How to programmatically delete a specific plot in mayavi - python

I made a bunch of plots using stuff like
plot_to_delete_later = mlab.points3d(...)
I want to remove this later on, but keep the other plots. I can do this in the GUI (see image), but can't seem to find the trick to doing it in code.
Any help much appreciated.


Hosting interactive matplotlib plots online

I've built a simple program using matplotlib widgets to label a series of images for a classification task (see image below). My script adds the label and filename to a pandas dataframe depending on the button chosen in the window and moves on to the next image. When finished saves the whole dataframe to a csv.
Example Labelling Interface
I chose to build it rather than use something already out there as most programs seemed too complicated for the type of problem I have and I was hoping for a quick labelling solution - here it's just a simple click of a button and it's on to the next image.
My initial plan was to have a labelling program which I can host somewhere (something like AWS or Azure) in an app where others could simply go to a link and help with classifying some images, however I've found it hard to find anything on this.
I'm looking for general advice on if
a) hosting mpl interactive plots online is possible (if so any information would be greatly appreciated)
b) there's a simpler way to package this together to distribute to others without hosting online
c) there's a much better solution which I've somehow missed
Thanks in advance for any help!

Combining two .T.plots into one graph

So looking around i've seen a few posts about combining graphs online,but none seem to apply to the graphs im using. while i'm happy to use matplotlib I can't seem to get my code to work in that while it does work in panda.
df = pd.read_excel (r'FILE-Location', index_col='PT: TD: BP')
These are the two seperate plots I wish to plot onto the same graph. I know it's a weird request and I could very easily combine them by making it [1:3] however I wish to keep them seperate as I plan to have them as options on tkinter, in which you can check a box of which lines you would like displayed, in order to do this I have to keep them seperate.
Thanks for any help solving this.
Edit: thanks for linking a similiar post, I tested the methods given there and they all seemed to simply plot into four seperate graphs within the same figure, while im looking for all four overlayed onto the same graph.

matplotlib plot line with color controlled by a third variable, ask for better solution

I know there are several questions about this in stackoverflow, but the current solution still has some problems.
I am following the solution provided by using LineCollection.
Actually it works. But when I save the figure into PDF file. After zooming in, it looks not very good. The size of PDF file is hundreds of times of simply plot without changing color. I understand why it looks like this. Is there any idea to plot the color-line smoother?

How to draw a graph that can indicate the values when the mouse moves to some part of the graph in python and put it on the web page?

I'm writing a web interface for a database of genes values of some experiments with CGI in Python and I want to draw a graph for the data queried. I'm using matplotlib.pyplot, draw a graph, save it, and perform it on the web page. But usually there are many experiments queried hence there are a lot of values. Sometimes I want to know which experiment does one value belong to because it's a big value, whereas it's hard to identify because the picture is small in size. The names of the experiments are long strings so that it will mess the x axis if I put all the experiment names on the x axis.
So I wonder if there is a way to draw a graph that can interact with users, i.e. if I point my mouse to some part on the graph, there would be one small window appears and tells me the exact value and what is the experiment name here. And the most important is, I can use this function when I put the graph on the web page.
Thank you.
What you want is basically D3.js rendering of your plots. As far as I know, there are currently three great ways of achieving this, all under rapid development:
MPLD3 for creating graphs with Matplotlib and serving them as interactive web graphics (see examples in Jake's blog post).
Plotly where you can either generate the plots directly via Plotly or from Matplotlib figures (e.g. using matplotlylib) and have them served by Plotly.
Bokeh if you do not mind moving away from Matplotlib.

Scientific Plotting in Python

I have a large data set of tuples containing (time of event, latitude, longitude) that I need to visualize. I was hoping to generate a 'movie'-like xy-plot, but was wondering if anyone has a better idea or if there is an easy way to do this in Python?
Thanks in advance for the help,
get matplotlib
The easiest option is matplotlib. Two particular solutions that might work for you are:
1) You can generate a series of plots, each a snapshot at a given time. These can either be displayed as a dynamic plot in matplotlib, where the axes stay the same and the data moves around; or you can save the series of plots to separate files and later combine them to make a movie (using a separate application). There a number of examples in the official examples for doing these things.
2) A simple scatter plot, where the colors of the circles changes with time might work well for your data. This is super easy. See this, for example, which produces this figure
alt text
I'd try rpy. All the power of R, from within python.
rpy is awesome.
Check out the CRAN library for animations,
Of course, you have to learn a bit about R to do this, but if you're planning to do this kind of thing routinely in future it will be well worth your while to learn.
If you are interested in scientific plotting using Python then have a look at Mlab:
It allows you to plot 2d / 3d and animate your data and the quality of the charts is really high.
Enthought's Chaco is designed for interactive/updating plots. the api and such takes a little while to get use to, but once you're there it's a fantastic framework to work with.
I have had reasonable success with Python applications generating SVG with animation features embedded, but this was with a smaller set of elements than what you probably have. For example, if your data is about a seismic event, show a circle that shows up when the event happened and grows in size matching the magnitude of the event. A moving indicator over a timeline is really simple to add.
Kaleidoscope (Opera, others maybe, Safari not) shows lots of pieces moving around and I found inspirational. Lots of other good SVG tutorial content on the site too.
You might want to look at PyQwt. It's a plotting library which works with Qt/PyQt.
Several of the PyQwt examples (in the qt4examples directory) show how to create "moving" / dynamically changing plots -- look at,,

