I am trying to make a ship on the surface move continuously on screen but it only accepts one key press at a time. I have tried all solutions online and they aren't working.
import pygame
#initialize the pygame module
#set the window size
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720))
#change the title of the window
pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invaders")
#change the icon of the window
icon = pygame.image.load("alien.png")
#add the ship to the window
shipx = 608
shipy = 620
def ship(x, y):
ship = pygame.image.load("spaceship.png").convert()
screen.blit(ship, (x,y))
running = True
while running:
#background screen color
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
#render the ship on the window
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
shipx -= 30
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
shipx += 30
I'm still new to Pygame. How can I fix this?
Its a matter of Indentation. pygame.key.get_pressed() has to be done in the application loop rather than the event loop. Note, the event loop is only executed when
event occurs, but the application loop is executed in every frame:
running = True
while running:
# [...]
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
shipx -= 30
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
shipx += 30
# [...]
The problem that I found is that your application is replying only on one key pressed, not on a continuous movement. When you set the pygame.key.set_repeat function like in the example below, everything should be running smoothly.
import sys
import pygame
#initialize the pygame module
#set the window size
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720))
# Images
ship_img = pygame.image.load("spaceship.png")
ship_rect = ship_img.get_rect()
def draw():
screen.blit(ship_img, ship_rect)
while True:
#background screen color
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
ship_rect = ship_rect.move((-30, 0))
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
ship_rect = ship_rect.move((30, 0))
#render the ship on the window
For me, if I need to move an object in Pygame continuously, a velocity variable can be assigned to control the speed.
Here is part of the code for my robot movement program inside of the game_on loop:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
# Detect keyboard input on your computer check if it is the direction keys
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
print("Left arrow is pressed")
robotX_speed = -60
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
print("Right arrow is pressed")
robotX_speed = 60
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
print("Up arrow is pressed")
robotY_speed = -60
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
print("Down arrow is pressed")
robotY_speed = 60
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
print("Keystoke L/R has been released")
robotX_speed = 0
if event.type == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
print("Keystoke Up/Down has been released")
robotY_speed = 0
# update the coordinates in the while loop
robotX += robotX_speed
robotY += robotY_speed
Hope these codes can help you!
I have been trying out the Pygame game library on my Mac, and when I got to try moving around an image around the game window, for some reason, it doesn't get erased.
The code I tried to run:
import pygame
# Creates the screen.
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([800, 600])
pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invaders")
icon = pygame.image.load("ufo.png")
# Player sprite.
playerImg = pygame.image.load("player.png")
playerX = 350
playerY = 500
playerX_change = 0
# Function to draw the player
def player(x, y):
screen.blit(playerImg, (playerX, playerY))
# Game loop
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
playerX_change = -0.1
print("Left key is pressed!")
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
playerX_change = 0.1
print("Right key is pressed!")
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
playerX_change = 0
playerX += playerX_change
I have tried to run similar code on my PC, and it worked like intended. I have no idea what to do.
You have to clear the screen in every frame:
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True
while running:
# event loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
# update objects
speed = 1
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
playerX += (keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] - keys[pygame.K_LEFT]) * speed
# clear screen
# draw scene
player(playerX, playerY)
# update display
The typical PyGame application loop has to:
limit the frames per second to limit CPU usage with pygame.time.Clock.tick
handle the events by calling either pygame.event.pump() or pygame.event.get().
update the game states and positions of objects dependent on the input events and time (respectively frames)
clear the entire display or draw the background
draw the entire scene (blit all the objects)
update the display by calling either pygame.display.update() or pygame.display.flip()
This question already has answers here:
Why is my pygame application loop not working properly?
(1 answer)
Pygame window freezes when it opens
(1 answer)
How to detect when a rectangular object, image or sprite is clicked
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
For my coursework for computer science I have to make a program but I've ran into issues that I can't find answers to.
Firstly in the section of code highlighted with *** I am trying to make the sprite character1 move which doesn't do anything when I press the arrow keys and don't know why
Secondly is the picture I am using as a button doesn't do anything when i click on it - highlighted with ###
I know my code isn't the most efficient but I'm trying to do what makes sense to me
import pygame
import random
import time
WIDTH = 1080
FPS = 30
x1 = WIDTH/2.25
y1 = HEIGHT/2.5
x2 = WIDTH/20
y2 = HEIGHT/2.5
xbut = 800
ybut = 275
gameTitle = 'Hungry Ghosts'
xChange1 = 0
yChange1 = 0
xChange2 = 0
yChange2 = 0
#define colours
WHITE = (255,255,255)
BLACK = (0,0,0)
MEGAN = (123,57,202)
MOLLIE = (244,11,12)
KATIE = (164,12,69)
#initialise pygame and window
screen =pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH,HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption('Hungry Ghosts')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
#load immages
background_image = pygame.image.load(('purplesky.jpg'))
player1_image = pygame.image.load(('player 1.png')).convert_alpha()
player2_image = pygame.image.load(('player 2.png')).convert_alpha()
position = (0,0)
screen.blit(background_image, position)
startBut = pygame.image.load('button.jpg').convert()
#define functions
def textObjects(gameTitle, font):
textSurface = font.render(gameTitle,True, WHITE)
return textSurface, textSurface.get_rect()
def titleText(gameTitle):
textForTitle = pygame.font.Font('VCR_OSD_MONO_1.001.ttf',115)
TextSurf, TextRect = textObjects(gameTitle, textForTitle)
TextRect.center = ((WIDTH/2),(HEIGHT/6))
def titleButton(xbut,ybut):
def character1(x1,y1):
def character2(x,y):
def homeScreen():
running = True
gameplay = False
instructions = False
home = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
xbut,ybut = event.pos
if startBut.get_rect().collidepoint(xbut,ybut):
print('clicked on button')
def gameLoop():
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
xChange1 = -5
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
xChange1 = 5
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
xChange1 = 0
x1 += xChange1
#calling functions
You have to do the movement and the drawing of the scene in the game loop.
an application loop has to:
handle the events by either pygame.event.pump() or pygame.event.get().
update the game states and positions of objects dependent on the input events and time (respectively frames)
clear the entire display or draw the background
draw the entire scene (blit all the objects)
update the display by either pygame.display.update() or pygame.display.flip()
running = True
def homeScreen():
global running
start = False
home = True
while running and not start:
# handle events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if startBut.get_rect(topleft = (xbut, ybut)).collidepoint(event.pos):
print('clicked on button')
start = True
# draw background
screen.blit(background_image, (0, 0))
# draw scene
# update display
def gameLoop():
global running
global x1, y2, x2, y2, xChange1, yChange1, xChange2, yChange2
while running:
# handle events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
xChange1 = -5
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
xChange1 = 5
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
xChange1 = 0
# update position of objects
x1 += xChange1
# draw background
screen.blit(background_image, (0, 0))
# draw scene
# update display
I am making a Pong game in Python. To do this, I am using pygame. I am trying to make an image move continuously on a keypress. I have tried multiple methods, but none have worked. here is my code for the movement:
import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
import time
try: #try this code
FPS = 120 #fps setting
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 900), 0, 32)
pygame.display.set_caption('Movement with Keys')
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
wheatImg = pygame.image.load('gem4.png')
wheatx = 10
wheaty = 10
direction = 'right'
pygame.mixer.music.load('overworld 8-bit.WAV')
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0)
while True: #main game loop
bign = pygame.event.get()
for event in bign:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_d:
keys_pressed = key.get_pressed()
if keys_pressed[K_d]:
wheatx += 20
#events = pygame.event.get()
#for event in events:
# if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
# if event.key == pygame.K_p:
# pygame.mixer.music.stop()
# time.sleep(1)
# pygame.mixer.music.load('secondscreen.wav')
# pygame.mixer.music.play()
DISPLAYSURF.blit(wheatImg, (wheatx, wheaty))
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
Indentation is normal, I am new to stackoverflow! I have an except, which is why the try is there. Thanks for the help!
This code will move the image down upon the down arrow key being pressed and up if the up arrow key is pressed (should you not be changing the Y-axis and wheaty if the user presses the down key rather than altering wheatx ?). Do similar for the other arrow keys.
while True:
bign = pygame.event.get()
for event in bign:
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
wheaty +=20
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
wheaty -= 20
DISPLAYSURF.blit(wheatImg, (wheatx, wheaty))
I am making a spaceship invaders game in python 3 with pygame. I am currently having troubles with the spaceship sticking making me double tap a left or right arrow key for it to take effect. Here is my code:
import pygame
display_width = 800
display_height = 600
black = (0, 0, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
#Window Size
gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width, display_height))
#Title Of Window
pygame.display.set_caption('A Bit Racey')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
spaceshipImg = pygame.image.load('SpaceShipSmall.png')
def spaceship(x,y):
gameDisplay.blit(spaceshipImg, (x,y))
x = (display_width * 0.45)
y = (display_height * 0.8)
x_change = 0
crashed = False
while not crashed:
# this will listen for any event every fps
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
#change later
crashed = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
x_change = -5
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
x_change = 5
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
x_change = 0
x += x_change
Every time a pygame.KEYUP event is detected for the left or right arrow key you reset x_change. Even when you hold down e.g. your right arrow key a single left arrow key press stops the movement of your spaceship.
To solve this problem you could use the pygame.key.get_pressed() method to get the state of all keyboard buttons. This function returns a sequence of boolean values indexed by pygames key constant values representing the state of every key on the keyboard.
Because you donĀ“t need to call pygame.key.get_pressed() every time an event happens, the updated main loop should look like this:
while not crashed:
# this will listen for any event every fps
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
#change later
crashed = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
x_change = 0
#get the state of all keyboard buttons
pressedKeys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
#change position if pygame.K_LEFT or pygame.K_RIGHT is pressed
if pressedKeys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
x += -5
elif pressedKeys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
x += 5
Notice that a pygame.K_LEFT event has a higher priority than a pygame.K_RIGHT event. You could change this behavior by using two separate if blocks. Many thanks to #sloth for pointing this out!:
#change position if either pygame.K_LEFT or pygame.K_RIGHT is pressed
if pressedKeys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
x += -5
if pressedKeys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
x += 5
I hope this helps you :)
add the following statement before x += x_change:
print (event.type, event.key, x)
this will print the event data and x position to the console.
try your script again, try holding down the left key for 3 seconds, then release, and repeat for the right key. See if you see multiple keydown events while holding down the keys. I think you should only see one keyup event upon release.
I am attempting to make a game where the 'player' (who spawns as the moon furthest to the right) can move around using the 'WASD' keys and enemies fall from the top of the screen in order to hit the player and end the game. I am currently doing this for an assignment and i have set up a test to see whether it is possible for me to do this and so far i have been able to create a 'player' object that is controllable by the 'WASD' keys and make a screen which requires players to press 'SPACE' to play the game. I am having trouble though with being able to have the enemies fall on the 'Y' axis down the screen smoothly. The picture moves down the screen only when the user presses or releases a key, this creates a jagged movement or when the user moves the mouse over the pygame screen, creating a very smooth movement.
#import necessary modules and pygame.
import pygame, sys, random
from pygame.locals import *
#set global variables
BACKGROUNDCOLOUR = (255,255,255)
TEXTCOLOUR = (0,0,0)
FPS = 30
FSIZE = 48
BLUE = (0,0,255)
global PLAY
PLAY = False
global fpsClock
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
# set up pygame and GUI
MainClock = pygame.time.Clock()
windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption('Bubble Dash')
enemy = pygame.image.load('player.jpg')
char = pygame.image.load('player.jpg')
# set up fonts
basicFont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)
# set up the text
text = basicFont.render('Press any key to play!', True, (255,255,0))
textRect = text.get_rect()
textRect.centerx = windowSurface.get_rect().centerx
textRect.centery = windowSurface.get_rect().centery
# draw the text onto the surface
# set up x and y coordinates
# music
windowSurface.blit(text, textRect)
def playgame(PLAY):
x,y = 0,0
movex,movey = 0,0
direction = 'down'
enemyx= 10
while PLAY:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == ord('m'):
if event.key == ord('n'):
if event.key == ord('a'):
movex = -0.5
if event.key == ord('d'):
movex = 0.5
if event.key == ord('w'):
movey = -0.5
if event.key == ord('s'):
movey = 0.5
if event.type ==KEYUP:
if event.key == ord('a'):
movex = 0
if event.key == ord('d'):
movex = 0
if event.key == ord('w'):
movey = 0
if event.key == ord('s'):
movey = 0
if direction == 'down':
enemyy += 7
windowSurface.blit(char, (charx, chary))
windowSurface.blit(enemy, (enemyx, enemyy))
def playertopresskey(PLAY):
while True: # main game loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_SPACE:
PLAY = True
if PLAY == True:
I would like for the 'enemy' object to be able to fall from the top without the user either needing to keypress or to key up or to have to move the mouse on the screen, rather the 'enemy' would just fall from the top as soon as the subroutine is called.
You may need to tweak it a bit because it is set up for me at the moment but i deleted a few things that would give you bother. Hopefully someone can help me. Thanks.
The below is link to a picture similar to mine which you can download and replace in the code for both the 'char' and the 'enemy' variables to view this yourself for i cannot access the courses at the present time.
I found your error, you would have caught it yourself if you would have divided your code into some functions. Here is the problem:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.type == KEYUP:
if direction == 'down':
enemyy += 7
your code moving the enemy is called only when an event is waiting in the queue. Move it out of the loop, and you will be good to go.
You have to change indention for:
if direction == 'down':
enemyy += 7
Now it is inside for event in pygame.event.get():