I have two models in my application and I am trying to update a M2M field . Django documentation says that it can be done using set() method . But I guess by dealt set() accepts pk of the objects as arguments and what I want to do is set it using the actual values .
For e.g. I have a client in Clients models named "adam" and I want to set the value for its corresponding M2M field "items_onsale" to ["ac" , "book"]
Below is my code for the models :-
from django.db import models
class Client(models.Model):
SEX_CHOICES = [('M', 'Male'), ('F', 'Female')]
fname = models.CharField(max_length=100)
lname = models.CharField(max_length=100)
mailid = models.EmailField(max_length=100)
sex = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=SEX_CHOICES, blank=True)
age = models.IntegerField()
items_onsale = models.ManyToManyField('Sinfo', blank=True)
def __str__(self): # for displaying the variable correctly.
return self.fname , self.lname , self.mailid , self.sex , self.age , self.items_onsale
class Sinfo(models.Model): # data of items put on sale by clients
iname = models.CharField(max_length=100)
idesc = models.TextField(max_length=300, null=True)
def __str__(self): # for displaying the variable correctly.
return self.iname
What I have tried till now is :-
c = Client.objects.get(pk=17)
And I am getting below error :-
ValueError: Field 'id' expected a number but got 'book'
I know that there is a way to update it using values but not sure how . The django documentation does suggest using "through_defaults" option but haven't given any such example , so I am quite not sure how to use it :-
For many-to-many relationships set() accepts a list of either model instances or field values, normally primary keys, as the objs argument.
Use the through_defaults argument to specify values for the new intermediate model instance(s), if needed. You can use callables as values in the through_defaults dictionary and they will be evaluated once before creating any intermediate instance(s).
I am there is a better to achieve this , please let me know .
through_defaults option works if you have multiple foreign-keys in the same model when using the through option.
in your case, the items_onsale have a direct relationship with the client, use the add function instead of set.
c = Client.objects.get(pk=17)
c = Client.objects.get(pk=17)
list= Sinfo.objects.filter(iname__in=["ac","book"])
add() accepts an arbitrary number of arguments, not a list of them.
To expand that list into arguments, use *
I need to create two models from a single template. Creating Product model is fine. The Product model has the ManyToOne relation with ProductVariant. But I got problem while creating ProductVariant model.
request.POST.getlist('names') this gives me the result like this ['name1','name2] and the same goes for all.
I want to create ProductVariant object with each values. How can I do this ? Also I think there is a problem while stroing a HStoreField. request.POST.getlist('attributes') gives the value like this ['a:b','x:z'] so I converted it into dictionary(but not sure it works).
What I want is
attributes, names ... all will have the same number of items in the list.
For example if the name is ['a','b','c'] then weight will also have 3 values in the list [12,15,23] like this.
I want to create ProductVariant object 3 times since every list will have 3 items in the list. The first object will have field values from the list first item which is name=a,weight=12.. and for the second object values will be name=b, weight=15 like this.
How will it be possible? Or I should change the logic ? Any suggestions ?
class ProductVariant(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=False, null=False)
product = models.ForeignKey(Product, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
attributes = HStoreField()
price = models.FloatField(blank=False, null=False, default=0.0)
product = product_form.save()
attributes = request.POST.getlist('attributes')
names = request.POST.getlist('name')
up = request.POST.getlist('price')
weight = request.POST.getlist('weight')
print(names, 'names')
# converting attributes into the dictionary for the HStore field
for attribute in attributes:
attributes_dict = {}
key, value = attribute.split(':')
attributes_dict[key] = value
ProductVariant.objects.create(name=name,...) # for each value I want to create this.
Answer for update:
names = ['a', 'b', 'c']
weights = [12, 15, 23]
params = zip(names, weights)
products = [ProductVariant(name=param[0], weight=param[1]) for param in params]
I disagree with this approach, but if you really want to do it this way, ziping would be the way as #forkcs pointed out.
I would use Django to help me as much as possible, before i get there, please make this change. float != money
class ProductVariant(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=False, null=False)
product = models.ForeignKey(Product, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
attributes = HStoreField()
price = models.DecimalField(blank=False, null=False, default=0, max_digits=6, decimal_places=2)
Once thats done, the form should look like this:
class ProductVariantForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
fields = ('name', 'product', 'attributes', 'price')
model = ProductVariant
ProductVariantFormSet = formset_factory(ProductVariantForm)
Note that I don't have to parse/clean/format attributes? Thats because Django did it for me ;)
And you can use it as follow IF you raname your fields and not use the same name multiple times: (instead of all your fields being called "attributes", you call them "form-X-attributes" where X is the number 0-infinity, example)
product = product_form.save()
formset = ProductVariantFormSet(data=request.POST)
if formset.is_valid():
instances = []
for form in formset:
if form.is_valid(): # this could probably be removed
For extra credit you can also do: (it shouldn't really matter)
product = product_form.save()
formset = ProductVariantFormSet(data=request.POST)
if formset.is_valid():
instances = []
for form in formset:
if form.is_valid(): # this could probably be removed
What do you gain? STANDARDS!!! AND compartmentalization! Everyone that knows Django knows what you did. All your clean logic will be placed in the right place (the form), and you'll be less error prone.
Ps. i wrote tests for you. https://gist.github.com/kingbuzzman/937a9d207bd937d1b2bb22249ae6bdb2#file-formset_example-py-L142
If you want more information on my approach, see the docs https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/forms/formsets/
As for attributes, it could be reduced to one line like this:
attributes_dict = dict(map(lambda x: x.split(':'), attributes))
To create multiple objects you should either iterate and create one object at a time or use bulk_create:
for name in names:
ProductVariant.objects.bulk_create([ProductVariant(name=name) for name in names])
Best practice for this is using bulk_create method.
product_variants = [ProductVariant(name=name) for name in names]
I have tried to access joined data in my django template but nothing works, a little help is deeply appreciated.
project_code = Foreignkey(another table1)
shot_code = charfield(primary_key = True)
shot_name = charfield()
sequence_name = Integerfield()
vendor_id = Foreignkey(another table2)
shot_code = Foreignkey(Model1, on_delete= models.CASCADE)
shot_rate = integerfield()
shot_bid = integerfield()
I wanted to display
Select * from Model1 a, Model2 b, where a.shot_code = b.shot_code
and model1.project_code = "XXX"
and columns to be accessed in template are
1. Shot code
2. Shot name
3. Sequence name
4. Shot rate
5. Shot bid
6. Vendor id
I tried the following method
1. Using Select_related
result = only values of model2 is displayed
unable to access model1's data,
error = 'QuerySet' object has no attribute model1
Do you expect this to return one or multiple instances? The best way to do this would be still with select_related, e.g.:
Model2.objects.filter(shot_code__project_code=<your value>).select_related("shot_code")
For queryset with multiple Model2 instances, or add .get() at the end if you expect only single instance.
Alternatively, you can add .values() and instead of operating on two related models, get dict-like join result (although note that you won't be able to reuse shot_code straightforward, as it would clash with your foreign key name):
Model2.objects.filter(shot_code__project_code=<your value>).annotate(
"sequence_name", "shot_name", "real_shot_code", "shot_rate", "shot_bid", "vendor_id"
And as always, I recommend to refrain from naming your ForeignKey as vendor_id, since it will place the real id under the vendor_id_id, and naming will be a bit unclear.
You can use object of Model1 query set in Model2 and get the data see below example:
model1obj = Model1.objects.get(project_code = "XXX")
model2obj = Model2.objects.get(shot_code = model1obj)
# now access all the fields using model1obj and model2obj
After solving the problem I asked about in this question, I am trying to optimize performance of the FTS using indexes.
I issued on my db the command:
CREATE INDEX my_table_idx ON my_table USING gin(to_tsvector('italian', very_important_field), to_tsvector('italian', also_important_field), to_tsvector('italian', not_so_important_field), to_tsvector('italian', not_important_field), to_tsvector('italian', tags));
Then I edited my model's Meta class as follows:
class MyEntry(models.Model):
very_important_field = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
also_important_field = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
not_so_important_field = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
not_important_field = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
tags = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'my_table'
indexes = [
fields=['very_important_field', 'also_important_field', 'not_so_important_field', 'not_important_field', 'tags'],
But nothing seems to have changed. The lookup takes exactly the same amount of time as before.
This is the lookup script:
from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchQuery, SearchRank, SearchVector
# other unrelated stuff here
vector = SearchVector("very_important_field", weight="A") + \
SearchVector("tags", weight="A") + \
SearchVector("also_important_field", weight="B") + \
SearchVector("not_so_important_field", weight="C") + \
SearchVector("not_important_field", weight="D")
query = SearchQuery(search_string, config="italian")
rank = SearchRank(vector, query, weights=[0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]). # D, C, B, A
full_text_search_qs = MyEntry.objects.annotate(rank=rank).filter(rank__gte=0.4).order_by("-rank")
What am I doing wrong?
The above lookup is wrapped in a function I use a decorator on to time. The function actually returns a list, like this:
def search(search_string):
# the above code here
qs = list(full_text_search_qs)
return qs
Might this be the problem, maybe?
You need to add a SearchVectorField to your MyEntry, update it from your actual text fields and then perform the search on this field. However, the update can only be performed after the record has been saved to the database.
from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex
from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchVector, SearchVectorField
class MyEntry(models.Model):
# The fields that contain the raw data.
very_important_field = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
also_important_field = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
not_so_important_field = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
not_important_field = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
tags = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
# The field we actually going to search.
# Must be null=True because we cannot set it immediately during create()
search_vector = SearchVectorField(editable=False, null=True)
class Meta:
# The search index pointing to our actual search field.
indexes = [GinIndex(fields=["search_vector"])]
Then you can create the plain instance as usual, for example:
# Does not set MyEntry.search_vector yet.
my_entry = MyEntry.objects.create(
very_important_field="something very important", # Fake Italien text ;-)
also_important_field="something different but equally important"
not_so_important_field="this one matters less"
not_important_field="we don't care are about that one at all"
tags="things, stuff, whatever"
Now that the entry exists in the database, you can update the search_vector field using all kinds of options. For example weight to specify the importance and config to use one of the default language configurations. You can also completely omit fields you don't want to search:
# Update search vector on existing database record.
my_entry.search_vector = (
SearchVector("very_important_field", weight="A", config="italien")
+ SearchVector("also_important_field", weight="A", config="italien")
+ SearchVector("not_so_important_field", weight="C", config="italien")
+ SearchVector("tags", weight="B", config="italien")
Manually updating the search_vector field every time some of the text fields change can be error prone, so you might consider adding an SQL trigger to do that for you using a Django migration. For an example on how to do that see for instance a blog article on Full-text Search with Django and PostgreSQL.
To actually search in MyEntry using the index you need to filter and rank by your search_vector field. The config for the SearchQuery should match the one of the SearchVector above (to use the same stopword, stemming etc).
For example:
from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchQuery, SearchRank
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db.models import F, QuerySet
search_query = SearchQuery("important", search_type="websearch", config="italien")
search_rank = SearchRank(F("search_vector"), search_query)
my_entries_found = (
.filter(search_vector=search_query) # Perform full text search on index.
.order_by("-rank") # Yield most relevant entries first.
I'm not sure but according to postgresql documentation (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/textsearch-tables.html#TEXTSEARCH-TABLES-INDEX):
Because the two-argument version of to_tsvector was used in the index
above, only a query reference that uses the 2-argument version of
to_tsvector with the same configuration name will use that index. That
is, WHERE to_tsvector('english', body) ## 'a & b' can use the index,
but WHERE to_tsvector(body) ## 'a & b' cannot. This ensures that an
index will be used only with the same configuration used to create the
index entries.
I don't know what configuration django uses but you can try to remove first argument
As the title says, I need a way to perform this query. I have tried the following:
user_list_ids = []
user_lists = []
user_entries = OwnerEntry.objects.filter(name=request.user)
for user in user_entries:
user_lists = ListEntry.objects.filter(id__in=user_list_ids)
for user in user_entries:
user_lists = ListEntry.objects.filter(id__in=user_list_ids)
However, I get an error on the last line: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'ListEntry'
Here are the relevant models:
class OwnerEntry(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
list_id = models.ForeignKey(ListEntry)
class Meta:
ordering = ('name',)
class ListEntry(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
# active_date = models.DateTimeField('date of last list activity')
expire_date = models.DateField('date of expiration')
create_date = models.DateField('date created')
to answer your question directly, please note that you have a list_id rather than list as a ForeignKey name (OwnerEntry model). In order to actually extract the fk value, you should use list_id_id instead (or rename list_id to list ;))
Please also note that django supports object references, like so:
someowner = OwnerEntry.objects.get( ... )
ownerslist = someowner.listentry_set.all()
You can define OwnerEntry's foreign key to ListEntry as :
list_id = models.ForeignKey(ListEntry, related_query_name='owner_entry')
and then do this one-liner in your code:
user_lists = ListEntry.objects.filter(owner_entry__name=request.user)
What this does is exactly filter every ListEntry which has at least one owner_entry whose name is equal to request.user's.
The redefinition of the foreign key is just for the sake of giving a nice name to the query attribute.
For more details on queries that work with backward relationships: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#lookups-that-span-relationships
What is wrong with my code?
class Group(ImageModel):
title = models.CharField(verbose_name = "Title", max_length=7)
photos = models.ManyToManyField('Photo', related_name='+',
null=True, blank=True)
pid = Photo.objects.get(image = str_path)
gid= Group.objects.get(id = self.id)
self.save_photos(gid, pid)
def save_photos(self, gid, pid):
group_photo = GroupPhotos(groupupload=gid.id,
and my GroupPhotos models is:
class GroupPhotos(models.Model):
groupupload = models.ForeignKey('Group')
photo = models.ForeignKey('Photo')
class Meta:
db_table = u'group_photos'
when i want to save it from admin panel i am getting value error sth like this:
Cannot assign "38": "GroupPhotos.groupupload" must be a "Group" instance.
with group_photo = GroupPhotos(groupupload=gid, photo=pid) defination it is working but there is no any changes in GroupPhotos table(group_photos). printing this print pid.id,' >>> ',gid.id i am getting true relation...
I have been working since morning, but no progress... i have also tried this but nothing changed:
pid = Photo.objects.get(image = str_path)
ger = Group.objects.get(id = self.id)
ger.title = self.title
The error is here:
group_photo = GroupPhotos(groupupload=gid.id, photo=pid.id)
The arguments to groupupload and photo should be instances of Group and Photo respectively. Try the following:
group_photo = GroupPhotos(groupupload=gid, photo=pid)
In other words, when creating an object you need to pass arguments of the expected type and not an integer (which may be the primary key key of the desired object but it also might not, which is why you need to pass an object of the correct type).
i have solved my problem with adding through option to my manytomanyfield:
photos = models.ManyToManyField('Photo', related_name='+',
null=True, blank=True, through=GroupPhotos)
some info about ManyToManyField.through here:
Django will automatically generate a table to manage many-to-many
relationships. However, if you want to manually specify the
intermediary table, you can use the through option to specify the
Django model that represents the intermediate table that you want to
The most common use for this option is when you want to associate extra data with a many-to-many relationship.