I'm rotating a picture the following way:
# Read in image
img = cv2.imread("pic.jpg")
height, width, _ = img.shape
print("height ", height)
print("width ", width)
# Rotate image by 90 degrees
augmentation = iaa.Affine(rotate=90)
img_aug = augmentation(image=img)
height, width, _ = img_aug.shape
print("Height after rotation ", height)
print("Width after rotation ", width
> height 1080
> width 1920
> Height after rotation 1080
> Width after rotation 1920
Why does the shape of the image not change?
Image augmentation does not change the actual or physical shape of your image. Think of the original shape as an window from where you see the image or the outside world. Here all the transformations i.e., rotations, stretchings, translation or in general any homography or non-linear warps are applied to the world outside your window. The opening from where you look at the image, in my analogy the window, stays the same irrespective how the world outside i.e., the image changes.
Now it can obviously bring in some other region, not present in the original view, to the augmented view. Most often, newly introduced pixels will be black or it may depend on what kind of padding is applied.
In short, augmentation operations are not something like matrix transpose where the actual shape may change.
img = cv2.imread("img.png")
augmentation = iaa.Affine(rotate=90)
img_aug = augmentation(image=img)
Let's see the images:
Original Image
Rotated Image
Have a look at the image and it will give you the better idea what I want to achieve. I want to rotate the image and fill the black part of image just like in required image.
# Read the image
img = cv2.imread("input.png")
# Get the image size
h, w = img.shape[:2]
# Define the rotation matrix
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w/2, h/2), 30, 1)
# Rotate the image
rotated = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (w, h))
mask = np.zeros(rotated.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8)
mask[np.where((rotated == [0, 0, 0]).all(axis=2))] = 255
From the code I am able to get the mask of black regions. Now I want to replace these black regions with the image portion as shown in the image 1. Any better solution how can I achieve this.
Use the borderMode parameter of warpAffine.
You want to pass the BORDER_WRAP value.
Here's the result. This does exactly what you described with your first picture.
I have an approach. You can first create a larger image consisting of 3 * 3 times your original image. When you rotate this image and only cut out the center of this large image, you have your desired result.
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Read the image
img = cv2.imread("input.png")
# Get the image size of the origial image
h, w = img.shape[:2]
# make a large image containing 3 copies of the original image in each direction
large_img = np.tile(img, [3,3,1])
cv2.imshow("large_img", large_img)
# Define the rotation matrix. Rotate around the center of the large image
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w*3/2, h*3/2), 30, 1)
# Rotate the image
rotated = cv2.warpAffine(large_img, M, (w*3, h*3))
# crop only the center of the image
cropped_image = rotated[w:w*2,h:h*2,:]
cv2.imshow("cropped_image", cropped_image)
I'm trying to export out 1000x1000 thumbnails of images in Python PIL without distorting the original images.
This code works if the original image has dimensions exceeding 1000x1000.
(width, height) = img.size
left = int((width - 1000)/2)
right = left + 1000
new_img = img.crop((left, 0, right, height))
new_img = new_img.resize((1000,1000))
However, if the images have dimensions below this, such as 800 x 400, they become stretched out and distorted.
From what I understand from your question, whatever be the size of the image, it needs to be cropped to a 1000x1000 image.
One way to do this is by first cropping the image into a square and then resizing it to 1000x1000.
(width, height) = img.size
if width < height: # if width is smaller than height, crop height
h = int((height - width)/2)
new_img = img.crop((0, h, width, width+h))
else: # if height is smaller than width, crop width
w = int((width - height)/2)
new_img = img.crop((w, 0, height+w, height))
# resize to required size
new_img = new_img.resize((1000,1000))
It is more efficient to crop first and then enlarge than to enlarge first and then crop. This is because in the second case, you are doing image operations (i.e, cropping) on a larger image which uses more resources (CPU, RAM, etc) than cropping smaller images. If you're working on large number of images this could result considerable difference in processing time.
I have about 1000 images in a cvs file. I have already managed to put those images in my Python programm by doing the following:
df = pd.read_csv("./Testes_small.csv")
# Creates the dataframe
training_set = pd.DataFrame({'Images': training_imgs,'Labels': training_labels})
train_dataGen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)
train_generator = train_dataGen.flow_from_dataframe(dataframe = training_set, directory="",
x_col="Images", y_col="Labels",
target_size=(224, 224),batch_size=32)
##Steps to plot the images
imgs,labels = next(train_generator)
for i in range(batch_size): # range de 0 a 31
image = imgs[i]
So now I have the train_generator variable of type python.keras.preprocessing.image.DataframeIterator Its size is (32,224,224,3).
In the function ImageDataGenerator I want to put my own preprocessing function to resize the images. I want to do this because I have some rectangular images that when resized lose its ratio.
Per examples these images before(upper image) and after(the lower one) resizing:
Clearly the secong image loses shape
I found this function(it's the answer to a previous thread):
def resize_image(self, image: Image, length: int) -> Image:
Resize an image to a square. Can make an image bigger to make it fit or smaller if it doesn't fit. It also crops
part of the image.
:param self:
:param image: Image to resize.
:param length: Width and height of the output image.
:return: Return the resized image.
Resizing strategy :
1) We resize the smallest side to the desired dimension (e.g. 1080)
2) We crop the other side so as to make it fit with the same length as the smallest side (e.g. 1080)
if image.size[0] < image.size[1]:
# The image is in portrait mode. Height is bigger than width.
# This makes the width fit the LENGTH in pixels while conserving the ration.
resized_image = image.resize((length, int(image.size[1] * (length / image.size[0]))))
# Amount of pixel to lose in total on the height of the image.
required_loss = (resized_image.size[1] - length)
# Crop the height of the image so as to keep the center part.
resized_image = resized_image.crop(
box=(0, required_loss / 2, length, resized_image.size[1] - required_loss / 2))
# We now have a length*length pixels image.
return resized_image
# This image is in landscape mode or already squared. The width is bigger than the heihgt.
# This makes the height fit the LENGTH in pixels while conserving the ration.
resized_image = image.resize((int(image.size[0] * (length / image.size[1])), length))
# Amount of pixel to lose in total on the width of the image.
required_loss = resized_image.size[0] - length
# Crop the width of the image so as to keep 1080 pixels of the center part.
resized_image = resized_image.crop(
box=(required_loss / 2, 0, resized_image.size[0] - required_loss / 2, length))
# We now have a length*length pixels image.
return resized_image
I'm trying to insert it like this img_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255, preprocessing_function = resize_image but it doesn't work because I'm not giving an im. Do you have any ideas on how can I do this?
Check the documentation for providing custom functions to the ImageDataGenerator. It says and quote,
"preprocessing_function: function that will be applied on each input. The function will run after the image is resized and augmented. The function should take one argument: one image (Numpy tensor with rank 3), and should output a Numpy tensor with the same shape."
From the above documentation we can note the following:
When will this function be executed:
after resizing image.
after any data augmentation which has to be done.
Function argument requirements:
only one argument.
this argument is for only one numpy image.
the image should be numpy tensor of rank 3
Function output requirements:
one output image.
should be same shape as input
This last point is really important for your question. Since your function is resizing the image it's output will not be the same shape as input and so you cannot do this directly.
One alternative to get this done is to do your resizing of dataset before passing to ImageDataGenerator.
I work at a studio that does school photos and we are trying to make a script to eliminate the job of cropping each photo to a template. The photos we work with are fairly uniform but they vary in resolution and head position a bit. I took up the mantle of trying to write the script with my fairly limited Python knowledge and through a lot of trial and error and online resources I think I have got most of the way there.
At the moment I am trying to figure out the best way to have the image crop from the NumPy array with the head where I want and I just cant find a good flexible solution. The head needs to be positioned slightly differently for pose 1 and pose 2 so its needs to be easy to change on the fly (Probably going to implement some sort of simple GUI to input stuff like that, but for now I can just change the code).
I also need to be able to change the output resolution of the photo so they are all uniform (2000x2500). Anyone have any ideas?
At the moment this is my current code, it just saves the detected face square:
import cv2
import os.path
import glob
# Cascade path
cascPath = 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml'
# Create the haar cascade
faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascPath)
#Check for output folder and create if its not there
if not os.path.exists('output'):
# Read Images
images = glob.glob('*.jpg')
for c, i in enumerate(images):
image = cv2.imread(i, 1)
# Convert to grayscale
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Find face(s) using cascade
faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(
scaleFactor=1.1, # size of groups
minNeighbors=5, # How many groups around are detected as face for it to be valid
minSize=(500, 500) # Min size in pixels for face
# Outputs number of faces found in image
print('Found {0} faces!'.format(len(faces)))
# Places a rectangle on face
for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
imgCrop = image[y:y+h,x:x+w]
if len(faces) > 0:
#Saves Images to output folder with OG name
cv2.imwrite('output/'+ i, imgCrop)
I can crop using it like this:
# Crop Padding
left = 300
right = 300
top = 400
bottom = 1000
for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
imgCrop = image[y-top:y+h+bottom, x-left:x+w+right]
but that outputs pretty random resolutions and changes based on the image resolution
To set a new resolution with the dimension, you can use cv2.resize. There may be a pixel loss so you can use the interpolation method.
The newly resized image may be in BGR format, so you may need to convert to RGB format.
cv2.resize(src=crop, dsize=(2000, 2500), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
crop = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Make sure the cropped image is in RGB format
cv2.imwrite("image-1.png", crop)
One approach is using python's face-recognition library.
The approach is using two sample images for training.
Predict the next image based on training images.
For instance, The followings are the training images:
We want to predict the faces in the below image:
When we get the facial encodings of the training images and apply to the next image:
import face_recognition
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
# Load a sample picture and learn how to recognize it.
first_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("images/ex.jpg")
first_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(first_image)[0]
# Load a second sample picture and learn how to recognize it.
second_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("images/index.jpg")
sec_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(second_image)[0]
# Create arrays of known face encodings and their names
known_face_encodings = [
print('Learned encoding for', len(known_face_encodings), 'images.')
# Load an image with an unknown face
unknown_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("images/babes.jpg")
# Find all the faces and face encodings in the unknown image
face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(unknown_image)
face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(unknown_image, face_locations)
# Convert the image to a PIL-format image so that we can draw on top of it with the Pillow library
# See http://pillow.readthedocs.io/ for more about PIL/Pillow
pil_image = Image.fromarray(unknown_image)
# Create a Pillow ImageDraw Draw instance to draw with
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_image)
# Loop through each face found in the unknown image
for (top, right, bottom, left), face_encoding in zip(face_locations, face_encodings):
matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance(known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
best_match_index = np.argmin(face_distances)
draw.rectangle(((left, top), (right, bottom)), outline=(0, 0, 255), width=5)
# Remove the drawing library from memory as per the Pillow docs
del draw
# Display the resulting image
The output will be:
The above is my suggestion. When you create a new resolution with the current image, there will be a pixel loss. Therefore you need to use an interpolation method.
For instance: after finding the face locations, select the coordinates in the original image.
# Add after draw.rectangle function.
crop = unknown_image[top:bottom, left:right]
Set new resolution with the size 2000 x 2500 and interpolation with CV2.INTERN_LANCZOS4.
Possible Question: Why CV2.INTERN_LANCZOS4?
Of course, you can select whatever you like, but in this post CV2.INTERN_LANCZOS4 was suggested.
cv2.resize(src=crop, dsize=(2000, 2500), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
Save the image
crop = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Make sure the cropped image is in RGB format
cv2.imwrite("image-1.png", crop)
Outputs are around 4.3 MB Therefore I can't display in here.
From the final result, we clearly see and identify faces. The library precisely finds the faces in the image.
Here what you can do:
Either you can use the training images of your own-set, or you can use the example above.
Apply the face-recognition function for each image, using the trained face-locations and save the results in the directory.
here is how I got it to crop how I wanted, this is added right below the "output number of faces" function
#Get the face postion and output values into variables, might not be needed but I did it
for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
xdis = x
ydis = y
w = w
h = h
#Get scale value by dividing wanted head hight by detected head hight
ws = 600/w
hs = 600/h
#scale image to get head to right size, uses bilinear interpolation by default
scale = cv2.resize(image,(0,0),fx=hs,fy=ws)
#calculate head postion for given values
sxdis = int(xdis*ws) #applying scale to x distance and turning it into a integer
sydis = int(ydis*hs) #applying scale to y distance and turning it into a integer
sycent = sydis+300 #adding half head hight to get center
ystart = sycent-700 #subtract where you want the head center to be in pixels, this is for the vertical
yend = ystart+2500 #Add whatever you want vertical resolution to be
xcent = sxdis+300 #adding half head hight to get center
xstart = xcent-1000 #subtract where you want the head center to be in pixels, this is for the horizontal
xend = xstart+2000 #add whatever you want the horizontal resolution to be
#Crop the image
cropped = scale[ystart:yend, xstart:xend]
Its a mess but it works exactly how I wanted it to work.
ended up going with openCV instead of switching to python-Recognition because of speed but I might switch over if I can get multithreading to work in python-recognition.
I'd like to create a function, like:
def generateThumbnail(self, width, height):
Generates thumbnails for an image
im = Image.open(self._file)
im.thumbnail((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
im.save(self._path + str(width) + 'x' +
str(height) + '-' + self._filename, "JPEG")
Where a file can be given and resized.
The current function works great except it does not crop when necessary.
In the case that a rectangular image is given, and a square resize is required (width = height), some centered-weighted cropping will have to be done.
You need to crop the image properly before resizing it. The basic idea is to determine the largest rectangular area of the source image having the same aspect (width to height) ratio as the thumbnail image and then trim off (crop) any excess around it before resizing to the thumbnail's dimensions). Here's a function which will compute the size and location of such a cropping area:
def cropbbox(imagewidth,imageheight, thumbwidth,thumbheight):
""" cropbbox(imagewidth,imageheight, thumbwidth,thumbheight)
Compute a centered image crop area for making thumbnail images.
imagewidth,imageheight are source image dimensions
thumbwidth,thumbheight are thumbnail image dimensions
Returns bounding box pixel coordinates of the cropping area
in this order (left,upper, right,lower).
# determine scale factor
fx = float(imagewidth)/thumbwidth
fy = float(imageheight)/thumbheight
f = fx if fx < fy else fy
# calculate size of crop area
cropheight,cropwidth = int(thumbheight*f),int(thumbwidth*f)
# for centering use half the size difference of the image and the crop area
dx = (imagewidth-cropwidth)/2
dy = (imageheight-cropheight)/2
# return bounding box of centered crop area on source image
return dx,dy, cropwidth+dx,cropheight+dy
if __name__=='__main__':
bbox = cropbbox(1024,768, 128,128)
print("cropbbox(1024,768, 128,128): {}".format(bbox))
bbox = cropbbox(768,1024, 128,128)
print("cropbbox(768,1024, 128,128): {}".format(bbox))
bbox = cropbbox(1024,1024, 96,128)
print("cropbbox(1024,1024, 96,128): {}".format(bbox))
bbox = cropbbox(1024,1024, 128,96)
print("cropbbox(1024,1024, 128,96): {}".format(bbox))
After determining the crop area, call im.crop(bbox) and then call im.thumbnail(...) on the image returned.