GET table of contents from a PDF with python - python

I'm trying to get Table of Contents from a PDF. I'm using PyMuPDF for that purpose. But it only extracts ToC if the PDF consists of Bookmarks. Otherwise it only results in an empty list.
def get_Table_Of_Contents(doc):
toc = doc.getToC()
return toc
toc= get_Table_Of_Contents(file)

Usually TOC is represented like a regular text on a page.
Try pdfreader to extract texts and/or PDF "markdown".
Here is a sample code extracting all the above from a page:
from pdfreader import SimplePDFViewer, PageDoesNotExist
fd = open(your_pdf_file_name, "rb")
viewer = SimplePDFViewer(fd)
# navigate to TOC
pdf_markdown = viewer.canvas.text_content
plain_text = "".join(viewer.canvas.strings)
then you can parse plain_text or pdf_markdown as regular strings.

Convert pdf to html using pdf-html converter. You can parse html toextract whatever data you want using parser like beautifulsoup.


Exception: No parsed pages. Please parse page first

I am trying to read a whole pdf file that is more then 250 pages. for that first i am converting my pdf to docx thorough the pdf2docx library.
here is a code;
from docx import Document
document = Document()'file.docx')
url = file_path #(google drive url where file was uploaded)
response = requests.get(url)
my_raw_data = response.content
with open("my_pdf.pdf", 'wb') as my_data:
open_pdf_file = open("my_pdf.pdf", 'rb')
cv = Converter(open_pdf_file)
for i in (Parse['content'].strip().split('\n')):
if len(i.split())<5:
But I am not able to read the file. getting error like "Exception: No parsed pages. Please parse page first."
How to solve this issue ? how to read a whole pdf using python ?

Convert PDF to HTML via PyMuPDF

For pages with tabular data in landscape format, the words in the HTML outcome overlap. For pages in portrait formats, the conversion is succesful. Any ideas how to fix that?
[Here is an example with the converted pdf to html in landscape format]
import ntpath
from pathlib import Path
import fitz
doc = # open document
out = open(in_path + ".html", "wb") # open text output
for page in doc: # iterate the document pages
text = page.get_text('html', clip = None).encode("utf8")
out.write(text) # write text of page
out.write(bytes((12,))) # write page delimiter (form feed 0x0C)

Extracting PDF text into a text file using Python - Extraction error

I want to first extract all the text from 1 pdf file and store it into one text file.
Here is my code:
import PyPDF2
from pathlib import Path
with Path('C:/Users/Lui/Desktop/Test/file1.pdf').open(mode='rb') as pdf_file, open('Extracted/extractPDF.txt', 'w') as text_file:
read_pdf = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdf_file)
number_of_pages = read_pdf.getNumPages()
for page_number in range(number_of_pages): # use xrange in Py2
page = read_pdf.getPage(page_number)
page_content = page.extractText()
The pdf looks like this:
However, the text file created looks different in comparison with missing words and spacing:
What am I doing wrong? My goal is to then loop through 1,000 PDF's so I'm trying to get 1 example working first.
Try using pdftotext
import pdftotext
# Load your PDF
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
pdf = pdftotext.PDF(f)
# If it's password-protected
#with open("secure.pdf", "rb") as f:
# pdf = pdftotext.PDF(f, "secret")
# How many pages?
# Iterate over all the pages
#for page in pdf:
# print(page)
data = "\n\n".join(pdf)
# Read all the text into one string
This package works far better and should help you out.

Decoding problem with fitz.Document in Python 3.7

I want to extract the text of a PDF and use some regular expressions to filter for information.
I am coding in Python 3.7.4 using fitz for parsing the pdf. The PDF is written in German. My code looks as follows:
doc =
pagecount = doc.pageCount
page = 0
content = ""
while (page < pagecount):
p = doc.loadPage(page)
page += 1
content = content + p.getText()
Printing the content, I realized that the first (and important) half of the document is decoded as a strange mix of Japanese (?) signs and others, like this: ョ。オウキ・ゥエオョァ@ュ.
I tried to solve it with different decodings (latin-1, iso-8859-1), encoding is definitely in utf-8.
content= content+p.getText().encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8")
I also have tried to get the text using minecart:
import minecart
file = open(pdfpath, 'rb')
document = minecart.Document(file)
for page in document.iter_pages():
for lettering in page.letterings :
which results in the same problem.
Using textract, the first half is an empty string:
import textract
text = textract.process(pdfpath)
Same thing with PyPDF2:
import PyPDF2
pdfFileObj = open(pdfpath, 'rb')
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
for index in range(0, pdfReader.numPages) :
pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(index)
I don't understand the problem as it's looking like a normal PDF with normal text. Also some of the PDFs don't have this problem.

how do i change hyperlinks inside pdf using python?

How do I change the hyperlinks in pdf using python? I am currently using a pyPDF2 to open up and loop through the pages. How do I actually scan for hyperlinks and then proceed to change the hyperlinks?
So I couldn't get what you want using the pyPDF2 library.
I did however get something working with another library: pdfrw. This installed fine for me using pip in Python 3.6:
pip install pdfrw
Note: for the following I have been using this example pdf I found online which contains multiple links. Your mileage may vary with this.
import pdfrw
pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader("pdf.pdf") # Load the pdf
new_pdf = pdfrw.PdfWriter() # Create an empty pdf
for page in pdf.pages: # Go through the pages
# Links are in Annots, but some pages don't have links so Annots returns None
for annot in page.Annots or []:
old_url = annot.A.URI
# >Here you put logic for replacing the URLs<
# Use the PdfString object to do the encoding for us
# Note the brackets around the URL here
new_url = pdfrw.objects.pdfstring.PdfString("(")
# Override the URL with ours
annot.A.URI = new_url
I managed to get it working with PyPDF2.
If you just want to remove all annotations for a page, you just have to do:
if '/Annots' in page: del page['/Annots']
Else, here is how you change each link:
import PyPDF2
new_link = "" # great video by the way
pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader("input.pdf")
pdf_writer = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter()
for i in range(pdf_reader.getNumPages()):
page = pdf_reader.getPage(i)
if '/Annots' not in page: continue
for annot in page['/Annots']:
annot_obj = annot.getObject()
if '/A' not in annot_obj: continue # not a link
# you have to wrap the key and value with a TextStringObject:
key = PyPDF2.generic.TextStringObject("/URI")
value = PyPDF2.generic.TextStringObject(new_link)
annot_obj['/A'][key] = value
with open('output.pdf', 'wb') as f:
An equivalent one-liner for a given page index i and annotation index j would be:
pdf_reader.getPage(i)['/Annots'][j].getObject()['/A'][PyPDF2.generic.TextStringObject("/URI")] = PyPDF2.generic.TextStringObject(new_link)

