Stop at nth element? - python

Not sure how to add a condition to make result output stops at third last words.
Currently working on printing out specific words within the texts:
My feet they are sore and my limbs they are weary
Long is the way and the mountains are wild
I managed to print out the output of:
they sore my they weary
the and mountains wild
But what i am trying to print out is:
they sore my they
the and mountains
Which stops at the third last of the sentences
The code:
for line in open("testing.txt"):
low = line.lower()
words = low.split()
n = 2
print(" ".join(words[n::n]))
Thanks for reading.

You just need to use the word list from n to -2 (to stop at 3rd last word) instead of the whole list
print(" ".join(words[n:-2:n]))

for line in open("testing.txt")
low = line.lower()
words = low.split()
words = words[0:-2]
n = 2
print(" ".join(words[n::n]))


Text Indexing and Slicing

I am supposed to transform each sentence such that we only keep the words between the third and the third-last word (inclusive) and skip every second word on the way.
Text in jane_eyre_sentences.txt:
My feet they are sore and my limbs they are weary
Long is the way and the mountains are wild
Soon will the twilight close moonless and dreary
Over the path of the poor orphan child
My Code is shown as below:
for line in open("jane_eyre_sentences.txt"):
line_strip = line.rstrip()
words = line_strip.split()
if len(words)%2 == 0:
print(" ".join(words[2:-4:2]), ""+ "".join(words[-3]))
print(" ".join(words[2:-3:2]),""+ "".join(words[-3]))
My Output:
they sore my they
the and mountains
the moonless
path poor
Expected Output:
they sore my they
the and mountains
the close
path the
You are appending the wrong word for even lines. You must change this line
print(" ".join(words[2:-4:2]), ""+ "".join(words[-3]))
print(" ".join(words[2:-4:2]), ""+ "".join(words[-4]))
You can also get rid of the unnecessary empty string and the second join as it is a single word anyway:
print(" ".join(words[2:-4:2]), words[-4])

How to return to original formatting

I have broken down lines of text file into individual words to check if they are in a dictionary. I now want to return/print the words back in the same lines.
I have tried editing the positions in my loop as I know I have the lines broken down already. I have thought that maybe I have to use a pop or remove function. I cannot use swap function.
def replace_mode(text_list,misspelling):
for line in text_list:
word = line.split(' ')
for element in word:
if element in misspelling.keys():
print(misspelling[element], end=(' '))
print(element, end=(' '))
It is printing in a single line:
"joe and his family went to the zoo the other day the zoo had many animals including an elephant the elephant was being too dramatic though after they walked around joe left the zoo"
I want the processed text to be back in its original format(4 lines):
joe and his family went to the zoo the other day
the zooo had many animals including an elofent
the elaphant was being too dramati though
after they walked around joe left the zo
Add this line, right after your last print(element, end=(' ')) statement, at the same level of indentation as for element in word::
This will print a newline at the end of each of the original lines, right after you've finished processing every word from that line but before you've moved on to the next line.

Accumulating Characters in Python

So I have this textfile, and in that file it goes like this... (just a bit of it)
"The truest love that ever heart
Felt at its kindled core
Did through each vein in quickened start
The tide of being pour
Her coming was my hope each day
Her parting was my pain
The chance that did her steps delay
Was ice in every vein
I dreamed it would be nameless bliss
As I loved loved to be
And to this object did I press
As blind as eagerly
But wide as pathless was the space
That lay our lives between
And dangerous as the foamy race
Of ocean surges green
And haunted as a robber path
Through wilderness or wood
For Might and Right and Woe and Wrath
Between our spirits stood
I dangers dared I hindrance scorned
I omens did defy
Whatever menaced harassed warned
I passed impetuous by
On sped my rainbow fast as light
I flew as in a dream
For glorious rose upon my sight
That child of Shower and Gleam"
Now, the calculate the length of words without the letter 'e' in each line of text. So in the first line it should have 4, then 5, then 17, etc.
My current code is
for line in open("textname.txt"):
line_strip = line.strip()
line_strip_split = line_strip.split()
for word in line_strip_split:
if "e" not in word:
word_e = word
print (len(word_e))
My explanation is: Strip each word from each other by removing spaces, so it becomes ['Felt','at','its','kindled','core'], etc. Then we split each word because we can regard it individually when removing words with 'e'?. So we want words without e, then print the length of the string.
HOWEVER, this separates each word into a different line by splitting then separating the string? So this doesn't add all the words together in each line but separates it, so the answer becomes "4 / 2 / 3"
Try this:
for line in open("textname.txt"):
line_strip = line.strip()
line_strip_split = line_strip.split()
words_with_no_e = []
for word in line_strip_split:
if "e" not in word:
# Adding words without e to a new list
# ''.join() will returns all the elements of array concatenated
# len() will count the length
It append all the words without e in into new list in each line, then concatenate all words then it prints length of it.

Searching a list in Python for position of a certain word

So i have a string which i have split and from that created a list in Python.
I now need to find the location of a certain word in that list.
The problem that im having: the word im looking for appears twice in the list. The code i have brings back the location of the first word however it doesnt continue and bring back the other location.
Example: The main reason that i play football is because i love football.
It will find the first FOOTBALL but not the second. Help!!
This is the code i have :
sentence = " The main reson that i play football is because i love football"
sentence = sentence.split()
In the below snippet i will contain indices of 'football' in the list.
s = 'The main reason that i play football is because i love football.'
words = s.split()
i=[ind for ind,p in enumerate(words) if p=='football']
import re
looking_for = 'football'
in_text = 'The main reason that i play football is because i love football.'
without_punctuation = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z ]', '', in_text)
words = without_punctuation.split(' ')
for i, w in enumerate(words):
if w == looking_for:
But of course. Punctuation is going to be an issue, like here (with 'football.') – so I've now stripped most of it.
Try this
def findall(list_in, search_str):
while True:
last_index= find+1;
return output
output is a list of the indices where search_str can be found in list_in

Python code flow does not work as expected?

I am trying to process various texts by regex and NLTK of python -which is at I am trying to create a random text generator and I am having a slight problem. Firstly, here is my code flow:
Enter a sentence as input -this is called trigger string, is assigned to a variable-
Get longest word in trigger string
Search all Project Gutenberg database for sentences that contain this word -regardless of uppercase lowercase-
Return the longest sentence that has the word I spoke about in step 3
Append the sentence in Step 1 and Step4 together
Assign the sentence in Step 4 as the new 'trigger' sentence and repeat the process. Note that I have to get the longest word in second sentence and continue like that and so on-
So far, I have been able to do this only once. When I try to keep this to continue, the program only keeps printing the first sentence my search yields. It should actually look for the longest word in this new sentence and keep applying my code flow described above.
Below is my code along with a sample input/output :
Sample input
"Thane of code"
Sample output
"Thane of code Norway himselfe , with terrible numbers , Assisted by that most disloyall Traytor , The Thane of Cawdor , began a dismall Conflict , Till that Bellona ' s Bridegroome , lapt in proofe , Confronted him with selfe - comparisons , Point against Point , rebellious Arme ' gainst Arme , Curbing his lauish spirit : and to conclude , The Victorie fell on vs"
Now this should actually take the sentence that starts with 'Norway himselfe....' and look for the longest word in it and do the steps above and so on but it doesn't. Any suggestions? Thanks.
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
triggerSentence = raw_input("Please enter the trigger sentence: ")#get input str
split_str = triggerSentence.split()#split the sentence into words
longestLength = 0
longestString = ""
montyPython = 1
while montyPython:
#code to find the longest word in the trigger sentence input
for piece in split_str:
if len(piece) > longestLength:
longestString = piece
longestLength = len(piece)
listOfSents = gutenberg.sents() #all sentences of gutenberg are assigned -list of list format-
listOfWords = gutenberg.words()# all words in gutenberg books -list format-
# I tip my hat to Mr.Alex Martelli for this part, which helps me find the longest sentence
lt = longestString.lower() #this line tells you whether word list has the longest word in a case-insensitive way.
longestSentence = max((listOfWords for listOfWords in listOfSents if any(lt == word.lower() for word in listOfWords)), key = len)
#get longest sentence -list format with every word of sentence being an actual element-
for word in longestSent:#convert the list longestSentence to an actual string
sstr = " ".join(word)
print triggerSentence + " "+ sstr
triggerSentence = sstr
How about this?
You find longest word in trigger
You find longest word in the longest sentence containing word found in 1.
The word of 1. is the longest word of the sentence of 2.
What happens? Hint: answer starts with "Infinite". To correct the problem you could find set of words in lower case to be useful.
BTW when you think MontyPython becomes False and the program finish?
Rather than searching the entire corpus each time, it may be faster to construct a single map from word to the longest sentence containing that word. Here's my (untested) attempt to do this.
import collections
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
def words_in(sentence):
"""Generate all words in the sentence (lower-cased)"""
for word in sentence.split():
word = word.strip('.,"\'-:;')
if word:
yield word.lower()
def make_sentence_map(books):
"""Construct a map from words to the longest sentence containing the word."""
result = collections.defaultdict(str)
for book in books:
for sentence in book:
for word in words_in(sentence):
if len(sentence) > len(result[word]):
result[word] = sent
return result
def generate_random_text(sentence, sentence_map):
while True:
yield sentence
longest_word = max(words_in(sentence), key=len)
sentence = sentence_map[longest_word]
sentence_map = make_sentence_map(gutenberg.sents())
for sentence in generate_random_text('Thane of code.', sentence_map):
print sentence
Mr. Hankin's answer is more elegant, but the following is more in keeping with the approach you began with:
import sys
import string
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
def longest_element(p):
"""return the first element of p which has the greatest len()"""
max_len = 0
elem = None
for e in p:
if len(e) > max_len:
elem = e
max_len = len(e)
return elem
def downcase(p):
"""returns a list of words in p shifted to lower case"""
return map(string.lower, p)
def unique_words():
"""it turns out unique_words was never referenced so this is here
for pedagogy"""
# there are 2.6 million words in the gutenburg corpus but only ~42k unique
# ignoring case, let's pare that down a bit
for word in gutenberg.words():
print 'gutenberg.words() has', len(words), 'unique caseless words'
return words
print 'loading gutenburg corpus...'
sentences = []
for sentence in gutenberg.sents():
trigger = sys.argv[1:]
target = longest_element(trigger).lower()
last_target = None
while target != last_target:
matched_sentences = []
for sentence in sentences:
if target in sentence:
print '===', target, 'matched', len(matched_sentences), 'sentences'
longestSentence = longest_element(matched_sentences)
print ' '.join(longestSentence)
trigger = longestSentence
last_target = target
target = longest_element(trigger).lower()
Given your sample sentence though, it reaches fixation in two cycles:
$ python Thane of code
loading gutenburg corpus...
=== target thane matched 24 sentences
norway himselfe , with terrible
numbers , assisted by that most
disloyall traytor , the thane of
cawdor , began a dismall conflict ,
till that bellona ' s bridegroome ,
lapt in proofe , confronted him with
selfe - comparisons , point against
point , rebellious arme ' gainst arme
, curbing his lauish spirit : and to
conclude , the victorie fell on vs
=== target bridegroome matched 1 sentences
norway himselfe , with
terrible numbers , assisted by that
most disloyall traytor , the thane of
cawdor , began a dismall conflict ,
till that bellona ' s bridegroome ,
lapt in proofe , confronted him with
selfe - comparisons , point against
point , rebellious arme ' gainst arme
, curbing his lauish spirit : and to
conclude , the victorie fell on vs
Part of the trouble with the response to the last problem is that it did what you asked, but you asked a more specific question than you wanted an answer to. Thus the response got bogged down in some rather complicated list expressions that I'm not sure you understood. I suggest that you make more liberal use of print statements and don't import code if you don't know what it does. While unwrapping the list expressions I found (as noted) that you never used the corpus wordlist. Functions are a help also.
You are assigning "split_str" outside of the loop, so it gets the original value and then keeps it. You need to assign it at the beginning of the while loop, so it changes each time.
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
triggerSentence = raw_input("Please enter the trigger sentence: ")#get input str
longestLength = 0
longestString = ""
montyPython = 1
while montyPython:
#so this is run every time through the loop
split_str = triggerSentence.split()#split the sentence into words
#code to find the longest word in the trigger sentence input
for piece in split_str:
if len(piece) > longestLength:
longestString = piece
longestLength = len(piece)
listOfSents = gutenberg.sents() #all sentences of gutenberg are assigned -list of list format-
listOfWords = gutenberg.words()# all words in gutenberg books -list format-
# I tip my hat to Mr.Alex Martelli for this part, which helps me find the longest sentence
lt = longestString.lower() #this line tells you whether word list has the longest word in a case-insensitive way.
longestSentence = max((listOfWords for listOfWords in listOfSents if any(lt == word.lower() for word in listOfWords)), key = len)
#get longest sentence -list format with every word of sentence being an actual element-
for word in longestSent:#convert the list longestSentence to an actual string
sstr = " ".join(word)
print triggerSentence + " "+ sstr
triggerSentence = sstr

