Adding softmax layer to LSTM network "freezes" output - python

I've been trying to teach myself the basics of RNN's with a personnal project on PyTorch. I want to produce a simple network that is able to predict the next character in a sequence (idea mainly from this article but I wanted to do most of the stuff myself).
My idea is this : I take a batch of B input sequences of size n (np array of n integers), one hot encode them and pass them through my network composed of several LSTM layers, one fully connected layers and one softmax unit.
I then compare the output to the target sequences which are the input sequences shifted one step ahead.
My issue is that when I include the softmax layer, the output is the same every single epoch for every single batch. When I don't include it, the network seems to learn appropriately. I can't figure out what's wrong.
My implementation is the following :
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, one_hot_length, dropout_prob, num_units, num_layers):
self.LSTM = nn.LSTM(one_hot_length, num_units, num_layers, batch_first = True, dropout = dropout_prob)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_prob)
self.fully_connected = nn.Linear(num_units, one_hot_length)
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim = 1)
# dim = 1 as the tensor is of shape (batch_size*seq_length, one_hot_length) when entering the softmax unit
def forward_pass(self, input_seq, hc_states):
output, hc_states = self.LSTM (input_seq, hc_states)
output = output.view(-1, self.num_units)
output = self.fully_connected(output)
# I simply comment out the next line when I run the network without the softmax layer
output = self.softmax(output)
return output, hc_states
one_hot_length is the size of my character dictionnary (~200, also the size of a one hot encoded vector)
num_units is the number of hidden units in a LSTM cell, num_layers the number of LSTM layers in the network.
The inside of the training loop (simplified) goes as follows :
input, target = next_batches(data, batch_pointer)
input = nn.functional.one_hot(input_seq, num_classes = one_hot_length).float().
for state in hc_states:
output, states = net.forward_pass(input, hc_states)
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(output, target)
nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(net.parameters(), MaxGradNorm)
With hc_states a tuple with the hidden states tensor and the cell states tensor, input, is a tensor of size (B,n,one_hot_length), target is (B,n).
I'm training on a really small dataset (sentences in a .txt of ~400Ko) just to tune my code, and did 4 different runs with different parameters and each time the outcome was the same : the network doesn't learn at all when it has the softmax layer, and trains somewhat appropriately without.
I don't think it is an issue with tensors shapes as I'm almost sure I checked everything.
My understanding of my problem is that I'm trying to do classification, and that the usual is to put a softmax unit at the end to get "probabilities" of each character to appear, but clearly this isn't right.
Any ideas to help me ?
I'm also fairly new to Pytorch and RNN so I apologize in advance if my architecture/implementation is some kind of monstrosity to a knowledgeable person. Feel free to correct me and thanks in advance.


Finding patterns in time series with PyTorch

I started PyTorch with image recognition. Now I want to test (very basically) with pure NumPy arrays. I struggle with getting the setup to work, so basically I have vectors with values between 0 and 1 (normalized curves). Those vectors are always of length 1500 and I want to find e.g. "high values at the beginning" or "sine wave-like function", "convex", "concave" etc. stuff like that, so just shapes of those curves.
My training set consists of many vectors with their classes; I have chosen 7 classes. The net should be trained to classify a vector into one or more of those 7 classes (not one hot).
I'm struggling with multiple issues, but first my very basic Net
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, layer_dim, output_dim):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.layer_dim = layer_dim
self.rnn = nn.RNN(input_dim, hidden_dim, layer_dim)
self.fc = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, output_dim)
def forward(self, x):
h0 = torch.zeros(self.layer_dim, x.size(1), self.hidden_dim).requires_grad_()
out, h0 = self.rnn(x, h0.detach())
out = out[:, -1, :]
out = self.fc(out)
return out
network = Net(1500, 70, 20, 7)
optimizer = optim.SGD(network.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum)
This is just a copy-paste from an RNN demo. Here is my first issue. Is an RNN the right choice? It is a time series, but then again it is an image recognition problem when plotting the curve.
Now, this here is an attempt to batch the data. The data object contains all training curves together with the correct classifiers.
def train(epoch):
batching = True
index = 0
# monitor the cummulative loss for an epoch
cummloss = []
# start batching some curves
while batching:
# here I start clustering come curves to a batch and normalize the curves
_input = []
batch_size = min(len(data)-1, index+batch_size_train) - index
for d in data[index:min(len(data)-1, index+batch_size_train)]:
y = np.array(d['data']['y'], dtype='d')
y = np.multiply(y, y.max())
y = y[0:1500]
y = np.pad(y, (0, max(1500-len(y), 0)), 'edge')
if len(_input) == 0:
_input = y
_input = np.vstack((_input, y))
input = torch.from_numpy(_input).float()
input = torch.reshape(input, (1, batch_size, len(y)))
target = np.zeros((1,7))
# the correct classes have indizes, to I create a vector with 1 at the correct locations
for _index in np.array(d['classifier']):
target[0,_index-1] = 1
target = torch.from_numpy(target)
# get the result form the network
output = network(input)
# is this a good loss function?
loss = F.l1_loss(output, target)
index = index + batch_size_train
if index > len(data):
batching = False
for e in range(1, n_epochs):
print('Epoch: ' + str(e))
The problem I'm facing right now is, the loss doesn't change very little, even with hundreds of epochs.
Are there existing examples of this kind of problem? I didn't find any, just pure png/jpg image recognition. When I convert the curves to png then I have a little issue to train a net, I took densenet and it worked just fine but it seems to be super overkill for this simple task.
This is just a copy-paste from an RNN demo. Here is my first issue. Is an RNN the right choice?
In theory what model you choose does not matter as much as "How" you formulate your problem.
But in your case the most obvious limitation you're going to face is your sequence length: 1500. RNN store information across steps and typically runs into trouble over long sequence with vanishing or exploding gradient.
LSTM net have been developed to circumvent this limitations with memory cell, but even then in the case of long sequence it will still be limited by the amount of information stored in the cell.
You could try using a CNN network as well and think of it as an image.
Are there existing examples of this kind of problem?
I don't know but I might have some suggestions : If I understood your problem correctly, you're going from a (1500, 1) input to a (7,1) output, where 6 of the 7 positions are 0 except for the corresponding class where it's 1.
I don't see any activation function, usually when dealing with multi class you don't use the output of the dense layer to compute the loss you apply a normalizing function like softmax and then you can compute the loss.
From your description of features you have in the form of sin like structures, the closes thing that comes to mind is frequency domain. As such, if you have and input image, just transform it to the frequency domain by a Fourier transform and use that as your feature input.
Might be best to look for such projects on the internet, one such project that you might want to read the research paper or video from this group (they have some jupyter notebooks for you to try) or any similar works. They use the furrier features, that go though a multi layer perceptron (MLP).
I am not sure what exactly you want to do, but seems like a classification task, you would use RNN if you want your neural network to work with a sequence. To me it seems like the 1500 dimensions are independent, and as such can be just treated as input.
Regarding the last layer, for a classification problem it usually is a probability distribution obtained by applying softmax (if only the classification is distinct - i.e. probability sums up to 1), in which, given an input, the net gives a probability of it being from each class. If we are predicting multiple classes we are going to use sigmoid as the last layer of the neural network.
Regarding your loss, there are many losses you can try and see if they are better. Once again, for different features you have to know what exactly is the measurement of distance (a.k.a. how different 2 things are). Check out this website, or just any loss function explanations on the net.
So you should try a simple MLP on top of fourier features as a starting point, assuming that is your feature vector.
Image Recognition is different from Time-Series data. In the imaging domain your data-set might have more similarity with problems like Activity-Recognition, Video-Recognition which have temporal component. So, I'd recommend looking into some models for those.
As for the current model, I'd recommend using LSTM instead of RNN. And also for classification you need to use an activation function in your final layer. This should softmax with cross entropy based loss or sigmoid with MSE loss.
Keras has a Timedistributed model which makes it easy to handle time components. You can use a similar approach with Pytorch by applying linear layers followed by LSTM.
Look into these for better undertsanding ::
Activity Recognition :
How to implement time-distributed dense (TDD) layer in PyTorch
Activation Function ::

How to Increase the Scope of Images a Neural Network Can Recognize?

I am working on an image recognition neural network with Pytorch. My goal is to take pictures of handwritten math equations, process them, and use the neural network to recognize each element. I've reached the point where I am able to separate every variable, number, or symbol from the equation, and everything is ready to be sent through the neural network. I've trained my network to recognize numbers quite well (this part was quite easy), but now I want to expand the scope of the neural network to recognizing letters as well as numbers. I loaded handwritten letters along with the numbers into tensors, shuffled the elements, and put them into batches. No matter how I vary my learning rate, my architecture (hidden layers and the number of neurons per layer), or my batch size I cannot get the neural network to recognize letters.
Here is my network architecture and the feed-forward function (you can see I experimented with the number of hidden layers):
class NeuralNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
inputNeurons, hiddenNeurons, outputNeurons = 784, 700, 36
# Create tensors for the weights
self.layerOne = nn.Linear(inputNeurons, hiddenNeurons)
self.layerTwo = nn.Linear(hiddenNeurons, hiddenNeurons)
self.layerThree = nn.Linear(hiddenNeurons, outputNeurons)
#self.layerFour = nn.Linear(hiddenNeurons, outputNeurons)
#self.layerFive = nn.Linear(hiddenNeurons, outputNeurons)
# Create function for Forward propagation
def Forward(self, input):
# Begin Forward propagation
input = torch.sigmoid(self.layerOne(torch.sigmoid(input)))
input = torch.sigmoid(self.layerTwo(input))
input = torch.sigmoid(self.layerThree(input))
#input = torch.sigmoid(self.layerFour(input))
#input = torch.sigmoid(self.layerFive(input))
return input
And this is the training code block (the data is shuffled in a dataloader, the ground truths are shuffled in the same order, batch size is 10, total number letter and number data points is 244800):
neuralNet = NeuralNetwork()
params = list(neuralNet.parameters())
criterion = nn.MSELoss()
dataSet = next(iter(imageDataLoader))
groundTruth = next(iter(groundTruthsDataLoader))
for i in range(15):
for k in range(24480):
prediction = neuralNet.Forward(dataSet)
loss = criterion(prediction, groundTruth)
for layer in range(len(params)):
# Updating the weights of the neural network
params[layer].data.sub_(params[layer] * learningRate)
Thanks for the help in advance!
First thing i would recommend is writing a clean Pytorch code
For eg.
if i see your NeuralNetwork class it should have forward method (f in lower case),
so that you wont call it using prediction = neuralNet.Forward(dataSet). Reason being your hooks from neural network does not get dispatched if you use prediction = neuralNet.Forward(dataSet).
For more details refer this link
Second thing is : Since your dataset is not balance.....try to use undersampling / oversampling methods, which will be very helpful in your case.

Difference between these implementations of LSTM Autoencoder?

Specifically what spurred this question is the return_sequence argument of TensorFlow's version of an LSTM layer.
The docs say:
Boolean. Whether to return the last output. in the output sequence,
or the full sequence. Default: False.
I've seen some implementations, especially autoencoders that use this argument to strip everything but the last element in the output sequence as the output of the 'encoder' half of the autoencoder.
Below are three different implementations. I'd like to understand the reasons behind the differences, as the seem like very large differences but all call themselves the same thing.
Example 1 (TensorFlow):
This implementation strips away all outputs of the LSTM except the last element of the sequence, and then repeats that element some number of times to reconstruct the sequence:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(100, activation='relu', input_shape=(n_in,1)))
# Decoder below
model.add(LSTM(100, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
When looking at implementations of autoencoders in PyTorch, I don't see authors doing this. Instead they use the entire output of the LSTM for the encoder (sometimes followed by a dense layer and sometimes not).
Example 1 (PyTorch):
This implementation trains an embedding BEFORE an LSTM layer is applied... It seems to almost defeat the idea of an LSTM based auto-encoder... The sequence is already encoded by the time it hits the LSTM layer.
class EncoderLSTM(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, n_layers=1, drop_prob=0):
super(EncoderLSTM, self).__init__()
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(input_size, hidden_size)
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(hidden_size, hidden_size, n_layers, dropout=drop_prob, batch_first=True)
def forward(self, inputs, hidden):
# Embed input words
embedded = self.embedding(inputs)
# Pass the embedded word vectors into LSTM and return all outputs
output, hidden = self.lstm(embedded, hidden)
return output, hidden
Example 2 (PyTorch):
This example encoder first expands the input with one LSTM layer, then does its compression via a second LSTM layer with a smaller number of hidden nodes. Besides the expansion, this seems in line with this paper I found:
However, in this implementation's decoder, there is no final dense layer. The decoding happens through a second lstm layer that expands the encoding back to the same dimension as the original input. See it here. This is not in line with the paper (although I don't know if the paper is authoritative or not).
class Encoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, seq_len, n_features, embedding_dim=64):
super(Encoder, self).__init__()
self.seq_len, self.n_features = seq_len, n_features
self.embedding_dim, self.hidden_dim = embedding_dim, 2 * embedding_dim
self.rnn1 = nn.LSTM(
self.rnn2 = nn.LSTM(
def forward(self, x):
x = x.reshape((1, self.seq_len, self.n_features))
x, (_, _) = self.rnn1(x)
x, (hidden_n, _) = self.rnn2(x)
return hidden_n.reshape((self.n_features, self.embedding_dim))
I'm wondering about this discrepancy in implementations. The difference seems quite large. Are all of these valid ways to accomplish the same thing? Or are some of these mis-guided attempts at a "real" LSTM autoencoder?
There is no official or correct way of designing the architecture of an LSTM based autoencoder... The only specifics the name provides is that the model should be an Autoencoder and that it should use an LSTM layer somewhere.
The implementations you found are each different and unique on their own even though they could be used for the same task.
Let's describe them:
TF implementation:
It assumes the input has only one channel, meaning that each element in the sequence is just a number and that this is already preprocessed.
The default behaviour of the LSTM layer in Keras/TF is to output only the last output of the LSTM, you could set it to output all the output steps with the return_sequences parameter.
In this case the input data has been shrank to (batch_size, LSTM_units)
Consider that the last output of an LSTM is of course a function of the previous outputs (specifically if it is a stateful LSTM)
It applies a Dense(1) in the last layer in order to get the same shape as the input.
PyTorch 1:
They apply an embedding to the input before it is fed to the LSTM.
This is standard practice and it helps for example to transform each input element to a vector form (see word2vec for example where in a text sequence, each word that isn't a vector is mapped into a vector space). It is only a preprocessing step so that the data has a more meaningful form.
This does not defeat the idea of the LSTM autoencoder, because the embedding is applied independently to each element of the input sequence, so it is not encoded when it enters the LSTM layer.
PyTorch 2:
In this case the input shape is not (seq_len, 1) as in the first TF example, so the decoder doesn't need a dense after. The author used a number of units in the LSTM layer equal to the input shape.
In the end you choose the architecture of your model depending on the data you want to train on, specifically: the nature (text, audio, images), the input shape, the amount of data you have and so on...

Generation of sequences from latent space [pytorch]

I have several questions about best practice in using recurrent networks in pytorch for generation of sequences.
The first one, if I want to build decoder net should I use nn.GRU (or nn.LSTM) instead nn.LSTMCell (nn.GRUCell)? From my experience, if I work with LSTMCell the speed of calculations is drammatically lower (up to 100 times) than if I use nn.LSTM. Maybe it is related with cudnn optimisation for LSTM (and GRU) module? Is any way to speedup LSTMCell calculations?
I try to build an autoencoder, that accepts sequences of variable length. My autoencoder looks like:
class SimpleAutoencoder(nn.Module):
def init(self, input_size, hidden_size, n_layers=3):
super(SimpleAutoencoder, self).init()
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.gru_encoder = nn.GRU(input_size, hidden_size,n_layers,batch_first=True)
self.gru_decoder = nn.GRU(input_size, hidden_size, n_layers, batch_first=True)
self.h2o = nn.Linear(hidden_size,input_size) # Hidden to output
def encode(self, input):
output, hidden = self.gru_encoder(input, None)
return output, hidden
def decode(self, input, hidden):
output,hidden = self.gru_decoder(input,hidden)
return output,hidden
def h2o_apply(self,input):
return self.h2o(input)
My training loop looks like:
one_hot_batch = list(map(lambda x:Variable(torch.FloatTensor(x)),one_hot_batch))
packed_one_hot_batch = pack_padded_sequence(pad_sequence(one_hot_batch,batch_first=True).cuda(),batch_lens, batch_first=True)
_, latent = vae.encode(packed_one_hot_batch)
outputs, = vae.decode(packed_one_hot_batch,latent)
packed = pad_packed_sequence(outputs,batch_first=True)
for string,length,index in zip(*packed,range(batch_size)):
decoded_string_without_sos_symbol = vae.h2o_apply(string[1:length])
loss += criterion(decoded_string_without_sos_symbol,real_strings_batch[index][1:])
loss /= len(batch)
The training in such manner, as I can understand, is teacher force. Because at the decoding stage the network feeds the real inputs (outputs,_ = vae.decode(packed_one_hot_batch,latent)). But, for my task it leads to the situation when, in the test stage, network can generate sequences very well only if I use the real symbols (as in training mode), but if I feed the output of the previous step, the network generates rubbish (just infinite repetition of one specific symbol).
I tried another one approach. I generated “fake” inputs( just ones), to make the model generate only from the hidden state.
one_hot_batch_fake = list(map(lambda x:torch.ones_like(x).cuda(),one_hot_batch))
packed_one_hot_batch_fake = pack_padded_sequence(pad_sequence(one_hot_batch_fake, batch_first=True).cuda(), batch_lens, batch_first=True)
_, latent = vae.encode(packed_one_hot_batch)
outputs, = vae.decode(packed_one_hot_batch_fake,latent)
packed = pad_packed_sequence(outputs,batch_first=True)
It works, but very inefficiently, the quality of reconstruction is very low. So the second question, what is the right way to generate sequences from latent representation?
I suppose, that good idea is to apply teacher forcing with some probability, but for that, how one can use nn.GRU layer so the output of the previous step should be the input for the next step?

Understanding Keras LSTMs

I am trying to reconcile my understand of LSTMs and pointed out here in this post by Christopher Olah implemented in Keras. I am following the blog written by Jason Brownlee for the Keras tutorial. What I am mainly confused about is,
The reshaping of the data series into [samples, time steps, features] and,
The stateful LSTMs
Lets concentrate on the above two questions with reference to the code pasted below:
# reshape into X=t and Y=t+1
look_back = 3
trainX, trainY = create_dataset(train, look_back)
testX, testY = create_dataset(test, look_back)
# reshape input to be [samples, time steps, features]
trainX = numpy.reshape(trainX, (trainX.shape[0], look_back, 1))
testX = numpy.reshape(testX, (testX.shape[0], look_back, 1))
# create and fit the LSTM network
batch_size = 1
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(4, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, look_back, 1), stateful=True))
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
for i in range(100):, trainY, nb_epoch=1, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=2, shuffle=False)
Note: create_dataset takes a sequence of length N and returns a N-look_back array of which each element is a look_back length sequence.
What is Time Steps and Features?
As can be seen TrainX is a 3-D array with Time_steps and Feature being the last two dimensions respectively (3 and 1 in this particular code). With respect to the image below, does this mean that we are considering the many to one case, where the number of pink boxes are 3? Or does it literally mean the chain length is 3 (i.e. only 3 green boxes considered).
Does the features argument become relevant when we consider multivariate series? e.g. modelling two financial stocks simultaneously?
Stateful LSTMs
Does stateful LSTMs mean that we save the cell memory values between runs of batches? If this is the case, batch_size is one, and the memory is reset between the training runs so what was the point of saying that it was stateful. I'm guessing this is related to the fact that training data is not shuffled, but I'm not sure how.
Any thoughts?
Image reference:
Edit 1:
A bit confused about #van's comment about the red and green boxes being equal. So just to confirm, does the following API calls correspond to the unrolled diagrams? Especially noting the second diagram (batch_size was arbitrarily chosen.):
Edit 2:
For people who have done Udacity's deep learning course and still confused about the time_step argument, look at the following discussion:
It turns out model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(vocab_len))) was what I was looking for. Here is an example:
I have summarised most of my understanding of LSTMs here:
As a complement to the accepted answer, this answer shows keras behaviors and how to achieve each picture.
General Keras behavior
The standard keras internal processing is always a many to many as in the following picture (where I used features=2, pressure and temperature, just as an example):
In this image, I increased the number of steps to 5, to avoid confusion with the other dimensions.
For this example:
We have N oil tanks
We spent 5 hours taking measures hourly (time steps)
We measured two features:
Pressure P
Temperature T
Our input array should then be something shaped as (N,5,2):
[ Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Step5
Tank A: [[Pa1,Ta1], [Pa2,Ta2], [Pa3,Ta3], [Pa4,Ta4], [Pa5,Ta5]],
Tank B: [[Pb1,Tb1], [Pb2,Tb2], [Pb3,Tb3], [Pb4,Tb4], [Pb5,Tb5]],
Tank N: [[Pn1,Tn1], [Pn2,Tn2], [Pn3,Tn3], [Pn4,Tn4], [Pn5,Tn5]],
Inputs for sliding windows
Often, LSTM layers are supposed to process the entire sequences. Dividing windows may not be the best idea. The layer has internal states about how a sequence is evolving as it steps forward. Windows eliminate the possibility of learning long sequences, limiting all sequences to the window size.
In windows, each window is part of a long original sequence, but by Keras they will be seen each as an independent sequence:
[ Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Step5
Window A: [[P1,T1], [P2,T2], [P3,T3], [P4,T4], [P5,T5]],
Window B: [[P2,T2], [P3,T3], [P4,T4], [P5,T5], [P6,T6]],
Window C: [[P3,T3], [P4,T4], [P5,T5], [P6,T6], [P7,T7]],
Notice that in this case, you have initially only one sequence, but you're dividing it in many sequences to create windows.
The concept of "what is a sequence" is abstract. The important parts are:
you can have batches with many individual sequences
what makes the sequences be sequences is that they evolve in steps (usually time steps)
Achieving each case with "single layers"
Achieving standard many to many:
You can achieve many to many with a simple LSTM layer, using return_sequences=True:
outputs = LSTM(units, return_sequences=True)(inputs)
#output_shape -> (batch_size, steps, units)
Achieving many to one:
Using the exact same layer, keras will do the exact same internal preprocessing, but when you use return_sequences=False (or simply ignore this argument), keras will automatically discard the steps previous to the last:
outputs = LSTM(units)(inputs)
#output_shape -> (batch_size, units) --> steps were discarded, only the last was returned
Achieving one to many
Now, this is not supported by keras LSTM layers alone. You will have to create your own strategy to multiplicate the steps. There are two good approaches:
Create a constant multi-step input by repeating a tensor
Use a stateful=True to recurrently take the output of one step and serve it as the input of the next step (needs output_features == input_features)
One to many with repeat vector
In order to fit to keras standard behavior, we need inputs in steps, so, we simply repeat the inputs for the length we want:
outputs = RepeatVector(steps)(inputs) #where inputs is (batch,features)
outputs = LSTM(units,return_sequences=True)(outputs)
#output_shape -> (batch_size, steps, units)
Understanding stateful = True
Now comes one of the possible usages of stateful=True (besides avoiding loading data that can't fit your computer's memory at once)
Stateful allows us to input "parts" of the sequences in stages. The difference is:
In stateful=False, the second batch contains whole new sequences, independent from the first batch
In stateful=True, the second batch continues the first batch, extending the same sequences.
It's like dividing the sequences in windows too, with these two main differences:
these windows do not superpose!!
stateful=True will see these windows connected as a single long sequence
In stateful=True, every new batch will be interpreted as continuing the previous batch (until you call model.reset_states()).
Sequence 1 in batch 2 will continue sequence 1 in batch 1.
Sequence 2 in batch 2 will continue sequence 2 in batch 1.
Sequence n in batch 2 will continue sequence n in batch 1.
Example of inputs, batch 1 contains steps 1 and 2, batch 2 contains steps 3 to 5:
[ Step1 Step2 | [ Step3 Step4 Step5
Tank A: [[Pa1,Ta1], [Pa2,Ta2], | [Pa3,Ta3], [Pa4,Ta4], [Pa5,Ta5]],
Tank B: [[Pb1,Tb1], [Pb2,Tb2], | [Pb3,Tb3], [Pb4,Tb4], [Pb5,Tb5]],
.... |
Tank N: [[Pn1,Tn1], [Pn2,Tn2], | [Pn3,Tn3], [Pn4,Tn4], [Pn5,Tn5]],
] ]
Notice the alignment of tanks in batch 1 and batch 2! That's why we need shuffle=False (unless we are using only one sequence, of course).
You can have any number of batches, indefinitely. (For having variable lengths in each batch, use input_shape=(None,features).
One to many with stateful=True
For our case here, we are going to use only 1 step per batch, because we want to get one output step and make it be an input.
Please notice that the behavior in the picture is not "caused by" stateful=True. We will force that behavior in a manual loop below. In this example, stateful=True is what "allows" us to stop the sequence, manipulate what we want, and continue from where we stopped.
Honestly, the repeat approach is probably a better choice for this case. But since we're looking into stateful=True, this is a good example. The best way to use this is the next "many to many" case.
outputs = LSTM(units=features,
return_sequences=True, #just to keep a nice output shape even with length 1
#units = features because we want to use the outputs as inputs
#None because we want variable length
#output_shape -> (batch_size, steps, units)
Now, we're going to need a manual loop for predictions:
input_data = someDataWithShape((batch, 1, features))
#important, we're starting new sequences, not continuing old ones:
output_sequence = []
last_step = input_data
for i in steps_to_predict:
new_step = model.predict(last_step)
last_step = new_step
#end of the sequences
Many to many with stateful=True
Now, here, we get a very nice application: given an input sequence, try to predict its future unknown steps.
We're using the same method as in the "one to many" above, with the difference that:
we will use the sequence itself to be the target data, one step ahead
we know part of the sequence (so we discard this part of the results).
Layer (same as above):
outputs = LSTM(units=features,
#units = features because we want to use the outputs as inputs
#None because we want variable length
#output_shape -> (batch_size, steps, units)
We are going to train our model to predict the next step of the sequences:
totalSequences = someSequencesShaped((batch, steps, features))
#batch size is usually 1 in these cases (often you have only one Tank in the example)
X = totalSequences[:,:-1] #the entire known sequence, except the last step
Y = totalSequences[:,1:] #one step ahead of X
#loop for resetting states at the start/end of the sequences:
for epoch in range(epochs):
The first stage of our predicting involves "ajusting the states". That's why we're going to predict the entire sequence again, even if we already know this part of it:
model.reset_states() #starting a new sequence
predicted = model.predict(totalSequences)
firstNewStep = predicted[:,-1:] #the last step of the predictions is the first future step
Now we go to the loop as in the one to many case. But don't reset states here!. We want the model to know in which step of the sequence it is (and it knows it's at the first new step because of the prediction we just made above)
output_sequence = [firstNewStep]
last_step = firstNewStep
for i in steps_to_predict:
new_step = model.predict(last_step)
last_step = new_step
#end of the sequences
This approach was used in these answers and file:
Predicting a multiple forward time step of a time series using LSTM
how to use the Keras model to forecast for future dates or events?
Achieving complex configurations
In all examples above, I showed the behavior of "one layer".
You can, of course, stack many layers on top of each other, not necessarly all following the same pattern, and create your own models.
One interesting example that has been appearing is the "autoencoder" that has a "many to one encoder" followed by a "one to many" decoder:
inputs = Input((steps,features))
#a few many to many layers:
outputs = LSTM(hidden1,return_sequences=True)(inputs)
outputs = LSTM(hidden2,return_sequences=True)(outputs)
#many to one layer:
outputs = LSTM(hidden3)(outputs)
encoder = Model(inputs,outputs)
Using the "repeat" method;
inputs = Input((hidden3,))
#repeat to make one to many:
outputs = RepeatVector(steps)(inputs)
#a few many to many layers:
outputs = LSTM(hidden4,return_sequences=True)(outputs)
#last layer
outputs = LSTM(features,return_sequences=True)(outputs)
decoder = Model(inputs,outputs)
inputs = Input((steps,features))
outputs = encoder(inputs)
outputs = decoder(outputs)
autoencoder = Model(inputs,outputs)
Train with fit(X,X)
Additional explanations
If you want details about how steps are calculated in LSTMs, or details about the stateful=True cases above, you can read more in this answer: Doubts regarding `Understanding Keras LSTMs`
First of all, you choose great tutorials(1,2) to start.
What Time-step means: Time-steps==3 in X.shape (Describing data shape) means there are three pink boxes. Since in Keras each step requires an input, therefore the number of the green boxes should usually equal to the number of red boxes. Unless you hack the structure.
many to many vs. many to one: In keras, there is a return_sequences parameter when your initializing LSTM or GRU or SimpleRNN. When return_sequences is False (by default), then it is many to one as shown in the picture. Its return shape is (batch_size, hidden_unit_length), which represent the last state. When return_sequences is True, then it is many to many. Its return shape is (batch_size, time_step, hidden_unit_length)
Does the features argument become relevant: Feature argument means "How big is your red box" or what is the input dimension each step. If you want to predict from, say, 8 kinds of market information, then you can generate your data with feature==8.
Stateful: You can look up the source code. When initializing the state, if stateful==True, then the state from last training will be used as the initial state, otherwise it will generate a new state. I haven't turn on stateful yet. However, I disagree with that the batch_size can only be 1 when stateful==True.
Currently, you generate your data with collected data. Image your stock information is coming as stream, rather than waiting for a day to collect all sequential, you would like to generate input data online while training/predicting with network. If you have 400 stocks sharing a same network, then you can set batch_size==400.
When you have return_sequences in your last layer of RNN you cannot use a simple Dense layer instead use TimeDistributed.
Here is an example piece of code this might help others.
words = keras.layers.Input(batch_shape=(None, self.maxSequenceLength), name = "input")
# Build a matrix of size vocabularySize x EmbeddingDimension
# where each row corresponds to a "word embedding" vector.
# This layer will convert replace each word-id with a word-vector of size Embedding Dimension.
embeddings = keras.layers.embeddings.Embedding(self.vocabularySize, self.EmbeddingDimension,
name = "embeddings")(words)
# Pass the word-vectors to the LSTM layer.
# We are setting the hidden-state size to 512.
# The output will be batchSize x maxSequenceLength x hiddenStateSize
hiddenStates = keras.layers.GRU(512, return_sequences = True,
name = "rnn")(embeddings)
hiddenStates2 = keras.layers.GRU(128, return_sequences = True,
input_shape=(self.maxSequenceLength, self.EmbeddingDimension),
name = "rnn2")(hiddenStates)
denseOutput = TimeDistributed(keras.layers.Dense(self.vocabularySize),
name = "linear")(hiddenStates2)
predictions = TimeDistributed(keras.layers.Activation("softmax"),
name = "softmax")(denseOutput)
# Build the computational graph by specifying the input, and output of the network.
model = keras.models.Model(input = words, output = predictions)
# model.compile(loss='kullback_leibler_divergence', \
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', \
optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.009, \
beta_2=0.999, \
epsilon=None, \
decay=0.01, \
Refer this blog for more details Animated RNN, LSTM and GRU.
The figure below gives you a better view of LSTM. It's a LSTM cell.
As you can see, X has 3 features (green circles) so input of this cell is a vector of dimension 3 and hidden state has 2 units (red circles) so the output of this cell (and also cell state) is a vector of dimension 2.
An example of one LSTM layer with 3 timesteps (3 LSTM cells) is shown in the figure below:
** A model can have multiple LSTM layers.
Now I use Daniel Möller's example again for better understanding:
We have 10 oil tanks. For each of them we measure 2 features: temperature, pressure every one hour for 5 times.
now parameters are:
batch_size = number of samples used in one forward/backward pass (default=32) --> for example if you have 1000 samples and you set up the batch_size to 100 then the model will take 10 iterations to pass all of the samples once through network (1 epoch). The higher the batch size, the more memory space you'll need. Because the number of samples in this example are low, we consider batch_size equal to all of samples = 10
timesteps = 5
features = 2
units = It's a positive integer and determines the dimension of hidden state and cell state or in other words the number of parameters passed to next LSTM cell. It can be chosen arbitrarily or empirically based on the features and timesteps. Using more units will result in more accuracy and also more computational time. But it may cause over fitting.
input_shape = (batch_size, timesteps, features) = (10,5,2)
(batch_size, timesteps, units) if return_sequences=True
(batch_size, units) if return_sequences=False

