Populating a column based off of values in another column - python

Hi I am working with pandas to manipulate some lab data. I currently have a data frame with 5 columns.
The first three columns(Analyte,CAS NO(1), and Value) are in the correct order.
The last two columns(CAS NO 2 and Value 2) are not.
Is there a way to align CAS No(2) and Value(2) with the first three columns based off of matching CAS Numbers(aka CAS NO(2)=CAS(NO1).
I am new to python and pandas. Thank you for your help

you can reorder the columns by reassigning the df variable as a slice of itself indexed on a list whose entries are the column names in question.
colidx = ['Analyte', 'CAS NO(1)', 'CAS NO(2)']
df = df[colidx]

Better provide input data in text format so we can copy-paste it. I understand you question like this: You need to sort two last columns together, so that CAS NO(2) matches CAS NO(1).
Since CAS NO(2)=CAS(NO1) you then do not need duplicated CAS NO(2) column, right?
Split off two last columns and make a Series from it, then convert that series to dict, and use that dict to map new values.
# Split 2 last columns and assign index.
df_tmp = df[['CAS NO(2)', 'Value(2)']]
df_tmp = df_tmp.set_index('CAS NO(2)')
# Keep only 3 first columns of original dataframe
df = df[['Analyte',' CASNo(1)', 'Value(1)']]
# Now copy the CasNO(1) to CAS NO(2)
df['CAS NO(2)'] = df['CasNO(1)']
# Now create Value(2) column on original dataframe
df['Value(2)'] = df['CASNo(1)'].map(df_tmp.to_dict()['Value(2)'])

Try the following:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#create an example of your table
list_CASNo1 = ['71-43-2', '100-41-4', np.nan, '1634-04-4']
list_Val1 = [np.nan]*len(list_CASNo1)
list_CASNo2 = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, '100-41-4']
list_Val2 = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, '18']
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(list_CASNo1, list_Val1, list_CASNo2, list_Val2), columns =['CASNo(1)','Value(1)','CAS NO(2)','Value(2)'], index = ['Benzene','Ethylbenzene','Gasonline Range Organics','Methyl-tert-butyl ether'])
#split the data to two dataframes
df1 = df[['CASNo(1)','Value(1)']]
df2 = df[['CAS NO(2)','Value(2)']]
#merge df2 to df1 based on the specified columns
#reset_index and set_index will take care
#that df_adjusted will have the same index names as df1
df_adjusted = df1.reset_index().merge(df2.dropna(),
how = 'left',
left_on = 'CASNo(1)',
right_on = 'CAS NO(2)').set_index('index')
but be careful with duplicates in your columns, those will cause the merge to fail..


Pandas "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame"

Having a bit of trouble understanding the documentation
See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
dfbreed['x'] = dfbreed.apply(testbreed, axis=1)
C:/Users/erasmuss/PycharmProjects/Sarah/farmdata.py:38: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
Code is basically to re-arrange and clean some data to make analysis easier.
Code in given row-by per each animal, but has repetitions, blanks, and some other sparse values
Idea is to basically stack rows into columns and grab the useful data (Weight by date and final BCS) per animal
Initial DF
few snippets of the dataframe
Output Format
Output DF/csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#Function for cleaning up multiple entries of breeds
def testbreed(x):
if x.first_valid_index() is None:
return None
return x[x.first_valid_index()]
#Read Data
df1 = pd.read_csv("farmdata.csv")
#Drop empty rows
df1.dropna(how='all', axis=1, inplace=True)
#Copy to extract Weights in DF2
df2 = df1.copy()
df2 = df2.drop(['BCS', 'Breed','Age'], axis=1)
#Pivot for ID names in DF1
df1 = df1.pivot(index='ID', columns='Date', values=['Breed','Weight', 'BCS'])
#Pivot for weights in DF2
df2 = df2.pivot(index='ID', columns='Date', values = 'Weight')
#Split out Breeds and BCS into individual dataframes w/Duplicate/missing data for each ID
df3 = df1.copy()
dfbreed = df3[['Breed']]
dfBCS = df3[['BCS']]
#Drop empty BCS columns
df1.dropna(how='all', axis=1, inplace=True)
#Shorten Breed and BCS to single Column by grabbing first value that is real. see function above
dfbreed['x'] = dfbreed.apply(testbreed, axis=1)
dfBCS['x'] = dfBCS.apply(testbreed, axis=1)
#Populate BCS and Breed into new DF
df5= pd.DataFrame(data=None)
df5['Breed'] = dfbreed['x']
df5['BCS'] = dfBCS['x']
#Join Weights
df5 = df5.join(df2)
#Write output
I want to take the BCS and Breed dataframes which are multi-indexed on the column by Breed or BCS and then by date to take the first non-NaN value in the rows of dates and set that into a column named breed.
I had a lot of trouble getting the columns to pick the first unique values in-situ on the DF
I found a work-around with a 2015 answer:
2015 Answer
which defined the function at the top.
reading through the setting a value on the copy-of a slice makes sense intuitively,
but I can't seem to think of a way to make it work as a direct-replacement or index-based.
Should I be looping through?
Trying from The second answer here
I get
dfbreed.loc[:,'Breed'] = dfbreed['Breed'].apply(testbreed, axis=1)
dfBCS.loc[:, 'BCS'] = dfBCS.apply['BCS'](testbreed, axis=1)
which returns
ValueError: Must have equal len keys and value when setting with an iterable
I'm thinking this has something to do with the multi-index
keys come up as:
MultiIndex([('Breed', '1/28/2021'),
('Breed', '2/12/2021'),
('Breed', '2/4/2021'),
('Breed', '3/18/2021'),
('Breed', '7/30/2021')],
names=[None, 'Date'])
MultiIndex([('BCS', '1/28/2021'),
('BCS', '2/12/2021'),
('BCS', '2/4/2021'),
('BCS', '3/18/2021'),
('BCS', '7/30/2021')],
names=[None, 'Date'])
Sorry for the long question(s?)
Can anyone help me out?
You created dfbreed as:
dfbreed = df3[['Breed']]
So it is a view of the original DataFrame (limited to just this one column).
Remember that a view has not any own data buffer, it is only a tool to "view"
a fragment of the original DataFrame, with read only access.
When you attempt to perform dfbreed['x'] = dfbreed.apply(...), you
actually attempt to violate the read-only access mode.
To avoid this error, create dfbreed as an "independent" DataFrame:
dfbreed = df3[['Breed']].copy()
Now dfbreed has its own data buffer and you are free to change the data.

pandas df masking specific row by list

I have pandas df which has 7000 rows * 7 columns. And I have list (row_list) that consists with the value that I want to filter out from df.
What I want to do is to filter out the rows if the rows from df contain the corresponding value in the list.
This is what I got when I tried,
"Empty DataFrame
Columns: [A,B,C,D,E,F,G]
Index: []"
df = pd.read_csv('filename.csv')
df1 = pd.read_csv('filename1.csv', names = 'A')
row_list = []
for index, rows in df1.iterrows():
my_list = [rows.A]
boolean_series = df.D.isin(row_list)
filtered_df = df[boolean_series]
boolean_series = df.RightInsoleImage.isin(row_list)
boolean_series = df.RightInsoleImage.isin(df1.A)
And let us know the result. If it doesn't work show a sample of df and df1.A
(1) generating separate dfs for each condition, concat, then dedup (slow)
(2) a custom function to annotate with bool column (default as False, then annotated True if condition is fulfilled), then filter based on that column
(3) keep a list of indices of all rows with your row_list values, then filter using iloc based on your indices list
Without an MRE, sample data, or a reason why your method didn't work, it's difficult to provide a more specific answer.

How to merge columns interspersing the data?

I'm new to python and pandas and working to create a Pandas MultiIndex with two independent variables: flow and head which create a dataframe and I have 27 different design points. It's currently organized in a single dataframe with columns for each variable and rows for each design point.
Here's how I created the MultiIndex:
flow = df.loc[0, ["Mass_Flow_Rate", "Mass_Flow_Rate.1",
dp = df.loc[:,"Design Point"]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([dp, flow], names=
I then created three columns of data:
df0 = df.loc[:,"Head2D"]
df1 = df.loc[:,"Head2D.1"]
df2 = df.loc[:,"Head2D.1"]
And want to merge these into a single column of data such that I can use this command:
pc = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index)
Using the three columns with the same indexes for the rows (0-27), I want to merge the columns into a single column such that the data is interspersed. If I call the columns col1, col2 and col3 and I denote the index in parentheses such that col1(0) indicates column1 index 0, I want the data to look like:
it is a bit confusing. But what I understood is that you are trying to do this:
flow = df.loc[0, ["Mass_Flow_Rate", "Mass_Flow_Rate.1",
dp = df.loc[:,"Design Point"]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([dp, flow], names=
df0 = df.loc[:,"Head2D"]
df1 = df.loc[:,"Head2D.1"]
df2 = df.loc[:,"Head2D.1"]
data = pd.concat[df0, df1, df2]
pc = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=index)

Wide to long returns empty output - Python dataframe

I have a dataframe which can be generated from the code as given below
df = pd.DataFrame({'person_id' :[1,2,3],'date1':
[2,4,6],'date2': ['12/31/2017','11/25/2019','10/06/2015'],'val2':[1,3,5],'date3':
I followed the below solution to convert it from wide to long
pd.wide_to_long(df, stubnames=['date', 'val'], i='person_id',
Though this works with sample data as shown below, it doesn't work with my real data which has more than 200 columns. Instead of person_id, my real data has subject_ID which is values like DC0001,DC0002 etc. Does "I" always have to be numeric? Instead it adds the stub values as new columns in my dataset and has zero rows
This is how my real columns looks like
My real data might contains NA's as well. So do I have to fill them with default values for wide_to_long to work?
Can you please help as to what can be the issue? Or any other approach to achieve the same result is also helpful.
Try adding additional argument in the function which allows the strings suffix.
The issue is with your column names, the numbers used to convert from wide to long need to be at the end of your column names or you need to specify a suffix to groupby. I think the easiest solution is to create a function that accepts regex and the dataframe.
import pandas as pd
import re
def change_names(df, regex):
# Select one of three column groups
old_cols = df.filter(regex = regex).columns
# Create list of new column names
new_cols = []
for col in old_cols:
# Get the stubname of the original column
stub = ''.join(re.split(r'\d', col))
# Get the time point
num = re.findall(r'\d+', col) # returns a list like ['1']
# Make new column name
new_col = stub + num[0]
# Create dictionary mapping old column names to new column names
dd = {oc: nc for oc, nc in zip(old_cols, new_cols)}
# Rename columns
df.rename(columns = dd, inplace = True)
return df
tdf = pd.DataFrame({'person_id' :[1,2,3],'h1date': ['12/31/2007','11/25/2009','10/06/2005'],'t1val': [2,4,6],'h2date': ['12/31/2017','11/25/2019','10/06/2015'],'t2val':[1,3,5],'h3date': ['12/31/2027','11/25/2029','10/06/2025'],'t3val':[7,9,11]})
# Change date columns
tdf = change_names(tdf, 'date$')
tdf = change_names(tdf, 'val$')
person_id hdate1 tval1 hdate2 tval2 hdate3 tval3
0 1 12/31/2007 2 12/31/2017 1 12/31/2027 7
1 2 11/25/2009 4 11/25/2019 3 11/25/2029 9
2 3 10/06/2005 6 10/06/2015 5 10/06/2025 11
This is quite late to answer this question. But putting the solution here in case someone else find it useful
tdf = pd.DataFrame({'person_id' :[1,2,3],'h1date': ['12/31/2007','11/25/2009','10/06/2005'],'t1val': [2,4,6],'h2date': ['12/31/2017','11/25/2019','10/06/2015'],'t2val':[1,3,5],'h3date': ['12/31/2027','11/25/2029','10/06/2025'],'t3val':[7,9,11]})
## You can use m13op22 solution to rename your columns with numeric part at the
## end of the column name. This is important.
tdf = tdf.rename(columns={'h1date': 'hdate1', 't1val': 'tval1',
'h2date': 'hdate2', 't2val': 'tval2',
'h3date': 'hdate3', 't3val': 'tval3'})
## Then use the non-numeric portion, (in this example 'hdate', 'tval') as
## stubnames. The mistake you were doing was using ['date', 'val'] as stubnames.
df = pd.wide_to_long(tdf, stubnames=['hdate', 'tval'], i='person_id', j='grp').sort_index(level=0)

Multiple columns with the same name in Pandas

I am creating a dataframe from a CSV file. I have gone through the docs, multiple SO posts, links as I have just started Pandas but didn't get it. The CSV file has multiple columns with same names say a.
So after forming dataframe and when I do df['a'] which value will it return? It does not return all values.
Also only one of the values will have a string rest will be None. How can I get that column?
the relevant parameter is mangle_dupe_cols
from the docs
mangle_dupe_cols : boolean, default True
Duplicate columns will be specified as 'X.0'...'X.N', rather than 'X'...'X'
by default, all of your 'a' columns get named 'a.0'...'a.N' as specified above.
if you used mangle_dupe_cols=False, importing this csv would produce an error.
you can get all of your columns with
from StringIO import StringIO
import pandas as pd
txt = """a, a, a, b, c, d
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12"""
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(txt), skipinitialspace=True)
I had a similar issue, not due to reading from csv, but I had multiple df columns with the same name (in my case 'id'). I solved it by taking df.columns and resetting the column names using a list.
In : df.columns
Index(['success', 'created', 'id', 'errors', 'id'], dtype='object')
In : df.columns = ['success', 'created', 'id1', 'errors', 'id2']
In : df.columns
Index(['success', 'created', 'id1', 'errors', 'id2'], dtype='object')
From here, I was able to call 'id1' or 'id2' to get just the column I wanted.
That's what I usually do with my genes expression dataset, where the same gene name can occur more than once because of a slightly different genetic sequence of the same gene:
create a list of the duplicated columns in my dataframe (refers to column names which appear more than once):
duplicated_columns_list = []
list_of_all_columns = list(df.columns)
for column in list_of_all_columns:
if list_of_all_columns.count(column) > 1 and not column in duplicated_columns_list:
Use the function .index() that helps me to find the first element that is duplicated on each iteration and underscore it:
for column in duplicated_columns_list:
list_of_all_columns[list_of_all_columns.index(column)] = column + '_1'
list_of_all_columns[list_of_all_columns.index(column)] = column + '_2'
This for loop helps me to underscore all of the duplicated columns and now every column has a distinct name.
This specific code is relevant for columns that appear exactly 2 times, but it can be modified for columns that appear even more than 2 times in your dataframe.
Finally, rename your columns with the underscored elements:
df.columns = list_of_all_columns
That's it, I hope it helps :)
Similarly to JDenman6 (and related to your question), I had two df columns with the same name (named 'id').
Hence, calling
returns 2 columns.
You can use
where ind corresponds to the index of the column according how they are ordered in the df. You can find the indices using:
indices = [i for i,x in enumerate(df.columns) if x == 'id']
where you replace 'id' with the name of the column you are searching for.

