Scrape a data from a html table - python

I'm try to scrape a table, from B3 site, but the result is a empty data frame.
What's wrong?
import pandas as pd
url = ""
df = pd.read_html(io=url)
print (df)

The default parser for read_html is lxml, which is not able to parse your document. Switching to html5lib (Beautifulsoup 4) does the trick.
Below is your code with the addition of a flavor parameter.
import pandas as pd
url = ""
df = pd.read_html(io=url, flavor='bs4')
print (df)
[ Dias Corridos DI x pré
Dias Corridos 252(2)(4) 360(1)
0 1 190 0
1 8 191 171
2 11 191 199
283 10760 848 832
284 10801 848 832
285 10941 848 833
286 12677 854 838
[287 rows x 3 columns]]


How to extract a specific table from an url via Python?

I am currently looking at the following Link:
There is a table that displays all Positions of the ETF. My goal is to extract the table and save it to a xlsx file. I wrote a code:
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = ''
html = requests.get(url).content
df_list = pd.read_html(html)
df = df_list[-1]
df.to_excel('my data.xlsx')
However, when I try pd.read_html(html) it show me always that no tables could have been found on the website. Does somebody know how to identify and pull the desired table via Python?
The problem is that the website uses cookies, so, when you use the default link, it redirects you to a first page that needs you to click in a button to accept cookies. And then you go to the right page.
I encountered the right URL, that goes straight to the main page that you are looking for, try this:
url = ''
html = requests.get(url).content
df_list = pd.read_html(html)
Here is my Output:
[Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Ex-Tag, Fälligkeitsdatum, Gesamtausschüttung]
Index: [], Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Ex-Tag, Fälligkeitsdatum, Gesamtausschüttung]
Index: [], Unnamed: 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 ... 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
0 Gesamtrendite (%) 177 210 74 108 ... 108 -110 276 -19 251
1 Vergleichsindex (%) 178 212 72 96 ... 106 -108 268 -20 249
[2 rows x 11 columns], Unnamed: 0 ... Von 31.Mär.2021Bis 31.Mär.2022
0 Gesamtrendite (%) Per 31.Mär.2022 ... 863
1 Vergleichsindex (%) Per 31.Mär.2022 ... 849
[2 rows x 6 columns], Unnamed: 0 1J 3J 5J 10J Seit Auflage
0 Gesamtrendite (%) 197 894 538 940 651
1 Vergleichsindex (%) 178 879 522 920 636, Unnamed: 0 Seit 1.1. 1M 3M ... 3J 5J 10J Seit Auflage
0 Gesamtrendite (%) -736 -80 -43 ... 2929 2994 14548 21694
1 Vergleichsindex (%) -755 -92 -65 ... 2874 2896 14119 20904
[2 rows x 10 columns], Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Emittententicker, Name, Sektor, Anlageklasse, Marktwert, Gewichtung (%), Nominalwert, Nominale, ISIN, Kurs, Standort, Börse, Marktwährung]
Index: [], Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Kategorie, Fonds]
Index: [], Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Kategorie, Fonds]
Index: [], Börse Ticker ... Common Code (EOC) iNAV ISIN
0 Xetra EXSA ... 186 794 77 -
1 Bolsa Mexicana De Valores EXSA ... - -
2 Borsa Italiana EXSA ... - -
3 SIX Swiss Exchange EXSA ... - -
[4 rows x 14 columns]]
Process finished with exit code 0
This is how you would use Selenium:
from selenium import webdriver
import time
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
#maximize the window size
#navigate to the url

How to get distinct rows from pandas dataframe?

I am having trouble with getting distinct values from my dataframe.. Below is the code i currently use, in line 25(3rd of vier()) is the issue: I would like to show the top 10 fastest drivers based on their average heat(go-kart heat) time.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv('dataset_kartanalyser.csv')
df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
df = df.join(df['Laptime'].str.split(':', 1, expand=True).rename(columns={0:'M', 1:'S'}))
df['M'] = df['M'].astype(int)
df['S'] = df['S'].astype(float)
df['Laptime'] = (df['M'] * 60) + df['S']
df.drop(['M', 'S'], axis=1, inplace=True)
def twee():
print("Het totaal aantal karts = " + str(df['KartNumber'].nunique()))
print("Het aantal unique drivers = " + str(df['DriverName'].nunique()))
print("Het totaal aantal heats = " + str(df['HeatNumber'].nunique()))
def drie():
print("De 10 snelste Drivers obv individuele tijd zijn: ")
def vier():
print('De 10 snelste Drivers obv snelste heat gemiddelde:')
print((df.groupby(['DriverName', 'HeatNumber'])['Laptime'].mean().round(3)).nsmallest(10))
HeatNumber NumberOfKarts KartNumber DriverName Laptime
0 334 11 5 Monique 53.862
1 334 11 5 Monique 59.070
2 334 11 5 Monique 47.832
3 334 11 5 Monique 47.213
4 334 11 5 Monique 51.975
... ... ... ... ... ...
4053 437 2 20 luuk 39.678
4054 437 2 20 luuk 39.872
4055 437 2 20 luuk 39.454
4056 437 2 20 luuk 39.575
4057 437 2 20 luuk 39.648
DriverName HeatNumber
giovanni 411 26.233
ryan 411 27.747
giovanni 408 27.938
papa 394 28.075
guus 406 28.998
Rob 427 29.371
Suus 427 29.416
Jan-jullius 394 29.428
Joep 427 29.934
Indy 423 29.991
The output i get i almost correct, expect that the driver "giovanni" occurs twice. I would like to only show the fastest avg heat time for each driver. Anyone who know how to do this?
ok so add drop_duplication on a column like this just need to add sort as well
df.sort_values('B', ascending=True)
.drop_duplicates('A', keep='first')
(df.groupby(['DriverName', 'HeatNumber'])['Laptime'].mean().round(3)sort_values('Laptime', ascending=True).drop_duplicates('DriverName', keep='first')).nsmallest(10))
You group the datas by Drivername and HeatNumber. See the HeatNumbers, one of them is 411 and another is 408. Because of that pandas understand they are exactly different. If you equals them, they will be one.

Aggregations over specific columns of a large dataframe, with named output

I am looking for a way to aggregate over a large dataframe, possibly using groupby. Each group would be based on either pre-specified columns or regex, and the aggregation should produce a named output.
This produces a sample dataframe:
import pandas as pd
import itertools
import numpy as np
col = "A,B,C".split(',')
col1 = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9".split(',')
col2 = "E,F,G".split(',')
all_dims = [col, col1, col2]
all_keys = ['.'.join(i) for i in itertools.product(*all_dims)]
rng = pd.date_range(, periods=12, freq='M')
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 1000, size=(len(rng), len(all_keys))), columns=all_keys, index=rng)
Above produces a dataframe with one year's worth of monthly data, with 36 columns with following names:
['A.1.E', 'A.1.F', 'A.1.G', 'A.2.E', 'A.2.F', 'A.2.G', 'A.3.E', 'A.3.F',
'A.3.G', 'A.4.E', 'A.4.F', 'A.4.G', 'A.5.E', 'A.5.F', 'A.5.G', 'A.6.E',
'A.6.F', 'A.6.G', 'A.7.E', 'A.7.F', 'A.7.G', 'A.8.E', 'A.8.F', 'A.8.G',
'A.9.E', 'A.9.F', 'A.9.G', 'B.1.E', 'B.1.F', 'B.1.G', 'B.2.E', 'B.2.F',
'B.2.G', 'B.3.E', 'B.3.F', 'B.3.G', 'B.4.E', 'B.4.F', 'B.4.G', 'B.5.E',
'B.5.F', 'B.5.G', 'B.6.E', 'B.6.F', 'B.6.G', 'B.7.E', 'B.7.F', 'B.7.G',
'B.8.E', 'B.8.F', 'B.8.G', 'B.9.E', 'B.9.F', 'B.9.G', 'C.1.E', 'C.1.F',
'C.1.G', 'C.2.E', 'C.2.F', 'C.2.G', 'C.3.E', 'C.3.F', 'C.3.G', 'C.4.E',
'C.4.F', 'C.4.G', 'C.5.E', 'C.5.F', 'C.5.G', 'C.6.E', 'C.6.F', 'C.6.G',
'C.7.E', 'C.7.F', 'C.7.G', 'C.8.E', 'C.8.F', 'C.8.G', 'C.9.E', 'C.9.F',
What I would like now is to be able aggregate over the dataframe and take certain column combinations and produce named outputs. For example, one rules might be that I will take all 'A.*.E' columns (that have any number in the middle), sum them and produce a named output column called 'A.SUM.E'. And then do the same for 'A.*.F', 'A.*.G' and so on.
I have looked into pandas 25 named aggregation which allows me to name my outputs but I couldn't see how to simultaneously capture the right column combinations and produce the right output names.
If you need to reshape the dataframe to make a workable solution, that is fine as well.
Note, I am aware I could do something like this in a Python loop but I am looking for a pandas way to do it.
Not a groupby solution and it uses a loop but I think it's nontheless rather elegant: first get a list of unique column from - to combinations using a set and then do the sums using filter:
cols = sorted([(x[0],x[1]) for x in set([(x.split('.')[0], x.split('.')[-1]) for x in df.columns])])
for c0, c1 in cols:
df[f'{c0}.SUM.{c1}'] = df.filter(regex = f'{c0}\.\d+\.{c1}').sum(axis=1)
A.1.E A.1.F A.1.G A.2.E ... B.SUM.G C.SUM.E C.SUM.F C.SUM.G
2018-08-31 978 746 408 109 ... 4061 5413 4102 4908
2018-09-30 923 649 488 447 ... 5585 3634 3857 4228
2018-10-31 911 359 897 425 ... 5039 2961 5246 4126
2018-11-30 77 479 536 509 ... 4634 4325 2975 4249
2018-12-31 608 995 114 603 ... 5377 5277 4509 3499
2019-01-31 138 612 363 218 ... 4514 5088 4599 4835
2019-02-28 994 148 933 990 ... 3907 4310 3906 3552
2019-03-31 950 931 209 915 ... 4354 5877 4677 5557
2019-04-30 255 168 357 800 ... 5267 5200 3689 5001
2019-05-31 593 594 824 986 ... 4221 2108 4636 3606
2019-06-30 975 396 919 242 ... 3841 4787 4556 3141
2019-07-31 350 312 104 113 ... 4071 5073 4829 3717
If you want to have the result in a new DataFrame, just create an empty one and add the columns to it:
result = pd.DataFrame()
for c0, c1 in cols:
result[f'{c0}.SUM.{c1}'] = df.filter(regex = f'{c0}\.\d+\.{c1}').sum(axis=1)
Update: using simple groupby (which is even more simple in this particular case):
def grouper(col):
c = col.split('.')
return f'{c[0]}.SUM.{c[-1]}'
df.groupby(grouper, axis=1).sum()

"ValueError: labels ['timestamp'] not contained in axis" error

I have this code ,i want to remove the column 'timestamp' from the file but can't.It shows the error
"ValueError: labels ['timestamp'] not contained in axis"
How can i correct it
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc("font", size=14)
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
data = pd.read_table('')
data.columns=['userID', 'itemID','rating', 'timestamp']
data.drop('timestamp', axis=1)
N = len(data)
print data.shape
print list(data.columns)
print data.head(10)
One of the biggest problem that one faces and that undergoes unnoticed is that in the file while inserting headers the separation should be exactly the same as the separation between a row of data. For example if a tab is used to separate a tuple then you should not use spaces. In your file add headers and separate them exactly with as many whitespaces as were used between the items of a row.
PS: Use sublime text, notepad/notepad++ does not work sometimes.
"ValueError: labels ['timestamp'] not contained in axis"
You don't have headers in the file, so the way you loaded it you got a df where the column names are the first rows of the data. You tried to access colunm timestamp which doesn't exist.
Your doesn't have headers in it
196 242 3 881250949
186 302 3 891717742
So working with column names isn't going to be possible unless add the headers. You can add the headers to the file, e.g. I opened it in a text editor and added the line a b c timestamp at the top of it (this seems to be a tab-separated file, so be careful when added the header not to use spaces, else it breaks the format)
a b c timestamp
196 242 3 881250949
186 302 3 891717742
Now your code works and data.columns returns
Index([u'a', u'b', u'c', u'timestamp'], dtype='object')
And the rest of the trace of your working code is now
(100000, 4) # the shape
['a', 'b', 'c', 'timestamp'] # the columns
a b c timestamp # the df
0 196 242 3 881250949
1 186 302 3 891717742
2 22 377 1 878887116
3 244 51 2 880606923
4 166 346 1 886397596
5 298 474 4 884182806
6 115 265 2 881171488
7 253 465 5 891628467
8 305 451 3 886324817
9 6 86 3 883603013
If you don't want to add headers
Or you can drop the column 'timestamp' using it's index (presumably 3), we can do this using df.ix below it selects all rows, columns index 0 to index 2, thus dropping the column with index 3
data.ix[:, 0:2]
i would do it this way:
data = pd.read_table('', header=None,
names=['userID', 'itemID','rating', 'timestamp'],
usecols=['userID', 'itemID','rating']
In [589]: data.head()
userID itemID rating
0 196 242 3
1 186 302 3
2 22 377 1
3 244 51 2
4 166 346 1

Reindex or reorder group

I am looking for a clean way to reorder the index in a group.
Example code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
mydates = pd.date_range('1/1/2012', periods=1000, freq='D')
myts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(mydates)), index=mydates)
grouped = myts.groupby(lambda x: x.timetuple()[7])
mymin = grouped.min()
mymax = grouped.max()
The above gives me what I want, aggregate stats on julian day of the year BUT I would then like to reorder the group so the last half (183 days) is placed in front of the 1st half.
With a normal numpy array:
myindex = np.arange(1,367)
myindex = np.concatenate((myindex[183:],myindex[:183]))
But I can't do this with the groupby it raises a not implement error.
Note: this is a cross post from google-groups. Also I have been reading on comp.lang.python, unfortunately people tend to ignore some posts e.g. from google groups.
Thanks in advance,
Why not just reindex the result?
In [7]: mymin.reindex(myindex)
184 -0.788140
185 -2.206314
186 0.284884
187 -2.197727
188 -0.714634
189 -1.082745
190 -0.789286
191 -1.489837
192 -1.278941
193 -0.795507
194 -0.661476
195 0.582994
196 -1.634310
197 0.104332
198 -0.602378
169 -1.150616
170 -0.315325
171 -2.233139
172 -1.081528
173 -1.316668
174 -0.963783
175 -0.215260
176 -2.723446
177 -0.493480
178 -0.706771
179 -2.082051
180 -1.066649
181 -1.455419
182 -0.332383
183 -1.277424
Im not aware of a specific Pandas function for this, but you could consider the np.roll() function:
myindex = np.arange(1,367)
myindex = np.roll(myindex, int(len(myindex)/2.))

