Why I can't scrape that large XML file using Python? - python

Does anyone know why this code doesn't do the job? It works perfectly when I want to scrape smaller files with data from a certain date e.g only from 2017 but not with this one. Is this file too big or something? There's no error or anything like that. Every time I run this script but with mentioned smaller file It takes about 30 seconds to download everything and save into a database so there are no mistakes in code I think. After running the script I'm just getting "Process finished with exit code 0" and nothing more.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request
from app import db
from models import CveData
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
url = "https://cve.mitre.org/data/downloads/allitems.xml"
r = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
xml = BeautifulSoup(r, 'xml')
vuln = xml.findAll('Vulnerability')
for element in vuln:
note = element.findAll('Notes')
title = element.find('CVE').text
for element in note:
desc = element.find(Type="Description").text
test_date = element.find(Title="Published")
if test_date is None:
date = test_date.text
data = CveData(title,date,desc)
print("adding... " + title)
# don't stop the stream, ignore the duplicates
except IntegrityError:

I downloaded the file that you said didn't work, and the one you said did and ran these two greps with different results:
grep -c "</Vulnerability>" allitems-cvrf-year-2019.xml
grep -c "</Vulnerability>" allitems.xml
The program is not stopping on opening the file, it is running to completion. You aren't getting any output because there are no Vulnerability tags in the xml file. (Now my grep is not technically accurate, as I believe there could be spaces in the Vulnerability closing tag, but I doubt that is the case here.)


How to print selected text from JSON file using Python

I'm new to python and have undertaken my first project to automate something for my role (I'm in the network space, so forgive me if this is terrible!).
I'm required to to download a .json file from the below link:
My script goes through and retrieves the manual download link.
The reason I'm getting the URL in this way, is that the download link changes every fortnight when MS update the file.
My preference is to extract the "addressPrefixes" contents from the names of "AzureCloud.australiacentral", "AzureCloud.australiacentral2", "AzureCloud.australiaeast", "AzureCloud.australiasoutheast".
I'm then wanting to strip out characters of " & ','.
Each of the subnet ranges should then reside on a new line and be placed in a text file.
If I perform the below, I'm able to get the output that I am wanting.
Am I correct in thinking that I can use a for loop to achieve this? If so, would it be better to use a Python dictionary as opposed to using JSON formatted output?
# Script to check Azure IPs
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Import Modules for script
import requests
import re
import json
import urllib.request
search = 'https://download.*?\.json'
ms_dl_centre = "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=56519"
requests_get = requests.get(ms_dl_centre)
json_url_search = re.search(search, requests_get.text)
json_file = json_url_search.group(0)
with urllib.request.urlopen(json_file) as url:
contents = json.loads(url.read().decode())
print(json.dumps(contents['values'][1]['properties']['addressPrefixes'], indent = 0)) #use this to print contents from json entry 1
I'm not convinced that using re to parse HTML is a good idea. BeautifulSoup is more suited to the task. Upon inspection of the HTML response I note that there's a span element of class file-link-view1 that seems to uniquely identify the URL to the JSON download. Assuming that to be a robust approach (i.e. Microsoft don't change the way the download URL is presented) then this is how I'd do it:-
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
namelist = ["AzureCloud.australiacentral", "AzureCloud.australiacentral2",
"AzureCloud.australiaeast", "AzureCloud.australiasoutheast"]
baseurl = 'https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=56519'
with requests.Session() as session:
response = session.get(baseurl)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
downloadurl = soup.find('span', class_='file-link-view1').find('a')['href']
response = session.get(downloadurl)
json = response.json()
for n in json['values']:
if n['name'] in namelist:
for ap in n['properties']['addressPrefixes']:
#andyknight, thanks for your direction. I'd up vote you but as I'm a noob, it doesn't permit from doing so.
I've taken the basis of your python script and added in some additional components.
I removed the print statement for the region name in the .txt file, as this is file is referenced by a firewall, which is looking for IP addresses.
I've added in Try/Except/Else for portion of the script, to identify if there is ever an error with reaching the URL, or other unspecified error. I've leveraged logging to send an email based on the status of the script. If an exception is thrown I get an email with traceback information, otherwise I receive an email advising the script was successful.
This writes out the specific prefixes for AU regions into a .txt file.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import logging
import logging.handlers
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
smtp_handler = logging.handlers.SMTPHandler(mailhost=("sanitised.smtp[.]xyz", 25),
subject=u"Check Azure IP Script completion status.")
logger = logging.getLogger()
namelist = ["AzureCloud.australiacentral", "AzureCloud.australiacentral2",
"AzureCloud.australiaeast", "AzureCloud.australiasoutheast"]
baseurl = 'https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=56519'
with requests.Session() as session:
response = session.get(baseurl)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
downloadurl = soup.find('span', class_='file-link-view1').find('a')['href']
response = session.get(downloadurl)
json = response.json()
for n in json['values']:
if n['name'] in namelist:
for ap in n['properties']['addressPrefixes']:
with open('Check_Azure_IPs.txt', 'a') as file:
file.write(ap + "\n")
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
"URL is no longer valid, please check the URL that's defined in this script with MS, as this may have changed.\n\n")
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Unknown error has occured, please review script")
logger.info("Script has run successfully! Azure IPs have been updated.")
Please let me know if you think there is a better way to handle this, otherwise this is marked as answered. I appreciate your help greatly!

Beautifulsoup unable to get data from mds-data-table from morningstar

I'm trying to get the dividend information from morningstar.
The following code works for scraping info from finviz but the dividend information is not the same as my broker platform.
symbol = 'bxs'
morningstar_url = 'https://www.morningstar.com/stocks/xnys/' + symbol + '/dividends'
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
response = http.request('GET', morningstar_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.data, 'lxml')
html = list(soup.children)[1]
[type(item) for item in list(soup.children)]
def display_elements(L, show = 0):
test = list(L.children)
for i in range(len(test)):
test = display_elements(html,1)
I have no issue printing out the elements but cannot find the element that houses the information such as "Total Yield %" of 2.8%. How do I get inside the mds-data-table to extract the information?
Great question! I've actually worked on this specifically, but years ago. Morningstar will only load the tables after running a script to prevent this exact type of scraping behavior. If you view source generally, immediately on load, you won't be able to see any HTML.
What your going to want to do is find the JavaScript code that is loading the elements, and hook up bs4 to use that. You'll have to poke around the files, but somewhere deep in those js files, you'll find a dynamic URL. It'll be hidden, but it'll be in there somewhere. I'll go look at some of my old code and see if i can find something that helps.
So here's an edited sample of what used to work for me:
from urllib.request import urlopen
exchange = 'NYSE'
ticker = 'V'
if exchange == 'NYSE':
exchange_code = "XNYS"
elif exchange in ["NasdaqNM", "NASDAQ"]:
exchange_code = "XNAS"
logging.info("Unknown Exchange Code for {}".format(stock.symbol))
time_now = int(time.time())
time_delay = int(time.time()+150)
morningstar_raw = urlopen(f'http://financials.morningstar.com/ajax/ReportProcess4HtmlAjax.html?&t={exchange_code}:{ticker}&region=usa&culture=en-US&cur=USD&reportType=is&period=12&dataType=A&order=asc&columnYear=5&rounding=3&view=raw&r=354589&callback=jsonp{time_now}&_={time_delay}')
Granted this solution is from a file lasted edited sometime in 2018, and they may have changed up their scripting, but you can find this and much more on my github project wxStocks

How can i keep a python app running 24/7 on host?

I wrote a mini-app, that scrapes my school's Website then looks for the title of the last post, compare it to the old title, if it's not the same, it then sends me an email.
In order for the app to work properly it needs to keep running 24/7 so that the value of the title variable is correct.
Here's the code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import schedule, time
import sys
import smtplib
#Mailing Info
from_addr = ''
to_addrs = ['']
message = """From: sender
To: receiver
Subject: New Post
A new post has been published
visit the website to view it:
def send_mail(msg):
s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
s.sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg)
except smtplib.SMTPException as e:
URL = ''
title = 'Hello World'
def check():
global title
global message
page = requests.get(URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
main_section = soup.find('section', id='spacious_featured_posts_widget-2')
first_div = main_section.find('div', class_='tg-one-half')
current_title = first_div.find('h2', class_='entry-title').find('a')['title']
if current_title != title:
title = current_title
send_mail("Nothing New")
while True:
So my question is How do I keep this code running on host using Cpanel?
I know I can use cron jobs to run it every like 2 hours or something, but I don't know how to keep the script itself running, using a terminal doesn't work when I close the page the app gets terminated
So - generally to run programs for an extended period, they would need to be daemonised. Essentially disconnected from your terminal with a double-fork, and a set-sid. Having that said, I've never actually done it myself, since it was usually either (a) the wrong solution, or (b) it's re-inventing the wheel (https://github.com/thesharp/daemonize).
In this case, I think a better course of action would be to invoke the script every 6 hours, rather than have it internally do something every 6 hours. Making your program resilient to a restart is pretty much how most systems are kept reliable, and putting them in a 'cradle' that automatically restarts them.
In your case, I'd suggest saving the title to a file, and reading from and writing to that file when the script is invoked. It would make your script simplier, and more robust, and you'd be using battle-hardened tools for the job.
A couple of years down the line, when your writing code that needs to survive the total machine crashing, and being replaced (within 6 hours, with everything installed) you can use some external form of storage (like a database) instead of a file, to make your system even more resiliant.

How to download books automatically from Gutenberg

I am trying to download books from "http://www.gutenberg.org/". I want to know why my code gets nothing.
import requests
import re
import os
import urllib
def get_response(url):
response = requests.get(url).text
return response
def get_content(html):
reg = re.compile(r'(<span class="mw-headline".*?</span></h2><ul><li>.*</a></li></ul>)',re.S)
return re.findall(reg,html)
def get_book_url(response):
reg = r'a href="(.*?)"'
return re.findall(reg,response)
def get_book_name(response):
reg = re.compile('>.*</a>')
return re.findall(reg,response)
def download_book(book_url,path):
path = ''.join(path.split())
path = 'F:\\books\\{}.html'.format(path) #my local file path
if not os.path.exists(path):
def get_url_name(start_url):
content = get_content(get_response(start_url))
for i in content:
book_url = get_book_url(i)
if book_url:
book_name = get_book_name(i)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_url = 'http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Category:Classics_Bookshelf'
I have run the code and get nothing, no tracebacks. How can I download the books automatically from the website?
I have run the code and get nothing,no tracebacks.
Well, there's no chance you get a traceback in the case of an exception in download_book() since you explicitely silent them:
So the very first thing you want to do is to at least print out errors:
except exception as e:
print("while downloading book {} : got error {}".format(book_url[0], e)
or just don't catch exception at all (at least until you know what to expect and how to handle it).
I don't even know how to fix it
Learning how to debug is actually even more important than learning how to write code. For a general introduction, you want to read this first.
For something more python-specific, here are a couple ways to trace your program execution:
1/ add print() calls at the important places to inspect what you really get
2/ import your module in the interactive python shell and test your functions in isolation (this is easier when none of them depend on global variables)
3/ use the builtin step debugger
Now there are a few obvious issues with your code:
1/ you don't test the result of request.get() - an HTTP request can fail for quite a few reasons, and the fact you get a response doesn't mean you got the expected response (you could have a 400+ or 500+ response as well.
2/ you use regexps to parse html. DONT - regexps cannot reliably work on html, you want a proper HTML parser instead (BeautifulSoup is the canonical solution for web scraping as it's very tolerant). Also some of your regexps look quite wrong (greedy match-all etc).
start_url is not defined in main()
You need to use a global variable. Otherwise, a better (cleaner) approach is to pass in the variable that you are using. In any case, I would expect an error, start_url is not defined
def main(start_url):
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_url = 'http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Category:Classics_Bookshelf'
Nevermind, the problem is in this line: content = get_content(get_response(start_url))
The regex in get_content() does not seem to match anything. My suggestion would be to use BeautifulSoup, from bs4 import BeautifulSoup. For any information regarding why you shouldn't parse html with regex, see this answer RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
Asking regexes to parse arbitrary HTML is like asking a beginner to write an operating system
As others have said, you get no output because your regex doesn't match anything. The text returned by the initial url has got a newline between </h2> and <ul>, try this instead:
r'(<span class="mw-headline".*?</span></h2>\n<ul><li>.*</a></li></ul>)'
When you fix that one, you will face another error, I suggest some debug printouts like this:
def get_url_name(start_url):
content = get_content(get_response(start_url))
for i in content:
print('[DEBUG] Handling:', i)
book_url = get_book_url(i)
print('[DEBUG] book_url:', book_url)
if book_url:
book_name = get_book_name(i)
print('[DEBUG] book_url[0]:', book_url[0])
print('[DEBUG] book_name[0]:', book_name[0])

Checking ALL links within links from a source HTML, Python

My code is to search a Link passed in the command prompt, get the HTML code for the webpage at the Link, search the HTML code for links on the webpage, and then repeat these steps for the links found. I hope that is clear.
It should print out any links that cause errors.
Some more needed info:
The max visits it can do is 100.
If a website has an error, a None value is returned.
Python3 is what I am using
s = readwebpage(url)... # This line of code gets the HTML code for the link(url) passed in its argument.... if the link has an error, s = None.
The HTML code for that website has links that end in p2.html, p3.html, p4.html, and p5.html on its webpage. My code reads all of these, but it does not visit these links individually to search for more links. If it did this, it should search through these links and find a link that ends in p10.html, and then it should report that the link ending with p10.html has errors. Obviously it doesn't do that at the moment, and it's giving me a hard time.
My code..
url = args.url[0]
url_list = [url]
checkedURLs = []
AmountVisited = 0
while (url_list and AmountVisited<maxhits):
url = url_list.pop()
s = readwebpage(url)
print("testing url: http",url) #Print the url being tested, this code is here only for testing..
AmountVisited = AmountVisited + 1
if s == None:
print("* bad reference to http", url)
urls_list = re.findall(r'href="http([\s:]?[^\'" >]+)', s) #Creates a list of all links in HTML code starting with...
while urls_list: #... http or https
insert = urls_list.pop()
while(insert in checkedURLs and urls_list):
insert = urls_list.pop()
checkedURLs = insert
Please help :)
Here is the code you wanted. However, please, stop using regexes for parsing HTML. BeautifulSoup is the way to go for that.
import re
from urllib import urlopen
def readwebpage(url):
print "testing ",current
return urlopen(url).read()
url = 'http://xrisk.esy.es' #put starting url here
yet_to_visit= [url]
visited_urls = []
AmountVisited = 0
maxhits = 10
while (yet_to_visit and AmountVisited<maxhits):
print yet_to_visit
current = yet_to_visit.pop()
AmountVisited = AmountVisited + 1
html = readwebpage(current)
if html == None:
print "* bad reference to http", current
r = re.compile('(?<=href=").*?(?=")')
links = re.findall(r,html) #Creates a list of all links in HTML code starting with...
for u in links:
if u in visited_urls:
elif u.find('http')!=-1:
print links
Not Python but since you mentioned you aren't tied strictly to regex, I think you might find some use in using wget for this.
wget --spider -o C:\wget.log -e robots=off -w 1 -r -l 10 http://www.stackoverflow.com
Broken down:
--spider: When invoked with this option, Wget will behave as a Web spider, which means that it will not download the pages, just check that they are there.
-o C:\wget.log: Log all messages to C:\wget.log.
-e robots=off: Ignore robots.txt
-w 1: set a wait time of 1 second
-r: set recursive search on
-l 10: sets the recursive depth to 10, meaning wget will only go as deep as 10 levels in, this may need to change depending on your max requests
http://www.stackoverflow.com: the URL you want to start with
Once complete, you can review the wget.log entries to determine which links had errors by searching for something like HTTP status codes 404, etc.
I suspect your regex is part of your problem. Right now, you have http outside your capture group, and [\s:] matches "some sort of whitespace (ie \s) or :"
I'd change the regex to: urls_list = re.findall(r'href="(.*)"',s). Also known as "match anything in quotes, after href=". If you absolutely need to ensure the http[s]://, use r'href="(https?://.*)"' (s? => one or zero s)
EDIT: And with actually working regex, using a non-greedly glom: href=(?P<q>[\'"])(https?://.*?)(?P=q)'
(Also, uh, while it's not technically necessary in your case because re caches, I think it's good practice to get into the habit of using re.compile.)
I think it's awfully nice that all of your URLs are full URLs. Do you have to deal with relative URLs at all?

