I'm trying to get Table of Contents from a PDF. I'm using PyMuPDF for that purpose. But it only extracts ToC if the PDF consists of Bookmarks. Otherwise it only results in an empty list.
def get_Table_Of_Contents(doc):
toc = doc.getToC()
return toc
toc= get_Table_Of_Contents(file)
Usually TOC is represented like a regular text on a page.
Try pdfreader to extract texts and/or PDF "markdown".
Here is a sample code extracting all the above from a page:
from pdfreader import SimplePDFViewer, PageDoesNotExist
fd = open(your_pdf_file_name, "rb")
viewer = SimplePDFViewer(fd)
# navigate to TOC
pdf_markdown = viewer.canvas.text_content
plain_text = "".join(viewer.canvas.strings)
then you can parse plain_text or pdf_markdown as regular strings.
Convert pdf to html using pdf-html converter. You can parse html toextract whatever data you want using parser like beautifulsoup.
I am trying to read a whole pdf file that is more then 250 pages. for that first i am converting my pdf to docx thorough the pdf2docx library.
here is a code;
from docx import Document
document = Document()
url = file_path #(google drive url where file was uploaded)
response = requests.get(url)
my_raw_data = response.content
with open("my_pdf.pdf", 'wb') as my_data:
open_pdf_file = open("my_pdf.pdf", 'rb')
cv = Converter(open_pdf_file)
for i in (Parse['content'].strip().split('\n')):
if len(i.split())<5:
But I am not able to read the file. getting error like "Exception: No parsed pages. Please parse page first."
How to solve this issue ? how to read a whole pdf using python ?
For pages with tabular data in landscape format, the words in the HTML outcome overlap. For pages in portrait formats, the conversion is succesful. Any ideas how to fix that?
[Here is an example with the converted pdf to html in landscape format]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/twbzw.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ln56P.png
import ntpath
from pathlib import Path
import fitz
doc = fitz.open(in_path) # open document
out = open(in_path + ".html", "wb") # open text output
for page in doc: # iterate the document pages
text = page.get_text('html', clip = None).encode("utf8")
out.write(text) # write text of page
out.write(bytes((12,))) # write page delimiter (form feed 0x0C)
I want to first extract all the text from 1 pdf file and store it into one text file.
Here is my code:
import PyPDF2
from pathlib import Path
with Path('C:/Users/Lui/Desktop/Test/file1.pdf').open(mode='rb') as pdf_file, open('Extracted/extractPDF.txt', 'w') as text_file:
read_pdf = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdf_file)
number_of_pages = read_pdf.getNumPages()
for page_number in range(number_of_pages): # use xrange in Py2
page = read_pdf.getPage(page_number)
page_content = page.extractText()
The pdf looks like this:
However, the text file created looks different in comparison with missing words and spacing:
What am I doing wrong? My goal is to then loop through 1,000 PDF's so I'm trying to get 1 example working first.
Try using pdftotext
import pdftotext
# Load your PDF
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
pdf = pdftotext.PDF(f)
# If it's password-protected
#with open("secure.pdf", "rb") as f:
# pdf = pdftotext.PDF(f, "secret")
# How many pages?
# Iterate over all the pages
#for page in pdf:
# print(page)
data = "\n\n".join(pdf)
# Read all the text into one string
This package works far better and should help you out.
I want to extract the text of a PDF and use some regular expressions to filter for information.
I am coding in Python 3.7.4 using fitz for parsing the pdf. The PDF is written in German. My code looks as follows:
doc = fitz.open(pdfpath)
pagecount = doc.pageCount
page = 0
content = ""
while (page < pagecount):
p = doc.loadPage(page)
page += 1
content = content + p.getText()
Printing the content, I realized that the first (and important) half of the document is decoded as a strange mix of Japanese (?) signs and others, like this: ョ。オウキ・ゥエオョァ@ュ.
I tried to solve it with different decodings (latin-1, iso-8859-1), encoding is definitely in utf-8.
content= content+p.getText().encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8")
I also have tried to get the text using minecart:
import minecart
file = open(pdfpath, 'rb')
document = minecart.Document(file)
for page in document.iter_pages():
for lettering in page.letterings :
which results in the same problem.
Using textract, the first half is an empty string:
import textract
text = textract.process(pdfpath)
Same thing with PyPDF2:
import PyPDF2
pdfFileObj = open(pdfpath, 'rb')
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
for index in range(0, pdfReader.numPages) :
pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(index)
I don't understand the problem as it's looking like a normal PDF with normal text. Also some of the PDFs don't have this problem.
How do I change the hyperlinks in pdf using python? I am currently using a pyPDF2 to open up and loop through the pages. How do I actually scan for hyperlinks and then proceed to change the hyperlinks?
So I couldn't get what you want using the pyPDF2 library.
I did however get something working with another library: pdfrw. This installed fine for me using pip in Python 3.6:
pip install pdfrw
Note: for the following I have been using this example pdf I found online which contains multiple links. Your mileage may vary with this.
import pdfrw
pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader("pdf.pdf") # Load the pdf
new_pdf = pdfrw.PdfWriter() # Create an empty pdf
for page in pdf.pages: # Go through the pages
# Links are in Annots, but some pages don't have links so Annots returns None
for annot in page.Annots or []:
old_url = annot.A.URI
# >Here you put logic for replacing the URLs<
# Use the PdfString object to do the encoding for us
# Note the brackets around the URL here
new_url = pdfrw.objects.pdfstring.PdfString("(http://www.google.com)")
# Override the URL with ours
annot.A.URI = new_url
I managed to get it working with PyPDF2.
If you just want to remove all annotations for a page, you just have to do:
if '/Annots' in page: del page['/Annots']
Else, here is how you change each link:
import PyPDF2
new_link = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ" # great video by the way
pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader("input.pdf")
pdf_writer = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter()
for i in range(pdf_reader.getNumPages()):
page = pdf_reader.getPage(i)
if '/Annots' not in page: continue
for annot in page['/Annots']:
annot_obj = annot.getObject()
if '/A' not in annot_obj: continue # not a link
# you have to wrap the key and value with a TextStringObject:
key = PyPDF2.generic.TextStringObject("/URI")
value = PyPDF2.generic.TextStringObject(new_link)
annot_obj['/A'][key] = value
with open('output.pdf', 'wb') as f:
An equivalent one-liner for a given page index i and annotation index j would be:
pdf_reader.getPage(i)['/Annots'][j].getObject()['/A'][PyPDF2.generic.TextStringObject("/URI")] = PyPDF2.generic.TextStringObject(new_link)