Unexpected phase shift in the results of Fourier transform (np.fft) - python

I'm looking for a clarification of Fourier transform principles.
I try to do something quite simple: Create a signal (sine wave with a given frequency and phase shift) and recreate its params with Fourier transform. Frequency estimations work fine, but when it comes to phase, it looks like I get systematic shift (-pi/2).
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
duration = 4.0 # lenght of window (in sec)
ticks_per_sec = 400.0 # sampling interval
samples = int(ticks_per_sec*duration)
phase_shift = np.pi / 2 # sin wave shift in angle
freq = 1 # sine wave freq in Hz
phase_shift = round(ticks_per_sec/freq * phase_shift/(2*np.pi)) # angle value translated to no of ticks
t = np.arange(phase_shift, samples+phase_shift) / ticks_per_sec
s = 1 * np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * freq * t)
N = s.size
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 6))
axs[0].set_xlabel("Time [s]")
axs[0].set_title(f"F: {freq}, Phase shift: {phase_shift} ticks.")
axs[0].plot(np.arange(samples)/ticks_per_sec, s)
f = np.linspace(0, ticks_per_sec, N)
fft = np.fft.fft(s)
peak_pos = np.argmax(np.abs(fft[:N//2]))
axs[1].set_xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
axs[1].set_title(f"Peak bar: {peak_pos}")
barlist = axs[1].bar(f[:N // 2], np.abs(fft)[:N // 2] * (1 / (N//2)), width=1.5) # 1 / N is a normalization factor
axs[2].set_xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
axs[2].set_title(f"Peak angle: {np.angle(fft[peak_pos])}")
barlist = axs[2].bar(f[:N // 2], np.angle(fft)[:N // 2], width=1.5)
Plotted Results of the code above
Please help me if there's a bug in my code that I can't notice, or I misunderstand something.
Thank you in advance.

Your code is just fine, this is not a programming issue.
Let's recall that a sine wave can be expressed as a cosine wave with a phase shift (or vice versa), now remember that sine function as an inherent phase shift of -pi/2 in real Fourier basis relatively to cosine.
This means that your code should output a pi/2 phase angle when replacing np.sin by np.cos, i.e. returns input phase_shift, or equivalently, returns a phase angle of zero when specifying phase_shift = np.pi / 2, i.e. phase shift and sine phase compensate each other.


Breaking apart a sin wave but phase doesn't seem to match up sometimes

I originally posted this in physics stack exchange but they requested it be posted here as well....
I am trying to create a known signal with a known wavelength, amplitude, and phase. I then want to break this signal apart into all of its frequencies, find amplitudes, phases, and wavelengths for each frequency, then create equations for each frequency based on these new wavelengths, amplitudes, and phases. In theory, the equations should be identical to the individual signals. However, they are not. I am almost positive it is an issue with phase but I cannot figure out how to resolve it. I will post the exact code to reproduce this below. Please help as my phase, wavelength, and amplitudes will vary once I get more complicated signals so it need to work for any combination of these.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import fftpack
# create signal
time_vec = np.arange(1, 11, 1)
wavelength = 1/.1
phase = 0
amp = 10
created_signal = amp * np.sin((2 * np.pi / wavelength * time_vec) + phase)
# plot it
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10,6))
axs[0].plot(time_vec, created_signal, label='exact_data')
# get fft and freq array
sig_fft = fftpack.fft(created_signal)
sample_freq = fftpack.fftfreq(created_signal.size, d=1)
# do inverse fft and verify same curve as original signal. This is fine!
filtered_signal = fftpack.ifft(sig_fft)
filtered_signal += np.mean(created_signal)
# create individual signals for each frequency
filtered_signals = []
for i in range(len(sample_freq)):
high_freq_fft = sig_fft.copy()
high_freq_fft[np.abs(sample_freq) < np.nanmin(sample_freq[i])] = 0
high_freq_fft[np.abs(sample_freq) > np.nanmax(sample_freq[i])] = 0
filtered_sig = fftpack.ifft(high_freq_fft)
filtered_sig += np.mean(created_signal)
# get phase, amplitude, and wavelength for each individual frequency
sig_size = len(created_signal)
wavelength = []
ph = []
amp = []
indices = []
for j in range(len(sample_freq)):
wavelength.append(1 / sample_freq[j])
indices.append(int(sig_size * sample_freq[j]))
for j in indices:
phase = np.arctan2(sig_fft[j].imag, sig_fft[j].real)
amp.append([np.sqrt((sig_fft[j].real * sig_fft[j].real) + (sig_fft[j].imag * sig_fft[j].imag)) / (sig_size / 2)])
# create an equation for each frequency based on each phase, amp, and wavelength found from above.
def eqn(filtered_si, wavelength, time_vec, phase, amp):
return amp * np.sin((2 * np.pi / wavelength * time_vec) + phase)
def find_equations(filtered_signals_mean, high_freq_fft, wavelength, filtered_signals, time_vec, ph, amp):
equations = []
for i in range(len(wavelength)):
temp = eqn(filtered_signals[i], wavelength[i], time_vec, ph[i], amp[i])
equations.append(temp + filtered_signals_mean)
return equations
filtered_signals_mean = np.abs(np.mean(filtered_signals))
equations = find_equations(filtered_signals_mean, sig_fft, wavelength,
filtered_signals, time_vec, ph, amp)
# at this point each equation, for each frequency should match identically each signal from each frequency,
# however, the phase seems wrong and they do not match!!??
axs[0].plot(time_vec, filtered_signal, '--', linewidth=3, label='filtered_sig_combined')
axs[1].plot(time_vec, filtered_signals[1], label='filtered_sig[-1]')
axs[1].plot(time_vec, equations[1], label='equations[-1]')
These are issues with your code:
filtered_signal = fftpack.ifft(sig_fft)
filtered_signal += np.mean(created_signal)
This only works because np.mean(created_signal) is approximately zero. The IFFT already takes the DC component into account, the zero frequency describes the mean of the signal.
filtered_signals = []
for i in range(len(sample_freq)):
high_freq_fft = sig_fft.copy()
high_freq_fft[np.abs(sample_freq) < np.nanmin(sample_freq[i])] = 0
high_freq_fft[np.abs(sample_freq) > np.nanmax(sample_freq[i])] = 0
filtered_sig = fftpack.ifft(high_freq_fft)
filtered_sig += np.mean(created_signal)
Here you are, in the first half of the iterations, going through all the frequencies, taking both the negative and positive frequencies into account. For example, when i=1, you take both the -0.1 and the 0.1 frequencies. The second half of the iterations you are applying the IFFT to a zero signal, none of the np.abs(sample_freq) are smaller than zero by definition.
So the filtered_signals[1] contains a sine wave constructed by both the -0.1 and the 0.1 frequency components. This is good. Otherwise it would be a complex-valued function.
for j in range(len(sample_freq)):
wavelength.append(1 / sample_freq[j])
indices.append(int(sig_size * sample_freq[j]))
Here the second half of the indices array contains negative values. Not sure what you were planning with this, but it causes subsequent code to index from the end of the array.
for j in indices:
phase = np.arctan2(sig_fft[j].imag, sig_fft[j].real)
amp.append([np.sqrt((sig_fft[j].real * sig_fft[j].real) + (sig_fft[j].imag * sig_fft[j].imag)) / (sig_size / 2)])
Here, because the indices are not the same as the j in the previous loop, phase[j] doesn't always correspond to wavelength[j], they refer to values from different frequency components in about half the cases. But those cases we shouldn't be evaluating any way. The code assumes a real-valued input, for which the magnitude and phase of only the positive frequencies is sufficient to reconstruct the signal. You should skip all the negative frequencies here.
Next, you build sine waves using the collected information, but using a time_vec that starts at 1, not at 0 as the FFT assumes. And therefore the signal is shifted with respect to the expected value. Furthermore, when phase==0, you should create an even signal (i.e. a cosine, not a sine).
Thus, changing the following two lines of code will create the correct output:
time_vec = np.arange(0, 10, 1)
def eqn(filtered_si, wavelength, time_vec, phase, amp):
return amp * np.cos((2 * np.pi / wavelength * time_vec) + phase)
# ^^^
Note that these two changes corrects the plotted graph, but doesn't correct all the issues in the code discussed above.
I solved this finally after 2 days of frustration. I still have no idea why this is the way it is so any insight would be great. The solution is to use the phase produced by arctan2(Im, Re) and modify it according to this equation.
phase = np.arctan2(sig_fft[j].imag, sig_fft[j].real)
formula = ((((wavelength[j]) / 2) - 2) * np.pi) / wavelength[j]
ph.append([phase + formula])
I had to derive this equation from data but I still do not know why this works. Please let me know. Finally!!

Spectrogram vs. Scaleogram for Time-Varying Frequency

I am comparing FFT vs. CWT for a specific signal.
It is not clear to me how to read of the respective frequencies and amplitudes from the corresponding scaleogram of the CWT. Furthermore, I have the impression that the CWT is quite imprecise?
The spectrogram seems to be quite good in predicting the precise frequencies, but for the CWT, I tried many different wavelets and the result is the same.
Did I oversee something? Is this just not the appropriate tool for this problem?
Below, you find my example sourcecode and the corresponding plot.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi as π
from scipy.signal import spectrogram
import pywt
f_s = 200 # Sampling rate = number of measurements per second in [Hz]
t = np.arange(-10,10, 1 / f_s) # Time between [-10s,10s].
T1 = np.tanh(t)/2 + 1.0 # Period in [s]
T2 = 0.125 # Period in [s]
f1 = 1 / T1 # Frequency in [Hz]
f2 = 1 / T2 # Frequency in [Hz]
N = len(t)
x = 13 * np.sin(2 * π * f1 * t) + 42 * np.sin(2 * π * f2 * t)
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(4,1, sharex = True, figsize = (10,8))
# Signal
ax1.plot(t, x)
ax1.set_title("Signal x(t)")
# Frequency change
ax2.plot(t, f1)
ax2.set_ylabel("$f_1$ in [Hz]")
ax2.set_title("Change of frequency $f_1(t)$")
# Moving fourier transform, i.e. spectrogram
Δt = 4 # window length in [s]
Nw = np.int(2**np.round(np.log2(Δt * f_s))) # Number of datapoints within window
f, t_, Sxx = spectrogram(x, f_s, window='hanning', nperseg=Nw, noverlap = Nw - 100, detrend=False, scaling='spectrum')
Δf = f[1] - f[0]
Δt_ = t_[1] - t_[0]
t2 = t_ + t[0] - Δt_
im = ax3.pcolormesh(t2, f - Δf/2, np.sqrt(2*Sxx), cmap = "inferno_r")#, alpha = 0.5)
ax3.set_ylabel("Frequency in [Hz]")
ax3.set_ylim(0, 10)
ax3.set_title("Spectrogram using FFT and Hanning window")
# Wavelet transform, i.e. scaleogram
cwtmatr, freqs = pywt.cwt(x, np.arange(1, 512), "gaus1", sampling_period = 1 / f_s)
im2 = ax4.pcolormesh(t, freqs, cwtmatr, vmin=0, cmap = "inferno" )
ax4.set_ylabel("Frequency in [Hz]")
ax4.set_xlabel("Time in [s]")
ax4.set_title("Scaleogram using wavelet GAUS1")
# plt.savefig("./fourplot.pdf")
Your example waveform is composed of only a few pure tones at any given time, so the spectrogram plot is going to look very clean and readable.
The wavelet plot is going to look "messy" in comparison because you have to sum Gaussian wavelets of may different scales (and thus frequencies) to approximate each component pure tone in your original signal.
Both the short-time FFT and wavelet transforms are in the category time-frequency transforms, but have a different kernel. The kernel of the FFT is a pure tone, but the kernel of the wavelet transform you provided is a gaussian wavelet. The FFT pure tone kernel is going to cleanly correspond to the type of waveform you showed in your question, but the wavelet kernel will not.
I doubt that the result you got for different wavelets was numerically exactly the same. It probably just looks the same to the naked eye the way you've plotted it. It appears that you are using wavelets for the wrong purpose. Wavelets are more useful in analyzing the signal than plotting it. Wavelet analysis is unique as each datapoint in a wavelet composition encodes frequency, phase, and windowing information simultanesouly. This allows for designing algorithms that lie on a continuum between timeseries and frequency analysis, and can be very powerful.
As far as your claim about different wavelets giving the same results, this is clearly not true for all wavelets: I adapted your code, and it produces the image following it. Sure, GAUS2 and MEXH seem to produce similar plots (zoom in real close and you will find they are subtly different), but that's because the second-order gauss wavelet looks similar to the Mexican hat wavelet.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi as π
from scipy.signal import spectrogram, wavelets
import pywt
import random
f_s = 200 # Sampling rate = number of measurements per second in [Hz]
t = np.arange(-10,10, 1 / f_s) # Time between [-10s,10s].
T1 = np.tanh(t)/2 + 1.0 # Period in [s]
T2 = 0.125 # Period in [s]
f1 = 1 / T1 # Frequency in [Hz]
f2 = 1 / T2 # Frequency in [Hz]
N = len(t)
x = 13 * np.sin(2 * π * f1 * t) + 42 * np.sin(2 * π * f2 * t)
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(4,1, sharex = True, figsize = (10,8))
for ax in axes:
# Wavelet transform, i.e. scaleogram
cwtmatr, freqs = pywt.cwt(x, np.arange(1, 512), choice, sampling_period = 1 / f_s)
im = ax.pcolormesh(t, freqs, cwtmatr, vmin=0, cmap = "inferno" )
ax.set_ylabel("Frequency in [Hz]")
ax.set_xlabel("Time in [s]")
ax.set_title(f"Scaleogram using wavelet {choice.upper()}")
# plt.savefig("./fourplot.pdf")

Two dimensional FFT showing unexpected frequencies above Nyquisit limit

Note: This question is building on another question of mine:
Two dimensional FFT using python results in slightly shifted frequency
I have some data, basically a function E(x,y) with (x,y) being a (discrete) subset of R^2, mapping to real numbers. For the (x,y) plane i have a fixed distance between data points in x- as well as in y direction (0,2). I want to analyze the frequency spectrum of my E(x,y) signal using a two dimensional fast fourier transform (FFT) using python.
As far as i know, no matter which frequencies are actually contained in my signal, using FFT, i will only be able to see signals below the Nyquisit limit Ny, which is Ny = sampling frequency / 2. In my case i have a real spacing of 0,2, leading to a sampling frequency of 1 / 0,2 = 5 and therefore my Nyquisit limit is Ny = 5 / 2 = 2,5.
If my signal does have frequencies above the Nyquisit limit, they will be "folded" back into the Nyquisit domain, leading to false results (aliasing). But even though i might sample with a too low frequency, it should in theory not be possible to see any frequencies above the Niquisit limit, correct?
So here is my issue: Analyzing my signal should only lead to frequencies of 2,5 max., but i cleary get frequencies higher than that. Given that i am pretty sure about the theory here, there has to be some mistake in my code. I will provide a shortened code version, only providing necessary information for this issue:
simulationArea =... # length of simulation area in x and y direction
x = np.linspace(0, simulationArea, numberOfGridPointsInX, endpoint=False)
y = x
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Ex = np.genfromtxt('E_field_x100.txt') # this is the actual signal to be analyzed, which may have arbitrary frequencies
FTEx = np.fft.fft2(Ex) # calculating fft coefficients of signal
dx = x[1] - x[0] # calculating spacing of signals in real space. 'print(dx)' results in '0.2'
sampleFrequency = 1.0 / dx
nyquisitFrequency = sampleFrequency / 2.0
half = len(FTEx) / 2
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 1)
im1 = axarr[0, 0].imshow(Ex,
extent=(0, simulationArea, 0, simulationArea))
axarr[0, 0].set_xlabel('X', fontsize=14)
axarr[0, 0].set_ylabel('Y', fontsize=14)
axarr[0, 0].set_title('$E_x$', fontsize=14)
fig.colorbar(im1, ax=axarr[0, 0])
im2 = axarr[1, 0].matshow(2 * abs(FTEx[:half, :half]) / half,
axarr[1, 0].set_xlabel('Frequency wx')
axarr[1, 0].set_ylabel('Frequency wy')
axarr[1, 0].xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom')
axarr[1, 0].set_title('$FFT(E_x)$', fontsize=14)
fig.colorbar(im2, ax=axarr[1, 0])
The result of this is:
How is that possible? When i am using the same code for very simple signals, it works just fine (e.g. a sine wave in x or y direction with a specific frequency).
Ok here we go! Here’s a couple of simple functions and a complete example that you can use: it’s got a little bit of extra cruft related to plotting and for data generation but the first function, makeSpectrum shows you how to use fftfreq and fftshift plus fft2 to achieve what you want. Let me know if you have questions.
import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as fft
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
def makeSpectrum(E, dx, dy, upsample=10):
Convert a time-domain array `E` to the frequency domain via 2D FFT. `dx` and
`dy` are sample spacing in x (left-right, 1st axis) and y (up-down, 0th
axis) directions. An optional `upsample > 1` will zero-pad `E` to obtain an
upsampled spectrum.
Returns `(spectrum, xf, yf)` where `spectrum` contains the 2D FFT of `E`. If
`Ny, Nx = spectrum.shape`, `xf` and `yf` will be vectors of length `Nx` and
`Ny` respectively, containing the frequencies corresponding to each pixel of
The returned spectrum is zero-centered (via `fftshift`). The 2D FFT, and
this function, assume your input `E` has its origin at the top-left of the
array. If this is not the case, i.e., your input `E`'s origin is translated
away from the first pixel, the returned `spectrum`'s phase will *not* match
what you expect, since a translation in the time domain is a modulation of
the frequency domain. (If you don't care about the spectrum's phase, i.e.,
only magnitude, then you can ignore all these origin issues.)
zeropadded = np.array(E.shape) * upsample
F = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(E, zeropadded)) / E.size
xf = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(zeropadded[1], d=dx))
yf = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(zeropadded[0], d=dy))
return (F, xf, yf)
def extents(f):
"Convert a vector into the 2-element extents vector imshow needs"
delta = f[1] - f[0]
return [f[0] - delta / 2, f[-1] + delta / 2]
def plotSpectrum(F, xf, yf):
"Plot a spectrum array and vectors of x and y frequency spacings"
extent=extents(xf) + extents(yf))
plt.xlabel('f_x (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('f_y (Hz)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# In seconds
x = np.linspace(0, 4, 20)
y = np.linspace(0, 4, 30)
# Uncomment the next two lines and notice that the spectral peak is no
# longer equal to 1.0! That's because `makeSpectrum` expects its input's
# origin to be at the top-left pixel, which isn't the case for the following
# two lines.
# x = np.linspace(.123 + 0, .123 + 4, 20)
# y = np.linspace(.123 + 0, .123 + 4, 30)
# Sinusoid frequency, in Hz
x0 = 1.9
y0 = -2.9
# Generate data
im = np.exp(2j * np.pi * (y[:, np.newaxis] * y0 + x[np.newaxis, :] * x0))
# Generate spectrum and plot
spectrum, xf, yf = makeSpectrum(im, x[1] - x[0], y[1] - y[0])
plotSpectrum(spectrum, xf, yf)
# Report peak
peak = spectrum[:, np.isclose(xf, x0)][np.isclose(yf, y0)]
peak = peak[0, 0]
print('spectral peak={}'.format(peak))
Results in the following image, and prints out, spectral peak=(1+7.660797103157986e-16j), which is exactly the correct value for the spectrum at the frequency of a pure complex exponential.

How do I generate a spectrogram of a 1D signal in python?

I'm not sure how to do this and I was given an example, spectrogram e.g. but this is in 2D.
I have code here that generates a mix of frequencies and I can pick these out in the fft, how may I
see these in a spectrogram? I appreciate that the frequencies in my example don't change over time; so does this mean I'll see a straight line across the spectrogram?
my code and the output image:
# create a wave with 1Mhz and 0.5Mhz frequencies
dt = 2e-9
t = np.arange(0, 10e-6, dt)
y = np.cos(2 * pi * 1e6 * t) + (np.cos(2 * pi * 2e6 *t) * np.cos(2 * pi * 2e6 * t))
y *= np.hanning(len(y))
yy = np.concatenate((y, ([0] * 10 * len(y))))
# FFT of this
Fs = 1 / dt # sampling rate, Fs = 500MHz = 1/2ns
n = len(yy) # length of the signal
k = np.arange(n)
T = n / Fs
frq = k / T # two sides frequency range
frq = frq[range(n / 2)] # one side frequency range
Y = fft(yy) / n # fft computing and normalization
Y = Y[range(n / 2)] / max(Y[range(n / 2)])
# plotting the data
subplot(3, 1, 1)
plot(t * 1e3, y, 'r')
xlabel('Time (micro seconds)')
# plotting the spectrum
subplot(3, 1, 2)
plot(frq[0:600], abs(Y[0:600]), 'k')
xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
# plotting the specgram
subplot(3, 1, 3)
Pxx, freqs, bins, im = specgram(y, NFFT=512, Fs=Fs, noverlap=10)
What you have is technically correct, but you just need to look at a signal with an interesting spectrogram. For that, you need the frequency to vary with time. (And for that to happen, you need many oscillations, since it takes a few oscillations to establish a frequency, and then you need many of these to have the frequency change with time in an interesting way.)
Below I've modified you code as little as possible to get a frequency that does something interesting (fscale just ramps the frequency over time). I'm posting all the code to get this to work, but I only change three of the top four lines.
# create a wave with 1Mhz and 0.5Mhz frequencies
dt = 40e-9
t = np.arange(0, 1000e-6, dt)
fscale = t/max(t)
y = np.cos(2 * pi * 1e6 * t*fscale) + (np.cos(2 * pi * 2e6 *t*fscale) * np.cos(2 * pi * 2e6 * t*fscale))
y *= np.hanning(len(y))
yy = np.concatenate((y, ([0] * 10 * len(y))))
# FFT of this
Fs = 1 / dt # sampling rate, Fs = 500MHz = 1/2ns
n = len(yy) # length of the signal
k = np.arange(n)
T = n / Fs
frq = k / T # two sides frequency range
frq = frq[range(n / 2)] # one side frequency range
Y = fft(yy) / n # fft computing and normalization
Y = Y[range(n / 2)] / max(Y[range(n / 2)])
# plotting the data
subplot(3, 1, 1)
plot(t * 1e3, y, 'r')
xlabel('Time (micro seconds)')
# plotting the spectrum
subplot(3, 1, 2)
plot(frq[0:600], abs(Y[0:600]), 'k')
xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
# plotting the specgram
subplot(3, 1, 3)
Pxx, freqs, bins, im = specgram(y, NFFT=512, Fs=Fs, noverlap=10)
Also, note here that only the spectrogram is useful. If you can see a good waveform or spectra, the spectrogram probably won't be interesting: 1) if the waveform is clear you probably don't have enough data and time over which the frequency is both well defined and changes enough to be interesting; 2) if the full spectra is clear, you probably don't have enough variation in frequency for the spectrogram, since the spectrum is basically just an average of what you see changing with time in the spectrogram.
If you really want to see the spectrogram of your original signal, you just need to zoom on the y-axis to see the peaks you are expecting (note that the spectrogram y-axis is 2.5e8, must larger than in your spectrum):
To get what you're after:
1) sample the 1d waveform at high frequency (at least 5 times the frequency of its highest frequency component)
2) use blocks of samples (powers of 2 like 1024,16384,etc) to compute an FFT
3) for each spectrum plot a vertical line of pixels whose color represents the amplitude of each frequency.
4) repeat steps 2 and 3 for each block of samples.
In your case, the plot has a whole rainbow of colors which should not be present with only a couple very distinct frequencies. Your spectral plot has rather wide bands around the peaks but that could be due to a low sampling rate and smooth plotting.
I am just starting on Python 3.6
Thank you for the Spectrogram sample code!
However with Python 3.6 I struggled a bit to make this sample spectrogram code to work (functions calls and float division
I have edited code so it now works on python 3.6 for my python newbies pals out there.
Original Script for Python 2.7
Modified in August 2017 for Python 3.6
Python 2.7 two integers / Division generate Integer
Python 3.6 two integers / Division generate Float
Python 3.6 two integers // Division generate integer
import numpy as np
from scipy import fftpack
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dt = 40e-9
t = np.arange(0, 1000e-6, dt)
fscale = t/max(t)
y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * 1e6 * t*fscale) + (np.cos(2 * np.pi * 2e6 *t*fscale) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * 2e6 * t*fscale))
y *= np.hanning(len(y))
yy = np.concatenate((y, ([0] * 10 * len(y))))
# FFT of this
Fs = 1 / dt # sampling rate, Fs = 500MHz = 1/2ns
n = len(yy) # length of the signal
k = np.arange(n)
T = n / Fs
frq = k / T # two sides frequency range
frq = frq[range(n // 2)] # one side frequency range
Y = fftpack.fft(yy) / n # fft computing and normalization
Y = Y[range(n // 2)] / max(Y[range(n // 2)])
# plotting the data
plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.plot(t * 1e3, y, 'r')
plt.xlabel('Time (micro seconds)')
# plotting the spectrum
plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.plot(frq[0:600], abs(Y[0:600]), 'k')
plt.xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
# plotting the specgram
plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
Pxx, freqs, bins, im = plt.specgram(y, NFFT=512, Fs=Fs, noverlap=10)

Using FFT to find the center of mass under periodic boundary conditions

I would like to use the Fourier transform to find the center of a simulated entity under periodic boundary condition; periodic boundary conditions means, that whenever something exits through one side of the box, it is warped around to appear on the opposite side just like in the classic game asteroids.
So what I have is for each time frame a matrix (Nx3) with N the number of points in xyz. what I want to do is determine the center of that cloud even if it all moved over the periodic boundary and is so to say stuck in between.
My idea for an solution would now be do a (mass weigted) histogram of these points and then perform an FFT on that and use the phase of the first Fourier coefficient to determine where in the box the maximum would be.
as a test case I have used
import numpy as np
Points_x = np.random.randn(10000)
Box_min = -10
Box_max = 10
X = np.linspace( Box_min, Box_max, 100 )
### make a Histogram of the points
Histogram_Points = np.bincount( np.digitize( Points_x, X ), minlength=100 )
### make an artifical shift over the periodic boundary
Histogram_Points = np.r_[ Histogram_Points[45:], Histogram_Points[:45] ]
So now I can use FFT since it expects a periodic function anyways.
## doing fft
F = np.fft.fft(Histogram_Points)
## getting rid of everything but first harmonic
F[2:] = 0.
## back transforming
Fist_harmonic = np.fft.ifft(F)
That way I get a sine wave with its maximum exactly where the maximum of the histogram is.
Now I'd like to extract the position of the maximum not by taking the max function on the sine vector, but somehow it should be retrievable from the first (not the 0th) Fourier coefficient, since that should somehow contain the phase shift of the sine to have its maximum exactly at the maximum of the histogram.
Indeed, plotting
Cos_approx = cos( linspace(0,2*pi,100) * angle(F[1]) )
will give
But I can't figure out how to get the position of the peak from this angle.
Using the FFT is overkill when all you need is one Fourier coefficent. Instead, you can simply compute the dot product of your data with
w = np.exp(-2j*np.pi*np.arange(N) / N)
where N is the number of points. (The time to compute all the Fourier coefficients with the FFT is O(N*log(N)). Computing just one coefficient is O(N).)
Here's a script similar to yours. The data is put in y; the coordinates of the data points are in x.
import numpy as np
N = 100
# x coordinates of the data
xmin = -10
xmax = 10
x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, N, endpoint=False)
# Generate data in y.
n = 35
y = np.zeros(N)
y[:n] = 1 - np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n))
y[:n] /= 0.7 + 0.3*np.random.rand(n)
m = 10
y = np.r_[y[m:], y[:m]]
# Compute coefficent 1 of the discrete Fourier transform.
w = np.exp(-2j*np.pi*np.arange(N) / N)
F1 = y.dot(w)
print "F1 =", F1
# Get the angle of F1 (in the interval [0,2*pi]).
angle = np.angle(F1.conj())
if angle < 0:
angle += 2*np.pi
center_x = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * angle / (2*np.pi)
print "center_x = ", center_x
# Create the first sinusoidal mode for the plot.
mode1 = (F1.real * np.cos(2*np.pi*np.arange(N)/N) -
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, mode1)
plt.axvline(center_x, color='r', linewidth=1)
This generates the plot:
To answer the question "Why F1.conj()?":
The complex conjugate of F1 is used because of the minus sign in
w = np.exp(-2j*np.pi*np.arange(N) / N) (which I used because it
is a common convention).
Since w can be written
w = np.exp(-2j*np.pi*np.arange(N) / N)
= cos(-2*pi*arange(N)/N) + 1j*sin(-2*pi*arange(N)/N)
= cos(2*pi*arange(N)/N) - 1j*sin(2*pi*arange(N)/N)
the dot product y.dot(w) is basically a projection of y onto
cos(2*pi*arange(N)/N) (the real part of F1) and -sin(2*pi*arange(N)/N)
(the imaginary part of F1). But when we figure out the phase of
the maximum, it is based on the functions cos(...) and sin(...). Taking
the complex conjugate accounts for the opposite sign of the sin()
function. If w = np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.arange(N) / N) were used instead, the
complex conjugate of F1 would not be needed.
You could calculate the circular mean directly on your data.
When calculating the circular mean, your data is mapped to -pi..pi. This mapped data is interpreted as angle to a point on the unit circle. Then the mean value of x and y component is calculated. The next step is to calculate the resulting angle and map it back to the defined "box".
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Points_x = np.random.randn(10000)+1
Box_min = -10
Box_max = 10
Box_width = Box_max - Box_min
#Maps Points to Box_min ... Box_max with periodic boundaries
Points_x = (Points_x%Box_width + Box_min)
#Map Points to -pi..pi
Points_map = (Points_x - Box_min)/Box_width*2*np.pi-np.pi
#Calc circular mean
Pmean_map = np.arctan2(np.sin(Points_map).mean() , np.cos(Points_map).mean())
#Map back
Pmean = (Pmean_map+np.pi)/(2*np.pi) * Box_width + Box_min
#Plotting the result
plt.hist(Points_x, 100);
plt.plot([Pmean, Pmean], [0, 1000], c='r', lw=3, alpha=0.5);
plt.plot(np.cos(Points_map), np.sin(Points_map), '.');
plt.ylim([-1, 1])
plt.xlim([-1, 1])
plt.plot([0, np.cos(Pmean_map)], [0, np.sin(Pmean_map)], c='r', lw=3, alpha=0.5);

