How to make tkinter text box a stdin input receiver? - python

I made two tkinter text boxes one of which takes your python script as input and the other one shows results of the execution of your script but when I used input() command I got an error. Below given is the class for stdout redirector and also the execute function which executes after reading the script, which works fine. I have not included Text, tkinter, etc because I use all the general methods that work with the code like Text.get(), Text.mark_set(), Text.replace(), etc and also some of the functions are not included here. Other than the script and the output boxes I also tried to embed whole of the console in a textbox with InteractiveConsole but the problem was same in the case of receiving input or stdin but in both the cases stdout and stderr works fine.
from code import InteractiveConsole, InteractiveInterpreter
class StdoutRedirector(object):
def __init__(self, text_widget):
self.text_space = text_widget
def write(self, string):
self.text_space.insert('end', string)
##class StdinRedirector(object):
## def __init__(self, text_widget):
## self.text_space = text_widget
## def readline(self) -> str:
## t = self.text_space.get(INSERT, f"{int(text.index(INSERT).split('.')[0])}.{int(text.index(INSERT).split('.')[1])}")
## return t
def execute(event=None):
code = text.get('1.0',END+'-1c')
stdin = sys.stdin
stdout = sys.stdout
stderr = sys.stderr
## def a():
## sys.stdin = StdinRedirector(output)
## output.bind('<Return>', lambda: a)
sys.stdout = StdoutRedirector(output)
sys.stderr = StdoutRedirector(output)
interp = InteractiveInterpreter()
sys.stdout = stdout
sys.stderr = stderr
## sys.stdin = stdin
After which I tried Redirecting stdin, which obviously didn't work, and instead the application hung and the window stopped responding even after trying again and again.
Please help me with this... I don't know if its impossible but PyCharm and others have I/O Streams inside them so maybe the console or the execution window CAN be wholly embedded in a text box.

Ok so after researching on the web, in docs, and inside the code of the queue, idlelib and subprocess modules, I figured out the simplest way to make tkinter Textbox interact with python console as stdin, stdout, and stderr receiver. Here's the code:
import tkinter as tk
import subprocess
import queue
import os
from threading import Thread
class Console(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs)
self.parent = parent
# create widgets
self.ttytext = tk.Text(self, wrap=tk.WORD)
self.ttytext.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)
self.p = subprocess.Popen(["jupyter", "qtconsole"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NO_WINDOW)
# make queues for keeping stdout and stderr whilst it is transferred between threads
self.outQueue = queue.Queue()
self.errQueue = queue.Queue()
# keep track of where any line that is submitted starts
self.line_start = 0
# a daemon to keep track of the threads so they can stop running
self.alive = True
# start the functions that get stdout and stderr in separate threads
# start the write loop in the main thread
# key bindings for events
self.ttytext.bind("<Return>", self.enter)
self.ttytext.bind('<BackSpace>', self.on_bkspace)
self.ttytext.bind('<Delete>', self.on_delete)
self.ttytext.bind('<<Copy>>', self.on_copy)
self.ttytext.bind('<<Paste>>', self.on_paste)
self.ttytext.bind('<Control-c>', self.on_copy)
self.ttytext.bind('<Control-v>', self.on_paste)
def destroy(self):
"""This is the function that is automatically called when the widget is destroyed."""
self.alive = False
# write exit() to the console in order to stop it running
# call the destroy methods to properly destroy widgets
def enter(self, event):
"""The <Return> key press handler"""
cur_ind = str(self.ttytext.index(tk.INSERT))
if int(cur_ind.split('.')[0]) < int(': ', tk.END, backwards=True).split('.')[0]):
selected = self.ttytext.get('sel.first', 'sel.last')
if len(selected) > 0:
self.ttytext.insert(tk.END, selected)
self.ttytext.mark_set(tk.INSERT, tk.END)
return 'break'
selected = self.ttytext.get(': ', tk.INSERT, backwards=True), tk.INSERT)
self.ttytext.insert(tk.END, selected.strip(': '))
self.ttytext.mark_set(tk.INSERT, tk.END)
return 'break'
string = self.ttytext.get(1.0, tk.END)[self.line_start:]
self.line_start += len(string)
def on_bkspace(self, event):
def on_delete(self, event):
def on_key(self, event):
"""The typing control (<KeyRelease>) handler"""
cur_ind = str(self.ttytext.index(tk.INSERT))
if int(cur_ind.split('.')[0]) < int('In [0-9]?', tk.END, backwards=True).split('.')[0]):
return 'break'
def on_copy(self, event):
"""<Copy> event handler"""
self.ttytext.clipboard_append(self.ttytext.get('sel.first', 'sel.last'))
# I created this function because I was going to make a custom textbox
def on_paste(self, event):
"""<Paste> event handler"""
self.ttytext.insert(tk.INSERT, self.ttytext.clipboard_get())
# I created this function because I was going to make a custom textbox
def readfromproccessout(self):
"""To be executed in a separate thread to make read non-blocking"""
while self.alive:
data =
def readfromproccesserr(self):
"""To be executed in a separate thread to make read non-blocking"""
while self.alive:
data =
def writeloop(self):
"""Used to write data from stdout and stderr to the Text widget"""
# if there is anything to write from stdout or stderr, then write it
if not self.errQueue.empty():
if not self.outQueue.empty():
# run this method again after 10ms
if self.alive:
self.after(10, self.writeloop)
def write(self, string):
self.ttytext.insert(tk.END, string)
self.line_start += len(string)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
main_window = Console(root)
main_window.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)
The code above uses jupyter qtconsole (because it is very handy), otherwise simple python shell can also be used using the InteractiveShell() in code module.
I have not completely made functions for Enter key, Up and Down arrow keys. These can be made by the user as per their choice.
This can also be found in Oli's answer here and it is customizable.


Redirecting stdout to tkinter immediately (without waiting for the process to complete)

I am writing a python app to take some inputs from the user and call a shell script based on these inputs.
This shell script can run for quite sometime, and I want to redirect the output it produces (in realtime) to tkinter.
I managed to do that, but it only happens after the shell script is completely finished, not as soon as the shell script "echos" something for example.
So main problem:
1. Output appears in the text widget only after is exited (although if I run the same in the terminal manually, I see continuous output).
2. Side problem: all the "\n" printed in the output are just printed as "\n" and no new lines are added in the text widget.
here is what I have:
class RedirectText(object):
def __init__(self, text_ctrl):
self.output = text_ctrl
def write(self, string):
self.output.insert(tk.END, string[2:])
class Gui(GuiApp):
def __init__(self, master=None):
redir = RedirectText(self.text_Output)
sys.stdout = redir
def testRun(self, event=None):
p = subprocess.Popen(["./"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
As p.communicate() will wait for the process to complete, so use p.poll() and p.stdout.readline() instead. Also put the process in a thread to avoid blocking the main thread:
import threading
class Gui(GuiApp):
def runScript(self):
p = subprocess.Popen(['./'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1, text=True)
while p.poll() is None: # check whether process is still running
msg = p.stdout.readline().strip() # read a line from the process output
if msg:
def testRun(self, event=None):
# create a thread to run the script
threading.Thread(target=self.runScript, daemon=True).start()

How to send subprocess text output to a Tkinter text widget?

import subprocess
import os
import time
from tkinter import *
def redirector(inputStr):
textbox.insert(INSERT, inputStr)
def address_ping():
DOCSTRING -> Ip addresses in servers.txt are
while True:
with open('servers.txt', 'r') as f:
for ip in f:
result=subprocess.Popen(["ping", "-c", "7", "-n", "-W", "2", ip],stdout=f, stderr=f).wait()
if result:
print("ip address " + ip, "is inactive")
sys.stdout.write = redirector
print("ip address " + ip, "is active")
sys.stdout.write = redirector
I am writing a piece of code here that will send a ping to an IP address and return a result. It works fine on the CLI, however I wish to "print" it to a Text widget using Tkinter. I am at a point where it will send it to the Text widget GUI but it only makes itself visible after I interrupt the program. I want to have a rolling output to the GUI text area as the pings progress through a loop.
Here's something that uses multithreading that seems to do what you want. The main program is split into a portion that handles the QUI and a separate workerthread that manages the ping subprocess, collecting the results from it and putting them in a Queue whose contents periodically get transferred to the GUI.
It uses time.sleep() because it's done in a separate thread that's not using tkinter so it's OK.
Note, seems likely you'll might want to add a vertical scrollbar to the GUI.
import subprocess
import queue
import threading
import time
import tkinter as tk
class GuiPart:
def __init__(self, master, queue, end_command):
self.queue = queue
self.master = master
self.textbox = tk.Text(root)
btn = tk.Button(master, text='Quit', command=end_command)
def process_incoming(self):
""" Handle all messages currently in the queue. """
while self.queue.qsize():
info = self.queue.get_nowait()
self.textbox.insert(tk.INSERT, info)
except queue.Empty: # Shouldn't happen.
class ThreadedClient:
""" Launch the main part of the GUI and the worker thread.
periodic_call() and end_application() could reside in the GUI part, but
putting them here keeps all the thread controls in a single place.
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
self.queue = queue.Queue()
# Set up the GUI part.
self.gui = GuiPart(master, self.queue, self.end_application)
# Set up the background processing thread.
self.running = True
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.workerthread)
# Start periodic checking of the queue.
def periodic_call(self, delay):
""" Every delay ms process everything new in the queue. """
if not self.running:
self.master.after(delay, self.periodic_call, delay)
# Runs in separate thread - NO tkinter calls allowed.
def workerthread(self):
while self.running:
with open('servers.txt', 'r') as file:
for ip in file:
rc = subprocess.Popen(["ping", "-c", "7", "-n", "-W", "2", ip]).wait()
if rc:
self.queue.put('ip address {} is inactive\n'.format(ip))
def end_application(self):
self.running = False # Stop queue checking.
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
client = ThreadedClient(root)
root.mainloop() # Display application window and start tkinter event loop.

Python multiprocessing asynchronous callback

I'm writing a program with a GUI using TKinter, in which the user can click a button and a new process is started to perform work using multiprocess.Process. This is necessary so the GUI can still be used while the work is being done, which can take several seconds.
The GUI also has a text box where the status of the program is displayed when things happen. This is often straight forward, with each function calling an add_text() function which just prints text in the text box. However, when add_text() is called in the separate process, the text does not end up in the text box.
I've thought about using a Pipe or Queue, but that would require using some sort of loop to check if anything has been returned from the process and that would also cause the main (GUI) process to be unusable. Is there some way to call a function in one process that will do work in another?
Here's an simple example of what I'm trying to do
import time
import multiprocessing as mp
import tkinter as tk
textbox = tk.Text()
def add_text(text):
# Insert text into textbox
textbox.insert(tk.END, text)
def worker():
x = 0
while x < 10:
add_text('Sleeping for {0} seconds'.format(x)
x += 1
proc = mp.Process(target=worker)
# Usually happens on a button click
# GUI should still be usable here
The asyncronous things actually require loop.
You could attach function to the TkInter's loop by using Tk.after() method.
import Tkinter as tk
class App():
def __init__(self):
self.root = tk.Tk()
def check_processes(self):
if process_finished:
self.after(1000, check_processes)
I ended up using a multiprocessing.Pipe by using TKinter's after() method to perform the looping. It loops on an interval and checks the pipe to see if there's any messages from the thread, and if so it inserts them into the text box.
import tkinter
import multiprocessing
def do_something(child_conn):
while True:
child_conn.send('Status text\n')
class Window:
def __init__(self):
self.root = tkinter.Tk()
self.textbox = tkinter.Text()
self.parent_conn, child_conn = multiprocessing.Pipe()
self.process = multiprocessing.Process(target=do_something, args=(child_conn,))
def start(self):
def get_status_updates()
status = self.check_pipe()
if status:
self.root.after(500, self.get_status_updates) # loop every 500ms
def check_pipe():
if self.parent_conn.poll():
status = self.parent_conn.recv()
return status
return None

How can I embed a python interpreter frame in python using tkinter?

I want to add a control terminal widget to my pure python+tkinter application similar to the python interpreter provided in Blender. It should be running within the same context (process) so the user can add features and control the application that is currently running from the control widget. Ideally I'd like it to also "hijack" stdout and stderr of the current application so it will report any problems or debugging information within the running application.
This is what I have come up with so far. The only problems are that it isn't responding to commands, and the thread doesn't stop when the user closes the window.
import Tkinter as tk
import sys
import code
from threading import *
class Console(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self,parent=None):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.parent = parent
sys.stdout = self
sys.stderr = self
self.consoleThread = ConsoleThread()
def write(self,string):
self.ttyText.insert('end', string)
def createWidgets(self):
self.ttyText = tk.Text(self.parent, wrap='word')
class ConsoleThread(Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
vars = globals().copy()
shell = code.InteractiveConsole(vars)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
main_window = Console(root)
if root.winfo_exists():
I have the answer in case anyone still cares! (I have also changed to python 3, hence the import tkinter rather than import Tkinter)
I have changed the approach slightly from the original by using a separate file to run the InteractiveConsole, and then making the main file open this other file (which I have called and is in the same directory) in a subprocess, linking the stdout, stderr, and stdin of this subprocess to the tkinter Text widget programatically.
Here is the code in the for the console file (if this is run normally, it acts like a normal console):
import code
if __name__ == '__main__':
vars = globals().copy()
shell = code.InteractiveConsole(vars)
And here is the code for the python interpreter, that runs the console inside the Text widget:
import tkinter as tk
import subprocess
import queue
import os
from threading import Thread
class Console(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self,parent=None):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.parent = parent
# get the path to the file assuming it is in the same folder
consolePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"")
# open the file (replace the path to python with the correct one for your system)
# e.g. it might be "C:\\Python35\\python"
self.p = subprocess.Popen(["python3",consolePath],
# make queues for keeping stdout and stderr whilst it is transferred between threads
self.outQueue = queue.Queue()
self.errQueue = queue.Queue()
# keep track of where any line that is submitted starts
self.line_start = 0
# make the enter key call the self.enter function
# a daemon to keep track of the threads so they can stop running
self.alive = True
# start the functions that get stdout and stderr in separate threads
# start the write loop in the main thread
def destroy(self):
"This is the function that is automatically called when the widget is destroyed."
# write exit() to the console in order to stop it running
# call the destroy methods to properly destroy widgets
def enter(self,e):
"The <Return> key press handler"
string = self.ttyText.get(1.0, tk.END)[self.line_start:]
def readFromProccessOut(self):
"To be executed in a separate thread to make read non-blocking"
while self.alive:
data =
def readFromProccessErr(self):
"To be executed in a separate thread to make read non-blocking"
while self.alive:
data =
def writeLoop(self):
"Used to write data from stdout and stderr to the Text widget"
# if there is anything to write from stdout or stderr, then write it
if not self.errQueue.empty():
if not self.outQueue.empty():
# run this method again after 10ms
if self.alive:
def write(self,string):
self.ttyText.insert(tk.END, string)
def createWidgets(self):
self.ttyText = tk.Text(self, wrap=tk.WORD)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
main_window = Console(root)
The reason that reading from stdout and stderr is in separate threads is because the read method is blocking, which causes the program to freeze until the subprocess gives more output, unless these are in separate threads. The writeLoop method and the queues are needed to write to the Text widget since tkinter is not thread safe.
This certainly still has problems to be ironed out, such as the fact that any code on the Text widget is editable even once already submitted, but hopefully it answers your question.
EDIT: I've also neatened some of the tkinter such that the Console will behave more like a standard widget.
it isn't responding to commands
The reason it isn't responding to commands is because you haven't linked the Text widget (self.ttyText) into stdin. Currently when you type it adds text into the widget and nothing else. This linking can be done similarly to what you've already done with stdout and stderr.
When implementing this, you need to keep track of which part of the text in the widget is the text being entered by the user - this can be done using marks (as described here).
the thread doesn't stop when the user closes the window.
I don't think there is a "clean" way to solve this issue without a major code re-write, however a solution that seems to work well enough is it simply detect when the widget is destroyed and write the string "\n\nexit()" to the interpreter. This calls the exit function inside the interpreter, which causes the call to shell.interact to finish, which makes the thread finish.
So without further ado, here is the modified code:
import tkinter as tk
import sys
import code
from threading import Thread
import queue
class Console(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, _locals, exit_callback):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.parent = parent
self.exit_callback = exit_callback
self.destroyed = False
self.real_std_in_out = (sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr)
sys.stdout = self
sys.stderr = self
sys.stdin = self
self.stdin_buffer = queue.Queue()
self.consoleThread = Thread(target=lambda: self.run_interactive_console(_locals))
def run_interactive_console(self, _locals):
except SystemExit:
if not self.destroyed:
self.after(0, self.exit_callback)
def destroy(self):
self.destroyed = True
sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self.real_std_in_out
def enter(self, event):
input_line = self.ttyText.get("input_start", "end")
self.ttyText.mark_set("input_start", "end-1c")
self.ttyText.mark_gravity("input_start", "left")
def write(self, string):
self.ttyText.insert('end', string)
self.ttyText.mark_set("input_start", "end-1c")
def createWidgets(self):
self.ttyText = tk.Text(self.parent, wrap='word')
self.ttyText.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.N + tk.S + tk.E + tk.W)
self.ttyText.bind("<Return>", self.enter)
self.ttyText.mark_set("input_start", "end-1c")
self.ttyText.mark_gravity("input_start", "left")
def flush(self):
def readline(self):
line = self.stdin_buffer.get()
return line
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
main_window = Console(root, locals(), root.destroy)
This code has few changes other than those that solve the problems stated in the question.
The advantage of this code over my previous answer is that it works inside a single process, so can be created at any point in the application, giving the programmer more control.
I have also written a more complete version of this which also prevents the user from editing text which shouldn't be editable (e.g. the output of a print statement) and has some basic coloring:

pygtk and multiprocessing - Constantly update textview from another process running infinite loop

I'm building a python app with pygtk. It consists of some buttons that activate/deactivate some infinite looped processes and a textview that should keep showing whats going on inside each process. Like verbose stuff.
These processeses hasn't an end. They stop only when the user hit it's corresponding button (or close the app).
What's going wrong: I cant print stuff in the textview from these processes. Maybe because they haven't an end...
Actually the app is too big to show the whole code here. So I've made a simple and little example of what I'm doing.
import pygtk
import gtk
import time
import glib
from multiprocessing import Process
class Test(gtk.Window):
def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None):
if isinstance(self.my_process, Process):
if self.my_process.is_alive():
return False
def __init__(self):
self.set_default_size(500, 400)
self.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event)
self.mainBox = gtk.VBox(False, 5)
self.text = gtk.TextView()
self.button = gtk.Button("Start")
self.mainBox.pack_start(self.text, True, True, 0)
self.mainBox.pack_start(self.button, False, True, 0)
self.button.connect("clicked", self.start_clicked)
def start_clicked(self, widget):
self.my_process = Process(target=self.do_something)
def do_something(self):
while True:
#get a list of a lot of things
#Do stuff with each item in the list
#show me on the gui whats going on
glib.idle_add(self.register_data, "Yo! Here I'm")
print "Hello, boy."
def register_data(self, data):
data = data + "\r\n"
buff = self.text.get_buffer()
biter = buff.get_start_iter()
buff.insert(biter, data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
mnc = Test()
Remove all .threads_init(), .threads_enter(), .threads_leave(). multiprocessing is not threading.
Put data you'd like to display into multiprocessing.Queue() in your child process:
def do_something(self):
while True:
#get a list of a lot of things
#Do stuff with each item in the list
#show me on the gui whats going on
self.data_queue.put("Yo! Here I'm")
and poll it in GUI loop:
def __init__(self, ...):
# ...
self.data_queue = Queue()
gobject.timeout_add(100, self.update_text)
def update_text(self):
# receive updates from the child process here
data = self.data_queue.get_nowait()
except Empty:
pass # nothing at this time
return True
To avoid polling you could write to multiprocessing.Pipe in your child process and setup GUI callback using gobject.io_add_watch(). Here's a complete code example:
from multiprocessing import Pipe, Process
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import GObject, Gtk
# create GUI to show multiprocessing output
win = Gtk.Window()
win.set_default_size(640, 480)
label = Gtk.Label('process output')
# start dummy infinite loop in a child process
def loop(conn):
import itertools, sys, time
for i in itertools.count():
time.sleep(0.1 - time.monotonic() % 0.1)
parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe(duplex=False)
Process(target=loop, args=[child_conn], daemon=True).start()
# read values from the child
def read_data(source, condition):
assert parent_conn.poll()
i = parent_conn.recv()
except EOFError:
return False # stop reading
# update text
label.set_text('Result from the child: %03d' % (i,))
return True # continue reading
# . configure the callback
GObject.io_add_watch(parent_conn.fileno(), GObject.IO_IN, read_data)
win.connect('delete-event', Gtk.main_quit)
You can also do it with an arbitrary subprocess (not just a python child process).
You should use gtk.threads_enter() when you are inside a thread to every call to
gtk and close with gtk.threads_leave() after call him.
Something like:
def do_something(self):
while True:
#get a list of a lot of things
#Do stuff with each item in the list
#show me on the gui whats going on
glib.idle_add(self.register_data, "Yo! Here I'm")
print "Hello, boy."
and sometimes you need to use:
#code section
Here's a threaded example. But a non-threaded, non polling approach would be better, because in GTK 3, the threads_enter/threads_leave have been deprecated, so your program would be harder to port to GTK 3 + PyGObject.
In C, one would probably use g_spawn_async_with_pipes. An equivalent in python would be glib.spawn_async I guess, and you'd use glib.io_add_watch to be notified when there's data to read in the standard output.

