Say I have orthogonal vectors of dimension n. I have two questions:
How to create/initialize n such orthogonal vectors in python using the existing packages (numpy, scipy, pytorch etc)? Ideally these basis vectors should be as random as possible given the constraints, that is avoiding values such as 1,0,-1 as much as possible.
How can I rotate them by an angle alpha so that they remain orthogonal in high dimensional space? Again, I would like to do this in python, preferably using existing implementation in some of the packages.
You could do a QR decomposition of a random matrix, and set the R-component to zero. This will yield a random orthogonal matrix.
Vary one of the Givens angles in the Q components and you get a random rotation.
I have an answer to your first question and some thoughts on how to approach the second.
import numpy as np
#let's say we're working in 5-D space
n = 5
#set of orthogonal basis vectors
basis_vectors = []
for _ in range(n):
vector = np.random.randn(n)
for basis_vector in basis_vectors:
vector -= * vector
#uncomment following to make basis orthonormal
#vector /= np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis)
for a_i in range(n):
for b_i (a_i + 1, n):
assert np.allclose(basis_vectors[a_i].dot(basis_vectors[b_i]), 0)
Because you want to rotate both vectors in the same manner, there must be a way to preserve information on the way each rotation is carried out (e.g. rotation matrix, rotation quaternion).
Preexisting implementations of 3D Rotation matrices include the Scipy function scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_rotvec and Python's quaternion module (see henneray's answer), but these are only for 3D vectors. Unless I've overlooked something, it'd be necessary to implement ND rotation from scratch.
Here's a general outline of the steps I would take:
Find 2 linearly independent ND basis vectors of the 2D plane in which you want to rotate the two vectors. (the vectors you want to rotate, a and b, aren't necessarily on this plane)
Find the remaining (N-2)D basis vectors that are linearly independent to these first 2 vectors. Combined the N basis vectors should span the ND space.
Break up each of the two N-D orthogonal vectors you want to rotate into the sum of two vectors: 1) the vectors' projections onto the 2D plane you've constructed and 2) the "remainder" of the vector that doesn't fall on the 2D plane. Set this "remainder" aside for now.
Perform a change of basis on the projected N-D vectors so that they can be expressed as the product of a 2D vector and an Nx2 matrix, which has its columns set to each of the corresponding basis vectors calculated. Keep in mind that the 2D vector is now in a modified coordinate space, not the original.
Construct the 2D rotation matrix corresponding to the desired rotation within the 2D plane identified in the first step. Perform the rotation transformation on the 2D vectors.
Transform the rotated 2D vectors back into ND vectors in the main coordinate system by multiplying the by the Nx2 matrix.
Add the "remainder" set aside earlier back to the mapped ND vector.
The resulting two vectors have been rotated by an arbitrary angle on a particular 2D plane, but maintain orthogonality.
I hope these ideas help you. Take care.
I found a scipy function that can do 1, ortho_group, still wondering about 2.
>>> from scipy.stats import ortho_group
>>> m = ortho_group.rvs(dim=4)
>>> m
array([[-0.25952499, 0.435163 , 0.04561972, 0.86092902],
[-0.44123728, -0.38814758, -0.80217271, 0.10568846],
[ 0.16909943, -0.80707234, 0.35548632, 0.44007851],
[-0.8422362 , -0.0927839 , 0.47756387, -0.23229737]])
array([[ 1.00000000e+00, -1.68203864e-16, 1.75471554e-16,
[-1.68203864e-16, 1.00000000e+00, -1.18506045e-16,
[ 1.75471554e-16, -1.18506045e-16, 1.00000000e+00,
[ 9.74154717e-17, -1.81879209e-16, 1.16692720e-16,
I've got a set of 3D-points in a projective space and I want to transform them into a metric 3D space so that I could measure distances in meters.
In order to do so, I need a 3D to 3D homography, which is a 4x4 matrix with 15 degrees of freedom (so I need 5 3D-points to get 15 equations).
I have a set of these 5 3D-points from the projective space and their corresponding 5 3D-points aligned in the metric space (which I expect the 5 projective points to be transformed to).
I can't figure out how to estimate the homography matrix. At first I tried:
A=np.vstack([p1101.T, p1111.T, p0101.T, p0001.T, p0011.T])
b=np.array([[1,1,0,1], [1,1,1,1], [0,1,0,1], [0,0,0,1], [0,0,1,1]])
x, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(A,b)
H = x.T
where p1101 is a [X,Y,Z,1] point which corresponds to [1,1,0,1] in the 3D metric space, etc..
However, this is not correct since I'm in projective space, so I need to create somehow an equation set where I divide the rows of H with its last or something like that.
I thought maybe there is an implemented method that will do it for me, for example in opencv, but didn't find. Any help would be appreciated.
I finally solved this question with a friend, and would like to share the solution.
Since in projective space, one needs to solve an equation set where the homogene coordinate of the outcome is the denominator of each other coordinate. i.e, if you want to find a 4x4 homography matrix H, and you have matching 3D points x and b (b is in the meteric space), you'll need to optimize the search of H parameters such that H applied on x will give a vector v with 4 coordinates, such that all the first three coordinates of v divided by the last coordinate are b. written in numpy:
v =
v = v[:3]/v[3]
v == b # True
mathematically, the optimization is based on this (this is focused on the first coordinate only, for simplicity, but other coordinates are done the same way):
so in python one needs to arrange the equations for the solver in the explained manner, with 5 matching points. The way that was purposed in the question is good (just didn't solve the right problem), and in these terms it will make Ax=b least squares optimization such that A is 15x15 matrix, and b is a 15 dimensional vector.
Each matching point generates 3 equations, then 5 matching points will generate 15 equations built into the matrix A, thus solving the 15 DOF of the 3D homography H.
I have a 3d numpy array representing an object with cells as voxels and the voxels having values from 1 to 10. I would like to compress the image (a) to make it smaller and (b) to get a quick idea later on of how complex the image is by compressing it to a minimum level of agreement with the original image.
I have used SVD to do this with 2D images and seeing how many singular values were required but it looks to have difficulty with 3D ones. If e.g. I look at the diagonal terms in the S matrix, they are all zero and I was expecting singular values.
Is there any way I can use svd to compress 3D arrays (e.g. flattening in some way)? Or are other methods more appropriate? If necessary I could probably simplify the voxel values to 0 or 1.
You could essentially apply the same principle to the 3D data without flattening it. There are some algorithms to separate N-dimensional matrices, such as the CP-ALS (using Alternating Least Squares) and this is implemented in the package sktensor. You can use the package to decompose the tensor given a rank:
from sktensor import dtensor, cp_als
T = dtensor(X)
rank = 5
P, fit, itr, exectimes = cp_als(T, rank, init='random')
With X being your data. You could then use the weights weights = P.lmbda to reconstruct the original array X and calculate the reconstruction error, as you would do with SVD.
Other decomposition methods for 3D data (or in general tensors) include the Tucker Decomposition or the Canonical Decomposition (also available in the same package).
It is not directly a 3D SVD, but all the methods above can be used to analyze the principal components of your data.
Find bellow (just for completeness) an image of the tucker decomposition:
And bellow another image of the decomposition that CP-ALS (optimization algorithm) tries to obtain:
Image credits to:
What you want is a higher order svd/Tucker decomposition.
In the 3D case, you will get three projection matrices (one for each dimension) and a low rank core tensor (a 3D array).
You can do this easily using TensorLy:
from tensorly.decomposition import tucker
core, factors = tucker(tensor, ranks=[2, 3, 4])
Here, core will have shape (2, 3, 4) and len(factors) will be 3, one factor for each dimension.
I have a set of numpy.arrays of NXM (two dimensions: Range and Azimuth).
I need to form a stack of three dimensions and extract a single dimension vector to compute a covariance matrix (the red vectors in the picture).
How i do this efficiently and easy in Python?
You can make a 3D numpy array pretty easily and then just use the indexing to pull out the bits that you're interested in:
stackOfImages = np.array((image1, image2)) #iterate over these if many more
redData = stackOfImages[:, N-1, M-1]
I have been trying to find a fast algorithm of calculating all the angle between n vectors that are of length x. For example if x=3 and n=4, my data would look something like this:
A: [1,2,3]
B: [2,3,4]
C: [...]
D: [...]
I was wondering is it acceptable to find the the angle between all of be vectors (A,B,C,D) with respect to some fix vector (i.e. X:[100,100,100,100]) and then the subtract the angles of (A,B,C,D) found with respect to that fixed value, to find the angle between all of them. I want to do this because I would only have to compute the angle once and then I can subtract angles all of my vectors to find the different between them. In short, I want to know is it safe to make this assumption?
angle_between(A,B) == angle_between(A,X) - angle_between(B,X)
and the angle_between function is the Cosine similarity.
That approach will only work for 2-D vectors. For higher dimensions any two vectors will define a hyperplane, and only if the third (reference) vector also lies within this hyperplane will your approach work. Unfortunately instead of only calculating n angles and subtracting, in order to determine the angles between each pair of vectors you would have to calculate all n choose 2 of them.
I want dimensionality reduction such that dimensions it returns are circular.
ex) If I reduce 12d data to 2d, normalized between 0 and 1, then I want (0,0) to be as equally close to (.1,.1) as (.9,.9).
What is my algorithm? (bonus points for python implementation)
PCA gives me 2d plane of data, whereas I want spherical surface of data.
Make sense? Simple? Inherent problems? Thanks.
I think what you ask is all about transformation.
I want (0,0) to be as equally close to (.1,.1) as (.9,.9).
Taking your approach of normalization what you could do is to
map the values in the interval from [0.5, 1] to [0.5, 0]
If you want to use a distance metric, you could first compute the distances and then do the same. For instance taking the correlation, you could do 1-abs(corr). Since the correlation is between [-1, 1] positive and negative correlations will give values close to zero, while non correlated data will give values close to one. Then, having computed the distances you use MDS to get your projection.
PCA gives me 2d plane of data, whereas I want spherical surface of data.
Since you want a spherical surface you can directly transform the 2-d plane to a sphere as I think. A spherical coordinate system with a constant Z would do that, wouldn't it?
Another question is then: Is all this a reasonable thing to do?