I am trying to apply numpy to this code I wrote for trapezium rule integration:
def integral(a,b,n):
delta = (b-a)/float(n)
s = 0.0
s+= np.sin(a)/(a*2)
for i in range(1,n):
s +=np.sin(a + i*delta)/(a + i*delta)
s += np.sin(b)/(b*2.0)
return s * delta
I am trying to get the return value from the new function something like this:
return delta *((2 *np.sin(x[1:-1])) +np.sin(x[0])+np.sin(x[-1]) )/2*x
I am trying for a long time now to make any breakthrough but all my attempts failed.
One of the things I attempted and I do not get is why the following code gives too many indices for array error?
def integral(a,b,n):
d = (b-a)/float(n)
x = np.arange(a,b,d)
J = np.where(x[:,1] < np.sin(x[:,0])/x[:,0])[0]
Every hint/advice is very much appreciated.
You forgot to sum over sin(x):
>>> def integral(a, b, n):
... x, delta = np.linspace(a, b, n+1, retstep=True)
... y = np.sin(x)
... y[0] /= 2
... y[-1] /= 2
... return delta * y.sum()
>>> integral(0, np.pi / 2, 10000)
>>> integral(0, 2 * np.pi, 10000)
>>> from scipy.integrate import quad
>>> quad(np.sin, 0, np.pi / 2)
(0.9999999999999999, 1.1102230246251564e-14)
>>> quad(np.sin, 0, 2 * np.pi)
(2.221501482512777e-16, 4.3998892617845996e-14)
I tried this meanwhile, too.
import numpy as np
def T_n(a, b, n, fun):
delta = (b - a)/float(n) # delta formula
x_i = lambda a,i,delta: a + i * delta # calculate x_i
return 0.5 * delta * \
(2 * sum(fun(x_i(a, np.arange(0, n + 1), delta))) \
- fun(x_i(a, 0, delta)) \
- fun(x_i(a, n, delta)))
Reconstructed the code using formulas at bottom of this page
The summing over the range(0, n+1) - which gives [0, 1, ..., n] -
is implemented using numpy. Usually, you would collect the values using a for loop in normal Python.
But numpy's vectorized behaviour can be used here.
np.arange(0, n+1) gives a np.array([0, 1, ...,n]).
If given as argument to the function (here abstracted as fun) - the function formula for x_0 to x_n
will be then calculated. and collected in a numpy-array. So fun(x_i(...)) returns a numpy-array of the function applied on x_0 to x_n. This array/list is summed up by sum().
The entire sum() is multiplied by 2, and then the function value of x_0 and x_n subtracted afterwards. (Since in the trapezoid formula only the middle summands, but not the first and the last, are multiplied by 2). This was kind of a hack.
The linked German page uses as a function fun(x) = x ^ 2 + 3
which can be nicely defined on the fly by using a lambda expression:
fun = lambda x: x ** 2 + 3
a = -2
b = 3
n = 6
You could instead use a normal function definition, too: defun fun(x): return x ** 2 + 3.
So I tested by typing the command:
T_n(a, b, n, fun)
Which correctly returned:
## Out[172]: 27.24537037037037
For your case, just allocate np.sin tofun and your values for a, b, and n into this function call.
fun = np.sin # by that eveywhere where `fun` is placed in function,
# it will behave as if `np.sin` will stand there - this is possible,
# because Python treats its functions as first class citizens
a = #your value
b = #your value
n = #your value
Finally, you can call:
T_n(a, b, n, fun)
And it will work!
I wonder if there is a possibility to specify the shift expressed by k variable for the cross-correlation of two 1D arrays. Because with the numpy.correlate function and its mode parameter set to 'full' I will get cross-correlate coefficients for each k shift for whole length of the taken array (assuming that both arrays are the same size). Let me show you what I mean exactly on below example:
import numpy as np
# Define signal 1.
signal_1 = np.array([1, 2 ,3])
# Define signal 2.
signal_2 = np.array([1, 2, 3])
# Other definitions.
Xi = signal_1
Yi = signal_2
N = np.size(Xi)
k = 3
Xs = np.average(Xi)
Ys = np.average(Yi)
# Cross-covariance coefficient function.
def crossCovariance(Xi, Yi, N, k, Xs, Ys, forCorrelation = False):
autoCov = 0
for i in np.arange(0, N-k):
autoCov += ((Xi[i+k])-Xs)*(Yi[i]-Ys)
if forCorrelation == True:
return autoCov/N
return (1/(N-1))*autoCov
# Expected value function.
def E(X, P):
expectedValue = 0
for i in np.arange(0, np.size(X)):
expectedValue += X[i] * (P[i] / np.size(X))
return expectedValue
# Cross-correlation coefficient function.
def crossCorrelation(Xi, Yi, k):
# Calculate the covariance coefficient.
cov = crossCovariance(Xi, Yi, N, k, Xs, Ys, forCorrelation = True)
# Calculate standard deviations.
EX = E(Xi, np.ones(np.size(Xi)))
SDX = (E((Xi - EX) ** 2, np.ones(np.size(Xi)))) ** (1/2)
EY = E(Yi, np.ones(np.size(Yi)))
SDY = (E((Yi - EY) ** 2, np.ones(np.size(Yi)))) ** (1/2)
# Calculate correlation coefficient.
return cov / (SDX * SDY)
# Express cross-covariance or cross-correlation function in a form of a 1D vector.
def array(k, norm = True):
# If norm = True, return array of autocorrelation coefficients.
# If norm = False, return array of autocovariance coefficients.
vector = np.array([])
shifts = np.abs(np.arange(-k, k+1, 1))
for i in shifts:
if norm == True:
vector = np.append(crossCorrelation(Xi, Yi, i), vector)
vector = np.append(crossCovariance(Xi, Yi, N, i, Xs, Ys), vector)
return vector
In my example, calling the method array(k, norm = True) for different values of k will give resuslt as I shown below:
k = 3, [ 0. -0.5 0. 1. 0. -0.5 0. ]
k = 2, [-0.5 0. 1. 0. -0.5]
k = 1, [ 0. 1. 0.]
k = 0, [ 1.]
My approach is good for the learning purposes but I need to move to the native numpy functions in order to speed up my analysis. How one could specify the k shift value while using the native numpy.correlate function? PS k parameter specify the "time" shift between two arrays. Thank you in advance.
Whilst I'm not aware of any built-in function for computing the cross-correlation for a particular range of signal lags, you can speed your version up a lot by vectorization, i.e. performing operations on arrays rather than single elements in an array.
This version uses only a single Python loop over the lags:
import numpy as np
def xcorr(x, y, k, normalize=True):
n = x.shape[0]
# initialize the output array
out = np.empty((2 * k) + 1, dtype=np.double)
lags = np.arange(-k, k + 1)
# pre-compute E(x), E(y)
mu_x = x.mean()
mu_y = y.mean()
# loop over lags
for ii, lag in enumerate(lags):
# use slice indexing to get 'shifted' views of the two input signals
if lag < 0:
xi = x[:lag]
yi = y[-lag:]
elif lag > 0:
xi = x[:-lag]
yi = y[lag:]
xi = x
yi = y
# x - mu_x; y - mu_y
xdiff = xi - mu_x
ydiff = yi - mu_y
# E[(x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y)]
out[ii] = / n
# NB: == (xdiff * ydiff).sum()
if normalize:
# E[(x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y)] / (sigma_x * sigma_y)
out /= np.std(x) * np.std(y)
return lags, out
Some more general points of advice:
As I mentioned in the comments, you should try to give your functions names that are informative, and that aren't likely to conflict with other things in your namespace (e.g. array vs np.array).
It's much better to make your functions self-contained. In your version, N, k, Xs and Ys are defined outside the main function. In this situation you might accidentally modify or overwrite one of these variables, and it can get tricky to debug errors caused by this sort of thing.
Appending to numpy arrays (e.g. using np.append or np.concatenate) is slow, so avoid it whenever you can. If, as in this case, you know the size of the output ahead of time, it's much faster to pre-allocate the output array (e.g. using np.empty or np.zeros), then fill in the elements. If you absolutely have to do concatenation, it's often faster to append to a normal Python list, then convert it to a numpy array at the end.
It's available by specifying maxlags:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xcorr = plt.xcorr(signal_1, signal_2, maxlags=1)
Documentation can be found here. This implementation is based on np.correlate.
I am doing some numerical analysis whereby I have a series of python lists of the form
listn = [1, 3.1, 4.2]
I want to transform these into functions mapped onto a domain between x_0 and x_1, so I can pass the function object to a higher order function that I am using to analyse the data. (Outside the specified domain, the function is chosen to be zero). The function produced needs to be continuous for my purposes, and at the moment I just returning a pieces wise linear function.
I have come up with the convoluted solution below, but there must be a nicer way of doing this in a few lines??
def to_function(array_like, x_0=0, x_1=1):
assert x_1 > x_0, "X_0 > X_1"
def g(s, a=array_like, lower=x_0, upper=x_1):
if lower < s <= upper:
scaled = (1.0*(s-lower) / (upper - lower)) * (len(a) - 1)
dec, whole = math.modf(scaled)
return (1.0 - dec) * a[int(whole)] + dec * a[int(whole + 1)]
return 0
return g
b = to_function([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], x_0=0, x_1=5)
print b(1)
print b(2)
print b(3)
print b(3.4)
Will scipy's 1d interpolation functions work?
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
x = y = np.arange(5)
f = interp1d(x,y, kind="linear", fill_value=0., bounds_error=False)
print f(0)
print f(2)
print f(3)
print f(3.4)
Which gives:
I'm trying to solve an nonlinear optimal control problem subject to dynamic ( h(x, x', u) = 0 ) constraint.
f(x) = (u(t) - u(0)(t))^2 # u0(t) is the initial input provided to the system
h(x) = y'(t) - integral(sqrt(u(t))*y(t) + y(t)) = 0 # a nonlinear differential equation
-2 < y(t) < 10 # system state is bounded to this range
-2 < u(t) < 10 # system state is bounded to this range
u0(t) # will be defined as an arbitrary piecewise-linear function
I've tried to translate the problem into python code using openopt and scipy:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import *
from openopt import NLP
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from operator import and_
N = 15*4
y0 = 10
t0 = 0
tf = 10
lb, ub = np.ones(2)*-2, np.ones(2)*10
t = np.linspace(t0, tf, N)
u0 = np.piecewise(t, [t < 3, and_(3 <= t, t < 6), 6 <= t], [2, lambda t: t - 3, lambda t: -t + 9])
p = np.empty(N, dtype=np.object)
r = np.empty(N, dtype=np.object)
y = np.empty(N, dtype=np.object)
u = np.empty(N, dtype=np.object)
ff = np.empty(N, dtype=np.object)
for i in range(N):
t = np.linspace(t0, tf, N)
b, a = t[i], t[i - 1]
integrand = lambda t, u1, y1 : np.sqrt(u1)*y1 + y1
integral = lambda u1, y1 : fixed_quad(integrand, a, b, args=(u1, y1))[0]
f = lambda x1: ((x1[1] - u0[i])**2).sum()
h = lambda x1: x1[0] - y0 - integral(x1[0], x1[1])
p[i] = NLP(f, (y0, u0[i]), h=h, lb=lb, ub=ub)
r[i] = p[i].solve('scipy_slsqp')
y0 = r[i].xf[0]
y[i] = r[i].xf[0]
u[i] = r[i].xf[1]
ff[i] = r[i].ff
figure1 = plt.figure()
axis1 = figure1.add_subplot(311)
axis2 = figure1.add_subplot(312)
axis2 = figure1.add_subplot(313)
Now the problem is, running the code with a positive initial y0 like y0 = 10 , the code will result satisfying results.
But giving y0 = 0 or a negative one y0 = -1, nlp problem will be deficient, saying:
"NO FEASIBLE SOLUTION has been obtained (1 constraint is equal to NaN, MaxResidual = 0, objFunc = nan)"
Also, considering the piecewise-linear initial u0, if you put any number other than 0 at the first range of the function at t < 3, meaning:
u0 = np.piecewise(t, [t < 3, and_(3 <= t, t < 6), 6 <= t], [2, lambda t: t - 3, lambda t: -t + 9])
instead of:
u0 = np.piecewise(t, [t < 3, and_(3 <= t, t < 6), 6 <= t], [0, lambda t: t - 3, lambda t: -t + 9])
This will result in the same error again.
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance.
My first thought is that you seem to be solving a 2-dimensional Optimal Control problem as if it were a 1-Dimensional problem.
The constraint dynamics $h(x, x', t)$ are really a second order ODE.
y''(t) - sqrt(u(t))*y(t) + y(t)) = 0
Starting from this I would reword my system as a 2-dimensional, 1st order system in the standard way.
My second thought is that you seem to be optimizing independently, for $u(t)$, at each time step, whereas the problem is to optimize globally for $u(.)$, the entire function. So if anything, the call to NLP should be outside the for loop...
There are dedicated Optimal Control Open Source toolboxes:
Pythonically, there is JModellica:
Alternatively, I have also successfully used: ACADO, (in C++)
There are some very capable modeling tools now such as CasADi, Pyomo, and Gekko that didn't exist when the question was asked. Here is a solution with Gekko. One issue is that sqrt(u) needs to have a positive u value to avoid imaginary numbers.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
u0=1; N=61
m.time = np.linspace(0,10,N)
# lb of -2 leads to imaginary number with sqrt(-)
u = m.MV(u0,lb=1e-2,ub=10); u.STATUS=1
m.options.MV_STEP_HOR = 18 # allow move at 3, 6 time units
m.options.MV_TYPE = 1 # piecewise linear
y = m.Var(10,lb=-2,ub=10)
m.Minimize(y**2) # otherwise solution is u=u0
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.legend(); plt.grid()
edit: I'm not looking for you to debug this code. If you are familiar with this well-known algorithm, then you may be able to help. Please note that the algorithm produces the coefficients correctly.
This code for cubic spline interpolation is producing linear splines and I can't seem to figure out why (yet). The algorithm comes from Burden's Numerical Analysis, which is just about identical to the pseudo code here, or you can find that book from a link in the comments (see chapter 3, it's worth having anyway). The code is producing the correct coefficients; I believe that I am misunderstanding the implementation. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Also, i'm new to programming, so any feedback on how bad my coding is also welcome. I tried uploading pics of the linear system in terms of h, a, and c, but as a new user i can not. If you want a visual of the tridiagonal linear system that the algorithm solves, and which is set up by the var alpha, see the link in the comments for the book, see chap 3. The system is strictly diagonally dominant, so we know there exists a unique solution c0,...,cn. Once we know the ci values, the other coefficients follow.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# need some zero vectors...
def zeroV(m):
z = [0]*m
#INPUT: n; x0, x1, ... ,xn; a0 = f(x0), a1 =f(x1), ... , an = f(xn).
def cubic_spline(n, xn, a, xd):
"""function cubic_spline(n,xn, a, xd) interpolates between the knots
specified by lists xn and a. The function computes the coefficients
and outputs the ranges of the piecewise cubic splines."""
h = zeroV(n-1)
# alpha will be values in a system of eq's that will allow us to solve for c
# and then from there we can find b, d through substitution.
alpha = zeroV(n-1)
# l, u, z are used in the method for solving the linear system
l = zeroV(n+1)
u = zeroV(n)
z = zeroV(n+1)
# b, c, d will be the coefficients along with a.
b = zeroV(n)
c = zeroV(n+1)
d = zeroV(n)
for i in range(n-1):
# h[i] is used to satisfy the condition that
# Si+1(xi+l) = Si(xi+l) for each i = 0,..,n-1
# i.e., the values at the knots are "doubled up"
h[i] = xn[i+1]-xn[i]
for i in range(1, n-1):
# Sets up the linear system and allows us to find c. Once we have
# c then b and d follow in terms of it.
alpha[i] = (3./h[i])*(a[i+1]-a[i])-(3./h[i-1])*(a[i] - a[i-1])
# I, II, (part of) III Sets up and solves tridiagonal linear system...
# I
l[0] = 1
u[0] = 0
z[0] = 0
# II
for i in range(1, n-1):
l[i] = 2*(xn[i+1] - xn[i-1]) - h[i-1]*u[i-1]
u[i] = h[i]/l[i]
z[i] = (alpha[i] - h[i-1]*z[i-1])/l[i]
l[n] = 1
z[n] = 0
c[n] = 0
# III... also find b, d in terms of c.
for j in range(n-2, -1, -1):
c[j] = z[j] - u[j]*c[j+1]
b[j] = (a[j+1] - a[j])/h[j] - h[j]*(c[j+1] + 2*c[j])/3.
d[j] = (c[j+1] - c[j])/(3*h[j])
# This is my only addition, which is returning values for Sj(x). The issue I'm having
# is related to this implemention, i suspect.
for j in range(n-1):
#OUTPUT:S(x)=Sj(x)= aj + bj(x - xj) + cj(x - xj)^2 + dj(x - xj)^3; xj <= x <= xj+1)
return(a[j] + b[j]*(xd - xn[j]) + c[j]*((xd - xn[j])**2) + d[j]*((xd - xn[j])**3))
For the bored, or overachieving...
Here is code for testing, the interval is x: [1, 9], y:[0, 19.7750212]. The test function is xln(x), so we start 1 and increase by .1 up to 9.
ln = []
ln_dom = []
cub = []
step = 1.
X=[1., 9.]
FX=[0, 19.7750212]
while step <= 9.:
cub.append(cubic_spline(2, x, fx, step))
step += 0.1
...and for plotting:
plt.plot(ln_dom, cub, color='blue')
plt.plot(ln_dom, ln, color='red')
plt.axis([1., 9., 0, 20], 'equal')
plt.axhline(y=0, color='black')
plt.axvline(x=0, color='black')
Ok, got this working. The problem was in my implementation. I got it working with a different approach, where the splines are constructed individually instead of continuously. This is fully functioning cubic spline interpolation by method of first constructing the coefficients of the spline polynomials (which is 99% of the work), then implementing them. Obviously this is not the only way to do it. I may work on a different approach and post that if there is interest. One thing that would clarify the code would be an image of the linear system that is solved, but i can't post pics until my rep gets up to 10. If you want to go deeper into the algorithm, see the text book link in the comments above.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import arange
from math import e
from math import pi
from math import sin
from math import cos
from numpy import poly1d
# need some zero vectors...
def zeroV(m):
z = [0]*m
#INPUT: n; x0, x1, ... ,xn; a0 = f(x0), a1 =f(x1), ... , an = f(xn).
def cubic_spline(n, xn, a):
"""function cubic_spline(n,xn, a, xd) interpolates between the knots
specified by lists xn and a. The function computes the coefficients
and outputs the ranges of the piecewise cubic splines."""
h = zeroV(n-1)
# alpha will be values in a system of eq's that will allow us to solve for c
# and then from there we can find b, d through substitution.
alpha = zeroV(n-1)
# l, u, z are used in the method for solving the linear system
l = zeroV(n+1)
u = zeroV(n)
z = zeroV(n+1)
# b, c, d will be the coefficients along with a.
b = zeroV(n)
c = zeroV(n+1)
d = zeroV(n)
for i in range(n-1):
# h[i] is used to satisfy the condition that
# Si+1(xi+l) = Si(xi+l) for each i = 0,..,n-1
# i.e., the values at the knots are "doubled up"
h[i] = xn[i+1]-xn[i]
for i in range(1, n-1):
# Sets up the linear system and allows us to find c. Once we have
# c then b and d follow in terms of it.
alpha[i] = (3./h[i])*(a[i+1]-a[i])-(3./h[i-1])*(a[i] - a[i-1])
# I, II, (part of) III Sets up and solves tridiagonal linear system...
# I
l[0] = 1
u[0] = 0
z[0] = 0
# II
for i in range(1, n-1):
l[i] = 2*(xn[i+1] - xn[i-1]) - h[i-1]*u[i-1]
u[i] = h[i]/l[i]
z[i] = (alpha[i] - h[i-1]*z[i-1])/l[i]
l[n] = 1
z[n] = 0
c[n] = 0
# III... also find b, d in terms of c.
for j in range(n-2, -1, -1):
c[j] = z[j] - u[j]*c[j+1]
b[j] = (a[j+1] - a[j])/h[j] - h[j]*(c[j+1] + 2*c[j])/3.
d[j] = (c[j+1] - c[j])/(3*h[j])
# Now that we have the coefficients it's just a matter of constructing
# the appropriate polynomials and graphing.
for j in range(n-1):
def cub_graph(a,b,c,d, x_i, x_i_1):
"""cub_graph takes the i'th coefficient set along with the x[i] and x[i+1]'th
data pts, and constructs the polynomial spline between the two data pts using
the poly1d python object (which simply returns a polynomial with a given root."""
# notice here that we are just building the cubic polynomial piece by piece
root = poly1d(x_i,True)
poly = 0
poly = d*(root)**3
poly = poly + c*(root)**2
poly = poly + b*root
poly = poly + a
# Set up our domain between data points, and plot the function
pts = arange(x_i,x_i_1, 0.001)
plt.plot(pts, poly(pts), '-')
If you want to test it, here's some data you can use to get started, which comes from the
function 1.6e^(-2x)sin(3*pi*x) between 0 and 1:
# These are our data points
x_vals = [0, 1./6, 1./3, 1./2, 7./12, 2./3, 3./4, 5./6, 11./12, 1]
# Set up the domain
x_domain = arange(0,2, 1e-2)
fx = zeroV(10)
# Defines the function so we can get our fx values
def sine_func(x):
for i in range(len(x_vals)):
fx[i] = sine_func(x_vals[i])
# Run cubic_spline interpolant.
Comments on your coding style:
Where are your comments and documentation? At the very least, provide function documentation so that people can tell how your function is supposed to be used.
Instead of:
def cubic_spline(xx,yy):
Please write something like:
def cubic_spline(xx, yy):
"""function cubic_spline(xx,yy) interpolates between the knots
specified by lists xx and yy. The function returns the coefficients
and ranges of the piecewise cubic splines."""
You can make lists of repeated elements by using the * operator on a list.
Like this:
>>> [0] * 10
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
So that your zeroV function can be replaced by [0] * m.
Just don't do this with mutable types! (especially lists).
>>> inner_list = [1,2,3]
>>> outer_list = [inner_list] * 3
>>> outer_list
[[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]
>>> inner_list[0] = 999
>>> outer_list
[[999, 2, 3], [999, 2, 3], [999, 2, 3]] # wut
Math should probably be done using numpy or scipy.
Apart from that, you should read Idiomatic Python by David Goodger.