PyQt5: All Items of GraphicsScene have coordinates 0.0 - python

I used the following source and modified it a bit, to get the following mini example:
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
class GraphicsScene(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene):
def __init__(self):
super(GraphicsScene, self).__init__()
self.setSceneRect(0, 0, 600, 400)
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
if event.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
x = event.scenePos().x()
y = event.scenePos().y()
self.addRect(x, y, 100, 100)
elif event.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
for elem in self.items():
super(GraphicsScene, self).mousePressEvent(event)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
scene = GraphicsScene()
w = QtWidgets.QGraphicsView(scene)
w.resize(610, 410)
The idea is, to create new rectangles by making left mouse clicks (this works already) and delete the nearest rectangle by making a right mouse click. I know, how I can find the nearest rectangle, but for this I need the coordinates of the existing rectangles. If we add a new rectangle to the scene, we do the following:
self.addRect(x, y, 100, 100)
But if I iterate over all elements in the scene, and try to get the x-coordinate of the elements using this:
for elem in self.items():
then all the print-outputs are zero. I had already a look at the docu, but as I understand it I am doing exactly what the docu recommends. Do you know what I am doing wrong?
Of course, I could save all the coordinates in an additional list, compute the nearest rectangle with the values in that list, delete each rectangle by using:
for elem in self.items():
and plot the remaining rectangles. However, I hope there is a cleaner version for this. :)

As the documentation explains:
Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its position is initialized to (0, 0). For example, if a QRect(50, 50, 100, 100) is added, its top-left corner will be at (50, 50) relative to the origin in the item's coordinate system.
So there are two choices:
add a rectangle with the specified size but at position (0, 0), then move it at the required position:
rectItem = self.addRect(0, 0, 100, 100)
rectItem.setPos(x, y)
use the coordinates in addRect and get the actual position based on the top left corner of the rectangle:
for elem in self.items():
pos = elem.pos()
if isinstance(elem, QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem):
pos += elem.rect().topLeft()


Collision detection between circle and rectangle

I wrote some code to show a circle and a rectangle randomly on the screen with PyQt6. and I want to detect if these two objects have a collision then I make them red otherwise I make them green.
But how should I detect whether there is a collision or not?
here is my code
from random import randint
from sys import argv
from PyQt6.QtCore import QRect, QTimer, Qt, QMimeData
from PyQt6.QtGui import QColor, QKeyEvent, QMouseEvent, QPainter, QPen, QPaintEvent, QBrush, QDrag
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QVBoxLayout, QMainWindow, QPushButton
class Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self) -> None:
screenWidth = 1920
screenHeight = 1080
self.isRunning = True
self.windowWidth = 1200
self.windowHeight = 800
self.clockCounterVariable = 0
self.milSec = 0
self.seconds = 0
self.minutes = 0
self.hours = 0
self.setWindowTitle("Smart rockets")
self.setGeometry((screenWidth - self.windowWidth) // 2, (screenHeight - self.windowHeight) // 2, self.windowWidth, self.windowHeight)
self.setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb(20, 20, 20);font-size:20px;")
self.clock = QTimer(self)
button = QPushButton("Refresh", self)
button.setGeometry(20,self.windowHeight - 60,self.windowWidth - 40,40)
button.setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb(80, 80, 80);font-size:20px;")
rectangleWidth = randint(50, 500)
rectangleHeight = randint(50, 500)
self.rectangle = QRect(randint(0, self.windowWidth - rectangleWidth), randint(0, self.windowHeight - rectangleHeight - 80), rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight)
circleRadius = randint(50, 200) = QRect(randint(0, self.windowWidth - circleRadius), randint(0, self.windowHeight - circleRadius - 80), circleRadius, circleRadius)
def dragEnterEvent(self, event) -> super:
def keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent) -> super:
key = QKeyEvent.key(event)
if key == 112 or key == 80: # P/p
if self.isRunning:
print("pause process")
self.isRunning = False
print("continue process")
self.isRunning = True
elif (key == 115) or (key == 83): # S/s
return super().keyPressEvent(event)
def mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> super:
if event.buttons() == Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton:
if self.isRunning:
print("pause process")
self.isRunning = False
print("continue process")
self.isRunning = True
return super().mousePressEvent(event)
def clockCounter(self) -> None:
self.clockCounterVariable += 1
def paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent) -> super:
painter = QPainter()
self.milSec = self.clockCounterVariable
self.seconds, self.milSec = divmod(self.milSec, 100)
self.minutes, self.seconds = divmod(self.seconds, 60)
self.hours, self.minutes = divmod(self.minutes, 60)
painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 128, 20), 1, Qt.PenStyle.SolidLine))
painter.drawText(QRect(35, 30, 400, 30), Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft, "{:02d} : {:02d} : {:02d} : {:02d}".format(self.hours, self.minutes, self.seconds, self.milSec))
if self.collided():
painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 20, 20), 0, Qt.PenStyle.SolidLine))
painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(128, 20, 20), Qt.BrushStyle.SolidPattern))
painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(20, 255, 20), 0, Qt.PenStyle.SolidLine))
painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(20, 128, 20), Qt.BrushStyle.SolidPattern))
return super().paintEvent(a0)
def refreshRectAndCircle(self) -> None:
rectangleWidth = randint(50, 500)
rectangleHeight = randint(50, 500)
self.rectangle = QRect(randint(0, self.windowWidth - rectangleWidth), randint(0, self.windowHeight - rectangleHeight - 80), rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight)
circleRadius = randint(50, 200) = QRect(randint(0, self.windowWidth - circleRadius), randint(0, self.windowHeight - circleRadius - 80), circleRadius, circleRadius)
def collided(self) -> bool:
# return True if collided and return False if not collided
circle =
rect = self.rectangle
if __name__ == "__main__":
App = QApplication(argv)
window = Window()
how should I detect whether there is a collision between the circle and the rectangle or not?
While you can achieve this with math functions, luckily Qt provides some useful functions that can make this much easier.
You can achieve this with three steps - or even just one (see the last section).
Check the center of the circle
If the center of the circle is within the boundaries of the rectangle, you can always assume that they collide. You're using a QRect, which is a rectangle that is always aligned to the axis, making things much easier.
Mathematically speaking you just need to ensure that the X of the center is between the smallest and biggest X of the left and right vertical lines of the rectangle, then the same for the Y.
Qt allows us to check if QRect.contains() the of the circle.
def collided(self) -> bool:
center =
if self.rectangle.contains(center):
return True
Check the vertexes of the rectangle
If the length between the center of the circle and any of the vertexes of the rectangle is smaller than the radius, you can be sure that they are within the circle area.
Using the basic Pythagorean equation, you can know the hypotenuse created between the center and each of the vertexes of the rectangle, and if the hypotenuse is smaller than the radius, it means that they are within the circle.
With Qt we can use QLineF with the center and the vertexes (topLeft(), topRight(), bottomRight() and bottomLeft()), whenever any of the lengths is smaller than the radius, it means that the vertex is within the circle. Using QPolygonF we can easily iterate through all vertexes in a for loop.
# ...
center = QPointF(center)
radius = / 2
corners = QPolygonF(QRectF(self.rectangle))[:4]
for corner in corners:
if QLineF(center, corner).length() < radius:
return True
Check the closest side of the rectangle
It is possible that the circle only collides with a side of the rectangle: the center of the circle is outside of the rectangle, and none of the vertexes are within the circle.
Consider this case:
In this situations, the collision always happens whenever the perpendicular line of the closest side of the rectangle is smaller than the radius:
Using math, we'll need to get the line perpendicular to the closest side, going toward the center of the circle, computing the angle between the side and the lines connecting the center with each vertex (shown in orange above), then with the help of some trigonometry, get the cathetus of one of the triangles (shown in red): if the length of that line is smaller than the radius, the shapes collide.
Luckily again, Qt can help us. We can get the two closest points using the lines created in the section "Check the vertexes of the rectangle" above, get the side of those points and compute a perpendicular angle that will be used to create a "diameter": starting from the center, we create two lines with opposite angles and the radius with the fromPolar(), then create the actual diameter with the external points of those lines. Finally, we check if that diameter intersects() with the side.
And this is the final function:
def collided(self) -> bool:
center =
if self.rectangle.contains(center):
return True
# use floating point based coordinates
center = QPointF(center)
radius = / 2
corners = QPolygonF(QRectF(self.rectangle))[:4]
lines = []
for corner in corners:
line = QLineF(center, corner)
if line.length() < radius:
return True
# sort lines by their lengths
lines.sort(key=lambda l: l.length())
# create the side of the closest points
segment = QLineF(lines[0].p2(), lines[1].p2())
# the perpendicular angle, intersecting with the center of the circle
perpAngle = (segment.angle() + 90) % 360
# the ends of the "diameter" per pendicular to the side
d1 = QLineF.fromPolar(radius, perpAngle).translated(center)
d2 = QLineF.fromPolar(radius, perpAngle + 180).translated(center)
# the actual diameter line
diameterLine = QLineF(d1.p2(), d2.p2())
# get the intersection type
intersection = diameterLine.intersects(segment, QPointF())
return intersection == QLineF.BoundedIntersection
Further considerations
when dealing with geometric shapes, you should consider using QPainterPath which actually makes the above extremely simpler:
def collided(self) -> bool:
circlePath = QPainterPath()
return circlePath.intersects(QRectF(self.rectangle))
Qt has a powerful (yet complex) Graphics View Framework that makes graphics and user interaction much more intuitive and effective; while the QPainter API is certainly easier for simpler cases, it may result in cumbersome (and difficult to debug) code as soon as your program requirements grow in complexity;
QMainWindow has its own, private and inaccessible layout manager, you cannot call setLayout() on it; use setCentralWidget() and set a layout to that widget eventually;
never use generic stylesheet properties for parent widgets (as you did for the main window) because it may result in awkward drawing of complex widgets like scroll areas; always use selector types for windows and containers instead;
unless you actually need to paint on the QMainWindow contents (which is a rare occurrence), you should always implement the paintEvent() on its central widget instead; otherwise, if you don't need QMainWindow features (menubar, statusbar, dock widgets and toolbars), just use a QWidget;
QTimer is not reliable for precise time measurement: if any function called while it's running requires more time than the timeout interval, the connected function will always be called afterwards; use QElapsedTimer instead;
in paintEvent() just use painter = QPainter(self), remove painter.begin(self) (it's implicit using the above) and painter.end() (unnecessary, since it's automatically destroyed when the function returns);
don't create unnecessary instance attributes (self.milSec, self.seconds, etc) that will be almost certainly overwritten sooner or later, and that you're not using elsewhere; the paint event must always return as soon as possible and must be always optimized as much as possible;

pyglet drawing primitive GL_POINT. A buffer issue?

Beginner in pyglet. I have an issue when drawing GL_POINT using pyglet.graphicss.draw(). I want this GL_POINT to be drawn after another on the next pixel buffer, but it seems the function does not keep the last GL_POINT to be drawn on the next pixel buffer.
import pyglet
from import *
from pyglet.window import key # for key input, on_key_press
window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 600) # create a window object with the resolution of 800x600
window.set_caption('window title')
def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): # keyboard input handler
if symbol == key.L: # Drawing a center point
print("DRAWING TEST A POINT (400, 300)")
('v2i', (400, 300))
elif symbol == key.K: # Drawing a bit further 100 more horizontally from center point
print("DRAWING TEST A POINT (500, 300)")
('v2i', (500, 300))
Pressing L would draw a center point.
Then pressing K would draw 100 more horizontally from the center point with the last center point gone.
Where is the bug? is there something wrong with my code? if not,
my guess would be, does pyglet.graphicss.draw() function actually redraw one after another primitive shape? How do I code to draw one after another?
The issue is caused by Double buffering. You can solve the issue by drawing the point to both buffers. Draw the point twice and swap the OpenGL front and back buffers in between by (flip).
('v2i', (400, 300))
('v2i', (400, 300))
But I recommend to add the points to a list and to draw the list. e.g.:
import pyglet
from import *
from pyglet.window import key # for key input, on_key_press
points = []
window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 600) # create a window object with the resolution of 800x600
window.set_caption('window title')
def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): # keyboard input handler
global points
if symbol == key.L: # Drawing a center point
print("DRAWING TEST A POINT (400, 300)")
points += [400, 300]
elif symbol == key.K: # Drawing a bit further 100 more horizontally from center point
print("DRAWING TEST A POINT (500, 300)")
points += [500, 300] // 2,, ('v2i', points))

Moving surface within smaller surface doesn't show previously hidden components

I'm coding some custom GUI objects for usage in pygame menus, while coding a scrollable box I hit an error.
This box works by moving a surface (which contains the components which are moved when scrolling) within a smaller surface which acts like a window to the confined surface. The surfaces mostly display correctly: the contents of the inner surface which are visible initially (the parts which fit within the window surface) display correctly, but when the inner surface is moved to reveal previously hidden components they are not displayed, the initial visible move correctly and are displayed when they return.
I think the issue is with the outer surface's clipping area thinking that only the already revealed components should be displayed and that the others are still hidden but I don't know.
The custom GUI components always have a Rect (returns the bounding rect for that component) and Draw (blits the component to the screen) functions.
Here is the code for the scroll area (and it's parent class):
class ScrollArea(BaseComponent):
"Implements a section of screen which is operable by scroll wheel"
def __init__(self,surface,rect,colour,components):
"""surface is what this is drawn on
rect is location + size
colour is colour of screen
components is iterable of components to scroll through (they need Draw and Rect functions), this changes the objects location and surface
self.rect = pygame.Rect(rect)
self.colour = colour
self.components = components
def HandleEvent(self, event):
"Pass events to this; it enables the area to react to them"
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and self.rect.collidepoint(event.pos) and self._scroll_rect.h > self.rect.h:
if event.button == 4: self.scroll_y = min(self.scroll_y + 15,self._scroll_y_min)
if event.button == 5: self.scroll_y = max(self.scroll_y - 15,self._scroll_y_max)
def Make(self):
"Updates the area, activates any changes made"
_pos = self.rect.topleft
self._sub_surface = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size,pygame.SRCALPHA)
self.rect = pygame.Rect(_pos,self._sub_surface.get_rect().size)
self._sub_surface.unlock()#hopefully fixes issues
self._scroll_surf = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size)
self._scroll_rect = self._scroll_surf.get_rect()
scroll_height = 5
for component in self.components:
component.surface = self._scroll_surf
component.Rect().y = scroll_height
component.Rect().x = 5
scroll_height += component.Rect().h + 5
self._scroll_rect.h = max(self.rect.h,scroll_height)
self.scroll_y = 0
self._scroll_y_min = 0
self._scroll_y_max = -(self._scroll_rect.h - self.rect.h)
def Draw(self):
"Draw the area and its inner components"
self._sub_surface.fill((255, 255, 255, 0))
def Rect(self):
"Return the rect of this component"
return self.rect
class BaseComponent:
def __init__(self,surface):
"surface is what this is drawn on"
self.surface = surface
def HandleEvent(self,event):
"Pass events into this for the component to react ot them"
raise NotImplementedError()
def Make(self):
"Redo calculations on how component looks"
raise NotImplementedError()
def Draw(self):
"Draw component"
raise NotImplementedError()
def ReDraw(self):
"Call Make then draw functions of component"
def Rect(self):
"Return the rect of this component"
raise NotImplementedError()
To test this I used this code and a label component:
screen_width = 640
screen_height = 480
font_label = pygame.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf",22)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width,screen_height))
grey = (125,125,125)
def LoadLoop():
scroll_components = []
for i in range(20):
scroll_area = Components.ScrollArea(screen,Components.CenterRect(screen_width/2,3*screen_height/16 + 120,300,200),grey,scroll_components)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
This is the label component's code (it basically just prints text to screen with the location given as it's center):
class Label(BaseComponent):
"Class which implements placing text on a screen"
def __init__(self,surface,center,text,font,text_colour):
"""surface is what this is drawn on
center is the coordinates of where the text is to be located
text is the text of the label
font is the font of the label
text_colour is the text's colour
super().__init__(surface) = center
self.text = text
self.font = font
self.text_colour = text_colour
def HandleEvent(self,event):
"Labels have no events they react to,\nso this does nothing"
def Make(self):
"(Re)creates the label which is drawn,\nthis must be used if any changes to the label are to be carried out"
self._text_surf = self.font.render(self.text, True, self.text_colour)
self._text_rect = self._text_surf.get_rect() =
def Draw(self):
"Draw the label , will not react to any changes made to the label"
def Rect(self):
"Return the rect of this component"
return self._text_rect
This is the window produced by this code:
Before scrolling
After scrolling
I also did it with a different size of ScrollArea, one of the Labels was positioned through the bottom and it was cut in half, when scrolled the cut remained.
Please help.
Sidenote on conventions
First, a sidenote on conventions: class names should start with an uppercase letter, function and method names should be all lowercase.
They are conventions, so you are free to not follow them, but following the conventions will make your code more readable to people used to them.
The quick fix
The error is in the ScrollArea.Make() method. Look carefully at these two lines:
self._sub_surface = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size,pygame.SRCALPHA)
self._scroll_surf = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size)
self._sub_surface is the surface of the window of the scroll area. self._scroll_surf is the scrolling surface. The latter should be higher, but you set them to the same size (same width is fine, same height not).
Obviously when you loop over your component list to blit the Label, the ones which are outside self._sub_surface are also outside self._scroll_surf and hence are not blit at all. You should make self._scroll_surf higher. Try for example:
self._scroll_surf = pygame.Surface((self.rect.width, self.rect.height*10)
Better would be to estimate the proper height to contains all your labels, which should be scroll_height, but you calculate it later in the method, so you should figure how to do properly this part.
A general advice
In general, I think you have a design problem here:
for i in range(20):
scroll_area = ScrollArea(screen, pygame.Rect(screen_width/2,3*screen_height/16 + 120,300,200),grey,scroll_components)
When you create each label, you pass the screen as the reference surface where the Draw method blits.
But these labels should be blitted on the scroll_surf of your ScrollArea. But you cannot do it because you have not instantiated yet the ScrollArea, and you cannot instantiate before the scroll area because you require the Labels to be passed as an argument.
And in fact in the ScrollArea.Make() method you overwrite each label surface attribute with the _scroll_surf Surface.
I think would be better to pass to ScrollArea a list of strings, and let the ScrollArea.__init__() method to create the labels.
It will look less patched and more coherent.

Center a Rectangle in New Window

I am trying to center a rectangle in a new created window using Python 3.2
Here is my code so far:
from graphics import *
def plotSquare(win, side):
rect=Rectangle(Point(side//2,side//2), Point(side,side))
def main ():
win=GraphWin("My Window", 500, 500)
win.setCoords(0, 0, 500, 500)
side=eval(input("What is the size of one side of the square (0<n<500): "))
plotSquare(win, side)
What function can I use to center the rectangle?
Rather than positioning the rectangle at side/2, take into account the size of the window, so the left boundary of the rectangle would be 500/2 - side/2.
Same idea for the top of the rectangle.

Moving Python objects

I'm trying to move two objects at the same time in python graphics (This seems to be referring to John Zelle's, then repeat the movement in a loop. However when I try to loop it, the shapes disappear. How can I fix this?
def main():
win = GraphWin('Lab Four', 400, 400)
c = Circle(Point(100, 50), 40)
s = Rectangle(Point(300, 300), Point(350, 350))
while not c.getCenter() == Circle(Point(400, 50), 40):
c.move(10, 0)
s.move(-10, 0)
while not (win.checkMouse()):
There are a couple of obvious problem with your code: you compare the center Point object of the circle against a circle object -- you need to compoare to a Point object; you left off the parentheses in your win.getMouse() call. The rework below fixes these issues:
from graphics import *
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 400, 400
def main():
win = GraphWin('Lab Four', WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c = Circle(Point(100, 50), RADIUS)
s = Rectangle(Point(300, 300), Point(350, 350))
while c.getCenter().getX() < WIDTH - RADIUS:
c.move(10, 0)
s.move(-10, 0)
Instead of comparing the center Point with a Point, I simply checked the X position since it's moving horizontally.

