I have an Auto Encoder model with multiple outputs and weightening which a want to enrich into a Variational Auto Encoder.
I followed this: https://keras.io/examples/generative/vae/ official keras tutorial.
But if a manually adapt the train_step function I lose the majority of my original implementation details:
I got two weighted optimization goals: re-construction (decoder) and classification (softmax)
accuracy metrics for the classification
the original fit method also takes care of the validation data and corresponding metrics
Adding the suggested sampling layer according to the keras link is no problem, but to correctly implement the Kullback-Leibler-Loss as it depends on the additional parameters z_mu and z_log_var which is not supported by standard Keras losses.
I search for some workarounds to solve this issue but none of them was succesfull:
re-writing the train_step: its hard to fully re-implement all details (
weightening, multiple losses with different inputs -> decoder: data, classifier: labels etc)
adding a psyeudo layer to the ecoder that calculates the loss: https://tiao.io/post/tutorial-on-variational-autoencoders-with-a-concise-keras-implementation/ like here. But here is the problem that the add loss function does not specify to which key and how KL-Loss is added to the model's total loss
Adding everything as global/top-level element to make the z_mu, z_log_var accessible for the loss calculation like here: https://www.machinecurve.com/index.php/2019/12/30/how-to-create-a-variational-autoencoder-with-keras/. This is the approach I like the least as my current architecture is parametrized to be able to e.g. perform hyperopt tuning
I was not able to find a pleasing solution to this problem, as VAE's are more and more popular I am surprised by the phenomenon that there is no extended tutorial about this especially when dealing with multiple in- and outputs. Or I am just unable to find the right answers through my query.
Any opinions welcome!
After a couple of re-designs I and bug-ticket tracing I found this recent example:
The VAE examples can be found at the very bottom of the post.
Solution: write your own train_step: cleanest but also hardest solution depending how complex your loss calculation is.
Solution: use a functional approach the access the necessary variables and add the loss with .add_loss: not very clean but straight to implement (you will lose an additional loss tracker for the KL-loss)
To achieve my weighting I weighted the KL loss before I added it via .add_loss according to the weight of my decoder loss.
Note: The first solution I tested was to define a custom loss function for the mse+kl loss and added it into my functional designed model - this works if one turns of the tf eager eval off. But be careful this really slows down your network and you will lose the ability to monitor your training via tensorboard if you don't have admin rights for your nvidia gpu (profile_batch=0 does not turn off profiling if eager mode is switched off, therefore you ran into INSUFFICENT_PRIVILEDGES Errors with the CUPTI driver)
In Keras loss page which is here there are 2 main distinction I saw is loss classes vs loss functions? Can anyone explain why for same losses these 2 APIs given? Is it just for class initialization or any other purposes? Also if anyone can explain that in which cases we should use which one that would be great.
Thanks in advance.
A deep learning model can be built and trained in multiple ways.
The simplest approach to build a model would be to use Keras functional API or sequential API to build the model, use compile method to specify optimizer, loss, metrics, etc, and use the fit method for training the model.
If you choose to build the model this way the compile method accepts loss class.
Note: You can use the loss function as well
The actual logic that computes the loss is present in the special call method of a class which is used internally in the fit method.
However, there are cases (mostly in research) where the training loop has to be written in a certain way from scratch, in that case, you can use loss function to compute losses.
Note: You can use the loss class as well
The loss class gives you some extra functionality like specifying logit value, reduction technique, etc. So if your code requires the use of those functionality use the loss class to compute the losses.
If you do not require any such functionality you can simply use the loss function.
Note: Under the hood, both functions call the same TensorFlow graph.
This tutorial describes how to build a TFF computation from keras model.
This tutorial describes how to build a custom TFF computation from scratch, possibly with a custom federated learning algorithm.
What I need is a combination of these: I want to build a custom federated learning algorithm, and I want to use an existing keras model. Q. How can it be done?
The second tutorial requires MODEL_TYPE which is based on MODEL_SPEC, but I don't know how to get it. I can see some variables in model.trainable_variables (where model = tff.learning.from_keras_model(keras_model, ...), but I doubt it's what I need.
Of course, I can implement the model by hand (as in the second tutorial), but I want to avoid it.
I think you have the correct pointers for writing a custom federated computation, as well as converting a Keras model to a tff.learning.Model. So we'll focus on pulling a TFF type signature from an existing tff.learning.Model.
Once you have your hands on such a model, you should be able to use tff.learning.framework.weights_type_from_model to pull out the appropriate TFF type to use for your custom algorithm.
There is an interesting caveat here: how precisely you use a tff.learning.Model in your custom algorithm is pretty much up to you, and this could affect your desired model weights type. This is unlikely to be the case (likely you will simply be assigning values from incoming tensors to the model variables), so I think we should prefer to avoid going deeper into this caveat.
Finally, a few pointers of end-to-end custom algorithm implementations in TFF:
One of the simplest complete examples TFF has is simple_fedavg, which is totally self-contained and contains instructions for running.
The code for a paper on Adaptive Federated Optimization contains a handwritten implementation of learning rate decay on the clients in TFF.
A similar implementation of adaptive learning rate decay (think Keras' functions to decay learning rate on plateaus) is right next door to the code for AFO.
I wrote a custom layer that is part of a neural network and it contains some operations that I am using for the first time such as tf.scan and tf.slice.
I can easily test that the forward pass works and it makes sense, but how do I know that it will still work during the learning, when it has to do backpropagation? Can I safely assume that everything is going to be fine because the results I get make sense in the forward pass?
I was thinking that one possibility might be to create a neural network, replace one or two layers with the custom ones I have just created, train it, and see what happens. However, despite this would take quite a long time, the network may learn in the other layers whereas in my custom layer it may not work well anyway.
In conclusion, is there any way I can see that back-propagation will work well and I won't have any problems during the learning in this layer?
As far as I know, almost all TensorFlow ops are differentiable, including ops such as tf.abs or tf.where and gradient flows correctly through them. TensorFlow has an automatic differentiation engine, that takes any TensorFlow graph and computes derivatives w.r.t. desired variables.
So if your graph is composed of TensorFlow ops I wouldn't worry about the gradients being wrong (if you would post the code of your layer, I could expand further). However, there are still issues like numerical stability which can make otherwise mathematically sound operation still fail in practice (e.g. naive softmax computation, or tf.exp in your graph in general). Apart from that, TensorFlow differentiation should be correct and taken care of, from the user's point of view.
If you still want to examine your gradients by hand, you can compute the derivatives in your graph using tf.gradients op, which will get you the gradients that you wish and you can check by hand if TensorFlow did the differentiation correctly. (See https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/gradients)
I've been using tensorflow for a while now. At first I had stuff like this:
def myModel(training):
with tf.scope_variables('model', reuse=not training):
do model
return model
training_model = myModel(True)
validation_model = myModel(False)
Mostly because I started with some MOOCs that tought me to do that. But they also didn't use TFRecords or Queues. And I didn't know why I was using two separate models. I tried building only one and feeding the data with the feed_dict: everything worked.
Ever since I've been usually using only one model. My inputs are always place_holders and I just input either training or validation data.
Lately, I've noticed some weird behavior on models that use tf.layers.dropout and tf.layers.batch_normalization. Both functions have a 'training' parameter that I use with a tf.bool placeholder. I've seen tf.layers used generally with a tf.estimator.Estimator, but I'm not using it. I've read the Estimators code and it appears to create two different graphs for training and validation. May be that those issues are arising from not having two separate models, but I'm still skeptical.
Is there a clear reason I'm not seeing that implies that two separate-equivalent models have to be used?
You do not have to use two neural nets for training and validation. After all, as you noticed, tensorflow helps you having a monolothical train-and-validate net by allowing the training parameter of some layers to be a placeholder.
However, why wouldn't you? By having separate nets for training and for validation, you set yourself on the right path and future-proof your code. Your training and validation nets might be identical today, but you might later see some benefit to having distinct nets such as having different inputs, different outputs, removing out intermediate layers, etc.
Also, because variables are shared between them, having distinct training and validation nets comes at almost no penalty.
So, keeping a single net is fine; in my experience though, any project other than playful experimentation is likely to implement a distinct validation net at some point, and tensorflow makes it easy to do just that with minimal penalty.
tf.estimator.Estimator classes indeed create a new graph for each invocation and this has been the subject of furious debates, see this issue on GitHub. Their approach is to build the graph from scratch on each train, evaluate and predict invocations and restore the model from the last checkpoint. There are clear downsides of this approach, for example:
A loop that calls train and evaluate will create two new graphs on every iteration.
One can't evaluate while training easily (though there are workarounds, train_and_evaluate, but this doesn't look very nice).
I tend to agree that having the same graph and model for all actions is convenient and I usually go with this solution. But in a lot of cases when using a high-level API like tf.estimator.Estimator, you don't deal with the graph and variables directly, so you shouldn't care how exactly the model is organized.
I'm working on a training a neural network model using Python and Keras library.
My model test accuracy is very low (60.0%) and I tried a lot to rise it, but I couldn't. I'm using DEAP dataset (total 32 participants) to train the model. The splitting technique that I'm using is a fixed one. It was as the followings:28 participants for training, 2 for validation and 2 for testing.
For the model I'm using is as follows.
sequential model
Optimizer = Adam
With L2_regularizer, Gaussian noise, dropout, and Batch normalization
Number of hidden layers = 3
Activation = relu
Compile loss = categorical_crossentropy
initializer = he_normal
Now, I'm using train-test technique (fixed one also) to split the data and I got better results. However, I figured out that some of the participants are affecting the training accuracy in a negative way. Thus, I want to know if there is a way to study the effect of the each data (participant) on the accuracy (performance) of a model?
Best Regards,
From my Starting deep learning hands-on: image classification on CIFAR-10 tutorial, in which I insist on keeping track of both:
global metrics (log-loss, accuracy),
examples (correctly and incorrectly classifies cases).
The later may help us telling which kinds of patterns are problematic, and on numerous occasions helped me with changing the network (or supplementing training data, if it was the case).
And example how does it work (here with Neptune, though you can do it manually in Jupyter Notebook, or using TensorBoard image channel):
And then looking at particular examples, along with the predicted probabilities:
Full disclaimer: I collaborate with deepsense.ai, the creators or Neptune - Machine Learning Lab.
This is, perhaps, more broad an answer than you may like, but I hope it'll be useful nevertheless.
Neural networks are great. I like them. But the vast majority of top-performance, hyper-tuned models are ensembles; use a combination of stats-on-crack techniques, neural networks among them. One of the main reasons for this is that some techniques handle some situations better. In your case, you've run into a situation for which I'd recommend exploring alternative techniques.
In the case of outliers, rigorous value analyses are the first line of defense. You might also consider using principle component analysis or linear discriminant analysis. You could also try to chase them out with density estimation or nearest neighbors. There are many other techniques for handling outliers, and hopefully you'll find the tools I've pointed to easily implemented (with help from their docs); sklearn tends to readily accept data prepared for Keras.