I have a document that contains several time measurements that I want to average, so I'm converting minutes and seconds to total seconds. The file looks something like:
Boring text
time 15:07
Right now I can get there with the following:
if line.startswith('time') :
rtminutes = re.findall('([0-9][0-9]):', line)
for min in rtminutes :
rtmintosec = float(min) * 60
rtseconds = re.findall(':([0-9][0-9])', line)
for sec in rtseconds :
totsecs = rtmintosec + float(sec)
print ("Total roast time in seconds:", totsecs)
It seems like the better way would be using time and total_seconds.
import time
if line.startswith('time') :
rt = re.search('\d{2}:\d{2}', line)
rtime = time.strftime(rt, '%M:%S')
Every time I've attempted a time approach, I get errors along the lines of:
TypeError: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not re.Match
I'm obviously missing the boat somewhere. Suggestions appreciated.
You need to make sure a match was found, and if so extract the matched string from the re.Match object.
rt = re.search('\d{2}:\d{2}', line)
if rt: # if rt is None then rt.group() will raise an exception
rtime = time.strftime(rt.group(), '%M:%S')
hi i tested with this code i just removed the \n and its working for me
#line is your line number where the tims is time 15:07
#Boringtext is the file name
from colorama import Fore, Style
import linecache as s
import time
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime
def file_len(fname , line):
return s.getline(fname,line)
line = file_len('Boringtext',2)
if line.startswith('time') :
rt = line.split(' ')
rtime = datetime.strptime(rt[1].rstrip("\n"), '%M:%S')
t = timedelta(minutes = rtime.minute , seconds = rtime.second )
So I am making a discord bot ,
I saw this code on a stackoverflow question
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
now = datetime.now() # a datetime.datetime objekt
last_claim_stamp = str(now.timestamp()) # save this into json
delta = now - last_claim # the timedelta between now and the last claim
if delta > timedelta(hours=48): # if last claim is older than 48h; 24h until he can re use the command + 24h time to claim his daily money again = 48h
streak = 1 # reset the streak
streak += 1
#commands.cooldown(1, 86400, commands.BucketType.user)
async def daily(ctx):
with open("streak.json", "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
streak = data[f"{ctx.author.id}"]["streak"]
last_claim_stamp = data[f"{ctx.author.id}"]["last_claim"]
last_claim = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(last_claim_stamp)
now = datetime.now()
delta = now - last_claim
if delta > timedelta(hours=48):
print("reset streak")
streak = 1
print("increase streak")
streak += 1
daily = 45 + (streak * 5)
amount_after = data[f"{ctx.author.id}"]["balance"] + daily
data[f"{ctx.author.id}"]["streak"] = streak
data[f"{ctx.author.id}"]["balance"] += daily
data[f"{ctx.author.id}"]["last_claim"] = str(now.timestamp())
with open("streak.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
embed = discord.Embed(title="Daily", colour=random.randint(0, 0xffffff), description=f"You've claimed your daily of **{daily}**, now you have **${amount_after}**")
embed.set_footer(text=f"Your daily streak: {streak}")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
I got the error here -
File "main.py", line 1148
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
I retyped code the starting part where is the error but still no success please help.I used another interpreter , it showed the same error but at a different place i.e. (last_claim_stamp)
Your code has an invisible Unicode character at the beginning of the name last_claim, specifically U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE
Indeed, the whole section of code seems to have U+200B characters at the beginning of most lines.
How to resolve this depends more on your editor / IDE than Python; you will need to figure out how to do a search and replace to remove them all, and possibly also some method of viewing them (although if it starts working, you can probably call it done). Depending on how they got there, you may also need to avoid using the same method in the future, or change settings so the U+200B characters don't get generated.
I'm trying to extract time from single strings where in one string there will be texts other than only time. An example is s = 'Dates : 12/Jul/2019 12/Aug/2019, Loc : MEISHAN BRIDGE, Time : 06:00 17:58'.
I've tried using datefinder module like this :
from datetime import datetime as dt
import datefinder as dfn
for m in dfn.find_dates(s):
print(dt.strftime(m, "%H:%M:%S"))
Which gives me this :
In this case the time "06:00" is missed out. Now if I try without datefinder with only datetime module like this :
dt.strftime(s, "%H:%M")
It notifies me that the input must be a datetime object already, not a string with the following error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: descriptor 'strftime' requires a 'datetime.date' object but received a 'str'
So I tried to use dateutil module to parse this string s to a datetime object with this :
from dateutil.parser import parse
but, now it now says that my string is not in proper format (which in most cases will not be in any fixed format), showing me this error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/michael/anaconda3/envs/sec_img/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dateutil/parser/_parser.py", line 1358, in parse
return DEFAULTPARSER.parse(timestr, **kwargs)
File "/home/michael/anaconda3/envs/sec_img/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dateutil/parser/_parser.py", line 649, in parse
raise ValueError("Unknown string format:", timestr)
ValueError: ('Unknown string format:', '12/Jul/2019 12/Aug/2019 MEISHAN BRIDGE 06:00 17:58')
I have thought of getting the time with regex like
import re
p = r"\d{2}\:\d{2}"
times = [i.group() for i in re.finditer(p, s)]
# Gives me ['06:00', '17:58']
But doing this way will need me to check again whether this regex matched chunks are actually time or not because even "99:99" could be regex matched rightly and told as time wrongly. Is there any work around without regex to get all the times from a single string?
Please note that the string might contain or might not contain any date, but it will contain a time always. Even if it contains date, the date format might be anything on earth and also this string might or might not contain other irrelevant texts.
I don't see many options here, so I would go with a heuristic. I would run the following against the whole dataset and extend the config/regexes until it covers all/most of the cases:
import re
import logging
from datetime import datetime as dt
s = 'Dates : 12/Jul/2019 12/08/2019, Loc : MEISHAN BRIDGE, Time : 06:00 17:58:59'
re.compile(r"(\d{2}/\w{3}/\d{4})"): "%d/%b/%Y",
re.compile(r"(\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})"): "%d/%m/%Y",
re.compile(r"(\d{2}/\w{3}\w+/\d{4})"): "%d/%B/%Y",
# Capture more here
re.compile(r"((?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-4]):[0-5][0-9])[^:]"): "%H:%M",
re.compile(r"((?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-4]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])"): "%H:%M:%S",
# Capture more here
def extract_supported_dt(config, s):
Loop thru the given config (keys are regexes, values are date/time format)
and attempt to gather all valid data.
valid_data = []
for regex, fmt in config.items():
# Extract what you think looks like date
valid_ish_data = regex.findall(s)
if not valid_ish_data:
print("Checking " + str(valid_ish_data))
# validate it
for d in valid_ish_data:
valid_data.append(dt.strptime(d, fmt))
except ValueError:
return valid_data
# Handle dates
dates = extract_supported_dt(SUPPORTED_DATE_FMTS, s)
# Handle times
times = extract_supported_dt(SUPPORTED_TIME_FMTS, s)
print("Found dates: ")
for date in dates:
print("\t" + str(date.date()))
print("Found times: ")
for t in times:
print("\t" + str(t.time()))
Example output:
Checking ['12/Jul/2019']
Checking ['12/08/2019']
Checking ['06:00']
Checking ['17:58:59']
Found dates:
Found times:
This is a trial and error approach but I do not think there is an alternative in your case. Thus my goal here is to make it as easy as possible to extend support with more date/time formats as opposed to try to find a solution that covers 100% of the data day-1. This way, the more data you run against the more complete your config will be.
One thing to note is that you will have to detect strings that appear to have no dates and log them somewhere. Later you will need to manually revise and see if something that was missed could be captured.
Now, assuming that your data are being generated by another system, sooner or later you will be able to match 100% of it. If the data input is from human, then you will probably never manage to get 100%! (people tend to make spelling mistakes and sometimes import random stuff... date=today :) )
How to extract multiple time from same string in Python?
If you need only time this regex should work fine
If there could be spaces in time like 23 : 59 use this
Use Regex But Something Like This,
This Matched
00:00, 00:59 01:00 01:59 02:00 02: 59
09:00 10:00 11:59 20:00 21:59 23:59
Not work for
99:99 23:99 01:99
Check Here Dude if it works for You
Check on Repl.it
you could use dictionaries:
my_dict = {}
for i in s.split(', '):
m = i.strip().split(' : ', 1)
my_dict[m[0]] = m[1].split()
{'Dates': ['12/Jul/2019', '12/Aug/2019'],
'Loc': ['MEISHAN', 'BRIDGE'],
'Time': ['06:00', '17:58']}
I'm trying to make a dynamic function: I give two datetime values and it could read the log between those datetime values, for example:
start_point = "2019-04-25 09:30:46.781"
stop_point = "2019-04-25 10:15:49.109"
I'm thinking of algorithm that checks:
if the dates are equal:
check if the start hour 0 char (09 -> 0) is higher or less than stop hour 0 char (10 -> 1);
same check with the hour 1 char ((start) 09 -> 9, (stop) 10 -> 0);
same check with the minute 0 char;
same check with the minute 1 char;
if the dates differ:
some other checks...
I don't know if I'm not inventing a wheel again, but I'm really lost, I'll list things I tried:
cmd = subprocess.Popen(['egrep "2019-04-19 ([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9].[0-9]{3}" file.log'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
cmd_result = cmd.communicate()[0]
for i in str(cmd_result).split("\n"):
The problem with this one: I added the values from the example and it couldn't work, because it has invalid ranges like hour 1 chars it creates range [9-0], minute char 0 as well [3-1] and etc.
Tried the following solutions from The best way to filter a log by a dates range in python
Any help is appreciated.
the log line structure:
2019-04-25 09:30:46.781 text text text ...
2019-04-25 09:30:46.853 text text text ...
So I tried the code:
from datetime import datetime as dt
s1 = "2019-04-25 09:34:11.057"
s2 = "2019-04-25 09:59:43.534"
start = dt.strptime('2019-04-25 09:34:11.057','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
stop = dt.strptime('2019-04-25 09:59:43.534', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
start_1 = dt.strptime('09:34:11.057','%H:%M:%S.%f')
stop_1 = dt.strptime('09:59:43.534','%H:%M:%S.%f')
with open('file.out','r') as file:
for line in file:
ts = dt.strptime(line.split()[1],'%H:%M:%S.%f')
if (ts > start_1) and (ts < stop_1):
print line
and I got the error
ValueError: time data 'Platform' does not match format '%H:%M:%S.%f'
So it seems I found the other problem it contains sometimes non datetime at line start. Is there a way to provide a regex in which I provide the datetime format?
Fixed the issue when the string appears at the start of the line which causes ValueError and fixed index out of range error when maybe the other values occur:
ts = dt.strptime(line.split()[1],'%H:%M:%S.%f')
if (ts > start_1) and (ts < stop_1):
print line
except IndexError as err:
except ValueError as err:
So now it lists not in the range I provide, now it read the log
FROM 2019-02-27 09:38:46.229TO 2019-02-28 09:57:11.028. Any thoughts?
Your edit 2 had the right idea. You need to put exception handling in to catch lines which are not formatted correctly and skip them, for example blank lines, or lines that do not have the timestamp. This can be done as follows:
from datetime import datetime
s1 = "2019-04-25 09:24:11.057"
s2 = "2019-04-25 09:59:43.534"
fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'
start = datetime.strptime(s1, fmt)
stop = datetime.strptime(s2, fmt)
with open('file.out', 'r') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
ts = datetime.strptime(' '.join(line.split(' ', maxsplit=2)[:2]), fmt)
if start <= ts <= stop:
The whole of the timestamp is used to create ts, this was so it can be correctly compared with start and stop.
Each line first has the trailing newline removed. It is then split on spaces up to twice. The first two splits are then joined back together and converted into a datetime object. If this fails, it implies that you do not have a correctly formatted line.
I'm new to Python and I'm trying to output the length of a list as a single integer, eg:
l1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
len(l1) = 3
However, it is printing on cmdline with 1s down the page, eg:
How can I get it to just output the number rather than a list of 1s?
(Here's the code:)
def Q3():
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
inputauth = open("auth.log", "r")
authStrings = inputauth.readlines()
failedPass = 'Failed password for'
for line in authStrings:
time = line[7:15]
dateHour = line[0:9]
countAttack1 = []
if time in line and failedPass in line:
if dateHour == 'Feb 3 08':
length1 = len(countAttack1)
Ideally, I'd like it to output the number in a print so that I could format it, aka:
print("Attack 1: " + length1)
I think you are looping and ifs are inside a loop. If so, just print the length outside loop scope.
Please share the complete code for a better answer
Well as Syed Abdul Wahab said, the problem is that the "list" is getting recreated each loop. This makes so that the print reports "1", as it is the actual length of the list.
The other problem, repetition of the printng is similar - you are actually printing "each time in the loop".
The solution is then simple: you initialize the list outside the loop; and also report outside the loop.
def Q3():
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
inputauth = open("auth.log", "r")
authStrings = inputauth.readlines()
failedPass = 'Failed password for'
countAttack1 = [] # after this line the countAttack will be empty
for line in authStrings:
time = line[7:15]
dateHour = line[0:9]
if time in line and failedPass in line:
if dateHour == 'Feb 3 08':
length1 = len(countAttack1)
print("Attack 1: " + str(length1))
I'd also like to take a bit of time to link you to string formatting While the documentation is complex it will make printing much easier, above print is trnasformed into:
print("Attack 1: {0}".format(length1))
Further analysing the code gives some peculiarities, you check if time is in the line string. - However just a few codelines above you create time from a slice of line - so it will always be inside line. (Except for the edge case where line is not of correct length, but that'll error anyways). So that if statement should be simplified to:
if failedPass in line:
Here is the function that prints the the length:
def print_length():
if time in line and failedPass in line:
if dateHour == 'Feb 3 08':
length1 = len(countAttack1)
>>>Print length of the List.
I want to create a csv file with a filename of the following format:
"day-month-year hour:minute-malware_scan.csv"
Example:" 6-8-2016 21:45-malware_scan.csv"
The first part of the filename is formed by the actual date and time at file creation time, instead "-malware_scan.csv" is a fixed string.
I know that in order to get the date and time I should use the time or datetime module and the strftime() function for formatting.
At first I tried with:
t = datetime.datetime.now()
formatted_time = t.strftime(%d-%m-%y %H:%M)
filename = formatted_time + "-malware_scan.csv"
with open(filename, "a") as f:
I didn't get the expected result, so I tried another way:
i = datetime.datetime.now()
file_to_open = "{day}-{month}-{year} {hour}:{minute}-malware_scan.csv".format(day = i.day, month = i.month, year = i.year, hour = i.hour, minute = i.minute)
with open(file_to_open, "a") as f:
Also using the code above I don't get the expected result.
I get a filename of this kind: "6-8-2016 21". Day, month, year and hour is displayed but the minutes and the rest of the string (-malware_scan.csv) isn't diplayed.
I'm focusing only on the filename with this question, not on the csv writing itself, whose code is omitted.
The : character is not allowed for filenames on PC. You could discard the : separator entirely:
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> t = datetime.now()
>>> formatted_time = t.strftime('%d-%m-%y %H%M')
>>> formatted_time
'06-08-16 2226'
>>> datetime.strptime(formatted_time, '%d-%m-%y %H%M')
datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 6, 22, 26)
Or replace that character with an underscore or hyphen.
Thanks to Moses Koledoye for spotting the problem. I was thinking I made a mistake in the Python code, but actually the problem was the characters of the filename.
According to MSDN the following are reserved characters that cannot be used in a filename on Windows:
< (less than)
> (greater than)
: (colon)
" (double quote)
/ (forward slash)
\ (backslash)
| (vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)
* (asterisk)