I'm trying to use the multiprocessing library to parallelize some expensive calculations without blocking some others, much lighter. The both need to interact through some variables, although the may run with different paces.
To show this, I have created the following example, that works fine:
import multiprocessing
import time
import numpy as np
class SumClass:
def __init__(self):
self.result = 0.0
self.p = None
self.return_value = None
def expensive_function(self, new_number, return_value):
# Execute expensive calculation
time.sleep(np.random.random_integers(5, 10, 1))
return_value.value = self.result + new_number
def execute_function(self, new_number):
print(' New number received: %f' % new_number)
self.return_value = multiprocessing.Value("f", 0.0, lock=True)
self.p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.expensive_function, args=(new_number, self.return_value))
def is_executing(self):
if self.p is not None:
if not self.p.is_alive():
self.result = self.return_value.value
self.p = None
return False
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
sum_obj = SumClass()
current_value = 0
while True:
if not sum_obj.is_executing():
# Randomly determine whether the function must be executed or not
if np.random.rand() < 0.25:
print('Current sum value: %f' % sum_obj.result)
new_number = np.random.rand(1)[0]
# Execute other (light) stuff
print('Executing other stuff')
current_value += sum_obj.result * 0.1
print('Current value: %f' % current_value)
Basically, in the main loop some light function is executed, and depending on a random condition, some heavy work is sent to another process if it has already finished the previous one, carried out by an object which needs to store some data between executions. Although expensive_function needs some time, the light function keeps on executing without being blocked.
Although the above code gets the job done, I'm wondering: is it the best/most appropriate method to do this?
Besides, let us suppose the class SumClass has an instance of another object, which also needs to store data. For example:
import multiprocessing
import time
import numpy as np
class Operator:
def __init__(self):
self.last_value = 1.0
def operate(self, value):
print(' Operation, last value: %f' % self.last_value)
self.last_value *= value
return self.last_value
class SumClass:
def __init__(self):
self.operator_obj = Operator()
self.result = 0.0
self.p = None
self.return_value = None
def expensive_function(self, new_number, return_value):
# Execute expensive calculation
time.sleep(np.random.random_integers(5, 10, 1))
# Apply operation
number = self.operator_obj.operate(new_number)
# Apply other operation
return_value.value = self.result + number
def execute_function(self, new_number):
print(' New number received: %f' % new_number)
self.return_value = multiprocessing.Value("f", 0.0, lock=True)
self.p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.expensive_function, args=(new_number, self.return_value))
def is_executing(self):
if self.p is not None:
if not self.p.is_alive():
self.result = self.return_value.value
self.p = None
return False
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
sum_obj = SumClass()
current_value = 0
while True:
if not sum_obj.is_executing():
# Randomly determine whether the function must be executed or not
if np.random.rand() < 0.25:
print('Current sum value: %f' % sum_obj.result)
new_number = np.random.rand(1)[0]
# Execute other (light) stuff
print('Executing other stuff')
current_value += sum_obj.result * 0.1
print('Current value: %f' % current_value)
Now, inside the expensive_function, a function member of the object Operator is used, which needs to store the number passed.
As expected, the member variable last_value does not change, i.e. it does not keep any value.
Is there any way of doing this properly?
I can imagine I could arrange everything so that I only need to use one class level, and it would work well. However, this is a toy example, in reality there are different levels of complex objects and it would be hard.
Thank you very much in advance!
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from numba import jit
import requests
import timeit
def timer(number, repeat):
def wrapper(func):
runs = timeit.repeat(func, number=number, repeat=repeat)
print(sum(runs) / len(runs))
return wrapper
URL = "https://httpbin.org/uuid"
#jit(nopython=True, nogil=True,cache=True)
def fetch(session, url):
with session.get(url) as response:
#timer(1, 1)
def runner():
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=25) as executor:
with requests.Session() as session:
executor.map(fetch, [session] * 100, [URL] * 100)
Maybe this might help.
I'm using ThreadPoolExecutor for multithreading. you can also use ProcessPoolExecutor.
For your compute expensive operation you can use numba for making cached byte code of your function for faster exeution.
Here is my prime factorization program,i added a callback function in pool.apply_async(findK, args=(N,begin,end)),a message prompt out prime factorization is over when factorization is over,it works fine.
import math
import multiprocessing
def findK(N,begin,end):
for k in range(begin,end):
if N% k == 0:
print(N,"=" ,k ,"*", N/k)
return True
return False
def prompt(result):
if result:
print("prime factorization is over")
def mainFun(N,process_num):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(process_num)
for i in range(process_num):
if i ==0 :
begin =2
begin = int(math.sqrt(N)/process_num*i)+1
end = int(math.sqrt(N)/process_num*(i+1))
pool.apply_async(findK, args=(N,begin,end) , callback = prompt)
if __name__ == "__main__":
N = 684568031001583853
process_num = 16
Now i want to change the callback function in apply_async,to change prompt into a shutdown function to kill all other process.
def prompt(result):
if result:
The pool instance is not defined in prompt scope or passed into prompt.
pool.terminate() can't work in prompt function.
How to pass multiprocessing.Pool instance to apply_async'callback function ?
(I have made it done in class format,just to add a class method and call self.pool.terminate can kill all other process,
how to do the job in function format?)
if not set pool as global variable, can pool be passed into callback function?
Passing extra arguments to the callback function is not supported. Yet you have plenty of elegant ways to workaround that.
You can encapsulate your pool logic into an object:
class Executor:
def __init__(self, process_num):
self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(process_num)
def prompt(self, result):
if result:
print("prime factorization is over")
def schedule(self, function, args):
self.pool.apply_async(function, args=args, callback=self.prompt)
def wait(self):
def main(N,process_num):
executor = Executor(process_num)
for i in range(process_num):
executor.schedule(findK, (N,begin,end))
Or you can use the concurrent.futures.Executor implementation which returns a Future object. You just append the pool to the Future object before setting the callback.
def prompt(future):
if future.result():
print("prime factorization is over")
def main(N,process_num):
executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=process_num)
for i in range(process_num):
future = executor.submit(findK, N,begin,end)
future.pool_executor = executor
You can simply define a local close function as a callback:
import math
import multiprocessing
def findK(N, begin, end):
for k in range(begin, end):
if N % k == 0:
print(N, "=", k, "*", N / k)
return True
return False
def mainFun(N, process_num):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(process_num)
def close(result):
if result:
print("prime factorization is over")
for i in range(process_num):
if i == 0:
begin = 2
begin = int(math.sqrt(N) / process_num * i) + 1
end = int(math.sqrt(N) / process_num * (i + 1))
pool.apply_async(findK, args=(N, begin, end), callback=close)
if __name__ == "__main__":
N = 684568031001583853
process_num = 16
mainFun(N, process_num)
You can also use a partial function from functool, with
import functools
def close_pool(pool, results):
if result:
def mainFun(N, process_num):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(process_num)
close = funtools.partial(close_pool, pool)
You need to have pool end up in prompt's environment. One possibility is to move pool into the global scope (though this isn't really best-practice). This appears to work:
import math
import multiprocessing
pool = None
def findK(N,begin,end):
for k in range(begin,end):
if N% k == 0:
print(N,"=" ,k ,"*", N/k)
return True
return False
def prompt(result):
if result:
print("prime factorization is over")
def mainFun(N,process_num):
global pool
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(process_num)
for i in range(process_num):
if i ==0 :
begin =2
begin = int(math.sqrt(N)/process_num*i)+1
end = int(math.sqrt(N)/process_num*(i+1))
pool.apply_async(findK, args=(N,begin,end) , callback = prompt)
if __name__ == "__main__":
N = 684568031001583853
process_num = 16
I'm trying to find the way to start a new Process and get its output if it takes less than X seconds. If the process takes more time I would like to ignore the Process result, kill the Process and carry on.
I need to basically add the timer to the code below. Now sure if there's a better way to do it, I'm open to a different and better solution.
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
def f(q):
# Ugly work
q.put(['hello', 'world'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
q = Queue()
p = Process(target=f, args=(q,))
print q.get()
You may find the following module useful in your case:
#! /usr/bin/env python3
"""Allow functions to be wrapped in a timeout API.
Since code can take a long time to run and may need to terminate before
finishing, this module provides a set_timeout decorator to wrap functions."""
__author__ = 'Stephen "Zero" Chappell ' \
__date__ = '18 December 2017'
__version__ = 1, 0, 1
__all__ = [
import multiprocessing
import sys
import time
def set_timeout(limit=None):
"""Return a wrapper that provides a timeout API for callers."""
if limit is None:
def wrapper(entry_point):
return _Timeout(entry_point, limit)
return wrapper
def run_with_timeout(limit, polling_interval, entry_point, *args, **kwargs):
"""Execute a callable object and automatically poll for results."""
engine = set_timeout(limit)(entry_point)
engine(*args, **kwargs)
while engine.ready is False:
return engine.value
def _target(queue, entry_point, *args, **kwargs):
"""Help with multiprocessing calls by being a top-level module function."""
# noinspection PyPep8,PyBroadException
queue.put((True, entry_point(*args, **kwargs)))
queue.put((False, sys.exc_info()[1]))
class _Timeout:
"""_Timeout(entry_point, limit) -> _Timeout instance"""
def __init__(self, entry_point, limit):
"""Initialize the _Timeout instance will all needed attributes."""
self.__entry_point = entry_point
self.__limit = limit
self.__queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
self.__process = multiprocessing.Process()
self.__timeout = time.monotonic()
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Begin execution of the entry point in a separate process."""
self.__queue = multiprocessing.Queue(1)
self.__process = multiprocessing.Process(
args=(self.__queue, self.__entry_point) + args,
self.__process.daemon = True
self.__timeout = time.monotonic() + self.__limit
def cancel(self):
"""Terminate execution if possible."""
if self.__process.is_alive():
def ready(self):
"""Property letting callers know if a returned value is available."""
if self.__queue.full():
return True
elif not self.__queue.empty():
return True
elif self.__timeout < time.monotonic():
return False
def value(self):
"""Property that retrieves a returned value if available."""
if self.ready is True:
valid, value = self.__queue.get()
if valid:
return value
raise value
raise TimeoutError('execution timed out before terminating')
def limit(self):
"""Property controlling what the timeout period is in seconds."""
return self.__limit
def limit(self, value):
self.__limit = value
def validate_limit(value):
"""Verify that the limit's value is not too low."""
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError('limit must be greater than zero')
To use, see the following example that demonstrates its usage:
from time import sleep
def main():
timeout_after_four_seconds = timeout(4)
# create copies of a function that have a timeout
a = timeout_after_four_seconds(do_something)
b = timeout_after_four_seconds(do_something)
c = timeout_after_four_seconds(do_something)
# execute the functions in separate processes
a('Hello', 1)
b('World', 5)
c('Jacob', 3)
# poll the functions to find out what they returned
results = [a, b, c]
polling = set(results)
while polling:
for process, name in zip(results, 'abc'):
if process in polling:
ready = process.ready
if ready is True: # if the function returned
print(name, 'returned', process.value)
elif ready is None: # if the function took too long
print(name, 'reached timeout')
else: # if the function is running
assert ready is False, 'ready must be True, False, or None'
def do_something(data, work):
return work
if __name__ == '__main__':
Does the process you are running involve a loop?
If so you can get the timestamp prior to starting the loop and include an if statement within the loop with an sys.exit(); command terminating the script if the current timestamp differs from the recorded start time stamp by more than x seconds.
All you need to adapt the queue example from the docs to your case is to pass the timeout to the q.get() call and terminate the process on timeout:
from Queue import Empty
print q.get(timeout=timeout)
except Empty: # no value, timeout occured
q = None # the queue might be corrupted after the `terminate()` call
Using a Pipe might be more lightweight otherwise the code is the same (you could use .poll(timeout), to find out whether there is a data to receive).
I am trying to use threading in one of my features of a class. The class is not inheriting the Thread class, it is just making use of it, calling a function in the class. The code has been refined to the problem of my class.
The problem that occurs seems to be the implementation of using threads in a class and recursively calling a method? This is just my guess, I',m not a expert in python schemes so I don't know.
Set the thread variable in the method run to enable threading.
import threading
class Alpha:
# Set variable defaults
leader = 'Swansonburg'
# - Thread variables
lock = threading.BoundedSemaphore(value=MAX_CONNECTIONS)
def __init__(self, leader=''):
if (leader): self.leader = leader
def run(self):
print "[+] Alpha: %s, Calling For Backup!" % self.leader
self.ETA = 101
for percent in range(self.ETA):
self.lock.acquire() # Set thread cap
if (not THREADING):
t = threading.Thread(target=self.CallBackup, args=(percent))
def CallBackup(self, percent):
if (percent == 0): pass
elif (percent % 10 == 0) | (percent == 100):
output = ("=" * percent) + (" %% - %d" % percent)
print (output)
def main():
new_team = Alpha()
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
When I tried running this, it gave me the error that
CallBackup() argument after * must be a sequence, not int
Why do I get TypeError in Threading in Python explains the same problem, you need to replace args=(percent) to args=(percent,) to make the argument list a sequence instead of a tuple.
I've been looking into a way to directly change variables in a running module.
What I want to achieve is that a load test is being run and that I can manually adjust the call pace or whatsoever.
Below some code that I just created (not-tested e.d.), just to give you an idea.
class A():
def __init__(self):
self.value = 1
def runForever(self):
print self.value
def setValue(self, value):
self.value = value
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Some code to create the A object and directly apply the value from an human's input
a = A()
#Some parallelism or something has to be applied.
a.setValue(raw_input("New value: "))
Edit #1: Yes, I know that now I will never hit the a.setValue() :-)
Here is a multi-threaded example. This code will work with the python interpreter but not with the Python Shell of IDLE, because the raw_input function is not handled the same way.
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
class A(Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.value = 1
self.stop_flag = False
def run(self):
while not self.stop_flag:
def set_value(self, value):
self.value = value
def stop(self):
self.stop_flag = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = A()
while 1:
r = raw_input()
The pseudo code you wrote is quite similar to the way Threading / Multiprocessing works in python. You will want to start a (for example) thread that "runs forever" and then instead of modifying the internal rate value directly, you will probably just send a message through a Queue that gives the new value.
Check out this question.
Here is a demonstration of doing what you asked about. I prefer to use Queues to directly making calls on threads / processes.
import Queue # !!warning. if you use multiprocessing, use multiprocessing.Queue
import threading
import time
def main():
q = Queue.Queue()
tester = Tester(q)
while True:
user_input = raw_input("New period in seconds or (q)uit: ")
if user_input.lower() == 'q':
new_speed = float(user_input)
except ValueError:
new_speed = None # ignore junk
if new_speed is not None:
class Tester(threading.Thread):
STOP_TOKEN = '<<stop>>'
def __init__(self, q):
self.q = q
self.speed = 1
def run(self):
while True:
# get from the queue
item = self.q.get(block=False) # don't hang
except Queue.Empty:
item = None # do nothing
if item:
# stop when requested
if item == self.STOP_TOKEN:
break # stop this thread loop
# otherwise check for a new speed
self.speed = float(item)
except ValueError:
pass # whatever you like with unknown input
# do your thing
def main_code(self):
time.sleep(self.speed) # or whatever you want to do
if __name__ == '__main__':
I want to create a python function to test the time spent in each function and print its name with its time, how i can print the function name and if there is another way to do so please tell me
def measureTime(a):
start = time.clock()
elapsed = time.clock()
elapsed = elapsed - start
print "Time spent in (function name) is: ", elapsed
First and foremost, I highly suggest using a profiler or atleast use timeit.
However if you wanted to write your own timing method strictly to learn, here is somewhere to get started using a decorator.
Python 2:
def timing(f):
def wrap(*args):
time1 = time.time()
ret = f(*args)
time2 = time.time()
print '%s function took %0.3f ms' % (f.func_name, (time2-time1)*1000.0)
return ret
return wrap
And the usage is very simple, just use the #timing decorator:
def do_work():
Python 3:
def timing(f):
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
time1 = time.time()
ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
time2 = time.time()
print('{:s} function took {:.3f} ms'.format(f.__name__, (time2-time1)*1000.0))
return ret
return wrap
Note I'm calling f.func_name to get the function name as a string(in Python 2), or f.__name__ in Python 3.
After playing with the timeit module, I don't like its interface, which is not so elegant compared to the following two method.
The following code is in Python 3.
The decorator method
This is almost the same with #Mike's method. Here I add kwargs and functools wrap to make it better.
def timeit(func):
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
start_time = time.time()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
print('function [{}] finished in {} ms'.format(
func.__name__, int(elapsed_time * 1_000)))
return result
return new_func
def foobar():
mike = Person()
The context manager method
from contextlib import contextmanager
def timeit_context(name):
start_time = time.time()
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
print('[{}] finished in {} ms'.format(name, int(elapsed_time * 1_000)))
For example, you can use it like:
with timeit_context('My profiling code'):
mike = Person()
And the code within the with block will be timed.
Using the first method, you can easily comment out the decorator to get the normal code. However, it can only time a function. If you have some part of code that you don't what to make it a function, then you can choose the second method.
For example, now you have
images = get_images()
big_image = ImagePacker.pack(images, width=4096)
Now you want to time the big_image = ... line. If you change it to a function, it will be:
images = get_images()
big_image = None
def foobar():
nonlocal big_image
big_image = ImagePacker.pack(images, width=4096)
Looks not so great...What if you are in Python 2, which has no nonlocal keyword.
Instead, using the second method fits here very well:
images = get_images()
with timeit_context('foobar'):
big_image = ImagePacker.pack(images, width=4096)
I don't see what the problem with the timeit module is. This is probably the simplest way to do it.
import timeit
timeit.timeit(a, number=1)
Its also possible to send arguments to the functions. All you need is to wrap your function up using decorators. More explanation here: http://www.pythoncentral.io/time-a-python-function/
The only case where you might be interested in writing your own timing statements is if you want to run a function only once and are also want to obtain its return value.
The advantage of using the timeit module is that it lets you repeat the number of executions. This might be necessary because other processes might interfere with your timing accuracy. So, you should run it multiple times and look at the lowest value.
Timeit has two big flaws: it doesn't return the return value of the function, and it uses eval, which requires passing in extra setup code for imports. This solves both problems simply and elegantly:
def timed(f):
start = time.time()
ret = f()
elapsed = time.time() - start
return ret, elapsed
timed(lambda: database.foo.execute('select count(*) from source.apachelog'))
(<sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy object at 0x7fd6c20fc690>, 4.07547402381897)
There is an easy tool for timing. https://github.com/RalphMao/PyTimer
It can work like a decorator:
from pytimer import Timer
def matmul(a,b, times=100):
for i in range(times):
It can also work like a plug-in timer with namespace control(helpful if you are inserting it to a function which has a lot of codes and may be called anywhere else).
timer = Timer()
def any_function():
for i in range(10):
np.dot(np.ones((100,1000)), np.zeros((1000,500)))
np.dot(np.ones((100,1000)), np.zeros((1000,500)))
np.dot(np.ones((100,1000)), np.zeros((1000,500)))
np.dot(np.ones((100,1000)), np.zeros((1000,1000)))
for j in range(20):
np.dot(np.ones((100,1000)), np.zeros((1000,500)))
for i in range(2):
========Timing Summary of Default Timer========
========Timing Summary of Default Timer========
Hope it will help
Decorator method using decorator Python library:
import decorator
def timing(func, *args, **kwargs):
'''Function timing wrapper
Example of using:
fn = '%s.%s' % (func.__module__, func.__name__)
timer = Timer()
with timer:
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
log.info(u'%s - %0.3f sec' % (fn, timer.duration_in_seconds()))
return ret
See post on my Blog:
post on mobilepro.pl Blog
my post on Google Plus
My way of doing it:
from time import time
def printTime(start):
end = time()
duration = end - start
if duration < 60:
return "used: " + str(round(duration, 2)) + "s."
mins = int(duration / 60)
secs = round(duration % 60, 2)
if mins < 60:
return "used: " + str(mins) + "m " + str(secs) + "s."
hours = int(duration / 3600)
mins = mins % 60
return "used: " + str(hours) + "h " + str(mins) + "m " + str(secs) + "s."
Set a variable as start = time() before execute the function/loops, and printTime(start) right after the block.
and you got the answer.
Elaborating on #Jonathan Ray I think this does the trick a bit better
import time
import inspect
def timed(f:callable):
start = time.time()
ret = f()
elapsed = 1000*(time.time() - start)
logger.info(source_code+": "+str(elapsed)+" seconds")
return ret
It allows to take a regular line of code, say a = np.sin(np.pi) and transform it rather simply into
a = timed(lambda: np.sin(np.pi))
so that the timing is printed onto the logger and you can keep the same assignment of the result to a variable you might need for further work.
I suppose in Python 3.8 one could use the := but I do not have 3.8 yet
Below is a Timer class that:
Easy to use: use directly or as decorator function, < 100 lines
Measures a lot: total calls, total time, average time, and std. deviation.
Prints pretty time
This is how you use it:
# Create the timer
timer1 = Timer("a name", log_every=2)
# Use "with"
with timer1:
# Reuse as a decorator
def my_func():
# Instantiate as a decorator
#Timer("another timer", log_every=1)
def my_func2():
Below is the class
from datetime import datetime
import time, logging, math, threading
class Timer(object):
'''A general timer class. Does not really belong in a judicata file here.'''
def __init__(self, name, log_every = 1):
self.name = name
self.log_every = 1
self.calls = 0
self.total_time = 0
self.total_squared_time = 0
self.min, self.max = None, 0
# Make timer thread-safe by storing the times in thread-local storage.
self._local = threading.local()
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def __enter__(self):
"""Start a new timer"""
self._local.start = datetime.utcnow()
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
"""Stop the timer, and report the elapsed time"""
elapsed_time = (datetime.utcnow() - self._local.start).total_seconds()
with self._lock:
self.calls += 1
self.total_time += elapsed_time
if self.min == None or elapsed_time < self.min:
self.min = elapsed_time
if elapsed_time > self.max:
self.max = elapsed_time
self.total_squared_time += elapsed_time * elapsed_time
if self.log_every and (self.calls % self.log_every) == 0:
def __call__(self, fn):
'''For use as a decorator.'''
def decorated_timer_function(*args, **kwargs):
with self:
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_timer_function
def time_str(cls, secs):
if isinstance(secs, six.string_types):
secs = float(secs)
return "(bad time: %s)"%secs
sign = lambda x: x
if secs < 0:
secs = -secs
sign = lambda x: ("-" + x)
return sign("%d secs"%int(secs) if secs >= 120 else
"%.2f secs" % secs if secs >= 1 else
"%d ms" % int(secs * 1000) if secs >= .01 else
"%.2f ms" % (secs * 1000) if secs >= .0001 else
"%d ns" % int(secs * 1000 * 10000) if secs >= 1e-9 else
"%s" % secs)
def log(self):
if not self.calls:
logging.info("<Timer %s: no calls>"%self.name)
avg = 1.0 * self.total_time / self.calls
var = 1.0 * self.total_squared_time / self.calls - avg*avg
std_dev = self.time_str(math.sqrt(var))
total = self.time_str(self.total_time)
min, max, avg = [self.time_str(t) for t in [self.min, self.max, avg]]
logging.info("<Timer %s: N=%s, total=%s, avg=%s, min/max=%s/%s, std=%s>"
%(self.name, self.calls, total, avg, min, max, std_dev))
You can use timeit.default_timer along with a contextmanager:
from timeit import default_timer
from contextlib import contextmanager
def timer():
start_time = default_timer()
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (default_timer() - start_time))
Use it with with statement:
def looper():
for i in range(0, 100000000):
with timer():
--- 2.651526927947998 seconds ---
Here is a generic solution
def timed(fn):
# make sure wherever u used this, imports will be ready
from time import perf_counter
from functools import wraps
# wraps preserves the metadata of fn
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
start = perf_counter()
result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
end = perf_counter()
elapsed = end - start
args_ = [str(a) for a in args]
kwargs_ = ["{0}={1}".format(k, v) for (k, v) in kwargs.items()]
all_args = args_ + kwargs_
args_str = ",".join(all_args)
print("{0} ({1}) took {2:.6f} to run.".format(fn.__name__, args_str, elapsed))
return result
return inner
define a function:
def sum_up(a,b):
return a+b
now call it:
For the case using timeit.timeit, if command
timeit.timeit(function_to_test, n=10000)
raise error ValueError: stmt is neither a string nor callable
or command
timeit.timeit('function_to_test', n=10000)
raise error name 'function_to_test' is not defined, then you need:
replace function_to_test or 'function_to_test' with str(function_to_test), that is
timeit.timeit(str(function_to_test), n=10000)
or if Python version >= 3.6, another way is using f string as
timeit.timeit(f'{function_to_test}', n=10000)
About version use lambda, i.e. timeit.timeit(lambda: function_to_test, n=10000), it work but, from my test, it take much longer time.
Here, is a concrete example:
import timeit
def function_to_test(n):
s = 1
for i in range(n):
s += 1
return s
print("time run function_to_test: ", timeit.timeit(str(function_to_test(1000000)), number=10000))
print("time run function_to_test: ", timeit.timeit(f'{function_to_test(1000000)}', number=10000))