How to write raw sql query in odoo - python

I want to write raw sql query for following code.
product_ids = self.env['product.product'].with_context(warehouse=warehouse_id.ids).search([]).filtered(lambda p:p.qty_available > 0)

The product qty_available is a computed field and the compute method _compute_quantities depends on the result of _compute_quantities_dict to get the quantities dict and _get_domain_locations to parses the context and returns a list of location_ids based on it.
You need to write a query that gets the same result.
You can check the PostgreSQL log to see how many queries as executed for this python statement.
The following query is the last one executed to get the result (generated using a demo database):
SELECT min("stock_move".id) AS id, count("stock_move".id) AS "product_id_count" , sum("stock_move"."product_qty") AS "product_qty","stock_move"."product_id" as "product_id"
FROM "stock_location" as "stock_move__location_dest_id","stock_location" as "stock_move__location_id","stock_move"
WHERE ("stock_move"."location_dest_id"="stock_move__location_dest_id"."id" AND "stock_move"."location_id"="stock_move__location_id"."id") AND (((("stock_move"."state" in ('waiting','confirmed','assigned','partially_available')) AND ("stock_move"."product_id" in (62,41,40,15,64,65,51,16,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,55,58,60,54,56,57,61,53,52,12,13,14,25,30,26,48,39,36,49,31,34,45,42,5,8,29,43,33,38,46,32,6,27,35,28,44,37,7,50,66,59,67))) AND ("stock_move__location_dest_id"."parent_path"::text like '1/7/%')) AND (NOT (("stock_move__location_id"."parent_path"::text like '1/7/%')))) AND ("stock_move"."location_dest_id"="stock_move__location_dest_id"."id") AND (("stock_move"."company_id" in (1)) OR "stock_move__location_dest_id"."company_id" IS NULL )
GROUP BY "stock_move"."product_id"
You need to carefully study the _compute_quantities method code to know how Odoo calculates these values.
Concider the following statement:
self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('branch_id', '=',],
order="id desc")
To turn the above statement to an SQL query you need to know what search method does
For example, Odoo will call _where_calc to computes the WHERE clause needed to implement the domain and automatically add the ('active', '=', 1) to the domain.
SELECT "stock_warehouse".id FROM "stock_warehouse" WHERE (("stock_warehouse"."active" = %s) AND ("stock_warehouse"."branch_id" = %s)) AND ("stock_warehouse"."company_id" in (%s)) ORDER BY "stock_warehouse"."id" DESC
[True, 1, 1]
The final query:
SELECT "stock_warehouse".id FROM "stock_warehouse" WHERE (("stock_warehouse"."active" = true) AND ("stock_warehouse"."branch_id" = 1)) AND ("stock_warehouse"."company_id" in (1)) ORDER BY "stock_warehouse"."id" DESC


How does set_group_by works in Django?

I was writing the following query:
claim_query = ClaimBillSum.objects.filter(claim__lob__in = lobObj)\
.annotate(claim_count = Count("claim__claim_id", distinct=True))\
.annotate(claim_bill_sum = Sum("bill_sum"))\
.values("claim__body_part", "claim_count", "claim_bill_sum")\
When I checked the query property, it was grouped by all properties of the tables related in this query, not only the ones selected in the values() function, when I only wanted to group by claim__body_part.
As I searched for a way to change the group by instruction, I found the query.set_group_by() function, that when applied, fixed the query in the way I wanted:
COUNT(DISTINCT "claim_bill_sum"."claim_id") AS "claim_count",
SUM("claim_bill_sum"."bill_sum") AS "claim_bill_sum"
("claim_bill_sum"."claim_id" = "CLAIM"."claim_id")
"CLAIM"."lob_id" IN (SELECT U0."lob_id" FROM "LOB" U0 WHERE U0."client_id" = 1)
"CLAIM"."body_part" ASC
But I couldn't find any information in Django documentation or anywhere else to better describe how this function works. Why the default group by is selecting all properties, and how .set_group_by() works, selecting exactly the property I wanted?

%s variable in Query Execution Python 3.8 (pymssql)

I have a python script with a basic GUI that logs into a DB and executes a query.
The Python script also asks for 1 parameter called "collection Name" which is taken from the tkinter .get function and is added as a %s inside the Query text. The result is that each time I can execute a query with a different "Collection name". This works and it is fine
Now, I want to add a larger string of Collection Names into my .get function so I can do cursor.execute a query with multiple collection names to get more complex data. But I am having issues with inputing multiple "collection names" into my app.
Below is a piece of my Query1, which has the %s variable that it then gets from the input to tkinter.
From #Session1
Join vGSMRxLevRxQual On(#Session1.SessionId = vGSMRxLevRxQual.SessionId)
Where vGSMRxLevRxQual.RxLevSub<0 and vGSMRxLevRxQual.RxLevSub>-190
and #Session1.CollectionName in (%s)
Group by
Order by #Session1.Operator ASC
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SelectedSession1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #SelectedSession1
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Session1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Session1
Here, is where I try to execute the query
if Query == "GSMUERxLevelSub" :
result = cursor.execute(GSMUERxLevelSub, (CollectionName,))
output = cursor.fetchmany
df = DataFrame(cursor.fetchall())
filename = "2021_H1 WEEK CDF GRAPHS().xlsx"
df1 = DataFrame.transpose(df, copy=False)
Lastly, here is where I get the value for the Collection name:
CollectionName = f_CollectionName.get()
enter image description here
enter code here
Your issues are due to a list/collection being a invalid parameter.
You'll need to transform collectionName
collection_name: list[str] = ['collection1', 'collection2']
new_collection_name = ','.join(f'"{c}"' for c in collection_name)
cursor.execute(sql, (new_collection_name,))
Not sure if this approach will be susceptible to SQL injection if that's a concern.
Forgot the DBAPI would put another set of quotes around the parameters. If you can do something like:
CollectionName = ["foo", "bar"]
sql = f"""
From #Session1
Join vGSMRxLevRxQual On(#Session1.SessionId = vGSMRxLevRxQual.SessionId)
Where vGSMRxLevRxQual.RxLevSub<0 and vGSMRxLevRxQual.RxLevSub>-190
and #Session1.CollectionName in ({",".join(["%s"] * len(CollectionName))})
sql += """
Group by
Order by #Session1.Operator ASC
cursor.execute(sql, (CollectionName,))
EDIT: Update to F-string

Order by name with number Django

I have approximately 500 device objects in an sqlite db, with a name field such as:
When listing these with django, I want it to list based on the number after the semicolon in the name, as shown above.
I tried:
queryset = Device.objects.all().order_by('name')
Also from this question:
queryset = Device.objects.annotate(int_sort=Cast("name", IntegerField())).order_by("int_sort", "name")
Both of these produce this result:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You're looking for a "natural sort" ("dictionary sort") order.
That's not built-in to SQLite (nor any other database I know of).
If all of your rows do follow a XYZ-123 format, you could
add an .extra() where= column with an expression that splits the column by a dash, then casts the second part to a number
and then order_by that extra column.
Here's an example you can run in your SQLite shell:
sqlite> create table device (name text);
sqlite> insert into device (name) values ('Device-1'),('Device-2'),('Device-3'),('Device-4'),('Device-5'),('Device-6'),('Device-7'),('Device-8'),('Device-9'),('Device-10'),('Device-11'),('Device-12'),('Device-13'),('Device-14'),('Device-15'),('Device-16'),('Device-17'),('Device-18'),('Device-19'),('Device-20'),('Device-21'),('Device-22'),('Device-23'),('Device-24'),('Device-25'),('Device-26'),('Device-27'),('Device-28'),('Device-29'),('Device-30'),('Device-31'),('Device-32'),('Device-33'),('Device-34'),('Device-35'),('Device-36'),('Device-37'),('Device-38'),('Device-39');
sqlite> select * from device order by name limit 10;
sqlite> select *, cast(substr(name,instr(name, '-')+1) as number) number from device order by number limit 10;
With this example, you should (but I didn't verify since I don't have a suitable Django app on my hands) be able to do
select={'device_number': "cast(substr(name,instr(name, '-')+1) as number)"},

Peewee group_concat/case issue

I'm trying to use peewee to fetch and format some data coming from a sqlite database using GROUP_CONCAT and Case. But I'm facing an issue with those functions.
First let start with what I want to achieve:
I simplified my table structure to better point the problem: 1 simple table with two columns: name (Char), is_controlled (Boolean).
This SQL request compute the desired result:
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN is_controlled = 1 THEN name ELSE NULL END, ':') as controlled,
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN is_controlled = 0 THEN name ELSE NULL END, ':') as not_controlled
FROM component;
Output (which is what I expect to have with peewee):
Here is an script allowing to test my problem:
from peewee import *
db = SqliteDatabase('test.db')
class Component(Model):
name = CharField()
is_controlled = BooleanField()
class Meta:
database = db
raw_data = [
{'name': 'comp1', 'is_controlled': True},
{'name': 'comp2', 'is_controlled': False},
{'name': 'comp3', 'is_controlled': True},
# Populate database
for item in raw_data:
res =
fn.GROUP_CONCAT(Case(None, [((Component.is_controlled == True),], None), ':').alias('controlled'),
fn.GROUP_CONCAT(Case(None, [((Component.is_controlled == False),], None), ':').alias('not_controlled')
print res[0].controlled_count
print res[0].controlled
print res[0].not_controlled
As you can see, the data structure is simple (I simplified at maximum the example). The ouput is:
I inspected the SQL query generated by peewee (using res.sql()) and it looks like that:
sql = 'SELECT Sum("t1"."is_controlled") AS "controlled_count", GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN ("t1"."is_controlled" = ?) THEN ? END, "t1"."name") AS "controlled", GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN ("t1"."is_controlled" = ?) THEN ? END, "t1"."name") AS "not_controlled" FROM "component" AS "t1"'
params = [True, ':', False, ':']
We can see that the ELSE NULL part is missing from the peewee generated SQL request. I have tried several things, like adapting the parameters given to the Case function, but I can not get it to work correctly.
How can correctly use peewee to have the same result as using SQL ?
(I'm using python 2.7.15 with peewee 3.6.4 ans sqlite 3.19.4)
The Case function's signature provides a clue:
def Case(predicate, expression_tuples, default=None):
Inside the code, it checks:
if default is not None:
clauses.extend((SQL('ELSE'), default))
So, when you're passing None it's indistinguishable from the "empty/unspecified" case, and Peewee ignores it.
As a workaround you could instead specify SQL('NULL') as the default value. Or you could use an empty string, although I'm not sure whether you're relying on some behavior of group-concat with nulls, so that may not work?

What is the correct way to form MySQL queries in python?

I am new to python, I come here from the land of PHP. I constructed a SQL query like this in python based on my PHP knowledge and I get warnings and errors
cursor_.execute("update posts set comment_count = comment_count + "+str(cursor_.rowcount)+" where ID = " + str(postid))
# rowcount here is int
What is the right way to form queries?
Also, how do I escape strings to form SQL safe ones? like if I want to escape -, ', " etc, I used to use addslashes. How do we do it in python?
First of all, it's high time to learn to pass variables to the queries safely, using the method Matus expressed. Clearer,
tuple = (foovar, barvar)
cursor.execute("QUERY WHERE foo = ? AND bar = ?", tuple)
If you only need to pass one variable, you must still make it a tuple: insert comma at the end to tell Python to treat it as a one-tuple: tuple = (onevar,)
Your example would be of form:
cursor_.execute("update posts set comment_count = comment_count + ? where id = ?",
(cursor_.rowcount, postid))
You can also use named parameters like this:
cursor_.execute("update posts set comment_count = comment_count + :count where id = :id",
{"count": cursor_.rowcount, "id": postid})
This time the parameters aren't a tuple, but a dictionary that is formed in pairs of "key": value.
from python manual:
t = (symbol,)
c.execute( 'select * from stocks where symbol=?', t )
this way you prevent SQL injection ( suppose this is the SQL safe you refer to ) and also have formatting solved

