I am trying to implement iterative deepening search for the k - puzzle. I have managed to find the goal node. However, I am unable to backtrack from the goal node to the start node to find the optimal moves. I think it has something to do with repeated states in IDS. Currently, I am keeping track of all visited states in the IDS algorithm.
This is the current implementation of my algorithm. In the code below, moves_dict stores each node's previous state and move to get to current state.
import os
import sys
from itertools import chain
from collections import deque
# Iterative Deepening Search (IDS)
class Node:
def __init__(self, state, empty_pos = None, depth = 0):
self.state = state
self.depth = depth
self.actions = ["UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT"]
if empty_pos is None:
self.empty_pos = self.find_empty_pos(self.state)
self.empty_pos = empty_pos
def find_empty_pos(self, state):
for x in range(n):
for y in range(n):
if state[x][y] == 0:
return (x, y)
def find_empty_pos(self, state):
for x in range(n):
for y in range(n):
if state[x][y] == 0:
return (x, y)
def do_move(self, move):
if move == "UP":
return self.up()
if move == "DOWN":
return self.down()
if move == "LEFT":
return self.left()
if move == "RIGHT":
return self.right()
def swap(self, state, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)):
temp = state[x1][y1]
state[x1][y1] = state[x2][y2]
state[x2][y2] = temp
def down(self):
empty = self.empty_pos
if (empty[0] != 0):
t = [row[:] for row in self.state]
pos = (empty[0] - 1, empty[1])
self.swap(t, pos, empty)
return t, pos
return self.state, empty
def up(self):
empty = self.empty_pos
if (empty[0] != n - 1):
t = [row[:] for row in self.state]
pos = (empty[0] + 1 , empty[1])
self.swap(t, pos, empty)
return t, pos
return self.state, empty
def right(self):
empty = self.empty_pos
if (empty[1] != 0):
t = [row[:] for row in self.state]
pos = (empty[0] , empty[1] - 1)
self.swap(t, pos, empty)
return t, pos
return self.state, empty
def left(self):
empty = self.empty_pos
if (empty[1] != n - 1):
t = [row[:] for row in self.state]
pos = (empty[0] , empty[1] + 1)
self.swap(t, pos, empty)
return t, pos
return self.state, empty
class Puzzle(object):
def __init__(self, init_state, goal_state):
self.init_state = init_state
self.state = init_state
self.goal_state = goal_state
self.total_nodes = 1
self.total_visited = 0
self.max_frontier = 0
self.depth = 0
self.visited = {}
self.frontier_node = []
self.move_dict = {}
def is_goal_state(self, node):
return node.state == self.goal_state
def is_solvable(self):
flat_list = list(chain.from_iterable(self.init_state))
num_inversions = 0
for i in range(max_num):
current = flat_list[i]
for j in range(i + 1, max_num + 1):
next = flat_list[j]
if current > next and next != 0:
num_inversions += 1
if n % 2 != 0 and num_inversions % 2 == 0:
return True
elif n % 2 == 0:
row_with_blank = n - flat_list.index(0) // n
return (row_with_blank % 2 == 0) == (num_inversions % 2 != 0)
return False
def succ(self, node, frontier):
succs = deque()
node_str = str(node.state)
self.visited[node_str] = node.depth
self.total_visited += 1
frontier -= 1
for m in node.actions:
transition, t_empty = node.do_move(m)
transition_str = str(transition)
transition_depth = node.depth + 1
if transition_str not in self.visited or transition_depth < self.visited[transition_str]:
self.total_nodes += 1
transition_depth = node.depth + 1
transition_str = str(transition)
self.move_dict[transition_str] = (node_str, m)
succs.append(Node(transition, t_empty, transition_depth))
frontier += 1
return succs , frontier
def depth_limited(self, node, depth, frontier):
if self.is_goal_state(node):
return node
if node.depth >= depth:
return None
succs, frontier = self.succ(node, frontier)
self.max_frontier = max(self.max_frontier, frontier)
while succs:
result = self.depth_limited(succs.popleft(), depth, frontier)
if result is not None:
return result
return None
def solve(self):
if not self.is_solvable():
return ["UNSOLVABLE"]
goal_node = None
while goal_node is None:
goal_node = self.depth_limited(Node(self.init_state), self.depth, 1)
if goal_node is not None:
# reset statistics
self.visited = {}
self.total_nodes = 1
self.move_dict = {}
self.depth += 1
print self.depth
print "out"
print goal_node.state
solution = deque()
init_str = str(self.init_state)
current_str = str(goal_node.state)
while current_str != init_str:
current_str, move = self.move_dict[current_str]
print "Total number of nodes generated: " + str(self.total_nodes)
print "Total number of nodes explored: " + str(self.total_visited)
print "Maximum number of nodes in frontier: " + str(self.max_frontier)
print "Solution depth: " + str(self.depth)
return solution
I have been cracking my head for awhile now. I use a hashMap that maps the state string to its depth and when adds the node whenever the same state appears in a shallower depth
Optimal solution depth for this test case is 22.
init state: [[1,8,3],[5,2,4],[0,7,6]]
Goal state: [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,0]]
im not going to implement your k puzzle but consider the following datastruct
d = {'A':{'B':{'Z':7,'Q':9},'R':{'T':0}},'D':{'G':1}}
def find_node(search_space,target,path_so_far=None):
if not path_so_far: # empty path to start
path_so_far = []
for key,value in search_space.items():
if value == target:
# found the value return the path
return path_so_far+[key]
# pass the path so far down to the next step of the search space
result = find_node(search_space[key],target, path_so_far+[key])
if result:
print("Found Path:",result)
return result
I am following Cormen Leiserson Rivest Stein (clrs) book and came across "kmp algorithm" for string matching. I implemented it using Python (as-is).
However, it doesn't seem to work for some reason. where is my fault?
The code is given below:
def kmp_matcher(t,p):
# pi=[0]*n;
pi = compute_prefix_function(p)
for i in range(n):
while(q>0 and p[q]!=t[i]):
print "pattern occurs with shift "+str(i-m)
def compute_prefix_function(p):
pi =range(m)
for q in range(2,m):
while(k>0 and p[k]!=p[q]):
return pi
t = 'brownfoxlazydog'
p = 'lazy'
This is a class I wrote based on CLRs KMP algorithm, which contains what you are after. Note that only DNA "characters" are accepted here.
class KmpMatcher(object):
def __init__(self, pattern, string, stringName):
self.motif = pattern.upper()
self.seq = string.upper()
self.header = stringName
self.prefix = []
self.validBases = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', 'N']
#Matches the motif pattern against itself.
def computePrefix(self):
#Initialize prefix array
k = 0
for pos in range(1, len(self.motif)):
#Check valid nt
if(self.motif[pos] not in self.validBases):
#Unique base in motif
while(k > 0 and self.motif[k] != self.motif[pos]):
k = self.prefix[k]
#repeat in motif
if(self.motif[k] == self.motif[pos]):
k += 1
self.prefix[pos] = k
#Initialize the prefix list and set first element to 0
def fillPrefixList(self):
self.prefix = [None] * len(self.motif)
self.prefix[0] = 0
#An implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm for linear time string matching
def kmpSearch(self):
#Compute prefix array
#Number of characters matched
match = 0
found = False
for pos in range(0, len(self.seq)):
#Check valid nt
if(self.seq[pos] not in self.validBases):
#Next character is not a match
while(match > 0 and self.motif[match] != self.seq[pos]):
match = self.prefix[match-1]
#A character match has been found
if(self.motif[match] == self.seq[pos]):
match += 1
#Motif found
if(match == len(self.motif)):
print("Match found at position: " + str(pos-match+2) + ':' + str(pos+1))
found = True
match = self.prefix[match-1]
if(found == False):
print("Sorry '" + self.motif + "'" + " was not found in " + str(self.header))
#An invalid character in the motif message to the user
def invalidMotif(self):
print("Error: motif contains invalid DNA nucleotides")
#An invalid character in the sequence message to the user
def invalidSequence(self):
print("Error: " + str(self.header) + "sequence contains invalid DNA nucleotides")
You might want to try out my code:
def recursive_find_match(i, j, pattern, pattern_track):
if pattern[i] == pattern[j]:
return {"append":pattern_track, "i": i+1, "j": j+1}
elif pattern[i] != pattern[j] and i == 0:
return {"append":pattern_track, "i": i, "j": j+1}
i = pattern_track[i-1]
return recursive_find_match(i, j, pattern, pattern_track)
def kmp(str_, pattern):
len_str = len(str_)
len_pattern = len(pattern)
pattern_track = []
if len_pattern == 0:
elif len_pattern == 1:
pattern_track = [0]
pattern_track = [0]
i = 0
j = 1
while j < len_pattern:
data = recursive_find_match(i, j, pattern, pattern_track)
i = data["i"]
j = data["j"]
pattern_track = data["append"]
index_str = 0
index_pattern = 0
match_from = -1
while index_str < len_str:
if index_pattern == len_pattern:
if str_[index_str] == pattern[index_pattern]:
if index_pattern == 0:
match_from = index_str
index_pattern += 1
index_str += 1
if index_pattern == 0:
index_str += 1
index_pattern = pattern_track[index_pattern-1]
match_from = index_str - index_pattern
Try this:
def kmp_matcher(t, d):
pi = compute_prefix_function(d)
q = 0
i = 0
while i < n:
if d[q]==t[i]:
i = i + 1
if q != 0:
q = pi[q-1]
i = i + 1
if q == m:
print "pattern occurs with shift "+str(i-q)
q = pi[q-1]
def compute_prefix_function(p):
pi =range(m)
l = 0
while k < m:
if p[k] <= p[l]:
l = l + 1
pi[k] = l
k = k + 1
if l != 0:
l = pi[l-1]
pi[k] = 0
k = k + 1
return pi
t = 'brownfoxlazydog'
p = 'lazy'
kmp_matcher(t, p)
KMP stands for Knuth-Morris-Pratt it is a linear time string-matching algorithm.
Note that in python, the string is ZERO BASED, (while in the book the string starts with index 1).
So we can workaround this by inserting an empty space at the beginning of both strings.
This causes four facts:
The len of both text and pattern is augmented by 1, so in the loop range, we do NOT have to insert the +1 to the right interval. (note that in python the last step is excluded);
To avoid accesses out of range, you have to check the values of k+1 and q+1 BEFORE to give them as index to arrays;
Since the length of m is augmented by 1, in kmp_matcher, before to print the response, you have to check this instead: q==m-1;
For the same reason, to calculate the correct shift you have to compute this instead: i-(m-1)
so the correct code, based on your original question, and considering the starting code from Cormen, as you have requested, would be the following:
(note : I have inserted a matching pattern inside, and some debug text that helped me to find logical errors):
def compute_prefix_function(P):
m = len(P)
pi = [None] * m
pi[1] = 0
k = 0
for q in range(2, m):
print ("q=", q, "\n")
print ("k=", k, "\n")
if ((k+1) < m):
while (k > 0 and P[k+1] != P[q]):
print ("entered while: \n")
print ("k: ", k, "\tP[k+1]: ", P[k+1], "\tq: ", q, "\tP[q]: ", P[q])
k = pi[k]
if P[k+1] == P[q]:
k = k+1
print ("Entered if: \n")
print ("k: ", k, "\tP[k]: ", P[k], "\tq: ", q, "\tP[q]: ", P[q])
pi[q] = k
print ("Outside while or if: \n")
print ("pi[", q, "] = ", k, "\n")
print ("---next---")
print ("---end for---")
return pi
def kmp_matcher(T, P):
n = len(T)
m = len(P)
pi = compute_prefix_function(P)
q = 0
for i in range(1, n):
print ("i=", i, "\n")
print ("q=", q, "\n")
print ("m=", m, "\n")
if ((q+1) < m):
while (q > 0 and P[q+1] != T[i]):
q = pi[q]
if P[q+1] == T[i]:
q = q+1
if q == m-1:
print ("Pattern occurs with shift", i-(m-1))
q = pi[q]
print("---end for---")
txt = " bacbababaabcbab"
ptn = " ababaab"
kmp_matcher(txt, ptn)
(so this would be the correct accepted answer...)
hope that it helps.
I want to know how to put say for example, A(both capital and lowercase) into the node 0 in my code but I really have no idea how. I get that there's chr but I have never used it before and I tried to read and do it and, I just can't get my head around it.
Here's my code:
infinity = 1000000
invalid_node = -1
class Node:
previous = invalid_node
distFromSource = infinity
visited = False
def populateNetwork(fileName):
network = []
networkFile = open(fileName, "r")
for line in networkFile:
network.append(map(int, line.strip().split(',')))
return network
def populateNodeTable(network, StartNode):
nodeTable = []
for node in network:
nodeTable[StartNode].distFromSource = 0
nodeTable[StartNode].visited = True
return nodeTable
def nearestNeighbour(network, currentNode):
neighbours = []
column = 0
for node in network[currentNode]:
if node !=0:
column +=1
return neighbours
def tentativeDistance(neighbours, network, nodeTable, currentNode):
for neighbour in neighbours:
if nodeTable[neighbour].visited == False:
tentative = nodeTable[currentNode].distFromSource + network[currentNode][neighbour]
if tentative < nodeTable[neighbour].distFromSource:
nodeTable[neighbour].distFromSource = tentative
nodeTable[neighbour].previous = currentNode
print tentative
##Testing this Function
def newNodeTable(nodeTable):
nextNode == invalid_node
currentIndex = 0
nextDestination == infinity
for node in nodeTable:
if node.visited == False and node.distanceFromSource < nextDestination:
nextNode = currentIndex
nextDestination = node.distanceFromSource
return nextNode
##Testing this Function
def getRoute(routePath):
getRoutePath = []
getRouteFile = open(routePath, "r")
for line in getRouteFile:
return getRoutePath
network = populateNetwork('network.txt')
nodeTable = populateNodeTable(network, 1)
neighbours=nearestNeighbour(network, 1)
tentativeDistance(neighbours, network, nodeTable, 1)
print "Current nodes and visited"
for node in nodeTable:
print node.previous, node.distFromSource, node.visited
##for line in network:
## print line
print "Visual representation of the network array"
for index, val in enumerate(network):
print index, val
Here is my network.txt file:
And my route.txt file is basically either going to be "A>G" , "a>G" or "a>g".
You can use text
import string
print string.ascii_uppercase
print string.ascii_lowercase
# abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
print string.ascii_letters
# abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
char = string.ascii_uppercase[0] # A
char = string.ascii_uppercase[1] # B
char = string.ascii_uppercase[2] # C
char = string.ascii_lowercase[0] # a
char = string.ascii_lowercase[1] # b
char = string.ascii_lowercase[2] # c
Or you can use chr(number)
print chr(65 + 0) # A
print chr(65 + 1) # B
print chr(65 + 2) # C
print chr(97 + 0) # a
print chr(97 + 1) # b
print chr(97 + 2) # c
You can find character number using ord(letter)
print ord('A') # 65
print ord('a') # 97
from informedSearch import *
from search import *
class EightPuzzleProblem(InformedProblemState):
Inherited from the InformedProblemState class. To solve
the eight puzzle problem.
def __init__(self, myList, list = {}, operator = None):
self.myList = list
self.operator = operator
def __str__(self):
## Method returns a string representation of the state.
result = ""
if self.operator != None:
result += "Operator: " + self.operator + ""
result += " " + ' '.join(self.myList[0:3]) + "\n"
result += " " + ' '.join(self.myList[3:6]) + "\n"
result += " " + ' '.join(self.myList[6:9]) + "\n"
return result
def illegal(self):
## Tests whether the state is illegal.
if self.myList < 0 or self.myList > 9: return 1
return 0
def equals(self, state):
## Method to determine whether the state instance
## and the given state are equal.
return ' '.join(self.myList) == ' '.join(state.myList)
## The five methods below perform the tree traversing
def move(self, value):
nList = self.myList[:] # make copy of the current state
position = nList.index('P') # P acts as the key
val = nList.pop(position + value)
nList.insert(position + value, 'P')
nList.insert(position, val)
return nList
def moveleft(self):
n = self.move(-1)
return EightPuzzleProblem(n, "moveleft")
def moveright(self):
n = self.move(1)
return EightPuzzleProblem(n, "moveright")
def moveup(self):
n = self.move(-3)
return EightPuzzleProblem(n, "moveup")
def movedown(self):
n = self.move(+3)
return EightPuzzleProblem(n, "movedown")
def operatorNames(self):
return ["moveleft", "moveright", "moveup", "movedown"]
def enqueue(self):
q = []
if (self.myList.index('P') != 0) and (self.myList.index('P') != 3) and (self.myList.index('P') != 6):
if (self.myList.index('P') != 2) and (self.myList.index('P') != 5) and (self.myList.index('P') != 8):
if self.myList.index('P') >= 3:
if self.myList.index('P') >= 5:
def applyOperators(self):
return [self.moveleft(), self.moveright(), self.moveup(), self.movedown()]
def heuristic():
counter = 0
for i in range(len(self.myList)):
if ((self.myList[i] != goal.myList[i]) and self.myList[i] != 'P'):
## Position of current:
current = goal.myList.index(self.myList[i])
if current < 3: goalRow = 0
elif current < 6: goalRow = 1
else: goalRow = 2
if i < 3: initRow = 0
elif i < 6: initRow = 1
else: startRow = 2
initColumn = i % 3
goalColumn = current % 3
counter += (abs(goalColumn - initColumn) + abs(goalRow - initRow))
return counter
#Uncomment to test the starting states:
init = ['1','3','P','8','2','4','7','6','5'] #A
#init = ['1','3','4','8','6','2','P','7','5'] #B
#init = ['P','1','3','4','2','5','8','7','6'] #C
#init = ['7','1','2','8','P','3','6','5','4'] #D
#init = ['8','1','2','7','P','4','6','5','3'] #E
#init = ['2','6','3','4','P','5','1','8','7'] #F
#init = ['7','3','4','6','1','5','8','P','2'] #G
#init = ['7','4','5','6','P','3','8','1','2'] #H
goal = ['1','2','3','8','P','4','7','6','5'] #goal state
InformedSearch(EightPuzzleProblem(init), EightPuzzleProblem(goal))
I run it and it shows error
line 34, in __str__ result += " " + ' '.join(self.myList[0:3]) + "\n"
TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice'
Any Ideas?
You're setting the "list" to a dictionary as a default value: list = {} in:
def __init__(self, myList, list = {}, operator = None):
and then assigning it to myList with:
self.myList = list
A dictionary cannot be sliced like a list. So when you try to slice it:
it fails.
I am currently working on my Python game, in ika, which uses python 2.5
I decided to use A* pathfinding for the AI. However, I find it too slow for my needs (3-4 enemies can lag the game, but I would like to supply up to 4-5 without problems). I know, that such complex search like A* is not mean to be scripted in python, but I am pretty sure, that my pathfinder is also implemented in the wrong way.
My question is: How can I speed up this algorithm?
I wrote my own binary heap, and there are some try: except: lines inside some functions. Those lines can create large overhead? Are there better methods maintaining the open list?
I supplied the algorithm with graphics interface, for testing purposes (when the pathfinder finishes searching, it will write the number of iterations and seconds it takes to find the path, inside the ika.txt file. Also, Pressing A will do a complete search, and S does that step by step.)
Graphical version:
Also, here is a pastebin version:
Here is the main code I use for pathfinding:
import ika
import time
class Node:
def __init__(self,x,y,parent=None,g=0,h=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.parent = parent
self.g = g
self.h = h
def cost(self):
return self.g + self.h
def equal(self,node):
if self.x == node.x and self.y == node.y:
return True
return False
class Emerald_Pathfinder:
def __init__(self):
def setup(self,start,goal):
self.start = start
self.goal = goal
self.openlist = [None,start] # Implemented as binary heap
self.closedlist = {} # Implemented as hash
self.onopenlist = {} # Hash, for searching the openlist
self.found = False
self.current = None
self.iterations = 0
def lowest_cost(self):
def add_nodes(self,current):
nodes = []
x = current.x
y = current.y
# Dont cut across corners
up = map.is_obstacle((x,y-1),x,y-1)
down = map.is_obstacle((x,y+1),x,y+1)
left = map.is_obstacle((x-1,y),x-1,y)
right = map.is_obstacle((x+1,y),x+1,y)
if right == False and down == False:
if left == False and up == False:
if right == False and up == False:
if left == False and down == False:
return nodes
def heuristic(self,x1,y1,x2,y2):
return (abs(x1-x2)+abs(y1-y2))*10
def add_node(self,x,y,parent,cost,list):
# If not obstructed
if map.is_obstacle((x,y),x,y) == False:
g = parent.g + cost
h = self.heuristic(x,y,self.goal.x,self.goal.y)
node = Node(x,y,parent,g,h)
def ignore(self,node,current):
# If its on the closed list, or open list, ignore
if self.closedlist[(node.x,node.y)] == True:
return True
# If the node is on the openlist, do the following
# If its on the open list
if self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)] != None:
# Get the id number of the item on the real open list
index = self.openlist.index(self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)])
# If one of the coordinates equal, its not diagonal.
if node.x == current.x or node.y == current.y:
cost = 10
cost = 14
# Check, is this items G cost is higher, than the current G + cost
if self.openlist[index].g > (current.g + cost):
# If so, then, make the list items parent, the current node.
self.openlist[index].g = current.g + cost
self.openlist[index].parent = current
# Now resort the binary heap, in the right order.
# And ignore the node
return True
return False
def resort_binary_heap(self,index):
m = index
while m > 1:
if self.openlist[m/2].cost() > self.openlist[m].cost():
temp = self.openlist[m/2]
self.openlist[m/2] = self.openlist[m]
self.openlist[m] = temp
m = m / 2
def heap_add(self,node):
# Add item to the onopenlist.
self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)] = node
m = len(self.openlist)-1
while m > 1:
if self.openlist[m/2].cost() > self.openlist[m].cost():
temp = self.openlist[m/2]
self.openlist[m/2] = self.openlist[m]
self.openlist[m] = temp
m = m / 2
def heap_remove(self):
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
first = self.openlist[1]
# Remove the first item from the onopenlist
self.onopenlist[(self.openlist[1].x,self.openlist[1].y)] = None
last = self.openlist.pop(len(self.openlist)-1)
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
return last
self.openlist[1] = last
v = 1
while True:
u = v
# If there is two children
if (2*u)+1 < len(self.openlist):
if self.openlist[2*u].cost() <= self.openlist[u].cost():
v = 2*u
if self.openlist[(2*u)+1].cost() <= self.openlist[v].cost():
v = (2*u)+1
# If there is only one children
elif 2*u < len(self.openlist):
if self.openlist[2*u].cost() <= self.openlist[u].cost():
v = 2*u
# If at least one child is smaller, than parent, swap them
if u != v:
temp = self.openlist[u]
self.openlist[u] = self.openlist[v]
self.openlist[v] = temp
return first
def iterate(self):
# If the open list is empty, exit the game
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
ika.Exit("no path found")
# Expand iteration by one
self.iterations += 1
# Make the current node the lowest cost
self.current = self.heap_remove()
# Add it to the closed list
self.closedlist[(self.current.x,self.current.y)] = True
# Are we there yet?
if self.current.equal(self.goal) == True:
# Target reached
self.goal = self.current
self.found = True
print self.iterations
# Add the adjacent nodes, and check them
nodes_around = self.add_nodes(self.current)
for na in nodes_around:
if self.ignore(na,self.current) == False:
def iterateloop(self):
time1 = time.clock()
while 1:
# If the open list is empty, exit the game
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
ika.Exit("no path found")
# Expand iteration by one
self.iterations += 1
# Make the current node the lowest cost
self.current = self.heap_remove()
# Add it to the closed list
self.closedlist[(self.current.x,self.current.y)] = True
# Are we there yet?
if self.current.equal(self.goal) == True:
# Target reached
self.goal = self.current
self.found = True
print "Number of iterations"
print self.iterations
# Add the adjacent nodes, and check them
nodes_around = self.add_nodes(self.current)
for na in nodes_around:
if self.ignore(na,self.current) == False:
time2 = time.clock()
time3 = time2-time1
print "Seconds to find path:"
print time3
class Map:
def __init__(self):
self.map_size_x = 20
self.map_size_y = 15
self.obstructed = {} # Library, containing x,y couples
self.start = [2*40,3*40]
self.unit = [16*40,8*40]
def is_obstacle(self,couple,x,y):
if (x >= self.map_size_x or x < 0) or (y >= self.map_size_y or y < 0):
return True
if self.obstructed[(couple)] != None:
return True
return False
def render_screen():
# Draw the Character
# Draw walls
for x in range(0,map.map_size_x):
for y in range(0,map.map_size_y):
if map.is_obstacle((x,y),x,y) == True:
# Draw openlist items
for node in path.openlist:
if node == None:
x = node.x
y = node.y
# Draw closedlist items
for x in range(0,map.map_size_x):
for y in range(0,map.map_size_y):
if path.closedlist[(x,y)] == True:
# Draw the current square
ika.Video.DrawRect(path.current.x*40,path.current.y*40,(path.current.x*40)+40,(path.current.y*40)+40,ika.RGB(128,128,128), 1)
ika.Video.DrawRect(mouse_x.Position(),mouse_y.Position(),mouse_x.Position()+8,mouse_y.Position()+8,ika.RGB(128,128,128), 1)
# Draw the path, if reached
if path.found == True:
node = path.goal
while node.parent:
node = node.parent
# Draw the Target
def mainloop():
while 1:
if mouse_middle.Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder
if path.found == False:
elif mouse_right.Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder by one
if path.found == False:
elif ika.Input.keyboard["A"].Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder
if path.found == False:
elif ika.Input.keyboard["S"].Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder by one
if path.found == False:
elif mouse_left.Position():
# Add a square to the map, to be obstructed
if path.iterations == 0:
x = mouse_x.Position()
y = mouse_y.Position()
map.obstructed[(int(x/40),int(y/40))] = True
# Mouse preview
x = mouse_x.Position()
y = mouse_y.Position()
mx = int(x/40)*40
my = int(y/40)*40
map = Map()
path = Emerald_Pathfinder()
mouse_middle = ika.Input.mouse.middle
mouse_right = ika.Input.mouse.right
mouse_left = ika.Input.mouse.left
mouse_x = ika.Input.mouse.x
mouse_y = ika.Input.mouse.y
# Initialize loop
I appreciate any help!
(sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language)
I think a proper implementation in python will be fast enough for your purposes. But the boost library has an astar implementation and python bindings.