My goal is to write a function that returns a vector of portfolio returns for each period (i.e. day) from a pandas dataframe of security prices. For simplicity, let's assume that the initial weights are equally split between securities A and B. Prices are given by the following dataframe:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dates = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=20)
prices = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.linspace(20, 50, num=20),
'B': np.linspace(100, 200, num=20)},
Further, we assume that asset A is the asset where we initiate a short position and we go long asset B.
Calculating discrete returns from a "zero-investment position" like a short position (i.e. in asset A) in a first step and overall portfolio returns from the weighted returns of single assets that constitute the portfolio in a second step is not trivial, and before I put my so far attempt, which is not working correctly (key problem being the loss from the short position in asset A exceeding -100% on 2013-01-14), I am greatful for any kind of help - may it be theoretical or code.
You are forgetting asset “C”, as in collateral. No matter how generous your broker might be (not!), most exchanges and national regulatory organizations would require collateral. you might read about some wealthy hedge fund guy doing these trades with just long and short positions, but when it goes south you also read about the HF guy losing his art collection— which was the collateral.
Equity margin requirements in the USA would require 50% collateral to start, and at least 25% maintenance margin while the short trades were open. This is enforced by exchanges and regulatory authorities. Treasury bonds might have more favorable requirements, but even then the margin (collateral) is not zero.
Since a long/short doubles your risk (what happens if the long position goes down, and short position goes up?), your broker likely would require more margin than the minimum.
Add asset “C”, collateral, to your calculations and the portfolio returns become straight forward
Thank you for your answer #Stripedbass. Based on your comment, can the return process of a portfolio consisting of the two stocks be described by the following equations?:
The terms with + and - are the market values of the long and short position respectively such that the difference of them represents the net value of the two positions. If we assume that we want to be "market neutral" at the beginning of the trade t=0, the net value is zero.
For t > 0 these net positions represent the unrealised gains or losses of the long and short position that were opened and have not yet been closed. The term C denotes the money that we actually hold. It consists of the initial collateral and the cumulative gains and losses from the stock positions.
The overall return per period from trading the two securtities is then calculated as the simple return of the account V.
Based on this, you could define the following function and for short posititions choose option type='shares':
def weighted_return(type, df, weights):
capital = 100
#given the input dataframe contains return series
if type == "returns":
# create price indices
df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
df_price_index = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
df_price_index.iloc[0] = 100 + df.iloc[0]
for i in np.arange(1, len(df_price_index)):
for col in df_price_index.columns:
df_price_index[col].iloc[i] = df_price_index[col].iloc[i - 1] * (1 + df[col].iloc[i])
n = 0
ind_acc = []
for stock in df.columns:
ind_capital = capital * weights[n]
moves = (df_price_index[stock].diff()) * ind_capital / df_price_index[stock][0]
n += 1
pair_ind_accounts = pd.concat(ind_acc, axis=1)
portfolio_acc = pair_ind_accounts.sum(1).cumsum() + capital
df_temp_returns_combined = portfolio_acc.pct_change()
df_temp_returns_combined[0] = np.sum(weights * df.iloc[0].values)
df_temp_returns_combined = pd.DataFrame(df_temp_returns_combined)
df_temp_returns_combined.columns = ["combinedReturns"]
#given the input dataframe contains price series
if type == "prices":
n = 0
ind_acc = []
for stock in df.columns:
ind_capital = capital * weights[n]
moves = (df[stock].diff()) * ind_capital / df[stock][0]
n += 1
pair_ind_accounts = pd.concat(ind_acc, axis=1)
portfolio_acc = pair_ind_accounts.sum(1).cumsum() + capital
df_temp_returns_combined = portfolio_acc.pct_change()
df_temp_returns_combined[0] = np.NaN
df_temp_returns_combined = pd.DataFrame(df_temp_returns_combined)
df_temp_returns_combined.columns = ["combinedReturns"]
#given the input dataframe contains return series and the strategy is long/short
if type == "shares":
exposures = []
for stock in df.columns:
shares = 1/df[stock][0]
exposure = df[stock] * shares
df_temp = pd.concat(exposures, axis=1)
index_long = np.where(np.array(weights) == 1)
index_short = np.where(np.array(weights) == -1)
df_temp_account = pd.DataFrame(df_temp.iloc[:,index_long[0]].values - df_temp.iloc[:,index_short[0]].values) + 1
df_temp_returns_combined = df_temp_account.pct_change()
df_temp_returns_combined.columns = ["combinedReturns"]
df_temp_returns_combined.index = df.index
return pd.DataFrame(df_temp_returns_combined)
I have a dataframe similar to the one below;
Where the indicator is based upon the forecasted return on the following day.
what I would like to achieve is a strategy where when the indicator is positive 1, I buy the stock at the price on that date/row. Then if the indicator is negative we sell at that price. Then I would like to create a new column with represents the value of the portfolio on each day. Assuming I have $1000 to invest the value of the portfolio should equal the holdings and cash amount. Im assuming that any fraction of Stock can be purchased.
Im unsure where to start with this one. I tried calculating a the Buy/Hold strategy using;
df['Holding'] = df['return'].add(1).cumprod().*5000
this worked for a buy hold strategy but to modify it to the new strategy seems difficult.
I tried;
df['HOLDINg'] = (df['return'].add(1).cumprod()* 5000 * df['Indicator])
#to get the value of the buy or the sell
#then using
df['HOLDING'] = np.where(df['HOLDING'] >0, df['HOLDING'] , df['HON HOLDING 2']*-1)
#my logic was, if its positive its the value of the stock holding, and if its negative it is a cash inflow therefore I made it positive as it would be cash.
the issue is, my logic is massively flawed, as if the holding is cash the return shouldn't apply to it. further I don't think using the cumprod is correct with this strategy.
Has anyone used this strategy before and can offer tips of how to make it work?
thank you
I'm not sure about the returns and prices being in the correct place (they shouldn't really be in the same row if they represent the buying price (presumably yesterday's close), and the daily return (assuming the position was held for the whole day). But anyway...
import pandas as pd
# the data you provided
df = pd.read_csv("Data.csv", header=0)
# an initial starting row (explanation provided)
starting = pd.DataFrame({'Price': [0], 'return': [0], 'indicator': [0]})
# concatenate so starting is first row
df = pd.concat([starting, df]).reset_index(drop=True)
# setting holding to 0 at start (no shares), and cash at 1000 (therefore portfolio = 1000)
df[["Holding", "Cash", "Portfolio"]] = [0, 1000, 1000]
# buy/sell is the difference (explanation provided)
df["BuySell"] = df["indicator"].diff()
# simulating every day
for i in range(1, len(df)):
# buying
if df["BuySell"].iloc[i] > 0:
df["Holding"].iloc[i] += df["Cash"].iloc[i-1] / df["Price"].iloc[i]
df["Cash"].iloc[i] = 0
# selling
elif df["BuySell"].iloc[i] < 0:
df["Cash"].iloc[i] = df["Holding"].iloc[i-1] * df["Price"].iloc[i]
df["Holding"].iloc[i] = 0
# holding position
df["Cash"].iloc[i] = df["Cash"].iloc[i-1]
df["Holding"].iloc[i] = df["Holding"].iloc[i-1]
# multiply holding by return (assuming all-in, so holding=0 not affected)
df["Holding"].iloc[i] *= (1 + df["return"].iloc[i])
df["Portfolio"].iloc[i] = df["Holding"].iloc[i] * df["Price"].iloc[i] + df["Cash"].iloc[i]
Starting row:
This is needed so that the loop can refer to the previous holdings and cash (it would be more of an inconvenience to add in an if statement in the loop if i=0).
The difference is necessary here, as if the position changes from buy to sell, then obviously selling the shares (and vice versa). However, if the previous was buy/sell, the same as the current row, there would be no change (diff=0), with no shares bought or sold.
This is an "equivalent" amount (the amount you would hold if you converted all shares to cash at the time).
This is the number of shares held.
NOTE: from what I understood of your question, this is an all-in strategy - there is no percentage in, which has made this strategy more simplistic, but easier to code.
# Price return indicator Holding Cash Portfolio BuySell
#0 0 0.00 0 0.00 1000 1000.0 NaN
#1 5 0.05 1 210.00 0 1050.0 1.0
#2 6 0.20 -1 0.00 1260 1260.0 -2.0
#3 5 -0.16 1 211.68 0 1058.4 2.0
Hopefully this will give you a good starting point to create something more to your specification and more advanced, such as with multiple shares, or being a certain percentage exposed, etc.
I am trying to hack together some code that looks like it should print our risk and returns of a portfolio, but the first return is 0.00, and that can't be right. Here's the code that I'm testing.
import pandas as pd
# initialize list of lists
data = [[130000, 150000, 190000, 200000], [100000, 200000, 300000, 900000], [350000, 450000, 890000, 20000], [400000, 10000, 500000, 600000]]
# Create the pandas DataFrame
data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['HOSPITAL', 'HOTEL', 'STADIUM', 'SUBWAY'])
# print dataframe.
That gives me this data frame.
symbols = data.columns
# convert daily stock prices into daily returns
returns = data.pct_change()
r = np.asarray(np.mean(returns, axis=1))
r = np.nan_to_num(r)
C = np.asmatrix(np.cov(returns))
C = np.nan_to_num(C)
# print expected returns and risk
for j in range(len(symbols)):
print ('%s: Exp ret = %f, Risk = %f' %(symbols[j],r[j], C[j,j]**0.5))
The result is this.
The hospital risk and return can't be zero. That doesn't make sense. Something is off here, but I'm not sure what.
Finally, I am trying to optimize the portfolio. So, I hacked together this code.
# Number of variables
n = len(data)
# The variables vector
x = Variable(n)
# The minimum return
req_return = 0.02
# The return
ret = r.T*x
# The risk in xT.Q.x format
risk = quad_form(x, C)
# The core problem definition with the Problem class from CVXPY
prob = Problem(Minimize(risk), [sum(x)==1, ret >= req_return, x >= 0])
print ("Optimal portfolio")
print ("----------------------")
for s in range(len(symbols)):
print (" Investment in {} : {}% of the portfolio".format(symbols[s],round(100*x.value[s],2)))
print ("----------------------")
print ("Exp ret = {}%".format(round(100*ret.value,2)))
print ("Expected risk = {}%".format(round(100*risk.value**0.5,2)))
print ("Error")
It seems to run but I don't know how to add a constraint. I want to invest at least 5% in every asset and don't invest more than 40% in any one asset. How can I add a constraint to do that?
The idea comes from this link.
Based on the idea from the link, they skip the NaN row from the monthly return dataframe, and after converting the return to a matrix, the following step is transposing the matrix, that is the step you are missing hence you are getting the returns and risk as 0 for Hospital. You might want to add this line C = np.asmatrix(np.cov(returns.dropna().transpose()))to skip the first NaN line. This should give you the correct Returns and Risk values.
As for your second question, i had a quick glance into the class definition of cxpy Problem class and there doesnt seem to be a provision for add constraints. The function was programmed to solve equations based on the Minimizing or Maximizing constraint given to it.
For a work around you might want to try taking the outputs and then capping the investment to 40% and and the remaining you distribute it among other ventures proportionally. Example lets say it tells you to invest 5%, 80% and 15% of your assets in A, B and C. You could cap investment in B to 40% and the part remainder of the asset (5/(5+15))*40 = 10% more into A and 30% of your total investing asset more ,into B.
DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert in finance, i am just stating my opinion.
I hope the title makes sense. What i'm trying to achieve is getting a weighted average price of shoes which are available at different prices in different amounts. So I have for example:
list_prices = [12,12.7,13.5,14.3]
list_amounts = [85,100,30,54]
BuyAmount = x
I want to know my weighted average price, and the highest price I paid per shoe If I buy x amount of shoes (assuming I want to buy the cheapest first)
This is what I have now (I use numpy):
if list_amounts[0] >= BuyAmount:
avgprice = list_prices[0]
highprice = list_prices[0]
elif (sum(list_amounts[0: 2])) >= BuyAmount:
avgprice = np.average(list_prices[0: 2], weights=[list_amounts[0],BuyAmount - list_amounts[0]])
highprice = list_prices[1]
elif (sum(list_amounts[0: 3])) >= BuyAmount:
avgprice = np.average(list_prices[0: 3], weights=[list_amounts[0],list_amounts[1],BuyAmount - (sum(list_amounts[0: 2]))])
highprice = list_prices[2]
elif (sum(list_amounts[0: 4])) >= BuyAmount:
avgprice = np.average(list_prices[0: 4], weights=[list_amounts[0],list_amounts[1],list_amounts[2],BuyAmount - (sum(list_amounts[0: 3]))])
highprice = list_prices[3]
This code works, but is probably overly complex and expansive. Especially since I want to able to handle amount and price lists with 20+ items.
What is a better way to do this?
You are indeed right, your code lacks flexibility. But in my opinion, you are looking at the problem from a valid perspective, yet not enough general.
In other words, your solution has this idea implemented: "let me check first - given the quantities available for each price (which I sorted beautifully in an array) - what are the different sellers I have to buy from, then do all the computation."
A more flexible idea can be: "Let me start buying the from cheaper available, as much as I can. I will stop when my order is fulfilled, and compute the math step by step". This means you build an iterative code, cumulating step by step the overall spent amount, and once completed computing the average price per piece and the max price (i.e. the last accessed in your ordered list).
To turn into code to this thoughts:
list_prices = [12,12.7,13.5,14.3]
list_amounts = [85,100,30,54]
BuyAmount = x
remaining = BuyAmount
spent_total = 0
current_seller = -1 # since we increment it right away
while(remaining): # inherently means remaining > 0
current_seller += 1
# in case we cannot fulfill the order
if current_seller >= len(list_prices):
# since we need it later we have to restore the value
current_seller -= 1
# we want either as many as available or just enough to complete
# BuyAmount
buying = min([list_amounts[current_seller], remaining])
# update remaining
remaining -= buying
# update total
spent_total += buying * list_prices[current_seller]
# if we got here we have no more remaining or no more stock to buy
# average price
avgprice = spent_total / (BuyAmount - remaining)
# max price - since the list is ordered -
highprice = list_prices[current_seller]
Here's a generic vectorized solution using cumsum to replace those sliced summations and argmax for getting the appropriate index to be used for setting the slice limits for those IF-case operations -
# Use cumsum to replace sliced summations - Basically all those
# `list_amounts[0]`, `sum(list_amounts[0: 2]))`, `sum(list_amounts[0: 3])`, etc.
c = np.cumsum(list_amounts)
# Use argmax to decide the slicing limits for the intended slicing operations.
# So, this would replace the last number in the slices -
# list_prices[0: 2], list_prices[0: 3], etc.
idx = (c >= BuyAmount).argmax()
# Use the slicing limit to get the slice off list_prices needed as the first
# input to numpy.average
l = list_prices[:idx+1]
# This step gets us the weights. Now, in the weights we have two parts. E.g.
# for the third-IF we have :
# [list_amounts[0],list_amounts[1],BuyAmount - (sum(list_amounts[0: 2]))]
# Here, we would slice off list_amounts limited by `idx`.
# The second part is sliced summation limited by `idx` again.
w = np.r_[list_amounts[:idx], BuyAmount - c[idx-1]]
# Finally, plug-in the two inputs to np.average and get avgprice output.
avgprice = np.average(l,weights=w)
# Get idx element off list_prices as the highprice output.
highprice = list_prices[idx]
We can further optimize to remove the concatenation step ( with np.r_) and get to avgprice, like so -
slice1_sum = np.multiply(list_prices[:idx], list_amounts[:idx]).sum()
# or[:idx], list_amounts[:idx])
slice2_sum = list_prices[idx]*(BuyAmount - c[idx-1])
weight_sum = np.sum(list_amounts[:idx]) + BuyAmount - c[idx-1]
avgprice = (slice1_sum+slice2_sum)/weight_sum
I am trying to build an equity curve in Python using Pandas. For those not in the know, an equity curve is a cumulative tally of investing profits/losses day by day. The code below works but it is incredibly slow. I've tried to build an alternate using Pandas .iloc and such but nothing is working. I'm not sure if it is possible to do this outside of a loop given how I have to reference the prior row(s).
for today in range(len(f1)): #initiate a loop that runs the length of the "f1" dataframe
if today == 0: #if the index value is zero (aka first row in the dataframe) then...
f1.loc[today,'StartAUM'] = StartAUM #Set intial assets
f1.loc[today,'Shares'] = 0 #dummy placeholder for shares; no trading on day 1
f1.loc[today,'PnL'] = 0 #dummy placeholder for P&L; no trading day 1
f1.loc[today,'EndAUM'] = StartAUM #set ending AUM; should be beginning AUM since no trades
continue #and on to the second row in the dataframe
yesterday = today - 1 #used to reference the rows (see below)
f1.loc[today,'StartAUM'] = f1.loc[yesterday,'EndAUM'] #todays starting aseets are yesterday's ending assets
f1.loc[today,'Shares'] = f1.loc[yesterday,'EndAUM']//f1.loc[yesterday,'Shareprice'] #today's shares to trade = yesterday's assets/yesterday's share price
f1.loc[today,'PnL'] = f1.loc[today,'Shares']*f1.loc[today,'Outcome1'] #Our P&L should be the shares traded (see prior line) multiplied by the outcome for 1 share
#Note Outcome1 came from the dataframe before this loop >> for the purposes here it's value is irrelevant
f1.loc[today,'EndAUM'] = f1.loc[today,'StartAUM']+f1.loc[today,'PnL'] #ending assets are starting assets + today's P&L
There is a good example here: and I know that there is an example in Wes McKinney's book Python for Data Analysis. You might be able to find it here:
Have you tried using iterrows() to construct the for loop?
for index, row in f1.iterrows():
if today == 0:
row['StartAUM'] = StartAUM #Set intial assets
row['Shares'] = 0 #dummy placeholder for shares; no trading on day 1
row['PnL'] = 0 #dummy placeholder for P&L; no trading day 1
row['EndAUM'] = StartAUM #set ending AUM; should be beginning AUM since no trades
continue #and on to the second row in the dataframe
yesterday = row[today] - 1 #used to reference the rows (see below)
row['StartAUM'] = row['EndAUM'] #todays starting aseets are yesterday's ending assets
row['Shares'] = row['EndAUM']//['Shareprice'] #today's shares to trade = yesterday's assets/yesterday's share price
row['PnL'] = row['Shares']*row['Outcome1'] #Our P&L should be the shares traded (see prior line) multiplied by the outcome for 1 share
#Note Outcome1 came from the dataframe before this loop >> for the purposes here it's value is irrelevant
row['EndAUM'] = row['StartAUM']+row['PnL'] #ending assets are starting assets + today's P&L
Probably the code is so slow as loc goes through f1 from beginning every time. iterrows() uses the same dataframe as it loops through it row by row.
See more details about iterrows() here.
You need to vectorize the operations (don't iterate with for but rather compute whole column at once)
# fill the initial values
f1['StartAUM'] = StartAUM # Set intial assets
f1['Shares'] = 0 # dummy placeholder for shares; no trading on day 1
f1['PnL'] = 0 # dummy placeholder for P&L; no trading day 1
f1['EndAUM'] = StartAUM # s
#do the computations (vectorized)
f1['StartAUM'].iloc[1:] = f1['EndAUM'].iloc[:-1]
f1['Shares'].iloc[1:] = f1['EndAUM'].iloc[:-1] // f1['Shareprice'].iloc[:-1]
f1['PnL'] = f1['Shares'] * f1['Outcome1']
f1['EndAUM'] = f1['StartAUM'] + f1 ['PnL']
EDIT: this will not work correctly since StartAUM, EndAUM, Shares depend on each other and cannot be computed one without another. I didn't notice that before.
Can you try the following:
#import relevant modules
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas_datareader import data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#download data into DataFrame and create moving averages columns
f1 = data.DataReader('AAPL', 'yahoo',start='1/1/2017')
StartAUM = 1000000
#populate DataFrame with starting values
f1['Shares'] = 0
f1['PnL'] = 0
f1['EndAUM'] = StartAUM
#Set shares held to be the previous day's EndAUM divided by the previous day's closing price
f1['Shares'] = f1['EndAUM'].shift(1) / f1['Adj Close'].shift(1)
#Set the day's PnL to be the number of shares held multiplied by the change in closing price from yesterday to today's close
f1['PnL'] = f1['Shares'] * (f1['Adj Close'] - f1['Adj Close'].shift(1))
#Set day's ending AUM to be previous days ending AUM plus daily PnL
f1['EndAUM'] = f1['EndAUM'].shift(1) + f1['PnL']
#Plot the equity curve
Does the above solve your issue?
The solution was to use the Numba package. It performs the loop task in a fraction of the time.
The arguments/dataframe can be passed to the numba module/function. I will try to write up a more detailed explanation with code when time permits.
Thanks to all
In case others come across this, you can definitely make an equity curve without loops.
Dummy up some data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np'ggplot')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (13, 10)
# Some data to work with
stock = pd.DataFrame(
np.random.randn(100).cumsum() + 10,
index=pd.date_range('1/1/2020', periods=100, freq='D'),
stock['ma_5'] = stock['Close'].rolling(5).mean()
stock['ma_15'] = stock['Close'].rolling(15).mean()
Holdings: simple long/short based on moving average crossover signals
longs = stock['Close'].where(stock['ma_5'] > stock['ma_15'], np.nan)
shorts = stock['Close'].where(stock['ma_5'] < stock['ma_15'], np.nan)
# Quick plot
longs.plot(lw=5, c='green')
shorts.plot(lw=5, c='red')
Identify which side (l/s) has first holding (ie: first trade, in this case, short), then keep the initial trade price and subsequently cumulatively sum the daily changes (there would normally be more nan's in the series if you have exit rules as well for when you are out of the market), and finally forward fill over the nan values and fill any last remaining nans with zeros. Its basically the same for the second opposite holdings (in this case, long) except don't keep the starting price. The other important thing is to invert the short daily changes (ie: negative changes should be positive to the PnL).
lidx = np.where(longs > 0)[0][0]
sidx = np.where(shorts > 0)[0][0]
startdx = min(lidx, sidx)
# For first holding side, keep first trade price, then calc daily change fwd and ffill nan's
# For second holdng side, get cumsum of daily changes, ffill and fillna(0) (make sure short changes are inverted)
if lidx == startdx:
lcurve = longs.diff() # get daily changes
lcurve[lidx] = longs[lidx] # put back initial starting price
lcurve = lcurve.cumsum().ffill() # add dialy changes/ffill to build curve
scurve = -shorts.diff().cumsum().ffill().fillna(0) # get daily changes (make declines positive changes)
scurve = -shorts.diff() # get daily changes (make declines positive changes)
scurve[sidx] = shorts[sidx] # put back initial starting price
scurve = scurve.cumsum().ffill() # add dialy changes/ffill to build curve
lcurve = longs.diff().cumsum().ffill().fillna(0) # get daily changes
Add the 2 long/short curves together to get the final equity curve
eq_curve = lcurve + scurve
# quick plot
stock.iloc[:, :3].plot()
longs.plot(lw=5, c='green', label='Long')
shorts.plot(lw=5, c='red', label='Short')
eq_curve.plot(lw=2, ls='dotted', c='orange', label='Equity Curve')
I recently asked a question about calculating maximum drawdown where Alexander gave a very succinct and efficient way of calculating it with DataFrame methods in pandas.
I wanted to follow up by asking how others are calculating maximum active drawdown?
This calculates Max Drawdown. NOT! Max Active Drawdown
This is what I implemented for max drawdown based on Alexander's answer to question linked above:
def max_drawdown_absolute(returns):
r = returns.add(1).cumprod()
dd = r.div(r.cummax()).sub(1)
mdd = dd.min()
end = dd.argmin()
start = r.loc[:end].argmax()
return mdd, start, end
It takes a return series and gives back the max_drawdown along with the indices for which the drawdown occured.
We start by generating a series of cumulative returns to act as a return index.
r = returns.add(1).cumprod()
At each point in time, the current drawdown is calcualted by comparing the current level of the return index with the maximum return index for all periods prior.
dd = r.div(r.cummax()).sub(1)
The max drawdown is then just the minimum of all the calculated drawdowns.
My question:
I wanted to follow up by asking how others are calculating maximum
active drawdown?
Assumes that the solution will extend on the solution above.
Starting with a series of portfolio returns and benchmark returns, we build cumulative returns for both. the variables below are assumed to already be in cumulative return space.
The active return from period j to period i is:
This is how we can extend the absolute solution:
def max_draw_down_relative(p, b):
p = p.add(1).cumprod()
b = b.add(1).cumprod()
pmb = p - b
cam = pmb.expanding(min_periods=1).apply(lambda x: x.argmax())
p0 = pd.Series(p.iloc[cam.values.astype(int)].values, index=p.index)
b0 = pd.Series(b.iloc[cam.values.astype(int)].values, index=b.index)
dd = (p * b0 - b * p0) / (p0 * b0)
mdd = dd.min()
end = dd.argmin()
start = cam.ix[end]
return mdd, start, end
Similar to the absolute case, at each point in time, we want to know what the maximum cumulative active return has been up to that point. We get this series of cumulative active returns with p - b. The difference is that we want to keep track of what the p and b were at this time and not the difference itself.
So, we generate a series of 'whens' captured in cam (cumulative argmax) and subsequent series of portfolio and benchmark values at those 'whens'.
p0 = pd.Series(p.ix[cam.values.astype(int)].values, index=p.index)
b0 = pd.Series(b.ix[cam.values.astype(int)].values, index=b.index)
The drawdown caclulation can now be made analogously using the formula above:
dd = (p * b0 - b * p0) / (p0 * b0)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
p = pd.Series(np.random.randn(200) / 100 + 0.001)
b = pd.Series(np.random.randn(200) / 100 + 0.001)
keys = ['Portfolio', 'Benchmark']
cum = pd.concat([p, b], axis=1, keys=keys).add(1).cumprod()
cum['Active'] = cum.Portfolio - cum.Benchmark
mdd, sd, ed = max_draw_down_relative(p, b)
f, a = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=[8, 10])
cum[['Portfolio', 'Benchmark']].plot(title='Cumulative Absolute', ax=a[0])
a[0].axvspan(sd, ed, alpha=0.1, color='r')
cum[['Active']].plot(title='Cumulative Active', ax=a[1])
a[1].axvspan(sd, ed, alpha=0.1, color='r')
You may have noticed that your individual components do not equal the whole, either in an additive or geometric manner:
>>> cum.tail(1)
Portfolio Benchmark Active
199 1.342179 1.280958 1.025144
This is always a troubling situation, as it indicates that some sort of leakage may be occurring in your model.
Mixing single period and multi-period attribution is always always a challenge. Part of the issue lies in the goal of the analysis, i.e. what are you trying to explain.
If you are looking at cumulative returns as is the case above, then one way you perform your analysis is as follows:
Ensure the portfolio returns and the benchmark returns are both excess returns, i.e. subtract the appropriate cash return for the respective period (e.g. daily, monthly, etc.).
Assume you have a rich uncle who lends you $100m to start your fund. Now you can think of your portfolio as three transactions, one cash and two derivative transactions:
a) Invest your $100m in a cash account, conveniently earning the offer rate.
b) Enter into an equity swap for $100m notional
c) Enter into a swap transaction with a zero beta hedge fund, again for $100m notional.
We will conveniently assume that both swap transactions are collateralized by the cash account, and that there are no transaction costs (if only...!).
On day one, the stock index is up just over 1% (an excess return of exactly 1.00% after deducting the cash expense for the day). The uncorrelated hedge fund, however, delivered an excess return of -5%. Our fund is now at $96m.
Day two, how do we rebalance? Your calculations imply that we never do. Each is a separate portfolio that drifts on forever... For the purpose of attribution, however, I believe it makes total sense to rebalance daily, i.e. 100% to each of the two strategies.
As these are just notional exposures with ample cash collateral, we can just adjust the amounts. So instead of having $101m exposure to the equity index on day two and $95m of exposure to the hedge fund, we will instead rebalance (at zero cost) so that we have $96m of exposure to each.
How does this work in Pandas, you might ask? You've already calculated cum['Portfolio'], which is the cumulative excess growth factor for the portfolio (i.e. after deducting cash returns). If we apply the current day's excess benchmark and active returns to the prior day's portfolio growth factor, we calculate the daily rebalanced returns.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df_returns = pd.DataFrame({
'Portfolio': np.random.randn(200) / 100 + 0.001,
'Benchmark': np.random.randn(200) / 100 + 0.001})
df_returns['Active'] = df.Portfolio - df.Benchmark
# Copy return dataframe shape and fill with NaNs.
df_cum = pd.DataFrame()
# Calculate cumulative portfolio growth
df_cum['Portfolio'] = (1 + df_returns.Portfolio).cumprod()
# Calculate shifted portfolio growth factors.
portfolio_return_factors = pd.Series([1] + df_cum['Portfolio'].shift()[1:].tolist(), name='Portfolio_return_factor')
# Use portfolio return factors to calculate daily rebalanced returns.
df_cum['Benchmark'] = (df_returns.Benchmark * portfolio_return_factors).cumsum()
df_cum['Active'] = (df_returns.Active * portfolio_return_factors).cumsum()
Now we see that the active return plus the benchmark return plus the initial cash equals the current value of the portfolio.
>>> df_cum.tail(3)[['Benchmark', 'Active', 'Portfolio']]
Benchmark Active Portfolio
197 0.303995 0.024725 1.328720
198 0.287709 0.051606 1.339315
199 0.292082 0.050098 1.342179
By construction, df_cum['Portfolio'] = 1 + df_cum['Benchmark'] + df_cum['Active'].
Because this method is difficult to calculate (without Pandas!) and understand (most people won't get the notional exposures), industry practice generally defines the active return as the cumulative difference in returns over a period of time. For example, if a fund was up 5.0% in a month and the market was down 1.0%, then the excess return for that month is generally defined as +6.0%. The problem with this simplistic approach, however, is that your results will drift apart over time due to compounding and rebalancing issues that aren't properly factored into the calculations.
So given our df_cum.Active column, we could define the drawdown as:
drawdown = pd.Series(1 - (1 + df_cum.Active)/(1 + df_cum.Active.cummax()), name='Active Drawdown')
>>> df_cum.Active.plot(legend=True);drawdown.plot(legend=True)
You can then determine the start and end points of the drawdown as you have previously done.
Comparing my cumulative Active return contribution with the amounts you calculated, you will find them to be similar at first, and then drift apart over time (my return calcs are in green):
My cheap two pennies in pure Python:
def find_drawdown(lista):
peak = 0
trough = 0
drawdown = 0
for n in lista:
if n > peak:
peak = n
trough = peak
if n < trough:
trough = n
temp_dd = peak - trough
if temp_dd > drawdown:
drawdown = temp_dd
return -drawdown
In piRSquared answer I would suggest amending
pmb = p - b
pmb = p / b
to find the rel. maxDD. df3 using pmb = p-b identifies a rel. MaxDD of US$851 (-48.9%). df2 using pmb = p/b identifies the rel. MaxDD as US$544.6 (-57.9%)
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import as pdr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yfinance as yfin
stocks = ["AMZN", "SPY"]
df = pdr.get_data_yahoo(stocks, start="2020-01-01", end="2022-02-18")
df = df[['Adj Close']]
df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(0)
df2 = df[df.Date.isin([,7,9),,2,3)])].copy()
df2['AMZN/SPY'] = df2.AMZN / df2.SPY
df2['AMZN-SPY'] = df2.AMZN - df2.SPY
df2['USDdiff'] = df2['AMZN-SPY'].diff().round(1)
df2[["p", "b"]] = df2[['AMZN','SPY']].pct_change(1).round(4)
df2['p-b'] = df2.p - df2.b
df2.replace(np. nan,'',regex=True, inplace=True)
df2 = df2.round(2)
2020-07-09 3182.63 307.7 10.34 2874.93
2022-02-03 2776.91 446.6 6.22 2330.31 -544.6 -0.1275 0.4514 -0.5789
df3 = df[df.Date.isin([,9,2),,2,3)])].copy()
df3['AMZN/SPY'] = df3.AMZN / df3.SPY
df3['AMZN-SPY'] = df3.AMZN - df3.SPY
df3['USDdiff'] = df3['AMZN-SPY'].diff().round(1)
df3[["p", "b"]] = df3[['AMZN','SPY']].pct_change(1).round(4)
df3['p-b'] = df3.p - df3.b
df3.replace(np. nan,'',regex=True, inplace=True)
df3 = df3.round(2)
2020-09-02 3531.45 350.09 10.09 3181.36
2022-02-03 2776.91 446.60 6.22 2330.31 -851.0 -0.2137 0.2757 -0.4894
PS: I don't have enough reputation to comment.