I am struggling to understand how the date queries work in Django as I am storing a database with train times. I want to get times that are greater than the current time.
The query looks like this, but returns zero results:
latestdepartures = LatestDepartures.objects.filter(station=startstation,earliest__gte=timezone.now().astimezone(pytz.utc))
My database has the entry below for example.
When I run the query, I get the results below (first line is print(timezone.now().astimezone(pytz.utc)):
2020-08-01 15:49:06.610055+00:00
<QuerySet []>
The code which adds the data to the database looks like:
def convert_date_time(o):
if isinstance(o, datetime):
return o.__str__()
def updateservices(stationname,destination):
now = datetime.now()
# dd/mm/YY H:M:S
datenow = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
board = DARWIN_SESH.get_station_board(stationname)
stationdict = dict()
stationdict['from'] = stationname
stationdict['name'] = board.location_name
services = board.train_services
for s in services:
traindict = dict()
service_details = DARWIN_SESH.get_service_details(s.service_id)
traindict['departuretime'] = datetime.strptime(datenow + " " + service_details.std,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%M').astimezone(pytz.utc)
traindict['callingpoints'] = []
callingpoints = service_details.subsequent_calling_points
for c in callingpoints:
if c.crs == destination:
callingpointdict = dict()
callingpointdict['code'] = c.crs
callingpointdict['name'] = c.location_name
callingpointdict['arrivaltime'] = datetime.strptime(datenow + " " + c.st,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%M').astimezone(pytz.utc)
if len(traindict['callingpoints']) > 0:
#For getting the minimum departure
departures = [s['departuretime'] for s in stationdict['servicelist']]
#Store the train departure object in the database
stationdata = json.dumps(stationdict, default=convert_date_time)
station = stationname,
earliest = min(departures),
services = stationdata
return stationdata
servicedetails.std will be a time represented in 24hours in string format, for example "17:00".
Can anyone help, I am not sure if I am meant to change the date format somewhere or if it is to do with the way the datetime object is created by adding the time.
Now storing the date in a different format as '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M':
Now I get dates that are greater than, but once the time current time has exceeded the earliest in the database, the query still returns results. Example output is:
2020-08-01 17:31:21.909052+00:00
2020-08-01 18:03:00+00:00 - Time in database
Please am trying to get the stock date at a specify time of the date adding the time of which i want the stock data to be gotten from as well to so far i did something like this but i keep getting error saying data - F: Data doesn't exist for startDate = 1666286770, endDate = 1666287074
this is my code below
def watchlist():
timezone = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
aware = dt.datetime.now(timezone).time()
global pastTime
pastTime = dt.datetime.now(timezone) - dt.timedelta(minutes=5) # time of 5minutes ago
for x in ticks:
toStr = str(x)
syb = yf.Ticker(toStr)
data = pd.DataFrame(syb.history(interval="1m",period='1d',))
data2 = pd.DataFrame(syb.history(interval="1m",period='1d',start=pastTime))
if data['Open'].sum() < data2['Open'].sum():
print('Watch stock')
print(toStr, 'Proceed to sell with robinhood')
Screen shot of issue
i am trying to subtracts 'end time' of a ride from its 'start time'. starttime is fetched directly from database(models.py) and line 'start = n[0].driverStarttime' indicates that. Now i use current datetime as 'endtime' of a ride. Variable 'diff' is used to subtract end and start time. but it gives
'TypeError at /driver_panel/endtrip
can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes' error. here driver_panel is my application in project. Driverbooking table is used to fetch start time. DateTimeField is used for store start and endtime. here is the code...
def endtrip(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
dbid = request.GET.get('driverBookID')
if dbid:
n = Driverbooking.objects.all().filter(driverBookID=dbid)
name = n[0].customerID
start = n[0].driverStartTime
end = datetime.datetime.now()
diff = end - start
total = diff * 10
a = Driverbooking.objects.get(driverBookID=dbid)
a.driverStatus = "end"
a.driverEndTime = end
a.driverAmount = total
did = request.session['uid']
x = Driverside.objects.all().filter(driverID=did)
rate = x[0].driverFPH
d = Driverside.objects.get(driverID=did)
d.driverIsAvailable = "yes"
context = {"name":name,"start":start,"end":end,"rate":rate,"t":total}
return render(request, "driverbill.html", context)
return redirect('driverhome')
The problem raises because you seem to be subtracting "start time" (which probably has timezone info) and "end time" (which has no timezone).
Simple solution is to use the correct current time with timezone, like the timezone docs suggest.
Instead of this line:
end = datetime.datetime.now()
try this:
from django.utils import timezone as tz
end = tz.now()
I am learning Python and had a question regarding for and if loops. This is my scenario:
I have an endpoint that i make API-call with request.get
I need to retrieve all the historic data
I have a start_date (2017-06-17)
So i need to make multiple API-call because they have a limit of 60-days period. So i made my code like this:
date = datetime.strptime("2017-06-17", "%Y-%m-%d") # Start Date
current_date = date.date() # timedelta need date object so i make it a date object
days_after = (current_date+timedelta(days=60)).isoformat() # days_after is set to 60-days because limit in API
date_string = current_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # made to string again since API need string not date object
So this is how i make the dates for 60 days period. Starting from 2017-06-17 and 60-days ahead.
This is how i make the API-request:
response = requests.get("https://reporting-api/campaign?token=xxxxxxxxxx&format=json&fromDate="+date_string+"&toDate="+days_after)
response_data = response.json() # Added this because i am writing temprorary to a JSON file
This is how i write to JSON file:
if response_data:
print("WE GOT DATA") # Debugging
data = response.json() # This is duplicate?
with open('data.json', 'w') as f: # Open my data.json file as write
json.dump(data, f) # dumps my json-data from API to the file
print("NO DATA") # Debugging if no data / response. Should make a skip statement here
So my question is how can i proceed with my code so that every time i make a API-call starting from 2017-06-17 the date date_string and days_after should go 60 days forward for each API-call and append those data to data.json. I would maybe need some for loops or something?
Please note i have been using Python for 3 days now, be gentle.
You could use a while loop that changes the start and end date until a specified condition is met. Also, you can append the response to a file for every run. the example below I used the date of "today":
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
x = 0
y = 60
date = datetime.strptime("2017-06-17", "%Y-%m-%d")
current_date = date.date()
date_start = current_date+timedelta(days=x)
while date_start < datetime.now().date():
date_start = current_date+timedelta(days=x)
days_after = current_date+timedelta(days=y)
x = x + 60
y = y + 60
response = requests.get("https://reporting-api/campaign?token=xxxxxxxxxx&format=json&fromDate="+date_start.isoformat() +"&toDate="+days_after.isoformat())
response_data = response.json()
if response_data:
print("WE GOT DATA")
data = response.json()
#create a file if not exists or append new data to it.
if os.path.exists('data.json'):
append_write = 'a' # append if already exists
append_write = 'w' # make a new file if not
with open('data.json', append_write) as f:
json.dump(data, f)
print("NO DATA")
Basically, on every run the time of start and end is increased by 60 days and appended to the data.json file.
I am new to Python and this is driving me crazy. My XML File isn't being updated. I am trying to find the day difference between today and the youngest date in an XML. Then I want to update all other dates by that amount of days. My console shows the dates are being updated, but the XML file is not being changed. I believe the error occurs in this function.
# Open File to be modified
tree = ET.parse('MAV_Case1.xml')
root = tree
datesArray = []
# Parser to convert date from ISOFormat to Date Object
# This allows us to manipulate the date range.
def getDateTimeFromISO8601String(i):
d = dateutil.parser.parse(i)
return d
#This gathers all the transDates in the XMl
def oldDate(xmlFile):
transactions = tree.iter('transaction')
for transaction in transactions:
transDate = transaction.find('transDate').text
transactionDate = getDateTimeFromISO8601String(transDate)
newArray = datesArray
#dateArray = list(newArray)
return newArray
#This Function converts the old dates into new ones
def newDate(newArray):
newDateArray = []
for date in newArray:
youngest_date = max(newArray)
todayDate = datetime.now()
dateDiff = abs((todayDate - youngest_date).days)
newDate = date + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(days=dateDiff)
date = str(newDate.isoformat())
return newDateArray
#Function Carries Updated Dates
def updateXML(newDateArray):
for transDate in root.iter('transDate'):
updatedDate = transDate.text
for date in newDateArray:
updatedDate = date
transDate.text = updatedDate
return transDate
#Writing Back to File
now = datetime.now()
actual_time = str(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"))
tree.write("Dag Account - " + str(actual_time) + ".xml", xml_declaration=True)
Working on a script to collect users browser history with time stamps ( educational setting).
Firefox 3 history is kept in a sqlite file, and stamps are in UNIX epoch time... getting them and converting to readable format via a SQL command in python is pretty straightforward:
sql_select = """ SELECT datetime(moz_historyvisits.visit_date/1000000,'unixepoch','localtime'),
FROM moz_places, moz_historyvisits
WHERE moz_places.id = moz_historyvisits.place_id
get_hist = list(cursor.execute (sql_select))
Chrome also stores history in a sqlite file.. but it's history time stamp is apparently formatted as the number of microseconds since midnight UTC of 1 January 1601....
How can this timestamp be converted to a readable format as in the Firefox example (like 2010-01-23 11:22:09)? I am writing the script with python 2.5.x ( the version on OS X 10.5 ), and importing sqlite3 module....
Try this:
sql_select = """ SELECT datetime(last_visit_time/1000000-11644473600,'unixepoch','localtime'),
FROM urls
ORDER BY last_visit_time DESC
get_hist = list(cursor.execute (sql_select))
Or something along those lines
seems to be working for me.
This is a more pythonic and memory-friendly way to do what you described (by the way, thanks for the initial code!):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import datetime
import sqlite3
import opster
from itertools import izip
SQL_TIME = 'SELECT time FROM info'
SQL_URL = 'SELECT c0url FROM pages_content'
def date_from_webkit(webkit_timestamp):
epoch_start = datetime.datetime(1601,1,1)
delta = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=int(webkit_timestamp))
return epoch_start + delta
def import_history(*paths):
for path in paths:
assert os.path.exists(path)
c = sqlite3.connect(path)
times = (row[0] for row in c.execute(SQL_TIME))
urls = (row[0] for row in c.execute(SQL_URL))
for timestamp, url in izip(times, urls):
date_time = date_from_webkit(timestamp)
print date_time, url
if __name__=='__main__':
The script can be used this way:
$ ./chrome-tools.py import-history ~/.config/chromium/Default/History* > history.txt
Of course Opster can be thrown out but seems handy to me :-)
The sqlite module returns datetime objects for datetime fields, which have a format method for printing readable strings called strftime.
You can do something like this once you have the recordset:
for record in get_hist:
date_string = record[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
url = record[1]
This may not be the most Pythonic code in the world, but here's a solution: Cheated by adjusting for time zone (EST here) by doing this:
utctime = datetime.datetime(1601,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(microseconds = ms, hours =-5)
Here's the function : It assumes that the Chrome history file has been copied from another account into /Users/someuser/Documents/tmp/Chrome/History
def getcr():
connection = sqlite3.connect('/Users/someuser/Documents/tmp/Chrome/History')
cursor = connection.cursor()
get_time = list(cursor.execute("""SELECT last_visit_time FROM urls"""))
get_url = list(cursor.execute("""SELECT url from urls"""))
stripped_time = []
crf = open ('/Users/someuser/Documents/tmp/cr/cr_hist.txt','w' )
itr = iter(get_time)
itr2 = iter(get_url)
while True:
newdate = str(itr.next())
stripped1 = newdate.strip(' (),L')
ms = int(stripped1)
utctime = datetime.datetime(1601,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(microseconds = ms, hours =-5)
newurl = str(itr2.next())
stripped_url = newurl.strip(' ()')
crf.write('********* Next Entry *********')
except StopIteration:
shutil.copy('/Users/someuser/Documents/tmp/cr/cr_hist.txt' , '/Users/parent/Documents/Chrome_History_Logs')
os.rename('/Users/someuser/Documents/Chrome_History_Logs/cr_hist.txt','/Users/someuser/Documents/Chrome_History_Logs/%s.txt' % formatdate)