How to update a pandas dataframe, from multiple API calls - python

I need to do a python script to
Read a csv file with the columns (person_id, name, flag). The file has 3000 rows.
Based on the person_id from the csv file, I need to call a URL passing the person_id to do a GET
The URL will return some information of the person_id, like example below. I need to get all rents objects and save on my csv. My output needs to be like this
import pandas as pd
import requests
ids = pd.read_csv(f"{path}/data.csv", delimiter=';')
person_rents = df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=list('person_id','carId','price','rentStatus'))
for id in ids:
response = request.get(f'endpoint/{id["person_id"]}')
json = response.json()
person_rents.append( [person_id, rent['carId'], rent['price'], rent['rentStatus'] ] )
pd.read_csv(f"{path}/data.csv", delimiter=';' )
Response example
"active": false,
"ctodx": false,
"rents": [{
"carId": 6638,
"price": 1000,
"rentStatus": "active"
}, {
"carId": 5566,
"price": 2000,
"rentStatus": "active"
"responseCode": "OK",
"status": [{
"request": 345,
"requestStatus": "F"
}, {
"requestId": 678,
"requestStatus": "P"
"transaction": false
After save the additional data from response on csv, i need to get data from another endpoint using the carId on the URL. The mileage result must be save in the same csv.
The return for each call will be like this
The final output must be
SOmeone can help me with this script?
Could be with pandas or any python 3 lib.

Code Explanation
Create dataframe, df, with pd.read_csv.
It is expected that all of the values in 'person_id', are unique.
Use .apply on 'person_id', to call prepare_data.
prepare_data expects 'person_id' to be a str or int, as indicated by the type annotation, Union[int, str]
Call the API, which will return a dict, to the prepare_data function.
Convert the 'rents' key, of the dict, into a dataframe, with pd.json_normalize.
Use .apply on 'carId', to call the API, and extract the 'mileage', which is added to dataframe data, as a column.
Add 'person_id' to data, which can be used to merge df with s.
Convert pd.Series, s to a dataframe, with pd.concat, and then merge df and s, on person_id.
Save to a csv with pd.to_csv in the desired form.
Potential Issues
If there's an issue, it's most likely to occur in the call_api function.
As long as call_api returns a dict, like the response shown in the question, the remainder of the code will work correctly to produce the desired output.
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
from typing import Union
def call_api(url: str) -> dict:
r = requests.get(url)
return r.json()
def prepare_data(uid: Union[int, str]) -> pd.DataFrame:
d_url = f'http://api.myendpoint.intranet/get-data/{uid}'
m_url = 'http://api.myendpoint.intranet/get-mileage/'
# get the rent data from the api call
rents = call_api(d_url)['rents']
# normalize rents into a dataframe
data = pd.json_normalize(rents)
# get the mileage data from the api call and add it to data as a column
data['mileage'] = data.carId.apply(lambda cid: call_api(f'{m_url}{cid}')['mileage'])
# add person_id as a column to data, which will be used to merge data to df
data['person_id'] = uid
return data
# read data from file
df = pd.read_csv('file.csv', sep=';')
# call prepare_data
s = df.person_id.apply(prepare_data)
# s is a Series of DataFrames, which can be combined with pd.concat
s = pd.concat([v for v in s])
# join df with s, on person_id
df = df.merge(s, on='person_id')
# save to csv
df.to_csv('output.csv', sep=';', index=False)
If there are any errors when running this code:
Leave a comment, to let me know.
edit your question, and paste the entire TraceBack, as text, into a code block.
# given the following start dataframe
person_id name flag
0 1000 Joseph 1
1 400 Sam 1
# resulting dataframe using the same data for both id 1000 and 400
person_id name flag carId price rentStatus mileage
0 1000 Joseph 1 6638 1000 active 1000.0
1 1000 Joseph 1 5566 2000 active 1000.0
2 400 Sam 1 6638 1000 active 1000.0
3 400 Sam 1 5566 2000 active 1000.0

There are many different ways to implement this. One of them would be, like you started in your comment:
read the CSV file with pandas
for each line take the person_id and build a call
the delivered JSON response can then be taken from the rents
the carId is then extracted for each individual rental
finally this is collected in a row_list
the row_list is then converted back to csv via pandas
A very simple solution without any error handling could look something like this:
from types import SimpleNamespace
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
path = '/some/path/'
df = pd.read_csv(f'{path}/data.csv', delimiter=';')
rows_list = []
for _, row in df.iterrows():
rentCall = f'http://api.myendpoint.intranet/get-data/{row.person_id}'
response = requests.get(rentCall)
r = json.loads(response.text, object_hook=lambda d: SimpleNamespace(**d))
for rent in r.rents:
mileageCall = f'http://api.myendpoint.intranet/get-mileage/{rent.carId}'
response2 = requests.get(mileageCall)
m = json.loads(response2.text, object_hook=lambda d: SimpleNamespace(**d))
state = "active" if else "inactive"
rows_list.append((row['person_id'], row['name'], row['flag'], rent.carId, rent.price, state, m.mileage))
df = pd.DataFrame(rows_list, columns=('person_id', 'name', 'flag', 'carId', 'price', 'rentStatus', 'mileage'))
print(df.to_csv(index=False, sep=';'))

Speeding up with multiprocessing
You mention that you have 3000 rows, which means that you'll have to make a lot of API calls. Depending on the connection, every one of these calls might take a while. As a result, performing this in a sequential way might be too slow. The majority of the time, your program will just be waiting on a response from the server without doing anything else.
We can improve this performance by using multiprocessing.
I use all the code from Trenton his answer, but I replace the following sequential call:
# call prepare_data
s = df.person_id.apply(prepare_data)
With a parallel alternative:
from multiprocessing import Pool
n_processes=20 # Experiment with this to see what works well
with Pool(n_processes) as p:, df.person_id)
Alternatively, a threadpool might be faster, but you'll have to test that by replacing the import with
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool as Pool.


Make multiple API calls - Python

I often use an API call to pull some customer data.
However, whenever I try to pull more than 20 customer ids, the API stops working.
When this happens, I run multiple API calls, transform each JSON output into a df and append all the dataframes together.
That is fine when I need just a couple of API calls, but becomes inefficient when I have several customer ids to pull, as sometimes I have to run 5/10 separate API calls.
I thought a loop could help here. Given I have little experience with Python, I had a look at other questions on looping APIs, but I couldn't find a solution.
Below is the code I use. How can I make a single API call that loops through several customer ids (keeping in mind that there's a limit of circa 20 ids per call) and returns a single dataframe?
#list of customer ids
customer_id = [
#API call
payload = {'customer':",".join(customer_id), 'countries':'DE, 'granularity':'daily', 'start_date':'2021-01-01', 'end_date':'2022-03-31'}
response = requests.get('', params=payload)
#convert to dataframe
api = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame(api)
df['sales'] = df['domestic_sales'] + df['international_sales']
df = df[['customer_id','country','date','sales']]
Here is the general idea:
# List of dataframes
dfs = []
# List of lists of 20 customer ids each
ids = [customer_id[i:i+20] for i in range(0, len(customer_id), 20)]
# Iterate on 'ids' to call api and store new df in list called 'dfs'
for chunk in ids:
payload = {
"customer": ",".join(chunk),
"countries": "DE",
"granularity": "daily",
"start_date": "2021-01-01",
"end_date": "2022-03-31",
response = requests.get(
# Concat all dataframes
df = dfs[0]
for other_df in dfs[1:]:
df = pd.concat([df, other_df])
# Additional work
df['sales'] = df['domestic_sales'] + df['international_sales']
df = df[['customer_id','country','date','sales']]

Daily leaderboard or price tracking data

I'll just start from scratch since I feel like I'm lost with all the different possibilities. What I will be talking about is leaderboard but could apply to price tracking as well.
My goal is to scrape data from a website (the all time leaderboard / hidden), put it in a .csv file and update it daily at noon.
What I have succeeded so far : scraping the data.
Tried scraping with BS4 but since the data is hidden, I couldn't be specific enough to only get the all-time points. I find it's a success because I'm able to get a table with all the data I need and the date as a header. My problem with this solution is 1) unuseful data populating the csv 2) table is vertical and not horizontal
Scraped data with CSS selector but I have abandoned this idea because soemtimes the page won't load and the data wasn't scraped. Found out that there's a json file containing the data right away
Json scraping seems to be the best option, but having trouble creating a csv file that's OK to make a graph with.
This is what brings me to what I'm struggling with : storing the data in a table that looks like this where the grey area is the points and the DATE1 is the moment the data has been scraped :
I'd like not to manipulate the data in the csv file too much. If the table would look like what I picture above, then it's gonna be easier to make a graph afterwards but I'm having trouble. The best I did is creating a table that looks like this AND that's vertical and not horizontal.
Thank you for your help.
Here's the code
import pandas as pd
import time
timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
url_all_time = ''
data = pd.read_json(url_all_time)
table = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, index=['name'], columns=['points','name'])
table['date'] ='%m-%d-%Y')
table.to_csv('products.csv', index=True, encoding='utf-8')
If what I want is not possible, I might just scrape individually for each member, make one CSV file per member and make a graph that refers to those different files.
So, I've played around with your question a bit and here's what I came up with.
Basically, your best bet for data storage is a light weight database, as suggested in the comments. However, with a bit of planning, a few hoops to jump, and some hacky code you could get away with a simple (sort of) JSON that eventually ends up as a .csv file that looks like this:
Note: the values are the same as I don't want to wait a day or two for the leader-board to actually update.
What I did was rearranging the data that came back from the request to the API and built a structure that looks like this:
"BobTheElectrician": {
"id": 7160010,
"rank": 14,
"score_data": {
"2020-10-24 18:45": 4187,
"2020-10-24 18:57": 4187,
"2020-10-24 19:06": 4187,
"2020-10-24 19:13": 4187
Every player is your main key that has, among others, a scores_data value. This in turn is a dict that holds points value for each day you run the script.
Now, the trick is to get this JSON to look like the .csv you want. The question is - how?
Well, since you intend to update all players' data (I just assumed that) they all should have the same number of entries for score_data.
The keys for score_data are your timestamps. Grab any player's score_data keys and you have the date headers, right?
Having said that, you can build your .csv rows the same way: grab player's name and all their point values from score_data. This should get you a list of lists, right? Right.
Then, when you have all this, you just dump that to a .csv file and there you have it!
Putting it all together:
import csv
import json
import os
import random
import time
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import requests
API_URL = ""
LEADERBOARD_FILE = "leaderboard_data.json"
def get_leaderboard(period: str = "allTime", max_results: int = 20) -> list:
payload = {"period": period, "maxResults": max_results}
return requests.get(f"{API_URL}{urlencode(payload)}").json()
def dump_leaderboard_data(leaderboard_data: dict) -> None:
with open("leaderboard_data.json", "w") as jf:
json.dump(leaderboard_data, jf, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
def read_leaderboard_data(data_file: str) -> dict:
with open(data_file) as f:
return json.load(f)
def parse_leaderboard(leaderboard: list) -> dict:
return {
item["name"]: {
"id": item["id"],
"score_data": {
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"): item["points"],
"rank": item["leaderboardPosition"],
} for item in leaderboard
def update_leaderboard_data(target: dict, new_data: dict) -> dict:
for player, stats in new_data.items():
target[player]["rank"] = stats["rank"]
return target
def leaderboard_to_csv(leaderboard: dict) -> None:
data_rows = [
[player] + list(stats["score_data"].values())
for player, stats in leaderboard.items()
random_player = random.choice(list(leaderboard.keys()))
dates = list(leaderboard[random_player]["score_data"])
with open("the_data.csv", "w") as output:
w = csv.writer(output)
w.writerow([""] + dates)
def script_runner():
if os.path.isfile(LEADERBOARD_FILE):
fresh_data = update_leaderboard_data(
if __name__ == "__main__":
The script also checks if you have a JSON file that pretends to be a proper database. If not, it'll write the leader-board data. Next time you run the script, it'll update the JSON and spit out a fresh .csv file.
Hope this answer will nudge you in the right direction.
Hey since you are loading it in a panda frame it makes the operations fairly simple. I ran your code first
import pandas as pd
import time
timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
url_all_time = ''
data = pd.read_json(url_all_time)
table = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, index=['name'], columns=['points','name'])
table['date'] ='%m-%d-%Y')
Then I added a few more lines of code to modify the panda frame table to your need.
idxs = table['date'].index
for i,val in enumerate(idxs):[ val , table['date'][i] ] = table['points'][i]
table = table.drop([ 'date', 'points' ], axis = 1)
In the above snippet I am using pandas frames ability to assign values using indexes. So first I get index values for the date column then I go through each of them to add column for the required date(values from date column) and get the corresponding points according to the indexes we pulled earlier
This gives me the following output:
name 10-24-2020
Dennis 52570.0
Dinh 40930.0
Sophia 26053.0
Mayumi 25300.0
Goran 24689.0
Robert T 19843.0
Allan M 19768.0
Bernard Koodo 14404.0
nim4165 13629.0
Timo Tuokkola 11216.0
rikkster 7338.0
David AKU 5774.0
Ranjan Koodo 4506.0
BobTheElectrician 4170.0
Helen Koodo 3370.0
Mihaela Koodo 2764.0
Fred C 2542.0
Philosoraptor 2122.0
Paul Deschamps 1973.0
Emilia Koodo 1755.0
I can then save this to csv using last line from your code. Similar you can pull data for more dates and format it to add it to the same panda frame
table.to_csv('products.csv', index=True, encoding='utf-8')

Web scraping, reading data frames, and exporting to csv

The goal is to scrape pokemonDB, create a DataFrame of the Pokemon data; (Number, Name, Primary type, and secondary type), Separate the two types into their own rows, and export it as a CSV file.
I'm stuck on accessing the 'dex' dataframe, specifically the contents of the columns. Am I using ".loc" correctly?
And then there is separating the two types to each columns. I know i must use a space" " as a delimiter, but not sure how. I'm new to Pandas.
This is what i have:
import pandas as pd
import requests
page = requests.get("")
dex = pd.read_html(page.text, attrs = {'id': 'pokedex'}, index_col = '#')
column_label_list = (list(dex[0].columns))
NationalNo = column_label_list[0];
Name = column_label_list[1];
Type = column_label_list[2];
numbers_list = dex.loc[ "#"]
names_list = dex.loc[ "Name"]
types1_list = dex.loc[ "Type"]
pokemon_list = pd.DataFrame(
NationalNo: numbers_list,
Name: names_list,
Type: types1_list,
#'Type2': types2_list,
The result should look this like:
# | Name | Type1 | Type2 |
0 |Bulbasaur|Grass |Poison |
I hope what I'm trying to accomplish makes sense.
The dex is an array of all tables existed on that HTML, since there is only one table, select the first table, then you don't need to map them to dataframe anymore, just export it directly since it's already a dataframe. Please consider using this code below:
import pandas as pd
import requests
page = requests.get("")
dex = pd.read_html(page.text, attrs = {'id': 'pokedex'}, index_col = '#')
dex[0].to_csv("output.csv", encoding='utf-8')

import nested data into pandas from a json file

I have a generated file as follows:
[{"intervals": [{"overwrites": 35588.4, "latency": 479.52}, {"overwrites": 150375.0, "latency": 441.1485001192274}], "uid": "23"}]
I simplified the file a bit for space reasons (there are more columns besides for the "overwrites" and "latency" ). I would like to import the data into a dataframe so I can later on draw the latency. I tried the following:
with open(os.path.join(path, "my_file.json")) as json_file:
print df
which returned:
0 {u'overwrites': 35588.4, u'latency...
1 {u'overwrites': 150375.0, u'latency...
However I couldn't get to store df in a data structure that allows me to access the latency field as follows:
graph = df[['latency']]
Any ideas?
Thanks for the help!
I think you can use json_normalize:
import pandas as pd
from import json_normalize
data = [{"intervals": [{"overwrites": 35588.4, "latency": 479.52},
{"overwrites": 150375.0, "latency": 441.1485001192274}],
"uid": "23"}]
result = json_normalize(data, 'intervals', ['uid'])
print result
latency overwrites uid
0 479.5200 35588.4 23
1 441.1485 150375.0 23

Optimize parsing file with JSON objects in pandas dataframe, where keys may be missing in some rows

I'm looking to optimize the code below which takes ~5 seconds, which is too slow for a file of only 1000 lines.
I have a large file where each line contains valid JSON, with each JSON looking like the following (the actual data is much larger and nested, so I use this JSON snippet for illustration):
"school":{"SchoolGroupe":"TrowMet", "SchoolName":"VeronM"}},
I need to parse this file in order to extract only some key-values from every JSON, to obtain the resulting dataframe:
Groupe Id MotherName FatherName
Advanced 56 Laure James
Middle 11 Ann Nicolas
Advanced 6 Helen Franc
But some keys I need in the dataframe, are missing in some JSON objects, so I should to verify if the key is present, and if not, fill the corresponding value with Null. I use with the following method:
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['group', 'id', 'Father', 'Mother'])
with open (path/to/file) as f:
for chunk in f:
jfile = json.loads(chunk)
if 'groupe' in jfile['location']:
groupe = jfile['location']['groupe']
if 'id' in jfile:
id = jfile['id']
id = np.nan
if 'MotherName' in jfile['Mother']:
MotherName = jfile['Mother']['MotherName']
MotherName = np.nan
if 'FatherName' in jfile['Father']:
FatherName = jfile['Father']['FatherName']
FatherName = np.nan
df = df.append({"groupe":group, "id":id, "MotherName":MotherName, "FatherName":FatherName},
I need to optimize the runtime over the whole 1000-row file to <= 2 seconds. In PERL the same parsing function takes < 1 second, but I need to implement it in Python.
You'll get the best performance if you can build the dataframe in a single step during initialization. DataFrame.from_record takes a sequence of tuples which you can supply from a generator that reads one record at a time. You can parse the data faster with get, which will supply a default parameter when the item isn't found. I created an empty dict called dummy to pass for intermediate gets so that you know a chained get will work.
I created a 1000 record dataset and on my crappy laptop the time went from 18 seconds to .06 seconds. Thats pretty good.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
import time
def extract_data(data):
""" convert 1 json dict to records for import"""
dummy = {}
jfile = json.loads(data.strip())
return (
jfile.get('location', dummy).get('groupe', np.nan),
jfile.get('id', np.nan),
jfile.get('Mother', dummy).get('MotherName', np.nan),
jfile.get('Father', dummy).get('FatherName', np.nan))
start = time.time()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(map(extract_data, open('file.json')),
columns=['group', 'id', 'Father', 'Mother'])
print('New algorithm', time.time()-start)
# The original way
start= time.time()
df=pd.DataFrame(columns=['group', 'id', 'Father', 'Mother'])
with open ('file.json') as f:
for chunk in f:
if 'groupe' in jfile['location']:
if 'id' in jfile:
if 'MotherName' in jfile['Mother']:
if 'FatherName' in jfile['Father']:
df = df.append({"groupe":groupe,"id":id,"MotherName":MotherName,"FatherName":FatherName},
print('original', time.time()-start)
The key part is not to append each row to the dataframe in the loop. You want to keep the collection in a list or dict container and then concatenate all of them at once. You can also simplify your if/else structure with a simple get that returns a default value (e.g. np.nan) if the item is not found in the dictionary.
with open (path/to/file) as f:
d = {'group': [], 'id': [], 'Father': [], 'Mother': []}
for chunk in f:
jfile = json.loads(chunk)
d['groupe'].append(jfile['location'].get('groupe', np.nan))
d['id'].append(jfile.get('id', np.nan))
d['MotherName'].append(jfile['Mother'].get('MotherName', np.nan))
d['FatherName'].append(jfile['Father'].get('FatherName', np.nan))
df = pd.DataFrame(d)

