Maya Python, Renaming joints: more than one object matches name - python

Ok, so I get two errors whenever I try to run this script: but before I get ahead of myself: lets get to my objective.
create two joint chains, names are unimportant: but essentially I know that you can use brackets to list and isolate joint chains with matching children names. Instead my script seems to be ignoring the brackets and giving me the error anyways. I've tried every different flag for list relatives: but all that seems to do is change the error to something else.
I know that if this script was properly working it would only work on one joint chain because of the hardcoded names: but the script I'm pulling it from has name prefexes tied to the GUI to avoid hardcoding and allow adaptive naming: I'm only using the hardcoded as an example for this script. My complaint is this script doesn't work on ANY joint chain because I keep getting the error "more than one object matches name."
To run the script,save the following code as a .py in your maya documents script folder, restart your copy of maya, then open a new python tab and run the first three lines of code above import maya.cmds
import exampleScriptTemplate
reload (exampleScriptTemplate)
import maya.cmds as cmds
if cmds.window("buildWin", exists =True):
cmds.deleteUI("buildWin", window = True)
myWindow = cmds.window("buildWin",t='DS_pvFinder',rtf=1,w=100, h=100, toolbox=True)
column = cmds.columnLayout(adj=True)
def gui(*args):
cmds.button(w=300,label='build placement curve',c=printMultiple)
def printMultiple(*args):
root =[0]
child = cmds.listRelatives(root,ad=1,f=True,children=True,type='joint')
limbJnt = child
print (child)
armroot = []
for j in limbJnt:
wstJnt = cmds.rename(child[3], 'wrist_BIND')
elbJnt = cmds.rename(child[2], 'elbow_BIND')
sdrJnt = cmds.rename(child[1], 'shoulder_BIND')
clvJnt = cmds.rename(child[0], 'clavicle_BIND')
return armroot
I know I'm in the right ballpark. I just need to know how to properly use the brackets to store the list of what i'm selecting instead of searching all of worldspace and breaking.
Thank you for your help

The code you provided is incomplete, no window is opening, so I tried only the printMultiple function which causes a Error: No object matches name in my case.
Your code cannot work like this since you mix hardcoded names with a loop which does nothing. I suppose your main problem is the order of your renamings. The child array contains absolute names like:
[u'joint1', u'|joint1|joint2', u'|joint1|joint2|joint3']
If you now rename child[0] to 'clavicle_BIND', all the remaining elements in the list become invalid because their real names in the scene now look like this:
[u'clavicle_BIND', u'|clavicle_BIND|joint2', u'|clavicle_BIND|joint2|joint3']
What results in an error at the second rename line. Inverting the order sovles this problem, first rename the leaf node, then the ones above.


Facing issue with selenium when I try to use "By.CSS_SELECTOR"

I'm trying to build a script, that can click on the Facebook group category "join" button, when certain conditions are met.
The script is already able to navigate "" path using selenium.
After navigating to that path I used this code to handle, each group component data.
all_group_elements = self.driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div[role=article]")
for group_element in group_elements:
group_name = str(element.text.split('\n')[0])
group_button = str(element.text.split('\n')[-1])
if group_button=="Join":
group_button_target = f"Join Group {group_name}"
if group_button=="Follow Group":
group_button_target = f"Follow Group {group_name}"
# I used this code to target and click the "join" button.
self.driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, f"div[aria-label={group_button_target}]").click()
I'm also using "WebDriverWait" in the script. What is the issue here?
Your issue is with f"div[aria-label={group_button_target}]"
That translates to something like "div[aria-label=Join Group NAME]"
That's a problem, because the value of the attribute contains spaces and you need quotes around the value if there are spaces.
Those quotes are important if the value contains spaces. You may want to change that line to:
self.driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, f'div[aria-label="{group_button_target}"]').click()

Is it possible to show the right side of a string first in an overfilled QTableWidgetItem?

The user is prompted with a file dialog and chooses a full path which is then put inside a QTableWidgetItem cell within a parent QTableWidget. Currently, when there is an overflow of text in the item and what it can display, it will show the left portion first.
If the full path is C:\Users\JohnDoe\Example_File1.txt it will show:
I want the user to be able to see the right portion (the file basename) first before the overflow cutoff occurs such that it will read:
I tried implement the following code which changed the alignment but did not appear to work as described above:
obj = self.QTable1 #A 10x3 table
for x in range(obj.rowCount()):
item = obj.item(x,2) #Change alignment for 3rd column (Where paths are stored)
item.setTextAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)
You must textElideMode to Qt.ElideLeft and disable wordWrap:

Python loop error in SPSS syntax only if i run the same code twice

I'm quite new in python programming.
I'm trying to automate some tabulations in SPSS using python (and i kind of managed it...) using a loop and some python code, but it works fine only the first time i run the syntax, the second time it tabulates only once:
I have an SPSS file with different projects merged together (i.e. different countries) , so first i try to extract a list of projects using a built in function.
Once i have my list of project i run a loop and i change the spss syntax for the case selection and tabulation.
this is the code:
begin program.
import spss
#Function that extracts the data from spss
def DatiDaSPSS(vars, num):
if num == 0:
num = spss.GetCaseCount()
if vars == None:
varNums = range(spss.GetVariableCount())
allvars = [spss.GetVariableName(i) for i in range(spss.GetVariableCount())]
varNums = [allvars.index(i) for i in vars]
data = spss.Cursor(varNums)
pydata = data.fetchmany(num)
return pydata
#store the result of the function into a list:
#remove duplicates and keep only the country that i need:
prj_list=list(set([i[0] for i in all_prj]))
#loop for the tabulation:
for i in range(len(prj_list)):
compute filter_$=Project='%s'.
filter by filter_$.
TEXT "Country"
/TABLE HisInterviewer [C][COUNT F40.0, ROWPCT.COUNT PCT40.1] BY HisResult [C]
""" %(prj_now,prj_now))
end program.
When i run it the second time it shows only the last value of the list (and only one tabulation). If i restart SPSS it works fine the first time.
Is it because of the function?
i'm using spss25
can I reply myself, should i edit the discussion or maybe delete it? i think i found out the reason, i guess the function picks up only the values that are already selected, i tried now adding this SPSS code before the begin and it seems to be working:
use all.
begin program.
at the last loop there is a filter on the data and i removed it before of running the script. please let me know if you want me to edit or remove the message

How to get the text of drop down values in squish tool?

I have to verify the text of drop down list elements. How can I verify the same using python script in squish tool ?
Naive approach:
Record (then replay) selecting each of the entries. Use exception handling to log accessing individual entries and be able to proceed to test script execution.
More flexible approach:
Recording selecting one of the entries. This gives you script code to make the open the drop down and the object name of the drop down list. Then use object.children() to get all child elements of the drop down list object.
Pseudo example:
drop_down_list = waitForObject(...)
children = object.children(drop_down_list)
test.verify("Entry 1", children[0].text)
(You have to check the properties of the children to see which actual property contains the text or whatever else you want to verify.)

Strip prefix from all variable names in SPSS

I have a similar question as asked here (Strip suffix from all variable names in SPSS) and the answers there already helped a lot but there is still one question remaining.
I have a dataset in which every variable name has the prefix "v23_1_". I want to remove this prefix from all variables, but there are hundreds of them, so I am looking for a way to do it without using the RENAME statement hundreds of times.
I used this code:
begin program.
mylist=vdict.range(start="v23_1_dg_mnpdocid", end="v23_1_phq9t0_asku3t0")
nvars = len(mylist)
for i in range(nvars):
myvar = mylist[i]
mynewvar = myvar.strip("v23_1_")
rename variables ( %s = %s) .
""" %(myvar, mynewvar))
end program.
Here is a list of the first few variables:
It worked ok for the first variables but then stopped with the message "renaming has created two variables named dg_mnpfs". But the next variable would after stripping has the name "dg_mnpfs2". What has happened is that the 1 at the end in "v23_1_dg_mnpfs1" gets deleted too. And then it propbably intends to also delete the 2 at the end in "v23_1_dg_mnpfs2", which will then lead to the same variable. I don't understand why this is happening and how I can avoid it.
Thanks a lot for your support!
Kind regards,
As you syntax looks right now, it will run on a variable-by-variable basis. You are submitting/running the RENAME VARIABLES command as many times as the number of variables in your list.
On one hand, this is in-efficient, as it takes longer to run than what I am suggesting below.
On the other (and more important) hand, doing it variable by variable, does not guard against duplicate variables. I am guessing that you already have in your datafile a variable named dg_mnpfs, and you are attempting to create a new one by renaming v23_1_dg_mnpfs. Just check your datafile, after your python code breaks.
A more efficient way of writing you code would be to create lists with the old names, and new names, and submit the syntax with only one command.
begin program.
import spss,spssaux
mylist=vdict.range(start="v23_1_dg_mnpdocid", end="v23_1_phq9t0_asku3t0")
nvars = len(mylist)
for i in range(nvars):
myvar = mylist[i]
mynewvar = myvar.strip("v23_1_")
my_syntax="ren var (" + " ".join(mylist) + "=" + " ".join(my_new_list) +")."
end program.
And one more thing: the strip function removes the text from both ends of the variables. If you only want to remove the prefix, consider using lstrip. Details can be found here, in the official documentation.
Here's a version of the process using SPSS macro. Using SPSSINC SELECT VARIABLES lets you get the whole list of all relevant variables, whatever order they are in, without naming them in the command:
*this is just to create a sample data to play with.
data list list/v23_1_var1 to v23_1_var6.
begin data
end data.
The following creates a list of the relevant variables:
* the following macro creates one rename command for all the list.
define !doRename ()
rename variables (!eval(!list)=!do !i !in(!eval(!list)) !substr(!i, 7) !doend).
!doRename .

