I am struggling with a problem of reading through two PCAN adaptors for CAN messages. Both the PCAN adapters are connected to the USB Ports of the windows laptop.
One CAN adaptor is trying to read the CAN messages and other is reading the DID through UDS. When i run the code, both UDS and CAN code use the same USB port, making my application not work.CAN Library: https://python-can.readthedocs.io/en/master/ UDS Library: https://udsoncan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
import can
import time
import sys
bus = can.interface.Bus(bustype = 'pcan', channel ='PCAN_USBBUS1', bitrate = 500000) # Windows
bus1= PcanBus(channel='PCAN_USBBUS2', bitrate=500000) # udsoncan library
class changeState:
def Receive_Can_Message(self):
message = bus.recv(1)
class UDS:
def ReadingUDSMessage()
// Detail UDS message
if __name__ == "__main__":
obj= changeState()
while True:
If you using two Peak CAN adaptors to an application related to python can library, you have use channel='PCAN_USBBUS1' for first and channel='PCAN_USBBUS2' for other. Also, take care to put the peak CAN adaptor to a laptop in correct sequence. The first connected USB to a laptop is considered channel='PCAN_USB1' and next one is considered 'PCAN_USB2'.
I'm trying to write a Python script to retrieve audio data from my IPhone to my Raspberry Pi over bluetooth. Currently, I'm able to get audio to come out of my Pi's speakers just by navigating to Settings > Bluetooth on my phone and selecting the Pi. (I paired it earlier). I've specified the Pi device type as Car Stereo, because I'm interested in later using an AVRCP type connection to retrieve metadata for the songs I'm playing.
I've been using PyBluez to retrieve a list of available bluetooth services with my phone. The code returns a list of dictionaries containing the service classes, profiles, name, description, provider, service id, protocol, port and host for each service, in the following format.
{'service-classes': ['110A'], 'profiles': [('110D', 259)], 'name': 'Audio Source', 'description': None, 'provider': None, 'service-id': None, 'protocol': 'RFCOMM', 'port': 13, 'host': 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'}
Unfortunately, that's as far as my code gets. I've set it up to continuously request data, but after printing the available services the program ceases to log anything. I've tried the code with most of the available services, including 'Audio Source', 'Wireless iAP', 'Wireless iAp v2', 'Phonebook' and two instances of 'AVRCP Device'.
Below is my code. It's important to note that it only works if you have your phone open to Settings > Bluetooth, which is evidently the IPhone equivalent of entering into pairing mode. Thanks in advance!
import bluetooth as bt
from bluetooth import BluetoothSocket
if __name__ == "__main__":
services = bt.find_service()
print(sep='\n', *services)
for service in services:
if service['name'] == 'Audio Source':
socket = BluetoothSocket()
socket.bind((service['host'], service['port']))
while True:
I've spent a lot of time on this project, and have found that while guidance for this kind of task is available out there, it can be hard to cross the barrier between useless fodder and helpful information. Below I'll detail the way I solved my most important problems, as well as deliver some quick pointers as to useful functionalities.
After receiving a helpful comment, I moved away from PyBluez. Turns out it's not useful for the streaming of audio data. Instead, I realised that because the Raspberry Pi had already established a connection with my IPhone that allowed me to stream music, I should just find a way to tap into that audio stream. I spent a while looking into various means of doing so, and came up with the Python library PyAudio, which provides bindings for the tool PortAudio. Below I have some example code that worked to read audio data from the stream. I found that using the default output device worked well; it didn't contain any audio data from other sources on the Pi that I could hear, although I believe it may have included other sounds such as notifications from the IPhone.
from pyaudio import PyAudio, paInt16
class AudioSource(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pa = PyAudio()
self.device = self.pa.get_default_output_device_info()
self.sample_format = paInt16
self.channels = 2
self.frames_per_buffer = 1024
self.rate = int(self.device['defaultSampleRate'])
self.stream = self.pa.open(
format = self.sample_format,
channels = self.channels,
rate = self.rate,
frames_per_buffer = self.frames_per_buffer,
input = True)
def read(self):
return self.stream.read(self.frames_per_buffer)
def kill(self):
After leaping that hurdle, I moved onto attempting to retrieve metadata from the music. For this I discovered dbus, a system used by applications to communicate with each other. In this case, we'll be using it to engage a dialogue between our program and the music player on the IPhone via the library pydbus, which provides a way to access dbus in Python. Finally, we will employ the PyGObject library, which provides a way of polling for emitted Bluetooth signals by way of GLib.MainLoop().
Firstly, let's retrieve the object that will provide us with an interface to the music player. Below, you'll see that I've created a class that iterates through all the available objects belonging to the service bluez, which is responsible for Bluetooth connections. Once it finds one ending with '/player0', it returns it. I do this because I don't want to include the Bluetooth address of the IPhone as an input. If you would rather hardcode the address, this can be achieved with the path '/org/bluez/hci0/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX/player0', modified to include your bluetooth address. (The 0 in 'player0' increases in count with multiple connections; I've yet to have more than one).
from pydbus import SystemBus
class MediaPlayer(object):
def __new__(self):
bus = SystemBus()
manager = bus.get('org.bluez', '/')
for obj in manager.GetManagedObjects():
if obj.endswith('/player0'):
return bus.get('org.bluez', obj)
raise MediaPlayer.DeviceNotFoundError
class DeviceNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('No bluetooth device was found')
handle = MediaPlayer()
Once you've retrieved the object, you can use it to retrieve various attributes, as well as send various commands. handle.Position, for example, will return the current position of the media player in milliseconds, and handle.Pause() will pause the current track. The full list of commands and attributes can be found in the documentation, under the section MediaPlayer1.
In order for this to work correctly, it's imperative that you employ GLib.MainLoop(), which will poll for Bluetooth signals.
from gi.repository import GLib
loop = GLib.MainLoop()
If you're like me and you need to poll for signals while at the same time running some other sort of mainloop, Glib.MainLoop().run() won't work outright, as it's a blocking function. I've developed a solution below.
from threading import Thread
from gi.repository import GLib
class Receiver(Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.loop = GLib.MainLoop()
self.context = self.loop.get_context()
self._keep_going = True
def kill(self):
self._keep_going = False
def run(self):
while self._keep_going:
Something extremely useful for me was the ability to register a callback with the MediaPlayer object. The callback will be called any time an attribute of the MediaPlayer object changes. I found the two most useful properties to be handle.Status, which delivers the current status of the media player, and handle.Track, which can alert you to when the current track finishes, as well as provide metadata.
def callback(self, interface, changed_properties, invalidated_properties):
for change in changed_properties:
subscription = handle.PropertiesChanged.connect(callback)
# To avoid continuing interactions after the program ends:
Finally, you're probably going to want the ability to set the value of certain properties of the MediaPlayer object. For this you require the Variant object. ('s' evidently stands for string; I haven't yet had to try this with any other type).
from gi.repository import Variant
def set_property(prop, val):
handle.Set('org.bluez.MediaPlayer1', prop, Variant('s', val))
set_property('Shuffle', 'off')
That's all the advice I have to give. I hope that somebody eventually finds some help here, although I know it's more likely I'll just end up having rambled endlessly to myself. Regardless, if somebody's actually taken the time to read through all this, then good luck with whatever it is you're working on.
i wrote a script in python for serial communication between my M5Stack Stick C (like raduino) and the raspberry pi.
all work fine. i can send "X","Y" or "Z" from raspberry py to the stick and he will reply the value (G-Force) back to the raspi! so far so good
Python on raspy:
import serial
import time
import threading
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/rfcomm5') #init serial port
input_line = []#init input char array
def process_data(_data):
#called every time a sream is terminated by \n
#and the command string is ready to use
command = convert(_data)
def convert(s): #convert the char list in a string
new = "" #init string to append all chars from char array
for x in s: # traverse in the string
new += str(x)
return new # return string
def processIncomingByte(inByte):#adding incoming chars to input_line
global input_line# globalize the input_line
if(inByte == '\n'):#if \n is incoming, end the chararray and release process data method
input_line = []#reset input_line for next incoming string
elif(inByte == '\r'):
else:#put all incoming chars in input_line
while True:
while(ser.in_waiting > 0):#while some data is waiting to read....
processIncomingByte(ser.read())#.... process bytes whit method
before the script work, i have to manually bind the m5Stak Stick-C over Blueman
to /dev/Rfcomm5. it work just fine over GUI or Console....
but now i would like to connect the stick via python to rfcomm5 (just by know the MAC adress, will be found in a config file later on...)
i startet to investigate a bit, but the more i research the more confused i am!!
i read some stuff over sockets and server-client aproaches. over a seperated script and so on....
i tested this code:
from bluetooth import *
target_name = "M5-Stick-C"
target_address = None
nearby_devices = discover_devices()
for address in nearby_devices:
if (target_name == lookup_name( address )):
target_address = address
if (target_address is not None):
print ("found target bluetooth device with address ", target_address)
print ("could not find target bluetooth device nearby")
and indeed it found the device (just testing)!
but do i realy need to make a second script/process to connect to from my script?
is the the M5stack Stick-C the server? (i think so)
im so confused about all that stuff. i coded a lot, but never whit sockets, server-client stuff.
basically the communication (server/client?) works.
i just need to connect the device i found in the second script via macadress to rfcomm5 (or whatever rfcomm).
do i need a bluetooth socket? like in this example
isnt the rfcomm the socket or am i wrong?
There are a number of layers that are used in the communication process and depending where you tap into that stack will depend what coding you need to do. The other complication is that BlueZ (the Bluetooth stack on linux) changed how it works over recent times leaving a lot of out of date information on the internet and easy for people to get confused.
With two Bluetooth devices, they need to establish a pairng. This is typically a one off provisioning step. This can be done with tools like Blueman or on the command line with bluetoothctl. Once you have a pairing established between your RPi and the M5Stack Stick, you shouldn't need to discover nearby devices again. Your script should just be able to connect if you tell it which device to connect to.
The M5Stack stick is advertising as having a Serial Port Profile (SPP). This is a layer on top of rfcomm.
There is a blog post about how this type of connection can be done with the standard Python3 installation: http://blog.kevindoran.co/bluetooth-programming-with-python-3/
My expectation is that you will only have to do the client.py on your RPi as the M5Stack Stick is the server. You will need to know its address and which port to connect on. Might be some trial and error on the port number (1 and 3 seem to be common).
Another library that I find helpful for SPP, is bluedot as it abstracts away some of the boilerplate code: https://bluedot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/btcommapi.html#bluetoothclient
So in summary, my recommendation is to use the standard Python Socket library or Bluedot. This will allow you to specify the address of the device you wish to connect to in your code and the underlying libraries will take care of making the connection and setting up the serial port (as long as you have already paired the two devices).
Example of what the above might look like with Bluedot
from bluedot.btcomm import BluetoothClient
from signal import pause
from time import sleep
# Callback to handle data
def data_received(data):
# Make connection and establish serial connection
c = BluetoothClient("M5-Stick-C", data_received)
# Send initial requests
# Cause the process to sleep until data received
Example using the Python socket library:
import socket
from time import sleep
# Device specific information
m5stick_addr = 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
port = 5 # This needs to match M5Stick setting
# Establish connection and setup serial communication
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.BTPROTO_RFCOMM)
s.connect((m5stick_addr, port))
# Send and receive data
while True:
data = s.recv(1024)
I am moving code from Python XBee library to Digi's Python XBee library and I am unable to locate syntax in the docs on how to send a API frame to a remote XBee. I am using S1 and S1 Pro devices where the "local" device is attached to a Beaglebone and the "remote" devices are standalone out in the wild.
I have the basic framework down:
from digi.xbee.devices import XBeeDevice, RemoteXBeeDevice, XBee64BitAddress
PORT = '/dev/ttyO1'
BAUD = 9600
API_FRAME = 'long-hex-string-here'
local_xbee = XBeeDevice(PORT, BAUD)
# Instantiate a remote XBee device object.
remote_xbee = RemoteXBeeDevice(local_xbee, XBee64BitAddress.from_hex_string("0013A20040DD7DCD"))
# Transmit frame to remote_xbee - unsure of correct method and syntax
# perhaps XBeePacket.create_packet(hex string here)
# local_xbee.send_data(remote_xbee, "api frame here?") ??
but I am unable to locate syntax for how to transmit my constructed API frame. Based upon the Introduction section in the docs I presume that is the correct approach. I am not interested in broadcasting to all devices on the network but rather unicast communication.
I have some older model of the source when I could get it to work.
I have some WiFi Xbee modules that I used w/ some converter boards (base boards). I used it to attach the communication of the Xbee from one computer to another, e.g. random desktop to BeagleBone Black via USB instead of UART. So, I would use the source, listed below, to attach my USB dongle for the Xbee communication from the BBB to the other field module.
Their I/O stuff can be found here: https://github.com/digidotcom/xbee-python/tree/master/examples/io.
Also...changing just some of their lines in their source w/ the USB dongle WiFi adapter boards proved valuable in signaling LEDs and other sensors.
Oh and you will need what they are now calling Carrier Boards. It is the adapter board I just typed out. So, if you have already got a Carrier Board, use lsusb as the command in Linux to find your USB "name."
So, for instance, if lsusb brings up /dev/ttyUSB0, then that is the port identification.
And you can use that section, from lsusb, to then change your xbee modules in the xtcu software from Digi.
from digi.xbee.devices import XBeeDevice
from digi.xbee.io import IOLine, IOMode
import time
import threading
# TODO: Replace with the serial port where your local module is connected to.
PORT = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
# TODO: Replace with the baud rate of your local module.
BAUD_RATE = 9600
def main():
print(" +-----------------------------------------------+")
print(" | XBee Python Library Get/Set Remote DIO Sample |")
print(" +-----------------------------------------------+\n")
stop = False
th = None
local_device = XBeeDevice(PORT, BAUD_RATE)
print("local device: ", local_device.get_node_id())
# Obtain the remote XBee device from the XBee network.
xbee_network = local_device.get_network()
remote_device = xbee_network.discover_device(REMOTE_NODE_ID)
if local_device is None:
print("Could not find the remote device")
def io_detection_callback():
while not stop:
# Read the digital value from the input line.
io_value = remote_device.get_dio_value(IOLINE_IN)
print("%s: %s" % (IOLINE_IN, io_value))
# Set the previous value to the local output line.
local_device.set_dio_value(IOLINE_OUT, io_value)
th = threading.Thread(target=io_detection_callback)
remote_device.set_io_configuration(IOLINE_IN, IOMode.DIGITAL_IN)
local_device.set_io_configuration(IOLINE_OUT, IOMode.DIGITAL_OUT_HIGH)
stop = True
if th is not None and th.is_alive():
if local_device is not None and local_device.is_open():
if __name__ == '__main__':
So, see the PORT = "/dev/ttyUSB0" section of the source?
This is where I attached my Xbee module to the Carrier Board and then attached the Carrier Board to the BBB by way of USB.
Um, this may not answer a question but give more insight as to how to handle Digi Devices/Modules.
I also think that if you want to venture in this direction of UART communication w/ Xbee and the BeagleBone Black, it may be more complicated. I will keep searching my text.
P.S. This book goes over some methods to connect, Experiment 10 and Experiment 16, your "BBB" to a UART, Xbee, and how to communicate. It is a bit too in depth to get all of the communication ideas from this book but this is it:
The Hands-on XBEE Lab Manual, Experiments that Teach you XBEE Wireless Communications – Jonathan A Titus
I was trying to establish a serial communication between my python script and Nextion display.
I want to create a custom firmware uploader, so I could use it instead of Nextion Editor.
Unfortunately I can't establish a connection to the screen(RS232 to Serial is connected properly and detected, I use default 9600 baud rate).
After sending
It should respond properly...
I found a document from Nextion that explains the Upload Protocol: https://nextion.tech/2017/12/08/nextion-hmi-upload-protocol-v1-1/
And here is my script, that produces from time to time
import serial
from time import sleep
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-A94RJPXT',9600,timeout=0)
ser.write(str.encode(" DRAKJHSUYDGBNCJHGJKSHBDNÿÿÿ"))
ser.write(str.encode(" connectÿÿÿ"))
ser.write(str.encode(" ÿÿconnectÿÿÿ"))
while True:
import serial
from time import sleep
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-A94RJPXT',9600,timeout=0)
ser.write("connectÿÿÿ".encode('iso-8859-1')) # could try some other encodings
while True:
if data !="":
If you look at this GitHub commit, you'll see that they do:
That suggests that you do not need the spaces or newlines. If that doesn't work, you should also consider different encodings (and make your current encodings explicit):
ser.write("connectÿÿÿ".encode('utf-8')) # could try some other encodings
I am on a Windows 7 computer, trying to use Python to run a simple program on my Arduino to make it blink.
For some reason, whenever I attempt to run the script in PowerShell, I receive an error that the port is already open. I have tried restarting my computer, changing Arduinos, changing the USB port that I have plugged into, running a different program that I am quite sure closes the computers connection to the port. However, I am still getting the same error.
I am quite new to Python and Arduino, so there might be something stupidly easy that I am forgetting. I have asked a friend who is more experienced and he spoke of it being a problem with Windows.
Here is the relevant code. The class I used in Python is as follows.
import serial
import socket
import glob
import pickle
from time import sleep,time
class Ardustat():
def __init__(self):
self.port = ""
self.ser = serial.Serial()
self.mode = "serial"
self.debug = False
def findPorts(self):
"""A commands to find possible ardustat ports with no Arguments, """
return glob.glob("COM*")
def connect(self,port):
if self.mode == "serial":
self.ser = serial.Serial(port,57600)
self.ser.timeout = 1 # what does this do?
return "connected to serial"
And the Python code is
from ardustat_library_simple_dan import Ardustat
import time
serial_port = 'COM6'
ard = Ardustat()
#Connect to the irritating ardustat
for a in range(0,5):
The Arduino code is long, but in the setup there is the following code.
void setup()
//Startup Serial
// Serial.println("Hi Dan!");
Is there anything wrong?
I can see a few reasons why this is not working:
You have your serial monitor running while you're running your script:
The serial port can only be open once on a given host, if you try to open it twice, the second program to open it will report it as already opened.
You did not open the serial connection on the Arduino side:
You say you run a blink sketch. If that's the default blink.ino, it does not open the serial port and your system may report the serial port is not openable (and I don't know Windows, but I wouldn't be surprised to see an inconsistent error happening)
You wrote your own blink sketch, but you did not put Serial.begin(115200); in the setup() of your sketch file.
You open the port twice (or more) in the Python code.
You shall have only one serial.open() statement in your code.
So first, check your code to be sure you do actually use the serial port from within the Arduino sketch. You can paste your code in your question so we can check that out.
Then, check your Python code to be sure you do actually open the serial port once and only once within your script.
Finally, be sure to not have another program opening the serial port while you're running your script, usually one tend to test the connection with Arduino's serial monitor, let it open and try to open the port using a script, which does not work. I saw that very often from beginners.
And I vote for... problem #3 \o/
class Ardustat():
def __init__(self):
self.port = ""
self.ser = serial.Serial() # Here you open the port once
self.mode = "serial"
self.debug = False
def findPorts(self):
"""A commands to find possible ardustat ports with no Arguments, """
return glob.glob("COM*")
def connect(self,port):
if self.mode == "serial":
self.ser = serial.Serial(port,57600) # Here you open the port twice
I did not check pySerial's source code, but I'm pretty sure serial.Serial() opens up the first serial port it finds available at its default speed. Therefore, as you don't close the connection from the first instance of self.ser, the second instance gets crazy saying "dude, it's already opened!".
That's why you'd better not add an abstraction (Artustat) over a correct abstraction (pyserial.Serial), but just use correctly the tools and do something like:
with serial.Serial(port, speed) as ser:
where do_blink() is a function where you do your stuff. The with statement over serial.Serial will take care of the life of the serial port object (opening it when you enter the block, closing it as you exit the block).