Make get api requests using Python over Tor - python

I'm trying to load JSON data through a tor session.
URL_1 works fine, but URL_2 does not work (Example I). I don't know why..
Here is the type of error I get:
IP: <Response [403]>
I can well recover Json api data without tor session (Example II) but as soon as I introduce the requests.Session() function for URL_2 it no longer works.
Example I
# open Tor browser before
import requests
from stem.control import Controller
from stem import Signal
import json
def get_tor_session():
# initialize a requests Session
session = requests.Session()
# setting the proxy of both http & https to the localhost:9050
# this requires a running Tor service in your machine and listening on port 9050 (by default)
session.proxies = {"http": "socks5://localhost:9150", "https": "socks5://localhost:9150"}
return session
#url_1 = ""
url_2 = ''
s = get_tor_session()
ip = s.get(url_2).text
#ipJ = json.loads(ip)
Example II
import json
url_1 = ''
url_2 = ''
rA = requests.get(url_2)
jsA = json.loads(rA.content)
I have already tried to add a header in the request but it does not work better.
Thank you for your help


Why is the request ignoring my proxy parameter and returning my IP to me?

It all started with the fact that I reinstalled paycharm on my computer, reinstalled python
For example, I write normal code, it always worked:
import os
import requests
proxies = {'https': ''}
s = requests.Session()
s.proxies = proxies
r = s.get(url = '', verify=False)
ip = r.text
print ('Your IP is ' + ip)
Of course, the proxies are up-to-date and work.
The problem is that the request returns me my real IP. As if it just ignores this parameter.
I am sure that the problem is not in the code, but in something else! But I have no idea where to look! Spent a whole day, but could not achieve anything!
There is nothing wrong with your code requests/urllib contains bug i believe.
Here modified version code:
Don't use https with your proxy, it will throw version errors. And use proxy for all protocols http/https. Just make changes to these two lines.
proxy = ''
session.proxies = {"http":proxy, "https": proxy}
import os
import requests
session = requests.Session()
proxy = ''
session.proxies ={"http": proxy, "https": proxy}
res = session.get(url = '', verify=False)
print ('Your IP is ' , res.text)
Your IP is
Press any key to continue . . .

Making a request using requests.get through tor proxies but the code is not responding

I want to make multiple GET requests using Tor to a webpage. I want to use a different ipaddress for each request,So i write the small program
from stem import Signal
from stem.control import Controller
import requests
def change_ip():
with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as contr:
for i in range(5):
Using this, i made multiple requests but this program not show any output and it stuck like i have shown in this image this is the screenshot of terminal where i run this program and it stucked
but when i remove the session.proxies area of code, the code is running and shows the output but it makes no sense to me because i want to change ip address after each request.
Tor runs proxy on port 9050, not 9051. Port 9051 is used only to control/change Tor.
I also need few seconds after sending singnal to get new IP.
And it works better when I don't use one session for all urls but normal requests
requests.get(..., proxies=proxies)
With one session it sometimes gives the same IP for and but not for .
It works correctly if I create new session in every loop.
Version without session
from stem import Signal
from stem.control import Controller
import requests
import time
def change_ip():
with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as control:
proxies = {
'http': 'socks5://',
'https': 'socks5://',
for i in range(5):
r = requests.get('', proxies=proxies)
r = requests.get('', proxies=proxies)
r = requests.get('', proxies=proxies)
Version with session - new session in every loop
from stem import Signal
from stem.control import Controller
import requests
import time
def change_ip():
with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as control:
for i in range(5):
session = requests.Session()
session.proxies = {
'http': 'socks5://',
'https': 'socks5://',
r = session.get('')
r = session.get('')
r = session.get('')

How to use a web proxy with HttpNtlmAuth - auth_header_value is negotiate

I have the below. If I take out , proxies=proxies and try and connect to the Intranet, it works, I get a response back.
However if I try an external site with the above put in (as per my example below), I get a 407 error
import requests
from requests_ntlm import HttpNtlmAuth
proxies = {'http': 'http://myproxy.local:9090'}
ntlm_auth = HttpNtlmAuth('DomainName\\MyUsername','MyPassword')
res = requests.get("",auth=ntlm_auth, proxies=proxies)
Am I doing something obviously incorrect? When I go to IE and look at the proxy information there, this is exactly what I am using
import requests
from requests_ntlm import HttpNtlmAuth
ntlm_auth = HttpNtlmAuth("DomainName\\MyUsername","MyPassword")
proxies = {'http': 'http://myproxy.local:9090'}
s = requests.Session()
s.proxies = proxies
s.auth = ntlm_auth
res = s.get("")
I get the following:
When outputting the value of auth_header_value I get negotiate

Python website log in: BIG-IP can not find session information in the request

I have written the following code to enter into a website through python programming. But for some reason I am facing a error:
**"Your session could not be established.
BIG-IP can not find session information in the request. This can happen because your browser restarted after an add-on was installed. If this occurred, click the link below to continue. This can also happen because cookies are disabled in your browser. If so, enable cookies in your browser and start a new session."**
My code(website, username and password hidden):
import sys
import re
import requests
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from pprint import pprint
login_url = ""
with requests.Session() as session:
proxy_url = "http://{0}:{1}[portnumber]".format('proxy_uid', 'proxy_password')
session.proxies = {'http': proxy_url, 'https': proxy_url}
data = {
'username': '_uname_',
'password': '_Password_',
'vhost': 'standard'
r = session.get(login_url)
print r.cookies
print r.headers
r1 ='/my.policy', data=data)
print r1.cookies
print r1.headers
print r1.reason
with open("login.html", "w") as f:
Any help is really appreciated!
When you go to the website normally (F12-Network etc), what appears in your response headers info?
There is likely a session cookie that you need to collect as your first step (probably using a get request) and then include that cookie in your own request headers when you submit your post request with username and password.

Using urllib2 via proxy

I am trying to use urllib2 through a proxy; however, after trying just about every variation of passing my verification details using urllib2, I either get a request that hangs forever and returns nothing or I get 407 Errors. I can connect to the web fine using my browser which connects to a prox-pac and redirects accordingly; however, I can't seem to do anything via the command line curl, wget, urllib2 etc. even if I use the proxies that the prox-pac redirects to. I tried setting my proxy to all of the proxies from the pac-file using urllib2, none of which work.
My current script looks like this:
import urllib2 as url
proxy = url.ProxyHandler({'http': 'username:password#my.proxy:8080'})
auth = url.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
opener = url.build_opener(proxy, auth, url.HTTPHandler)
which throws HTTP Error 407: Proxy Authentication Required and I also tried:
import urllib2 as url
handlePass = url.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
handlePass.add_password(None, "http://my.proxy:8080", "username", "password")
auth_handler = url.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(handlePass)
opener = url.build_opener(auth_handler)
which hangs like curl or wget timing out.
What do I need to do to diagnose the problem? How is it possible that I can connect via my browser but not from the command line on the same computer using what would appear to be the same proxy and credentials?
Might it be something to do with the router? if so, how can it distinguish between browser HTTP requests and command line HTTP requests?
Frustrations like this are what drove me to use Requests. If you're doing significant amounts of work with urllib2, you really ought to check it out. For example, to do what you wish to do using Requests, you could write:
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPProxyAuth
proxy = {'http': 'http://my.proxy:8080'}
auth = HTTPProxyAuth('username', 'password')
r = requests.get('', proxies=proxy, auth=auth)
print r.text
Or you could wrap it in a Session object and every request will automatically use the proxy information (plus it will store & handle cookies automatically!):
s = requests.Session(proxies=proxy, auth=auth)
r = s.get('')
print r.text

