Using powershell variables in my python script? - python

I have made a user creation script in powershell, and I am almost done writing the website automation part of it in python with selenium. My problem lies in the joining of the 2. I would like my Python script to use the new user creds I entered in powershell.
So hopefully the PS script would run fully, but before exiting it starts my python script and uses the creds to build him website profiles as well. I have done quite a bit of research the last couple days and cannot figure this out.
Thank you!

You can solve it with passing them only one time rather than saving passwords clear text. Although, if you enable Powershell logging, check what will end up in those logs.
$user1 = "test1"
$cred1 = "testpass1"
# you can also concatenate if necessary, adding all users/pws with some separators
$user2 = "test2"
$cred2 = "testpass2"
PS > py .\path_to\ $users $creds # make sure you use _py_ and not python / python3.
import sys
users = sys.argv[1]
passwords = sys.argv[2]
def getusers(users, passwords):
print('Usernames: ',users,'Passwords: ',passwords)
for user,passw in zip(users,passwords):
def create_web_user(user, passw):
# your web functions come here
getusers(users, passwords)
PS > py .\path_to\ $users $creds
Usernames: ['test', 'test2'] Passwords: ['tpass', 'tpass2']
test tpass
test2 tpass2


Can't open Microsoft Teams with python (3.8) script using any method

I am trying to make a script to automate the login into Microsoft Teams and all of my code works except the part where the application has to be opened. The weird thing is that this is capable of opening any other application except MS Teams (Chrome, Notepad, Firefox, Edge etc.)
Here's the relevant code:
def openfile():
if os.stat("stor.txt").st_size == 0:
name = filedialog.askopenfilename()
newfile = open("stor.txt", "w")
name = (open("stor.txt", "r").read())
keyboard.write(open("user.txt", "r").read())"enter")
keyboard.write(open("pass.txt", "r").read())"enter")
I tried this with os.startfile, os.system(start..) and every other method on the web. Doesn't work.
The value I'm passing in to os.startfile() when I try to run Teams is C:/Users/Raghav/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Teams/Update.exe.
First of all, I don't recommend storing your password in plain text like that. It's not very secure, and if another program takes focus at the right time your code will even type your password somewhere else!
Teams should remember your credentials after the first time you log in. I suggest letting it handle that part.
In any case, running os.startfile("foo.exe") is like double-clicking on foo.exe. The file name that you're passing in is C:/Users/Raghav/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Teams/Update.exe, and Update.exe doesn't look like something that should launch Teams to me.
Inspecting the Teams shortcut in my own Start menu, I see that things are a bit more complicated. This shortcut runs Update.exe and passes it some arguments:
C:\...\Update.exe --processStart "Teams.exe"
There is no way to pass arguments to a program with os.startfile(). Try os.system() instead:
os.system('C:/Users/Raghav/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Teams/Update.exe --processStart "Teams.exe"')
There are lots of other ways to run external commands in Python, but this is likely simplest since you don't need Teams' output streams. This command should return 0 if it succeeds and some other value if it fails.
import os
os.system("C:\\Users\\Lenovo\\AppData\\Local\\Discord\\Update.exe --processStart Discord.exe")
For applications that have an address like above, there are also some tips:
Sometimes Discord.exe name of the file in the address have "Discord.exe" (with double-quotes). Remove it.
Instead of single \ use double \\ in the address.
It will definitely work GO AHEAD ✔

Using Jenkins variables/parameters in Python Script with os.path.join

I'm trying to learn how to use variables from Jenkins in Python scripts. I've already learned that I need to call the variables, but I'm not sure how to implement them in the case of using os.path.join().
I'm not a developer; I'm a technical writer. This code was written by somebody else. I'm just trying to adapt the Jenkins scripts so they are parameterized so we don't have to modify the Python scripts for every release.
I'm using inline Jenkins python scripts inside a Jenkins job. The Jenkins string parameters are "BranchID" and "BranchIDShort". I've looked through many questions that talk about how you have to establish the variables in the Python script, but with the case of os.path.join(),I'm not sure what to do.
Here is the original code. I added the part where we establish the variables from the Jenkins parameters, but I don't know how to use them in the os.path.join() function.
# Delete previous builds.
import os
import shutil
BranchID = os.getenv("BranchID")
BranchIDshort = os.getenv("BranchIDshort")
print "Delete any output from a previous build."
if os.path.exists(os.path.join("C:\\Doc192CS", "Output")):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("C:\\Doc192CS", "Output"))
I expect output like: c:\Doc192CS\Output
I am afraid that if I do the following code:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join("C:\\Doc",BranchIDshort,"CS", "Output")):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("C:\\Doc",BranchIDshort,"CS", "Output"))
I'll get: c:\Doc\192\CS\Output.
Is there a way to use the BranchIDshort variable in this context to get the output c:\Doc192CS\Output?
User #Adonis gave the correct solution as a comment. Here is what he said:
Indeed you're right. What you would want to do is rather:
(in short use a format string for the 2nd argument)
So the complete corrected code is:
import os
import shutil
BranchID = os.getenv("BranchID")
BranchIDshort = os.getenv("BranchIDshort")
print "Delete any output from a previous build."
if os.path.exists(os.path.join("C:\\Doc{}CS".format(BranchIDshort), "Output")):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("C:\\Doc{}CS".format(BranchIDshort), "Output"))
Thank you, #Adonis!

python code to add jobs to crontab not working

I have written a small python script to automate the process of adding jobs to crontab but the job added via the script is not working and same job when given manually working fine
def scheduler(time=["*","*","*","*","*"],message="no message set"):
schedule_string="\n"+" ".join(time)+" "+message+"\n"
if __name__=="__main__":
scheduler(time=["52","18","*","*","*"],message="env DISPLAY=:0 /home/sky/scripts/")
Make sure the user you're running your python script as root. I did some quick testing and other users can't access their /var/spool/cron/crontabs/$username files. This is by design if I can remember correctly. You're supposed to use the crontab -e command to edit your crontab.
sudo python
Really, the Python you've written isn't exactly wrong. It opens the file, adds the string, then closes it. Nothing ground-breaking here. I just added some file system checks in to make sure you can get to that file.
import os
def scheduler(time=['*', '*', '*', '*', '*'], message='no message set', username='sky'):
crontab_fn = '/var/spool/cron/crontabs/{!s}'.format(username)
if not os.path.exists(crontab_fn):
raise StandardError("File {} missing".format(crontab_fn))
if not os.access(crontab_fn, os.W_OK):
raise StandardError("Cannot write to file, run as root")
crontab_fh = open(crontab_fn, 'a')
schedule_string = "\n{t:s} {m:s}\n".format(
t=' '.join(time),
if __name__ == "__main__":
time = ["52","18","*","*","*"]
message = "env DISPLAY=:0 /home/sky/scripts/"
scheduler(time, message)
NOTES from man cron:
cron searches its spool area (/var/spool/cron/crontabs) for crontab files (which are named after accounts in
/etc/passwd); crontabs found are loaded into memory. Note that crontabs in this directory should not be
accessed directly - the crontab command should be used to access and update them.
Question: ... same job when given manually working fine
I assume you use crontab <filename> here!
Search for a python module or use module to start crontab <filename> from within your .py.
Come back and Flag your Question as answered if this is working for you or comment why not.

python values to bash line on a remote server

So i have a script from Python that connects to the client servers then get some data that i need.
Now it will work in this way, my bash script from the client side needs input like the one below and its working this way.
client.exec_command('/apps./' 2016 10 01 02 03))
Now im trying to get the user input from my python script then transfer it to my remotely called bash script and thats where i get my problem. This is what i tried below.
Below is the method i tried that i have no luck working.
import sys
client.exec_command('/apps./', str(sys.argv))
I believe you are using Paramiko - which you should tag or include that info in your question.
The basic problem I think you're having is that you need to include those arguments inside the string, i.e.
client.exec_command('/apps./ %s' % str(sys.argv))
otherwise they get applied to the other arguments of exec_command. I think your original example is not quite accurate in how it works;
Just out of interest, have you looked at "fabric" ( ) - this has lots of very handy funcitons like "run" which will run a command on a remote server (or lots of remote servers!) and return you the response.
It also gives you lots of protection by wrapping around popen and paramiko for hte ssh login etcs, so it can be much more secure then trying to make web services or other things.
You should always be wary of injection attacks - Im unclear how you are injecting your variables, but if a user calls your script with something like python runscript "; rm -rf /" that would have very bad problems for you It would instead be better to have 'options' on the command, which are programmed in, limiting the users input drastically, or at least a lot of protection around the input variables. Of course if this is only for you (or trained people), then its a little easier.
I recommend using paramiko for the ssh connection.
import paramiko
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh_client.connect(server, username=user,password=password)
And If you want to simulate a terminal, as if a user was typing:
def exec_command(cmd):
"""Gets ssh command(s), execute them, and returns the output"""
prompt='python-ssh:' # the command line prompt in the ssh terminal
while not chan.recv_ready():
while not buff.endswith(prompt):
return buff[:len(prompt)]
Example usage: exec_command('pwd')
And the result would even be returned to you via ssh
Assuming that you are using paramiko you need to send the command as a string. It seems that you want to pass the command line arguments passed to your Python script as arguments for the remote command, so try this:
import sys
command = '/apps./'
args = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) # all args except the script's name!
client.exec_command('{} {}'.format(command, args))
This will collect all the command line arguments passed to the Python script, except the first argument which is the script's file name, and build a space separated string. This argument string is them concatenated with the bash script command and executed remotely.

How can I add a command to the Python interactive shell?

I'm trying to save myself just a few keystrokes for a command I type fairly regularly in Python.
In my python startup script, I define a function called load which is similar to import, but adds some functionality. It takes a single string:
def load(s):
# Do some stuff
return something
In order to call this function I have to type
>>> load('something')
I would rather be able to simply type:
>>> load something
I am running Python with readline support, so I know there exists some programmability there, but I don't know if this sort of thing is possible using it.
I attempted to get around this by using the InteractivConsole and creating an instance of it in my startup file, like so:
import code, re, traceback
class LoadingInteractiveConsole(code.InteractiveConsole):
def raw_input(self, prompt = ""):
s = raw_input(prompt)
match = re.match('^load\s+(.+)', s)
if match:
module =
print "Loaded " + module
except ImportError:
return ''
return s
console = LoadingInteractiveConsole()
This works with the caveat that I have to hit Ctrl-D twice to exit the python interpreter: once to get out of my custom console, once to get out of the real one.
Is there a way to do this without writing a custom C program and embedding the interpreter into it?
Out of channel, I had the suggestion of appending this to the end of my startup file:
import sys
It works well enough, but I'm still interested in alternative solutions.
You could try ipython - which gives a python shell which does allow many things including automatic parentheses which gives you the function call as you requested.
I think you want the cmd module.
See a tutorial here:
Hate to answer my own question, but there hasn't been an answer that works for all the versions of Python I use. Aside from the solution I posted in my question edit (which is what I'm now using), here's another:
Edit .bashrc to contain the following lines:
alias python3='python3 ~/py/'
alias python='python ~/py/'
alias python27='python27 ~/py/'
Then simply move all of the LoadingInteractiveConsole code into the file ~/py/ Once the script finishes executing, python will cease executing, and the improved interactive session will be seamless.

