis or Memcached for caching, plus a "blobstore" package to store things on disk, I would suggest to have a look at Couchbase Server which does exactly what you want (i.e. serving hot blobs from memory, but still storing them to disk).
In the company I work for, we commonly use the pattern you described (i.e. indexing in a relational database, plus blob storage) for our archiving servers (terabytes of data). It works well when the I/O done to write the blobs are kept sequential. The blobs are never rewritten, but simply appended at the end of a file (it is fine for an archiving application).
The same approach has been also used by others. For instance:
Bitcask (used in Riak): http://downloads.basho.com/papers/bitcask-intro.pdf
Eblob (used in Elliptics project): http://doc.ioremap.net/eblob:eblob
Any SQL database will work for the first part. The Blobstore could also be obtained, essentially, "off the shelf" by using cbfs. This is a new project, built on top of couchbase 2.0, but it seems to be in pretty active development.
CouchBase already tries to serve results out of RAM cache before checking disk, and is fully distributed to support large data sets.
CBFS puts a filesystem on top of that, and already there is a FUSE module written for it.
Since fileststems are effectively the lowest-common-denominator, it should be really easy for you to access it from python, and would reduce the amount of custom code you need to write.
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