There is a socket related function call in my code, that function is from another module thus out of my control, the problem is that it blocks for hours occasionally, which is totally unacceptable, How can I limit the function execution time from my code? I guess the solution must utilize another thread.
An improvement on #rik.the.vik's answer would be to use the with statement to give the timeout function some syntactic sugar:
import signal
from contextlib import contextmanager
class TimeoutException(Exception): pass
def time_limit(seconds):
def signal_handler(signum, frame):
raise TimeoutException("Timed out!")
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal_handler)
with time_limit(10):
except TimeoutException as e:
print("Timed out!")
I'm not sure how cross-platform this might be, but using signals and alarm might be a good way of looking at this. With a little work you could make this completely generic as well and usable in any situation.
So your code is going to look something like this.
import signal
def signal_handler(signum, frame):
raise Exception("Timed out!")
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal_handler)
signal.alarm(10) # Ten seconds
except Exception, msg:
print "Timed out!"
Here's a Linux/OSX way to limit a function's running time. This is in case you don't want to use threads, and want your program to wait until the function ends, or the time limit expires.
from multiprocessing import Process
from time import sleep
def f(time):
def run_with_limited_time(func, args, kwargs, time):
"""Runs a function with time limit
:param func: The function to run
:param args: The functions args, given as tuple
:param kwargs: The functions keywords, given as dict
:param time: The time limit in seconds
:return: True if the function ended successfully. False if it was terminated.
p = Process(target=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
if p.is_alive():
return False
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
print run_with_limited_time(f, (1.5, ), {}, 2.5) # True
print run_with_limited_time(f, (3.5, ), {}, 2.5) # False
I prefer a context manager approach because it allows the execution of multiple python statements within a with time_limit statement. Because windows system does not have SIGALARM, a more portable and perhaps more straightforward method could be using a Timer
from contextlib import contextmanager
import threading
import _thread
class TimeoutException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg=''):
self.msg = msg
def time_limit(seconds, msg=''):
timer = threading.Timer(seconds, lambda: _thread.interrupt_main())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise TimeoutException("Timed out for operation {}".format(msg))
# if the action ends in specified time, timer is canceled
import time
# ends after 5 seconds
with time_limit(5, 'sleep'):
for i in range(10):
# this will actually end after 10 seconds
with time_limit(5, 'sleep'):
The key technique here is the use of _thread.interrupt_main to interrupt the main thread from the timer thread. One caveat is that the main thread does not always respond to the KeyboardInterrupt raised by the Timer quickly. For example, time.sleep() calls a system function so a KeyboardInterrupt will be handled after the sleep call.
Here: a simple way of getting the desired effect:
This saved my life.
And now an example on how it works: lets say you have a huge list of items to be processed and you are iterating your function over those items. However, for some strange reason, your function get stuck on item n, without raising an exception. You need to other items to be processed, the more the better. In this case, you can set a timeout for processing each item:
import time
import func_timeout
def my_function(n):
"""Sleep for n seconds and return n squared."""
print(f'Processing {n}')
return n**2
def main_controller(max_wait_time, all_data):
Feed my_function with a list of itens to process (all_data).
However, if max_wait_time is exceeded, return the item and a fail info.
res = []
for data in all_data:
my_square = func_timeout.func_timeout(
max_wait_time, my_function, args=[data]
res.append((my_square, 'processed'))
except func_timeout.FunctionTimedOut:
res.append((data, 'fail'))
return res
timeout_time = 2.1 # my time limit
all_data = range(1, 10) # the data to be processed
res = main_controller(timeout_time, all_data)
Doing this from within a signal handler is dangerous: you might be inside an exception handler at the time the exception is raised, and leave things in a broken state. For example,
def function_with_enforced_timeout():
f = open_temporary_file()
If your exception is raised here(), the temporary file will never be deleted.
The solution here is for asynchronous exceptions to be postponed until the code is not inside exception-handling code (an except or finally block), but Python doesn't do that.
Note that this won't interrupt anything while executing native code; it'll only interrupt it when the function returns, so this may not help this particular case. (SIGALRM itself might interrupt the call that's blocking--but socket code typically simply retries after an EINTR.)
Doing this with threads is a better idea, since it's more portable than signals. Since you're starting a worker thread and blocking until it finishes, there are none of the usual concurrency worries. Unfortunately, there's no way to deliver an exception asynchronously to another thread in Python (other thread APIs can do this). It'll also have the same issue with sending an exception during an exception handler, and require the same fix.
You don't have to use threads. You can use another process to do the blocking work, for instance, maybe using the subprocess module. If you want to share data structures between different parts of your program then Twisted is a great library for giving yourself control of this, and I'd recommend it if you care about blocking and expect to have this trouble a lot. The bad news with Twisted is you have to rewrite your code to avoid any blocking, and there is a fair learning curve.
You can use threads to avoid blocking, but I'd regard this as a last resort, since it exposes you to a whole world of pain. Read a good book on concurrency before even thinking about using threads in production, e.g. Jean Bacon's "Concurrent Systems". I work with a bunch of people who do really cool high performance stuff with threads, and we don't introduce threads into projects unless we really need them.
The only "safe" way to do this, in any language, is to use a secondary process to do that timeout-thing, otherwise you need to build your code in such a way that it will time out safely by itself, for instance by checking the time elapsed in a loop or similar. If changing the method isn't an option, a thread will not suffice.
Why? Because you're risking leaving things in a bad state when you do. If the thread is simply killed mid-method, locks being held, etc. will just be held, and cannot be released.
So look at the process way, do not look at the thread way.
I would usually prefer using a contextmanager as suggested by #josh-lee
But in case someone is interested in having this implemented as a decorator, here's an alternative.
Here's how it would look like:
import time
from timeout import timeout
class Test(object):
def test_a(self, foo, bar):
print foo
print bar
return 'A Done'
def test_b(self, foo, bar):
print foo
print bar
return 'B Done'
t = Test()
print t.test_a('python', 'rocks')
print t.test_b('timing', 'out')
And this is the module:
import threading
class TimeoutError(Exception):
class InterruptableThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self._func = func
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
self._result = None
def run(self):
self._result = self._func(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
def result(self):
return self._result
class timeout(object):
def __init__(self, sec):
self._sec = sec
def __call__(self, f):
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
it = InterruptableThread(f, *args, **kwargs)
if not it.is_alive():
return it.result
raise TimeoutError('execution expired')
return wrapped_f
The output:
A Done
Traceback (most recent call last):
timeout.TimeoutError: execution expired
Notice that even if the TimeoutError is thrown, the decorated method will continue to run in a different thread. If you would also want this thread to be "stopped" see: Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?
Using simple decorator
Here's the version I made after studying above answers. Pretty straight forward.
def function_timeout(seconds: int):
"""Wrapper of Decorator to pass arguments"""
def decorator(func):
def time_limit(seconds_):
def signal_handler(signum, frame): # noqa
raise TimeoutException(f"Timed out in {seconds_} seconds!")
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal_handler)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with time_limit(seconds):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
How to use?
def my_naughty_function():
while True:
print("Try to stop me ;-p")
Well of course, don't forget to import the function if it is in a separate file.
Here's a timeout function I think I found via google and it works for me.
def timeout(func, args=(), kwargs={}, timeout_duration=1, default=None):
'''This function will spwan a thread and run the given function using the args, kwargs and
return the given default value if the timeout_duration is exceeded
import threading
class InterruptableThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.result = default
def run(self):
self.result = func(*args, **kwargs)
self.result = default
it = InterruptableThread()
if it.isAlive():
return it.result
return it.result
The method from #user2283347 is tested working, but we want to get rid of the traceback messages. Use pass trick from Remove traceback in Python on Ctrl-C, the modified code is:
from contextlib import contextmanager
import threading
import _thread
class TimeoutException(Exception): pass
def time_limit(seconds):
timer = threading.Timer(seconds, lambda: _thread.interrupt_main())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# if the action ends in specified time, timer is canceled
def timeout_svm_score(i):
#from sklearn import svm
#import numpy as np
#from IPython.core.display import display
#%store -r names X Y
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=1).fit(np.nan_to_num(X[[names[i]]]), Y)
score = clf.score(np.nan_to_num(X[[names[i]]]),Y)
#scoressvm.append((score, names[i]))
display((score, names[i]))
with time_limit(5):
#Wall time: 14.2 s
with time_limit(20):
#(0.04541284403669725, '计划飞行时间')
#Wall time: 16.1 s
with time_limit(5):
#Wall time: 5h 43min 41s
We can see that this method may need far long time to interrupt the calculation, we asked for 5 seconds, but it work out in 5 hours.
This code works for Windows Server Datacenter 2016 with python 3.7.3 and I didn't tested on Unix, after mixing some answers from Google and StackOverflow, it finally worked for me like this:
from multiprocessing import Process, Lock
import time
import os
def f(lock,id,sleepTime):
print("I'm P"+str(id)+" Process ID: "+str(os.getpid()))
time.sleep(sleepTime) #sleeps for some time
print("Process: "+str(id)+" took this much time:"+str(sleepTime))
print("Process: "+str(id)+" took this much time:"+str(sleepTime*2))
if __name__ == '__main__':
timeout_function=float(9) # 9 seconds for max function time
print("Main Process ID: "+str(os.getpid()))
p1=Process(target=f, args=(lock,1,6,)) #Here you can change from 6 to 3 for instance, so you can watch the behavior
if p1.is_alive():
print("process running a")
print("process not running a")
while p1.is_alive():
if timeout-start > timeout_function:
print("process terminated")
print("watching, time passed: "+str(timeout-start) )
if p1.is_alive():
print("process running b")
print("process not running b")
if p1.is_alive():
print("process running c")
print("process not running c")
print("I am the main process, the two processes are done")
print("Time taken:- "+str(end-start)+" secs") #MainProcess terminates at approx ~ 5 secs.
time.sleep(5) # To see if on Task Manager the child process is really being terminated, and it is
The main code is from this link:
Create two child process using python(windows)
Then I used .terminate() to kill the child process. You can see that the function f calls 2 prints, one after 5 seconds and another after 10 seconds. However, with a 7 seconds sleep and the terminate(), it does not show the last print.
It worked for me, hope it helps!
I need to pause and resume thread, which continuously executes some task. Execution begins when start() is called, it should not be interrupted and must continue from the point when pause() is called.
How can I do this?
Please remember that using threads in Python will not grant you a parallel processing, except for the case of IO blocking operations. For more information on this, take a look at this and this
You cannot pause a Thread arbitrarily in Python (please keep that in mind before reading further). I am neither sure you have a way to do that at an OS level (e.g. by using pure-C). What you can do is allow the thread to be paused at specific points you consider beforehand. I will give you an example:
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MyThread, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._event = threading.Event()
def run(self):
while True: # please, implement this.
self._event.wait() # please, implement this.
self.baz() # please, implement this.
def pause(self):
def resume(self):
This approach will work but:
Threading is usually a bad idea, based on the links I gave you.
You have to code the run method by yourself, with this approach. This is because you need to have control over the exact points you'd like to check for pause, and this implies accessing the Thread object (perhaps you'd like to create an additional method instead of calling self._event.wait()).
The former point makes clear that you cannot pause arbitrarily, but just when you specified you could pause. Avoid having long operations between pause points.
Edit I did not test this one, but perhaps this will work without so much subclassing if you need more than one thread like this:
class MyPausableThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}):
self._event = threading.Event()
if target:
args = (self,) + args
super(MyPausableThread, self).__init__(group, target, name, args, kwargs)
def pause(self):
def resume(self):
def _wait_if_paused(self):
This should allow you to create a custom thread without more subclassing, by calling MyPausableThread(target=myfunc).start(), and your callable's first parameter will receive the thread object, from which you can call self._wait_if_paused() when you need to pause-check.
Or even better, if you want to isolate the target from accessing the thread object:
class MyPausableThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}):
self._event = threading.Event()
if target:
args = ((lambda: self._event.wait()),) + args
super(MyPausableThread, self).__init__(group, target, name, args, kwargs)
def pause(self):
def resume(self):
And your target callable will receive in the first parameter a function that can be called like this: pause_checker() (provided the first param in the target callable is named pause_checker).
You can do this by attaching a trace function that causes all other threads to wait for a signal:
import sys
import threading
import contextlib
# needed to enable tracing
if not sys.gettrace():
sys.settrace(lambda *args: None)
def _thread_frames(thread):
for thread_id, frame in sys._current_frames().items():
if thread_id == thread.ident:
raise ValueError("No thread found")
# walk up to the root
while frame:
yield frame
frame = frame.f_back
def thread_paused(thread):
""" Context manager that pauses a thread for its duration """
# signal for the thread to wait on
e = threading.Event()
for frame in _thread_frames(thread):
# attach a new temporary trace handler that pauses the thread
def new(frame, event, arg, old = frame.f_trace):
# call the old one, to keep debuggers working
if old is not None:
return old(frame, event, arg)
frame.f_trace = new
# wake the other thread
Which you can use as:
import time
def run_after_delay(func, delay):
""" Simple helper spawning a thread that runs a function in the future """
def wrapped():
main_thread = threading.current_thread()
def interrupt():
with thread_paused(main_thread):
run_after_delay(interrupt, 1)
start = time.time()
def actual_time(): return time.time() - start
print("{:.1f} == {:.1f}".format(0.0, actual_time()))
print("{:.1f} == {:.1f}".format(0.5, actual_time()))
print("{:.1f} != {:.1f}".format(2.5, actual_time()))
0.0 0.0
0.5 0.5
2.5 3.0
Note how the interrupt causes the sleep on the main thread to wait longer
You can do this using Process class from psutil library.
>>> import psutil
>>> pid = 7012
>>> p = psutil.Process(pid)
>>> p.suspend()
>>> p.resume()
See this answer:
Edit: This method will suspend the whole process, not only one thread. ( I don't delete this answer, so others can know this method won't work.)
while(int(any) < 2000):
print(waiting any...)
I have a few classes that look more or less like this:
import threading
import time
class Foo():
def __init__(self, interval, callbacks):
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.loop)
self.interval = interval
self.thread_stop = threading.Event()
self.callbacks = callbacks
def loop():
while not self.thread_stop.is_set():
#do some stuff...
for callback in self.callbacks():
def start(self):
def kill(self):
Which I am using from my main thread like this:
interval = someinterval
callbacks = [some callbacks]
f = Foo(interval, callbacks)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
I would like a KeyboardInterrupt to kill the thread after all the callbacks have been completed, but before the loop repeats. Currently they are ignored and I have to resort to killing the terminal process that the program is running in.
I saw the idea of using threading.Event from this post, but it appears like I'm doing it incorrectly, and it's making working on this project a pretty large hassle.
I don't know if it may be relevant, but the callbacks I'm passing access data from the Internet and make heavy use of the retrying decorator to deal with unreliable connections.
After everyone's help, the loop now looks like this inside Foo:
def thread_loop(self):
while not self.thread_stop.is_set():
# do some stuff
# call the callbacks
This is kind of a solution, although it isn't ideal. This code runs on PythonAnywhere and the price of the account is by CPU time. I'll have to see how much this uses over the course of a day with the constant waking and sleeping of threads, but it at least solves the main issue
I think your problem is that you have a try-except-block around f.start(), but that returns immediately, so you aren't going to catch KeyboardInterrupts after the thread was started.
You could try adding a while-loop at the bottom of your program like this:
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
This isn't exactly the most elegant solution, but it should work.
Thanks to #shx2 and #jazzpi for putting together the two separate pieces of the puzzle.
so the final code is
import threading
import time
class Foo():
def __init__(self, interval, callbacks):
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.loop)
self.interval = interval
self.thread_stop = threading.Event()
self.callbacks = callbacks
def loop():
while not self.thread_stop.is_set():
#do some stuff...
for callback in self.callbacks():
def start(self):
def kill(self):
And then in main
interval = someinterval
callbacks = [some, callbacks]
f = Foo(interval, callbacks)
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
#jazzpi's answer correctly addresses the issue you're having in the main thread.
As to the sleep in thread's loop, you can simply replace the call to sleep with a call to self.thread_stop.wait(self.interval).
This way, your thread wakes up as soon as the stop event is set, or after waiting (i.e. sleeping) for self.interval seconds. (Event docs)
I'm trying to implement a timeout functionality in Python.
It works by wrapping functions with a function decorator that calls the function as a thread but also calls a 'watchdog' thread that will raise an exception in the function thread after a specified period has elapsed.
It currently works for threads that don't sleep. During the do_rand call, I suspect the 'asynchronous' exception is actually being called after the time.sleep call and after the execution has moved beyond the try/except block, as this would explain the Unhandled exception in thread started by error. Additionally, the error from the do_rand call is generated 7 seconds after the call (the duration of time.sleep).
How would I go about 'waking' a thread up (using ctypes?) to get it to respond to an asynchronous exception ?
Or possibly a different approach altogether ?
# Import System libraries
import ctypes
import random
import sys
import threading
import time
class TimeoutException(Exception):
def terminate_thread(thread, exc_type = SystemExit):
"""Terminates a python thread from another thread.
:param thread: a threading.Thread instance
if not thread.isAlive():
exc = ctypes.py_object(exc_type)
res = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(ctypes.c_long(thread.ident), exc)
if res == 0:
raise ValueError("nonexistent thread id")
elif res > 1:
# """if it returns a number greater than one, you're in trouble,
# and you should call it again with exc=NULL to revert the effect"""
ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(thread.ident, None)
raise SystemError("PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc failed")
class timeout_thread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, interval, target_thread):
super(timeout_thread, self).__init__()
self.interval = interval
self.target_thread = target_thread
self.done_event = threading.Event()
def run(self):
timeout = not self.done_event.wait(self.interval)
if timeout:
terminate_thread(self.target_thread, TimeoutException)
class timeout_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, interval = 300):
self.interval = interval
def __call__(self, f):
def wrap_func(*args, **kwargs):
thread = threading.Thread(target = f, args = args, kwargs = kwargs)
timeout_ticker = timeout_thread(self.interval, thread)
return wrap_func
def print_guvnah():
while True:
print "guvnah"
except TimeoutException:
print "blimey"
def print_hello():
while True:
print "hello"
except TimeoutException:
print "Whoops, looks like I timed out"
def do_rand(*args):
rand_num = 7 #random.randint(0, 10)
rand_pause = 7 #random.randint(0, 5)
print "Got rand: %d" % rand_num
print "Waiting for %d seconds" % rand_pause
except TimeoutException:
print "Waited too long"
The problem is that time.sleep blocks. And it blocks really hard, so the only thing that can actually interrupt it is process signals. But the code with it gets really messy and in some cases even signals don't work ( when for example you are doing blocking socket.recv(), see this: recv() is not interrupted by a signal in multithreaded environment ).
So generally interrupting a thread (without killing entire process) cannot be done (not to mention that someone can simply override your signal handling from a thread).
But in this particular case instead of using time.sleep you can use Event class from threading module:
Thread 1
from threading import Event
ev = Event()
state = ev.wait(rand_pause) # this blocks until timeout or .set() call
Thread 2 (make sure it has access to the same ev instance)
ev.set() # this will unlock .wait above
Note that state will be the internal state of the event. Thus state == True will mean that it was unlocked with .set() while state == False will mean that timeout occured.
Read more about events here:
You'd need to use something other than sleep, or you'd need to send a signal to the other thread in order to make it wake up.
One option I've used is to set up a pair of file descriptors and use select or poll instead of sleep, this lets you write something to the file descriptor to wake up the other thread. Alternatively you just wear waiting until the sleep finishes if all you need is for the operation to error out because it took too long and nothing else is depending on it.
This question already has answers here:
Is there any way to kill a Thread?
(31 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
The python module threading has an object Thread to be used to run processes and functions in a different thread. This object has a start method, but no stop method. What is the reason a Thread cannot be stopped my calling a simple stop method? I can imagine cases when it is unconvenient to use the join method...
start can be generic and make sense because it just fires off the target of the thread, but what would a generic stop do? Depending upon what your thread is doing, you could have to close network connections, release system resources, dump file and other streams, or any number of other custom, non-trivial tasks. Any system that could do even most of these things in a generic way would add so much overhead to each thread that it wouldn't be worth it, and would be so complicated and shot through with special cases that it would be almost impossible to work with. You can keep track of all created threads without joining them in your main thread, then check their run state and pass them some sort of termination message when the main thread shuts itself down though.
It is definitely possible to implement a Thread.stop method as shown in the following example code:
import threading
import sys
class StopThread(StopIteration): pass
threading.SystemExit = SystemExit, StopThread
class Thread2(threading.Thread):
def stop(self):
self.__stop = True
def _bootstrap(self):
if threading._trace_hook is not None:
raise ValueError('Cannot run thread with tracing!')
self.__stop = False
def __trace(self, frame, event, arg):
if self.__stop:
raise StopThread()
return self.__trace
class Thread3(threading.Thread):
def _bootstrap(self, stop_thread=False):
def stop():
nonlocal stop_thread
stop_thread = True
self.stop = stop
def tracer(*_):
if stop_thread:
raise StopThread()
return tracer
import time
def main():
test = Thread2(target=printer)
def printer():
while True:
print(time.time() % 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The Thread3 class appears to run code approximately 33% faster than the Thread2 class.
With sufficient knowledge of Python's C API and the use of the ctypes module, it is possible to write a far more efficient way of stopping a thread when desired. The problem with using sys.settrace is that the tracing function runs after each instruction. If an asynchronous exception is raised instead on the thread that needs to be aborted, no execution speed penalty is incurred. The following code provides some flexibility in this regard:
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import _thread
import ctypes as _ctypes
import threading as _threading
_PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc = _ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
_PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc.argtypes = _ctypes.c_ulong, _ctypes.py_object
_PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc.restype = _ctypes.c_int
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if __debug__:
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def _set_async_exc(id, exc):
if not isinstance(id, int):
raise TypeError(f'{id!r} not an int instance')
if not isinstance(exc, type):
raise TypeError(f'{exc!r} not a type instance')
if not issubclass(exc, BaseException):
raise SystemError(f'{exc!r} not a BaseException subclass')
return _PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(id, exc)
_set_async_exc = _PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def set_async_exc(id, exc, *args):
if args:
class StateInfo(exc):
def __init__(self):
return _set_async_exc(id, StateInfo)
return _set_async_exc(id, exc)
def interrupt(ident=None):
if ident is None:
set_async_exc(ident, KeyboardInterrupt)
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def exit(ident=None):
if ident is None:
set_async_exc(ident, SystemExit)
class ThreadAbortException(SystemExit):
class Thread(_threading.Thread):
def set_async_exc(self, exc, *args):
return set_async_exc(self.ident, exc, *args)
def interrupt(self):
def exit(self):
def abort(self, *args):
self.set_async_exc(ThreadAbortException, *args)
Killing threads in a reliable fashion is not very easy. Think of the cleanups required: which locks (that might be shared with other threads!) should automatically be released? Otherwise, you will easily run into a deadlock!
The better way is to implement a proper shutdown yourself, and then set
mythread.shutdown = True
to stop the thread.
Of course your thread should do something like
while not this.shutdown:
to frequently check for the shutdown flag. Alternatively, you can rely on OS-specific signaling mechanisms to interrupt a thread, catch the interrupt, and then cleanup.
The cleanup is the most important part!
Stopping a thread should be up to the programmer to implement. Such as designing your thread to check it there are any requests for it to terminate immediately. If python (or any threading language) allowed you to just stop a thread then you would have code that just stopped. This is bug prone, etc.
Imagine if your thread as writing output to a file when you killed/stopped it. Then the file might be unfinished and corrupt. However if you simple signaled the thread you wanted it to stop then it could close the file, delete it, etc. You, the programmer, decided how to handle it. Python can't guess for you.
I'd suggest reading up on multi-threading theory. A decent start:
On some platforms you can't forcibly "stop" a thread. It's also bad to do it since then the thread won't be able to clean up allocated resources. And it might happen when the thread is doing something important, like I/O.
I was wondering if there's any library for asynchronous method calls in Python. It would be great if you could do something like
def longComputation():
token = longComputation()
# alternative, polling
while not token.finished():
if token.finished():
result = token.result()
Or to call a non-async routine asynchronously
def longComputation()
token = asynccall(longComputation())
It would be great to have a more refined strategy as native in the language core. Was this considered?
Something like:
import threading
thr = threading.Thread(target=foo, args=(), kwargs={})
thr.start() # Will run "foo"
thr.is_alive() # Will return whether foo is running currently
thr.join() # Will wait till "foo" is done
See the documentation at for more details.
You can use the multiprocessing module added in Python 2.6. You can use pools of processes and then get results asynchronously with:
apply_async(func[, args[, kwds[, callback]]])
from multiprocessing import Pool
def f(x):
return x*x
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = Pool(processes=1) # Start a worker processes.
result = pool.apply_async(f, [10], callback) # Evaluate "f(10)" asynchronously calling callback when finished.
This is only one alternative. This module provides lots of facilities to achieve what you want. Also it will be really easy to make a decorator from this.
As of Python 3.5, you can use enhanced generators for async functions.
import asyncio
import datetime
Enhanced generator syntax:
def display_date(loop):
end_time = loop.time() + 5.0
while True:
if (loop.time() + 1.0) >= end_time:
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Blocking call which returns when the display_date() coroutine is done
New async/await syntax:
async def display_date(loop):
end_time = loop.time() + 5.0
while True:
if (loop.time() + 1.0) >= end_time:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Blocking call which returns when the display_date() coroutine is done
It's not in the language core, but a very mature library that does what you want is Twisted. It introduces the Deferred object, which you can attach callbacks or error handlers ("errbacks") to. A Deferred is basically a "promise" that a function will have a result eventually.
You can implement a decorator to make your functions asynchronous, though that's a bit tricky. The multiprocessing module is full of little quirks and seemingly arbitrary restrictions – all the more reason to encapsulate it behind a friendly interface, though.
from inspect import getmodule
from multiprocessing import Pool
def async(decorated):
r'''Wraps a top-level function around an asynchronous dispatcher.
when the decorated function is called, a task is submitted to a
process pool, and a future object is returned, providing access to an
eventual return value.
The future object has a blocking get() method to access the task
result: it will return immediately if the job is already done, or block
until it completes.
This decorator won't work on methods, due to limitations in Python's
pickling machinery (in principle methods could be made pickleable, but
good luck on that).
# Keeps the original function visible from the module global namespace,
# under a name consistent to its __name__ attribute. This is necessary for
# the multiprocessing pickling machinery to work properly.
module = getmodule(decorated)
decorated.__name__ += '_original'
setattr(module, decorated.__name__, decorated)
def send(*args, **opts):
return async.pool.apply_async(decorated, args, opts)
return send
The code below illustrates usage of the decorator:
def printsum(uid, values):
summed = 0
for value in values:
summed += value
print("Worker %i: sum value is %i" % (uid, summed))
return (uid, summed)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from random import sample
# The process pool must be created inside __main__.
async.pool = Pool(4)
p = range(0, 1000)
results = []
for i in range(4):
result = printsum(i, sample(p, 100))
for result in results:
print("Worker %i: sum value is %i" % result.get())
In a real-world case I would ellaborate a bit more on the decorator, providing some way to turn it off for debugging (while keeping the future interface in place), or maybe a facility for dealing with exceptions; but I think this demonstrates the principle well enough.
import threading, time
def f():
print "f started"
print "f finished"
My solution is:
import threading
class TimeoutError(RuntimeError):
class AsyncCall(object):
def __init__(self, fnc, callback = None):
self.Callable = fnc
self.Callback = callback
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.Thread = threading.Thread(target =, name = self.Callable.__name__, args = args, kwargs = kwargs)
return self
def wait(self, timeout = None):
if self.Thread.isAlive():
raise TimeoutError()
return self.Result
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.Result = self.Callable(*args, **kwargs)
if self.Callback:
class AsyncMethod(object):
def __init__(self, fnc, callback=None):
self.Callable = fnc
self.Callback = callback
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return AsyncCall(self.Callable, self.Callback)(*args, **kwargs)
def Async(fnc = None, callback = None):
if fnc == None:
def AddAsyncCallback(fnc):
return AsyncMethod(fnc, callback)
return AddAsyncCallback
return AsyncMethod(fnc, callback)
And works exactly as requested:
def fnc():
You could use eventlet. It lets you write what appears to be synchronous code, but have it operate asynchronously over the network.
Here's an example of a super minimal crawler:
urls = ["",
import eventlet
from import urllib2
def fetch(url):
return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
pool = eventlet.GreenPool()
for body in pool.imap(fetch, urls):
print "got body", len(body)
Something like this works for me, you can then call the function, and it will dispatch itself onto a new thread.
from thread import start_new_thread
def dowork(asynchronous=True):
if asynchronous:
args = (False)
start_new_thread(dowork,args) #Call itself on a new thread.
while True:
#do something...
time.sleep(60) #sleep for a minute
You can use concurrent.futures (added in Python 3.2).
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def long_computation(duration):
for x in range(0, duration):
return duration * 2
print('Use polling')
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
future = executor.submit(long_computation, 5)
while not future.done():
print('Use callback')
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
future = executor.submit(long_computation, 5)
future.add_done_callback(lambda f: print(f.result()))
print('waiting for callback')
executor.shutdown(False) # non-blocking
print('shutdown invoked')
The newer asyncio running method in Python 3.7 and later is using instead of creating loop and calling loop.run_until_complete() as well as closing it:
import asyncio
import datetime
async def display_date(delay):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
end_time = loop.time() + delay
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if loop.time() > end_time:
Is there any reason not to use threads? You can use the threading class.
Instead of finished() function use the isAlive(). The result() function could join() the thread and retrieve the result. And, if you can, override the run() and __init__ functions to call the function specified in the constructor and save the value somewhere to the instance of the class.
The native Python way for asynchronous calls in 2021 with Python 3.9 suitable also for Jupyter / Ipython Kernel
Camabeh's answer is the way to go since Python 3.3.
async def display_date(loop):
end_time = loop.time() + 5.0
while True:
if (loop.time() + 1.0) >= end_time:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Blocking call which returns when the display_date() coroutine is done
This will work in Jupyter Notebook / Jupyter Lab but throw an error:
RuntimeError: This event loop is already running
Due to Ipython's usage of event loops we need something called nested asynchronous loops which is not yet implemented in Python. Luckily there is nest_asyncio to deal with the issue. All you need to do is:
!pip install nest_asyncio # use ! within Jupyter Notebook, else pip install in shell
import nest_asyncio
(Based on this thread)
Only when you call loop.close() it throws another error as it probably refers to Ipython's main loop.
RuntimeError: Cannot close a running event loop
I'll update this answer as soon as someone answered to this github issue.
You can use process. If you want to run it forever use while (like networking) in you function:
from multiprocessing import Process
def foo():
while 1:
# Do something
p = Process(target = foo)
if you just want to run it one time, do like that:
from multiprocessing import Process
def foo():
# Do something
p = Process(target = foo)