How to make an API call vi groovy - python

i have this python scriptt that allows me to to make an api call to a url very easily . if i try the same thing with groovy it is not working .. Tried many things but still failing .
I am very noob in groovy but i need an alternative to below python api call which can be easily called from jenkins pipeline
token = 'xxxx-yyy-zzz-aaa'
headers = {'Authorization': "some-name%s" % token}
tar_endpoint = ''
r =, data=json.dumps(som_json_payload), headers=headers)

The code snippet below should do the job for you
def post = new URL("url_goes_here").openConnection();
def message = '{"message":"this is the data we want to post"}'
post.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
// add more headers if needed
def postRC = post.getResponseCode();
if(postRC.equals(200)) {

Have you eliminated using any of the plugins that might support this?
HTTP Request
Pipeline: Groovy HTTP
Pipeline: REST API
REST List Parameter
That's the thing w/Jenkins, most of the time, "there's a plugin fot that", you just need to be able to find it.


How to send cookie (header) using Python requests library

Hi I am new with python requests and would like to have some help.
When I try to use python requests and get the session cookie, use the following command:
session_req = requests.session()
result = session_req.get(
after execute GET from requests, I use the '.cookies' property ant the respective key I want to send at the POST Header, I get the value successfully, but the POST action is not working.
but when I get the request from the same API via POSTMAN and try to get the cookie property (exporting the code as python requests) I found some differences, and if I use this same cookie exported from POSTMAN it works.
'cookie': 'IFCSHOPSESSID=hrthhiqdeg0dvf4ecooc83lui3; nikega=GA1.4.831513767.1599354095; nikega_gid=GA1.4.1839484382.1599354095; _ga=GA1.3.831513767.1599354095; _gid=GA1.3.733956911.1599354099; chaordic_browserId=0-fv_3j6NdVlbNFFwPRzUGQVse7e1bbqga-3OS1599354098234702; chaordic_anonymousUserId=anon-0-fv_3j6NdVlbNFFwPRzUGQVse7e1bbqga-3OS1599354098234702; chaordic_testGroup=%7B%22experiment%22%3Anull%2C%22group%22%3Anull%2C%22testCode%22%3Anull%2C%22code%22%3Anull%2C%22session%22%3Anull%7D; user_unic_ac_id=bec863cf-4e06-0ab1-d881-b566595d3e8f; _gcl_au=1.1.1305519862.1599354100; _fbp=fb.2.1599354100232.504934336; smeventsclear_16df2784b41e46129645c2417f131191=true; smViewOnSite=true; __pr.cvh=4ftsyf8x16; _gaexp=GAX1.3.tupm6REJTMeD-piAakRDMA.18557.0; blueID=75a502b6-e7c2-4eb3-8442-75aea5d95fdc; _cm_ads_activation_retry=false; sback_client=5816989a58791059954e4c52; sback_partner=false; sb_days=1599356617672; sback_refresh_wp=no; smClickOnSite=true; smClickOnSite_652c0aaee02549a3a6ea89988778d3fc=true; _rtbhouse_source_=socialminer; RKT=false; dedup=socialminer; lmd_cj=socialminer;; advcake_trackid=dd7e2ef0-dd50-889a-aeea-559a0d8bcd22; advcake_utm_content=socialminer_onsitedesktop_lancamentos_desk; advcake_utm_campaign=socialminer; Campanha=; Parceiro=; Midia=; AMCVS_F0935E09512D2C270A490D4D%40AdobeOrg=1; s_cc=true; lmd_orig=direct; SIZEBAY_SESSION_ID=0AC1A70CB19F4f03610665d04bb088ef3b9af0942fc8; sback_customer_w=true; sback_browser=0-87718800-1599408894bff13e290b9fee5fc2b430382f639b87dd9cf25112334287575f550afed62983-14051381-17920887216,13017640152-1599408894; sback_access_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhcGkuc2JhY2sudGVjaCIsImlhdCI6MTU5OTQwODg5NSwiZXhwIjoxNTk5NDk1Mjk1LCJhcGkiOiJ2MiIsImRhdGEiOnsiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiNTgxNjk4OWE1ODc5MTA1OTk1NGU0YzUyIiwiY2xpZW50X2RvbWFpbiI6Im5pa2UuY29tLmJyIiwiY3VzdG9tZXJfaWQiOiI1ZjU0M2VjODA5ZjFkMDkzMmQzMjQ2OTUiLCJjdXN0b21lcl9hbm9ueW1vdXMiOmZhbHNlLCJjb25uZWN0aW9uX2lkIjoiNWY1NDNlYzgwOWYxZDA5MzJkMzI0Njk2IiwiYWNjZXNzX2xldmVsIjoiY3VzdG9tZXIifX0.K6FYVBasHjMg_PLbT1yZfrnIp97USqijoMObF4eUSms.WrWrDrHeHezRqBiYiYHeDr; sback_customer=$2gSxATWYdVYOVGMI10bUdkW2pWeoZERU1kc1YWWhd1SNR0aMJ0QUVzTHpHdJZERnpVS6FTSkRUTOBjMys2bUdnT2$12; sback_pageview=false; ak_bmsc=B6177778CB59637165F7EC43342C1559C9063147DA220000234E555F8D78F831~plACNrc4cNxoHZNcO7aF4o+U0KQNKjzPECGSfb42NdayPvdNkBWwUT9QOhGjuLJJ3vStuFIRkiI/35wsHEyUE3/h2guphhaEy71BnfekvDtb/6F84hS+fWhPxxVG5RAlph8WzGpYMn6NZESNVcgnZYfH4HoZ/IzBPR6AMG9UGn6W4xm/j/j9kOfef8v/fZf2pXw4mxJuiN5Cxc7g2sV4nCdoEW98Q4AgqplzxWZjpamZk=; bm_sz=6586256DDAFC895D740341E4214D0D40~YAAQRzEGybYT7yN0AQAAfDw5ZQnXjJtKI2SxkwQFV9vLZpF5mACXNUtUFDSkidKuYM2fac5sQgRozU9fA3+017dht/PUtH+wtibATtTmoVOlpKnW+V76+1rySk3HK6q83Q9rtQc/LaaQ8VYtK/tDi0VOc7/0wLyKy/+Z4OLtgUpySYZZcEX4k8/46no8rFD6OQ==; AMCV_F0935E09512D2C270A490D4D%40AdobeOrg=359503849%7CMCIDTS%7C18512%7CMCMID%7C56897587165425478193529762442649463163%7CMCAAMLH-1600030892%7C4%7CMCAAMB-1600030892%7CRKhpRz8krg2tLO6pguXWp5olkAcUniQYPHaMWWgdJ3xzPWQmdj0y%7CMCOPTOUT-1599433292s%7CNONE%7CMCSYNCSOP%7C411-18519%7CvVersion%7C5.0.1; sback_total_sessions=3; sback_session=5f554e3c73a63da56d739d87; 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CSRFtoken=20a208bad599aa3ead0bbe944b27a368; bm_sv=C9C3A8C6B2F6CB232317BB794ADC0497~ZnoksXquh4Yrh4uN87gycXdh+ixzU+xMFsb94sO9uE5JMLyZz9eJPp5odX7vx944KIXG1nvOxuq8pdrQUDjBrchRJLC4yiD1yWX0h4BjWhbSXhHWWrgkUsOTt9033P5Wxu1qmo5M6w0VAWeAzBaCN7yZC2Ll7DiGq0CwpjxlOW4=; _abck=F6E1C280C3F9D735A2B1AB62443DB479~-1~YAAQVjEGyRKO+iJ0AQAA+4U9ZQSNIWTEz/60Uk5gz2tnzVtbMbX0hpaMbkbeJxSYSMD1xo7TTedXnJ0UuTLxxcHhLVrRRCrZfSjZ+yH00Ld6FLIajmYFefKPehzA6GgwjnLyucI1O6nDw2ZU1CV0WJLeWGgcmX7sinsLr3DVtmoGJyNR1Q9EWpvq71/W1Ys4Bqhq1628YKEz/0Z1Ic1bWMujcG03064ZZYYXTSTz9jrkxHKaEoJQNQgyUg9NXQhv4EFoMSESy/AIKRy+hVCULLJscbkpH8WakuvYQ1raghVfheks/Xra9AmiUoOqAbWAPXOij1nWQ9PSV2hxQZfkibD0+YP14pTXPoCAUA9jCQHRJIw=~0~-1~-1'
session_req.cookies['IFCSHOPSESSID'] EXAMPLE
Other curious thing is that when I use the '.cookies' property, my POST call return sucess even without update the cart where it should be inserting a new register.
As I am trying to develop one site bot, I would like to generate this same cookie via python requests code. Can anyone try to help me on it?
This is an example with python 3. You can customize it.
import requests
data ="param_1=value_1&param_2=value_2&.....&param_n=value_n"; #your request parameters.
cookie = "cookie_name=xxxxxxxx;....." #define cookie
url_endpoint = "htpps://........." # your url endpoint
# add cookies to endpoints
resp = requests.get(url_endpoint, data=data.encode('utf-8'),cookies=cookie)
print("success ")
print("error ")

How to send post to laravel api from python?

This is my python request code.
url = ""
r = requests.get(url, verify=False)
xsrf_token = r.cookies.get("XSRF-TOKEN")
headers = {
data = {"account": "", "password": "123123"}
r ='/app/get/users', verify=False, data = data, headers=headers)
In laravel log, I got
[2019-12-27 16:09:14] local.ERROR: The payload is invalid. {"exception":"[object] (Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException(code: 0): The payload is invalid. at /var/www/html/test/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Encryption/Encrypter.php:195)
Have any method to solve that? Thanks.
You can't solve the issue with a static xsrf alone since it's doing its job preventing Cross Site Request Forging wich is exactly what you're doing in that piece of code.
To use a route as an API, the laravel installation needs to be configured that way, so, if needed, a stateless way of authentification is used (jwt for example) instead of the session with xsrf token for post methods.
Basicly if it's not configured to be used as an API, you will not be able to use it as an API.

Python - Spotify API returning Error 400 "Malformed JSON"

Heyo. I'm trying to make a small application in my spare time that uses the Spotify API . I have managed to get my program to use oAuth 2 to let a user authorize my app to manipulate their Spotify, but I have run into a problem with a certain endpoint on the Spotify API.
The endpoint I am having trouble with is (here's a link to their docs for the endpoint Whenever I try to make a put request to the endpoint I receive a 400 status code with the message "Malformed json" I get this message even when I copy/paste their own json from the docs, so I don't think it's a problem with how I am formatting my json, besides I have used json before to call other endpoints and they haven't had a problem with my formatting on those calls.
Here is my code:
headers = {"Authorization":"Bearer {}".format(access_token)}
url = ''
payload = {"context_uri": "spotify:album:5ht7ItJgpBH7W6vJ5BqpPr"}
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=payload)
To clarify, access_token is the access token that I have gotten from their authorization process, and I am using python-requests to make the http requests (Here is the docs for that:
I am wondering if the problem is due to the fact that Spotify uses colons int their track IDs and colons are also used in JSON? I saw in another thread on here that I should try to add "Content-Type":"application/json" to my headers but that didn't change the outcome at all.
Any help is greatly appreciated, and if you need any more info please let me know. Thank you!
If your payload is a dict use json kwargs in requests lib. data works for string payload. Here you go:
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=payload)

using an http request to update google spreadsheet

Trying to set up a spreadsheet to take in data via an http post. To test it, I set up a simple python script to just send an http request. I dont want to use a specific google api on python or somewhere else, because I want some other people to be able to simply send a request how they would like. So, In my google script I just have:
function doPost(e){
sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
range = sheet.getRange(1, 1)
In python I simply have:
import requests
if __name__== "__main__":
params = {'Authorization': "Bearer [token]",
'contentType': 'application/json',
'text': "is working?"}
r ="[uniquekey]/exec", params)
print(r.status_code, r.reason)
All I get is
"401 Unauthorized"
I've also tried sending this over python as well as running JS in a webserver and through chrome (which i guessed raised security issues). everything gave me the same response. I'm sure I'm just not authorizing properly, but I havent been able to find the correct way to do it. thanks in advance. I'm sure theres some other issues too, but I cant seem to even get access.
How about this modification?
Modified script:
In this modified script supposes as follows.
Web Apps is deployed as
Execute the app as is Me
Who has access to the app is Only myself or Anyone
Your access token can be used for accessing to your Web Apps.
If your access token cannot be used for it, please try to set the Web Apps as follows.
- Execute the app as is Me
- Who has access to the app is Anyone, even anonymous
- In this setting, you can access to Web Apps without the access token.
import requests
if __name__== "__main__":
params = {
'text': "is working?",
headers = {
'Authorization': "Bearer [token]",
r ="[uniquekey]/exec", data=params, headers=headers)
print(r.status_code, r.reason)
Please put the access token to the header.
Google Apps Script:
When you modified your script, please redeploy as new version. By this, the latest script is reflected to the Web Apps.
function doPost(e) {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const range = sheet.getRange(1, 1);
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Done.");
By returning ContentService.createTextOutput(), Web Apps returns the status code of 200.
You can retrieve the value of 'text': "is working?" as e.parameter.text.
When you use SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(), the value of e.parameter.text is put to the 1st page of Spreadsheet.
Web Apps
In my environment, I could confirm that this modification worked. But if in your environment, this modified scripts didn't work, I'm sorry.

how to publish photos to facebook without using facebook sdk but only by POST to the URL ..?

In python facebook SDK , we are missing to upload photos , rather i want to upload photos without using the existing SDKs ..
so how can implments thsese steps in python ??
You can publish a photo to a specific, existing photo album with a POST to
curl -F 'access_token=...' \
-F 'source=#file.png' \
-F 'message=Caption for the photo' \
This isn't a place to get work done cheaply but to learn about programming, so doubtful that someone will do your work for you if he doesn't already have the code lying around.
Anyhow a few pointers: Get yourself Tamper Data or a similar plugin for whatever browser you're using and document all the data that is sent when you're doing the task manually. Afterwards you just have to use the Python urllib lib to imitate that and parse the html documents for the non static parts you need.
No idea about facebook (no account) but you'll presumably have to login and keep cookies, so a small example of something pretty similar I had lying around. First use the login site to login and then maneuver to the site I'm interested in and get the data..
def get_site_content():
def get_response(response):
content =['Content-Type']
charset = content[content.rfind('=') + 1:] # ugly hack, check orderly
cj = http.cookiejar.CookieJar()
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
data = urllib.parse.urlencode({ "log" : "1", "j_username" : USERNAME, "j_password" : PASSWORD })"url", data)
data = urllib.parse.urlencode({ "months" : "0" })
resp ="url2", data)
return get_response(resp)
You can use urllib2 or the poster module to make post requests, take a look at these questions:
python urllib2 file send problem
Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python

