I'm trying to save each frame of an animation as a png. The relevant code looks like this:
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, fargs=(img, grid, N, beta, survival, theta),
I get 30 png files numbered correctly but I can't open them in any image viewer - they seem to be corrupted or either "pretend" files with nothing in them. The animation itself definitely works - it appears with plt.show() and I've successfully saved an mp4 version. Can someone point me to a solution?
Here's a workaround / alternative solution:
If you are using a FuncAnimation, my first thought would be to add a plt.savefig command in your update function - so as the animation is built, you save individual PNGs. Here is an example animation from another post I answered (just using it b/c it is available), but I have modified it to include savefig for each frame:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import numpy as np
time_steps = 50
N_nodes = 100
positions = []
solutions = []
for i in range(time_steps):
positions.append(np.random.rand(2, N_nodes))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
marker_size = 5 #upped this to make points more visible
def animate(i):
""" Perform animation step. """
#important - the figure is cleared and new axes are added
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal', autoscale_on=False, xlim=(0, 1), ylim=(0, 1))
#the new axes must be re-formatted
# and the elements for this frame are added
ax.text(0.02, 0.95, 'Time step = %d' % i, transform=ax.transAxes)
s = ax.scatter(positions[i][0], positions[i][1], s = marker_size, c = solutions[i], cmap = "RdBu_r", marker = ".", edgecolor = None)
# v v v v v v v v v v
plt.savefig('frame {}.png'.format(str(i)))
plt.xlabel('x [m]')
plt.ylabel('y [m]')
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=100, frames=range(time_steps))
ani.save('animation.gif', writer='pillow')
Note that you still have to include the saving of the animation as a GIF (last line), or else there won't actually be iteration over every frame.
Trying to adapt your code, I couldn't get my frames to save as images after creating the animation - I'm not sure why this should work or what is going on with your unopenable files (sorry!).
You can save the animation as gif and then easily convert it to png format.
I am trying to animate a simple demonstration of Benfold's Law. I am expecting an animated bar graph from this code:
import matplotlib.animation as animation
fig = plt.figure()
def animate(i):
plt.title("Iteration: " + str(i))
plt.plot(np.arange(1,10,1),1000*benford[1:], linestyle="", marker="d",color='r')
plt.bar(all_leads[i].keys(), all_leads[i].values())
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=100)
I get an empty plot.
Empty Plot
The animate(i) function works to give a correct individual plot
Image of correctly produced plot
Any ideas what I am doing wrong.
Because I don't have your data, I made a mock animation as best I could from what was provided. First, you have to plot your graph outside of the animate function, then you have to update the x and y data within the animate function, lastly - to loop your animation, you have to set frames to some value (we will go with 10 for your case). While this all isn't perfectly in line with your graphs (again, I don't have your data), this should get you started. You can also take a look at my other answer for an additional example.
%matplotlib notebook # If you are working in jupyter notebook
import matplotlib.animation as animation
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
plot, = ax.plot(np.arange(1,10,1),np.arange(1,10,1), linestyle="", marker="d",color='r')
def animate(i):
plt.title("Iteration: " + str(i))
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=100, frames=10)
You can also add an xlim argument in the animate function to follow your animation across the x-axis:
def animate(i):
plt.title("Iteration: " + str(i))
plt.xlim(i, i+4)
I'm trying to animate a figure using matplotlib->FuncAnimate function. However, I'm having trouble understanding how Blit works. With each frame, I want to draw only the new data point on top of the old one. It says that using Blit it should automatically update only the values that changed. Thus, if I turn it on (blit=True) the previous data points should remain in my figure. But this is not the case. The previous data get deleted and the figure gets redraw from scratch.
In the documentation, it says that I have to return "iterable_of_artists" and the algorithm will know which data has changed. I want to just pass the new data and just plot on top of the old one. By the way, what is an "iterable_of_artists", is that just a list of objects that can be drawn? if someone could point me out to the definition, I would appreciate it.
Anyway, I have worked several base examples that show the odd behavior. In the first example, I'm turning Blit=True and drawing only the new data using the animate function. This in theory should draw on top of the old ones, but is not the case, only the new data is drawn.
import time
import random
import numpy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
def livePlot():
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(1,1)
ax = pyplot.axes(xlim=(0, 2), ylim=(0, 100))
line, = ax.plot([], [], 'ro') #ax.plot will return a tupple
def init():
line.set_data(0, 50)
return line, #Return is not necessary when blit=False
def animate(frame):
x = frame
y = random.randint(0, 100)
return line, #Return is not necessary when blit=False
animation = FuncAnimation(
fig, animate,
init_func = init,
frames= [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0],
blit=True, # Turning on Blit
cache_frame_data = True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I was able to achieve my goal by tricking the FuncAnimate method. I can use the ax and plot in each frame the new data. If I do that, the old data remains and only the new data is drawn. However, I can do that with Blit=True or Blit=False, it has no effect. So, I'm so confused on how Blit works and what would be the correct way to plot only the new data without having to create a list with all the data to plot. Passing a large list will create a large variable in memory if I have a long set of data points. Here is my workaround but I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do it or if there is a better ways of using Blit=True and just redraw the new data.
import time
import random
import numpy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
def livePlot():
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(1,1)
ax = pyplot.axes(xlim=(0, 2), ylim=(0, 100))
def init():
ax.plot(0, 50, 'ro')
return []
def animate(frame):
x = frame
y = random.randint(0, 100)
ax.plot(x, y, 'ro') # plotting directly on the axis. This keeps the old data
return [] # fooling the blit algorithm with an empty stream
animation = FuncAnimation(
fig, animate,
init_func = init,
frames= [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0],
cache_frame_data = True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here is the code of plotting the figures. But why are there always two empty figures before the third expected figure, it seems I created two blank fig.
And I cannot save the figure in my local computer fig.savefig('Sens.png'). There is an error The C++ part of the object has been deleted, attribute access no longer allowed(actually successfully saved only for one time).
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
m = 1
for s in dataList:
f = interp1d(FXSpotList, s, 'cubic')
xnew = np.linspace(FXSpotList[0], FXSpotList[-1], 40, True)
plt.plot(xnew, f(xnew), '-')
plt.axvline(x=tradeTest.Pair().Spot(), linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(y=0, linestyle='--')
m = m + 1
plt.figtext(0.5, 0.01, 'Type='+str(tradeTest.Types()[0]), ha='center')
Although you did not provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example, it is obvious that there are things wrong with your loop construction. You show, close, then save the plot in every loop, which is probably not, what you are intending to do. A minimal example of your loop would be
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#sample list to iterate over
dataList = ["fig1", "fig2", "fig3"]
#loop over the list, retrieve data entries and index
for i, s in enumerate(dataList):
#define position of the plot in a 2 x 2 grid
plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1)
#random plot, insert your calculations here
plt.plot(range(3), np.random.randint(0, 10, 3))
#utilize list data
#save figure
#show figure
I want to add a legend in a python animation, like the line.set_label() below. It is similar to plt.plot(x,y,label='%d' %*variable*).
However, I find that codes do not work here. The animation only shows lines changing but no label or legend available. How can I fix this problem?
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, 2), ylim=(0, 100))
N = 3
lines = [plt.plot([], [])[0] for _ in range(N)]
def init():
for line in lines:
line.set_data([], [])
return lines
def animate(i):
for j,line in enumerate(lines):
line.set_data([0, 2], [10*j,i])
line.set_label('line %d, stage %d'%(j,i))
return lines
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
frames=100, interval=20, blit=True)
you must return the legend in your animation function for it to be rendered.
Try this, instead :
legend = plt.legend()
def animate(i):
for j,line in enumerate(lines):
line.set_data([0, 2], [10*j,i])
line.set_label('line %d, stage %d'%(j,i))
legend = plt.legend()
return lines + [legend]
You should also include the same code in your init function, init is used when resizing the window, otherwise the legend will disappear when resizing
I'm no expert on matplotlib at all, but in the Double Pendulum animation they display texts which changes, and this leads to some variations which can help you.
To get legends with the actual color of the lines, you can either change the initial setting lines to:
lines = [plt.plot([], [], label = 'line {}'.format(i))[0] for i in range(N)]
or add a line.set_label() to the for loop in the init() function. Both these seem to work as expected. At least if you add plt.legend(loc="upper left") right before plt.show().
However the set_label doesn't work within the animate() function, but according to the linked animation you can use specific text fields added to the animation, and that seems to work nicely. Add the following code after initialisation of lines:
texts = [ax.text(0.80, 0.95-i*0.05, '', transform=ax.transAxes) for i in range(N)]
And change animate() to be:
def animate(i):
for j in range(N):
lines[j].set_data([0, 2], [10*j,i]) #, label="hei {}".format(i))
texts[j].set_text('line %d, stage %d'%(j,i))
return lines
This places the text close to the upper right corner, and is updated for each animation step. Since the lines still have their legend displayed, you possibly simplify into one text only displaying the stage. But I leave the fine tuning of messages to your discretion.
Addendum: Extend Line2D
Another alternative could possibly be to extend lines.Line2D and use these lines in your animation, something similar to this article. Not sure if this would work with animation, but if you can't get the above to work, this might be worth a try.
You can try this minimum working example below. The handle of legend hlegend consist of handles of text htext, so we can update htext content in the hf_frame.
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
N0 = 20
xdata = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
omega = np.linspace(1, 4, N0)
ydata = np.sin(omega[:,np.newaxis]*xdata)
hline0, = ax.plot(xdata, ydata[0], label=f'omega={omega[0]:.3f}')
hlegend = ax.legend(loc='upper right')
def hf_frame(ind0):
hline0.set_data(xdata, ydata[ind0])
label_i = f'{omega[ind0]:.3f}'
# hline0.set_label(label_i) #doesn't help
htext = hlegend.get_texts()[0]
return hline0,htext
ani = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(fig, hf_frame, frames=N0, interval=200)
I would like to save an animation using Python but I get the frames superposed! I want to get the frames displayed individually.
Please here what I used:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from numpy import pi, cos, sin
fig = plt.figure()
plt.axis([-1.5, 1.5,-1.5, 1.5])
ax = plt.gca()
xp = [None] * N
yp = [None] * N
def init():
# initialize an empty list of cirlces
return []
def animate(i):
patches = []
patches.append(ax.add_patch( plt.Circle((xp[i],yp[i]),0.02,color='b') ))
return patches
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
frames=N-1, interval=20, blit=True)
There are some things I'm not sure about and it really seems to be that the axis.plot() behavior and FuncAnimate() behavior are different. However, the code below works for both.
Use only one patch (in your case)
The key point from your code is that you are adding a new circle in addition to the old circles every iteration:
patches = []
patches.append(ax.add_patch( plt.Circle((xp[i],yp[i]),0.02,color='b') ))
Even though you clear the patches list, they are still stored in the axis.
Instead, just create one circle and change its position.
Clear first frame with init()
Also, init() needs to clear the patch from the base frame.
Standalone Example
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from numpy import pi, cos, sin
fig = plt.figure()
plt.axis([-1.5, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5])
ax = plt.gca()
N = 100
xp = []
yp = []
# add one patch at the beginning and then change the position
patch = plt.Circle((0, 0), 0.02, color='b')
def init():
# return what you want to be cleared when axes are reset
# this actually clears even if patch not returned it so I'm not sure
# what it really does
return tuple()
def animate(i):
patch.set_visible(True) # there is probably a more efficient way to do this
# just change the position of the patch
x, y = sin(i*pi/10), cos(i*pi/10)
patch.center = x, y
# I left this. I guess you need a history of positions.
# again return what you want to be cleared after each frame
# this actually clears even if patch not returned it so I'm not sure
# what it really does
return tuple()
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
frames=N-1, interval=20, blit=True)
# for anyone else, if you get strange errors, make sure you have ffmpeg
# on your system and its bin folder in your path or use whatever
# writer you have as: writer=animation.MencoderWriter etc...
# and then passing it to save(.., writer=writer)
Return values???
Regarding the return values of init() and animate(), It doesn't seem to matter what is returned. The single patch still gets moved around and drawn correctly without clearing previous ones.