I have an RDD called bank_rdd which has been imported from a CSV file.
First I have split each line separated by a comma into a list
bank_rdd1 = bank_rdd.map(lambda line: line.split(','))
The header titles are:
accountNumber, personFname, personLname, balance
I then removed the header
header = bank_rdd1.first()
bank_rdd1 = bank_rdd1.filter(lambda row: row != header)
Sample data for the first two records as follows:
When I run the following code I get a count of 100 (which is the amount of records before I filter)
When I run the following code I get a count of 0. Note that x[3] refers to the column that contains bank account balances and it is a string.
bank_rdd1 = bank_rdd1.filter(lambda x: int(x[3]) > 1000)
I'm not sure why it is returning a count of 0, when in the CSV file there are 20 rows where the bank account balance is greater than 1000.
Could anybody point out what the error may be?
The following code works just fine for me.
>>> data = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([('1','John','Smith','1100'),('2','Jane','Doe','500')])
>>> data.first()
('1', 'John', 'Smith', '1100')
>>> data.count()
>>> data.filter(lambda x: int(x[3]) > 1000).count()
Are you sure this is causing the error? Can you share whole code? Can you tell about your pyspark envirnment?
I am having a problem with my code and getting it to work. Im not sure if im sorting this correctly. I am trying to sort with out lambda pandas or itemgetter.
Here is my code that I am having issues with.
with open('ManufacturerList.csv', 'r') as man_list:
ml = csv.reader(man_list, delimiter=',')
for row in ml:
with open('PriceList.csv', 'r') as price_list:
pl = csv.reader(price_list, delimiter=',')
for row in pl:
with open('ManufacturerList.csv', 'r') as service_list:
sl = csv.reader(service_list, delimiter=',')
for row in sl:
new_mfl = (sorted(manufacturerList, key='None'))
new_prl = (sorted(priceList, key='None'))
new_sdl = (sorted(serviceList, key='None'))
for x in range(0, len(new_mfl)):
for x in range(0, len(new_mfl)):
new_list = new_mfl
inventoryList = (sorted(list, key=1))
i have tried to use the def function to try to get it to work but i dont know if im doing it right. This is what i tried.
def new_mfl(x):
return x[0]
You can do it like this:
def manufacturer_key(x):
return x[0]
sorted_mfl = sorted(manufacturerList, key=manufacturer_key)
The key argument is the function that extracts the field of the CSV that you want to sort by.
sorted_mfl = sorted(manufacturerList, key=lambda x: x[0])
There are different Dialects and Formatting Parameters that allow to handle input and output of data from comma separated value files; Maybe it could be used in a way with fewer statements using the correct delimiter which depends on the type of data you handle, this would be added to using built in methods like split for string data or another method to sort and manipulate lists, for example for single column data, delimiter=',' separate data by comma and it would iterate trough each value and not as a list of lists when you call csv.reader
['9.310788653967691', '4.065746465800029', '6.6363356879192965', '7.279020237137884', '4.010297786910394']
['9.896092029283933', '7.553018448286675', '0.3268282119829197', '2.348011394854333', '3.964531054345021']
['5.078622663277619', '4.542467725728741', '3.743648062104161', '12.761916277286993', '9.164698479088221']
# out:
column1 column2 column3 column4 column5
0 4.737897984379577 6.078414943611958 2.7021438955897095 5.8736388919905895 7.878958949784588
1 4.436982168483749 3.9453563399358544 12.66647791861843 5.323017508568736 4.156777982870004
2 4.798241413768279 12.690268531982028 9.638858110105895 7.881360524434767 4.2948334000783195
This is achieved because I am using lists that contain singular values, since for columns or lists that are of the form sorted_mfl = {'First Name' : ['name', 'name', 'name'], 'Second Name ' : [...], 'ID':[...]}, new_prl = ['example', 'example', 'example'] new_sdl = [...] the data would be added by something like sorted_mfl + new_prl + new_sdl and since different modules are also used to set and manage comma separated files, you should add more information to your question like the data type you use or create a minimal reproducible example with pandas.
I have a dataframe that I have created by hand. I am working on a code that copies the dataframe and concatenates the new dataframe to the end of the first one. For now, I need the code to look through each value of a column of the 'Name' dataframe that contains strings and if there is a number in the string, increase this number by 1. I need the number to be turned into an int so that I can create a function that will look through the dataframe and automatically add 1 to the largest number in the dataframe. An example:
import pandas as pd
data = {'ID': [1,2,3,4],
'Name': ['BN #1', 'HHC', 'A comp', 'B Comp']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['SysNum'] = [int(re.search('(?<=#)\d', x)[0]) for x in df['Name'].values]
Afterwards the new df looks like
data2 = {'ID': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
'Name': ['BN #1', 'HHC', 'A comp', 'B Comp','BN #2', 'HHC', 'A comp', 'B Comp']}
When I run this, I receive a 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable error. This makes sense because only the BN # row has a number and re.search returns None when the string parameters are not met, but I cannot figure out how to tell python to ignore the other rows.
Only the first row each dataframe will increase by 1, so if there is an easier way where I do not use re.search, that is fine. I know there are a couple ways of doing this but I want to be able to always look through the string value of BN and increase it by 1 every time I run the code.
df2['BaseName'] = [re.sub('\d', '', x) for x in df2['Name'].values]
df['BaseName'] = [re.sub('\d', '', x) for x in df['Name'].values]
df2['SysNum'] = [int(re.search('(?<=#)\d', x)[0]) for x in df2['Name'].values]
# df2['SysNum'] = df2['Name'].get(r'(?<=#)\d').astype(int)
# df['SysNum'] = [int(re.search('(?<=#)\d', x)[0]) for x in df['Name'].values]
df['SysNum'] = df['Name'].str.contains('(?<=#)\d').astype(int)
m = re.search(r'(?<=#)\d', df2['Name'].iloc[0])
if m:
df2['SysNum'] = int(m.group(0)) + 1
n = re.search(r'(?<=#)\d', df['Name'].iloc[0])
if n:
df['SysNum'] = int(n.group(1)) + 1
new_names = df2['BaseName'].unique()
maxes2 = np.zeros((len(new_names), ))
for j in range(len(new_names)):
un2 = new_names[j]
maxes2[j] = df['SysNum'].loc[df['BaseName'] == un2].max()
df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2] = np.linspace(1, len(df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2]), len(df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2]))
df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2] += maxes2[j]
newnames2 = [s + '%d' % num for s,num in zip(df2['BaseName'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2].values, df2['SysNum'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2].values)]
df2['Name'].loc[df2['BaseName'] == un2] = newnames2
I have this code working for two dataframes and the numbering works out how I would like it to. The first two have a "Name-###" naming convention for all the rows in the dataframe. This allows the commented out re.search line at the top to run just fine. The next two dataframes I am working on are like the examples I put up earlier with the BN #1 and the rest of the names do not have a number. When I run the commented out re.search lines, the code tries to convert the NoneTypes to int and it cannot do that. When I run the code as is now, a new number is put on each and every row immediately following the name, but I need it to add a new number to the row with the #. So what I need and I am struggling with is a piece of code that looks through the dataframe, looks for a # sign, turns the number after the # sign into an int, a loop that looks for the max int and then adds 1 to that number, adds that new number onto the new dataframe, adds new dataframe onto the old one for a larger master list.
You can access the value on the first row of the Name column using df['Name'].iloc[0].
Thus, you can search for a sequence of digits after a # sign in that value using
m = re.search(r'#(\d+)', df['Name'].iloc[0])
if m:
df['SysNum'] = int(m.group(1)) + 1
>>> df
ID Name SysNum
0 1 BN #1 2
1 2 HHC 2
2 3 A comp 2
3 4 B Comp 2
Please point out where i am doing wrong or a duplicate of this question
I have 11 columns in my table, i am loading data from Ceph(AWS) bucket to Postgres and while doing that i have to filter the data with the below conditions before inserting data into Postgres
Drop the entire row if there is any empty/ Null values in any column
First name and last name should have more than a single letter. Ex : first name = A or last name = P, any record either first name or last name or both , entire record/row should be dropped
Zip code should be 5 digit or greater . Max 7 digit
First name and last name records should not have [Jr, Sr, I, II, etc] in it. or drop the entire record
i have managed to execute the first step (new to pandas) but i was blocked at the next step and i believe that it might also help me solve step3 if i find a solution for step2. While doing a quick research in google, I found that i might be complicating the process by using chunks and might have to use 'concat' to apply it for all chunks or may be i am wrong but i am dealing with huge amount of data and using chunks would help me load the data faster into Postgres.
I am going to paste my code here and mention what i tried, what was the output and what would be the expected output
what i tried:
columns = [
def push_to_pg_weekly(key):
vants = []
key = _download_s3(key)
s=sp.Popen(["wc", "-l", key], stdout=sp.PIPE)
a, b = s.communicate()
total_rows = int(a.split()[0])
rows = 0
data = pd.read_csv(key, sep="|", header=None, chunksize=100000)
for chunk in data:
rows += len(chunk)
print("Processed rows: ", (float(rows)/total_rows)*100)
chunk = chunk.dropna(axis=0) #step-1 Drop the rows where at least one element is missing.
index_names = chunk[(len(chunk[0]) <= 1) | (len(chunk[1]) <= 1)].index #step2
chunk.drop(index_names, axis=0)
chunk.to_csv("/tmp/sample.csv", sep="|", header=None, index=False)
connection = psycopg2.connect(user = os.environ.get("DATABASE_USER", “USERNAME”),
password = os.environ.get("DATABASE_PASS", “PASSWORD“),
host = os.environ.get("DATABASE_HOST", "cvlpsql.pgsql.com"),
port = 5432,
dbname = os.environ.get("DATABASE_NAME", "cvlpsql_db"),
options = "-c search_path=DATAVANT_O")
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.copy_from(open('/tmp/sample.csv'), "COVID1", sep='|')
def push_to_pg():
paginator = CLIENT.get_paginator('list_objects')
pages = paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket)
for page in pages:
if "Contents" in page:
for obj in page["Contents"]:
if obj['Key'].startswith('test/covid-2020-11-10-175213') and (obj['Key'].endswith('.txt') or obj['Key'].endswith('.csv')):
output - data inserted into postgresDB:
Expected Output:
Any answers/comments will be very much appriciated, thank you
Fastest way to do operations like this on pandas is through numpy.where.
eg for String length:
data = data[np.where((data['cust_last_nm'].str.len()>1) &
(data['cust_frst_nm'].str.len()>1), True, False)]
Note: you can add postal code condition in same way. by default in your data postal codes will read in as floats, so cast them to string first, and then set length limit:
## string length & postal code conditions together
data = data[np.where((data['cust_last_nm'].str.len()>1) &
(data['cust_frst_nm'].str.len()>1) &
(data['cust_postl_cd'].astype('str').str.len()>4) &
, True, False)]
Since you working in chunks, change the data to chunk and put this inside your loop. Also, since you don't import headers (headers=0, change column names to their index values. And convert all values to strings before comparison, since otherwise NaN columns will be treated as floats eg:
chunk = chunk[np.where((chunk[0].astype('str').str.len()>1) &
(chunk[1].astype('str').str.len()>1) &
(chunk[5].astype('str').str.len()>4) &
(chunk[5].astype('str').str.len()<8), True, False)]
Create a new column in the dataframe with a value for the length:
df['name_length'] = df.name.str.len()
Index using the new column:
df = df[df.name_length > 1]
I have a huge set of data. Something like 100k lines and I am trying to drop a row from a dataframe if the row, which contains a list, contains a value from another dataframe. Here's a small time example.
has = [['#a'], ['#b'], ['#c, #d, #e, #f'], ['#g']]
use = [1,2,3,5]
z = ['#d','#a']
df = pd.DataFrame({'user': use, 'tweet': has})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'z': z})
tweet user
0 [#a] 1
1 [#b] 2
2 [#c, #d, #e, #f] 3
3 [#g] 5
0 #d
1 #a
The desired outcome would be
tweet user
0 [#b] 2
1 [#g] 5
Things i've tried
#this seems to work for dropping #a but not #d
for a in range(df.tweet.size):
for search in df2.z:
if search in df.loc[a].tweet:
#this works for my small scale example but throws an error on my big data
df['tweet'] = df.tweet.apply(', '.join)
test = df[~df.tweet.str.contains('|'.join(df2['z'].astype(str)))]
#the error being "unterminated character set at position 1343770"
#i went to check what was on that line and it returned this
user_id 17060480
tweet [#IfTheyWereBlackOrBrownPeople, #WTF]
Name: 4612505, dtype: object
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
is ['#c, #d, #e, #f'] 1 string or a list like this ['#c', '#d', '#e', '#f'] ?
has = [['#a'], ['#b'], ['#c', '#d', '#e', '#f'], ['#g']]
use = [1,2,3,5]
z = ['#d','#a']
df = pd.DataFrame({'user': use, 'tweet': has})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'z': z})
simple solution would be
screen = set(df2.z.tolist())
to_delete = list() # this will speed things up doing only 1 delete
for id, row in df.iterrows():
if set(row.tweet).intersection(screen):
df.drop(to_delete, inplace=True)
speed comparaison (for 10 000 rows):
st = time.time()
screen = set(df2.z.tolist())
to_delete = list()
for id, row in df.iterrows():
if set(row.tweet).intersection(screen):
df.drop(to_delete, inplace=True)
st = time.time()
for a in df.tweet.index:
for search in df2.z:
if search in df.loc[a].tweet:
df.drop(a, inplace=True)
For me, your code works if I make several adjustments.
First, you're missing the last line when putting range(df.tweet.size), either increase this or (more robust, if you don't have an increasing index), use df.tweet.index.
Second, you don't apply your dropping, use inplace=True for that.
Third, you have #d in a string, the following is not a list: '#c, #d, #e, #f' and you have to change it to a list so it works.
So if you change that, the following code works fine:
has = [['#a'], ['#b'], ['#c', '#d', '#e', '#f'], ['#g']]
use = [1,2,3,5]
z = ['#d','#a']
df = pd.DataFrame({'user': use, 'tweet': has})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'z': z})
for a in df.tweet.index:
for search in df2.z:
if search in df.loc[a].tweet:
df.drop(a, inplace=True)
break # so if we already dropped it we no longer look whether we should drop this line
This will provide the desired result. Be aware of this potentially being not optimal due to missing vectorization.
you can achieve the string being a list with the following:
from itertools import chain
df.tweet = df.tweet.apply(lambda l: list(chain(*map(lambda lelem: lelem.split(","), l))))
This applies a function to each line (assuming each line contains a list with one or more elements): Split each element (should be a string) by comma into a new list and "flatten" all the lists in one line (if there are multiple) together.
Yes, this is not really performant But basically does what was asked. Keep that in mind and after having it working, try to improve your code (less for iterations, do tricks like collecting the indices and then drop all of them).
For a project for my lab, I'm analyzing Twitter data. The tweets we've captured all have the word 'sex' in them, that's the keyword we filtered the TwitterStreamer to capture based on.
I converted the CSV where all of the tweet data (json metatags) is housed into a pandas DB and saved the 'text' column to isolate the tweet text.
import pandas as pd
import csv
df = pd.read_csv('tweets_hiv.csv')
saved_column4 = df.text
print saved_column4
Out comes the correct output:
0 Some example tweet text
1 Oh hey look more tweet text #things I hate #stuff
...a bunch more lines
Name: text, Length: 8540, dtype: object
But, when I try this
from textblob import TextBlob
tweetstr = str(saved_column4)
tweets = TextBlob(tweetstr).upper()
print tweets.words.count('sex', case_sensitive=False)
My output is 22.
There should be AT LEAST as many incidences of the word 'sex' as there are lines in the CSV, and likely more. I can't figure out what's happening here. Is TextBlob not configuring right around a dtype:object?
I'm not entirely sure this is methodically correct insofar as language processing, but using join will give you the count you need.
import pandas as pd
from textblob import TextBlob
tweets = pd.Series('sex {}'.format(x) for x in range(1000))
tweetstr = " ".join(tweets.tolist())
tweetsb = TextBlob(tweetstr).upper()
print tweetsb.words.count('sex', case_sensitive=False)
# 1000
If you just need the count without necessarily using TextBlob, then just do:
import pandas as pd
tweets = pd.Series('sex {}'.format(x) for x in range(1000))
sex_tweets = tweets.str.contains('sex', case=False)
print sex_tweets.sum()
# 1000
You can get a TypeError in the first snippet if one of your elements is not of type string. This is more of join issue. A simple test can be done using the following snippet:
# tweets = pd.Series('sex {}'.format(x) for x in range(1000))
tweets = pd.Series(x for x in range(1000))
tweetstr = " ".join(tweets.tolist())
Which gives the following result:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\test.py", line 6, in <module>
tweetstr = " ".join(tweets.tolist())
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, numpy.int64 found
A simple workaround is to convert x in the list comprehension into a string before using join, like so:
tweets = pd.Series(str(x) for x in range(1000))
Or you can be more explicit and create a list first, map the str function to it, and then use join.
tweetlist = tweets.tolist()
tweetstr = map(str, tweetlist)
tweetstr = " ".join(tweetstr)
The CSV conversion is not the problem! When you use str() on a column of a DataFrame (that is, a Series), it makes a "print-friendly" output of the Series, which means cutting out the majority of the data, and just displaying the first few and the last few. Here is a transcript of an IPython session that will probably illustrate the issue better:
In [1]: import pandas as pd
In [2]: blah = pd.Series('tweet %d' % n for n in range(1000))
In [3]: blah
0 tweet 0
1 tweet 1
... (output continues from 1 to 29)
29 tweet 29
970 tweet 970
... (output continues from 970 to 998)
998 tweet 998
999 tweet 999
dtype: object
In [4]: blahstr = str(blah)
In [5]: blahstr.count('tweet')
Out[5]: 60
So, since the output of the str() operation cuts off my data (and might even truncate column values, If I had used longer strings), I don't get 1000, I get 60.
If you want to do it your way (combine everything back into a single string and work with it that way), there's no point in using a library like Pandas. Pandas gives you better ways:
Working With a Series of Strings
Pandas has tools for working with a Series that contains strings. Here is a tutorial-like page about it, and here is the full string handling API documentation. In particular, for finding the number of uses of the word "sex", you could do something like this (assuming df is a DataFrame, and text is the column containing the tweets):
import re
counts = df['text'].str.count('sex', re.IGNORECASE)
counts should be a Series containing the number of occurrences of "sex" in each tweet. counts.sum() would give you the total number of usages, which should hopefully be more than 1000.