Run a python script on all files in a directory - python

First time posting a question here, hopefully, someone who experienced/tried this please share your insights... I've been working to get this far in the last few days and nights... now I am getting nowhere to loop this script on every file in a directory.
Bascially, these two scripts work perfectly fine it brings a pdf file and changes it to an excel workbook. Now what I need to do is going through all files from a selected directory and do the same job.
I am keep getting stuck at the opening the file stage - is this saying that the data (the pdf page - data[0]) cant be called in? or should i add more stages in to bring the dataset in...?
Do I have to create a list for the dataset so I can call in the data as you would have more than a data to call in.. is this why python can read the data[0] ???
Revised Script
# import
import os
import glob
import pdftotext
import openpyxl
from pathlib import Path
from string import ascii_uppercase
# open a pdf file
def to_excel(pdf_file):
with open(pdf_file,'rb') as f:
data = pdftotext.PDF(f)
# operate data to get titles, values
datas = data[0].split('\r\n')
finalData = list()
for item in datas:
if item != '':
finalDataRefined = list()
for item in finalData:
if item != ' BCA Scheduled Maintenance Questions' and item != ' Do you suspect there is Asbestos at the property?' and item != ' Yes' and item != ' No' and item != '\x0c':
titles = list()
values = list()
for num, item in enumerate(finalDataRefined):
if num % 2 == 0:
# get an output file name
OPRAST = values[1]
filename = work_dir / f"{OPRAST}.xlxs"
# create an excel workbook
excel_file = openpyxl.Workbook()
excel_sheet =
alphaList = list(ascii_uppercase)
for alphabet in alphaList:
excel_sheet.column_dimensions[alphabet].width = 20
# save the excel workbook
# run a python script every file in a directory
alphaList = list(ascii_uppercase)
work_dir = Path(r"C:\Users\Sunny Kim\Downloads\Do Forms")
for pdf_file in work_dir.glob("*.pdf"):

I basically know what you want to do, but your code's indent is not so readable... especially it's python.
Your goal is to create a excel for each pdf file in you prefix dir? or aggregate all the pdf files together to a single excel file?
The follow coding is for the first goal.
Code logic.
get all the pdf file
loop over all the pdf file, for each:
open pdf file
some operation
export to excel file
You full code maybe like this(just guess):
# ----------------import part-------------------
import os
import glob
import pdftotext
import openpyxl
from string import ascii_uppercase
from pathlib import Path
def to_excel(pdf_file):
with open(pdf_file, 'rb') as f: # this open the pdf file
data = pdftotext.PDF(f)
# ---------------operate the data, get title and value-----------
datas = data[0].split('\r\n')
finalData = list()
for item in datas:
if item != '':
finalDataRefined = list()
for item in finalData:
if item != ' BCA Scheduled Maintenance Questions' and item != ' Do you suspect there is Asbestos at the property?' and item != ' Yes' and item != ' No' and item != '\x0c':
titles = list()
values = list()
for num, item in enumerate(finalDataRefined):
if num % 2 == 0:
# ------------------get output file name---------------------
OPRAST = values[1]
filename = work_dir / f"{OPRAST}.xlxs"
# ------------------create excel file sheet------------------
excel_file = openpyxl.Workbook()
excel_sheet =
alphaList = list(ascii_uppercase)
for alphabet in alphaList:
excel_sheet.column_dimensions[alphabet].width = 20
# --------------------save----------------
# -------------------main program---------------
alphaList = list(ascii_uppercase)
work_dir = Path(r"C:\Users\Sunny Kim\Downloads\Do Forms")
for pdf_file in work_dir.glob("*.pdf"):


Move files into different folders based on a text list Python

I´m new to python and I´ve been trying to simplify a manual task that I do on my daily bases, I have a text file with a list of file names separated in groups by a blank line, like this:
All of this files are in one folder and I want to find each group of files and move them into separate folders the name of the new folders should be the name of the first file of each group.
I´m doing my research and I found how to do each step separately using os and shutil modules but I can´t find a way to join them together and make a beautiful script, any help that I can get from you guys will be awesome, thanks!!
Here's a little script that can do that.
I've made two assumptions:
The file with the list of files is stored in the same directory as source files
There is a blank line after the last file so the script can grab the last group
import os
from shutil import move
from itertools import groupby
#Where the files are originally stored
src_path = "C:\\temp\\src\\"
#Where the group folders will go
dest_path = "C:\\temp\\dest\\"
#Open up the file containing the list of files
with open(src_path + "list_of_files.txt") as txt:
lines = txt.readlines() #Read the file
#Split the contents of the file based on the newline character "\n"
i = (list(g) for _, g in groupby(lines, key='\n'.__ne__))
list_of_groups = [a + b for a, b in zip(i, i)]
#Iterate through each group
for group in list_of_groups:
folder_name = dest_path + group[0].replace("\n","") + "\\"
if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
#Create a folder for each group if it doesn't already exist
#Move over each file in the group. The last element in the group is a newline character
for file in group:
if file != "\n":
move(src_path + file.replace("\n",""),folder_name + file.replace("\n",""))
When reading a file you can look up characters. Blank spaces have a newline character as represented by \n.
import os
filepath1 = os.getcwd() # current working directory
filepath2 = "path\\to\\where\\you\\want\\dir"
filename = os.path.join(filepath1,"yourfilename.txt")
dirName = []
groupName = "filegroup"
idx = 1
newPath = ""
init = True
file = open(filename, "r")
for line in file:
if init == True: # initial folder
newPath = os.path.join(filepath2,groupName + str(idx))
init = False
if line == "\n": # line in file is empty
idx += 1
newName = groupName + str(idx)
newPath = filepath2 + dirName[idx-1]

Using Textract, how do you extract tables from a pdf file and output it into a csv file via .py script?

I want to use textract (via aws cli) to extract tables from a pdf file (located in an s3 location) and export it into a csv file. I have tried writing a .py script but am struggling to read from the file.
Any suggestions for writing the .py script is welcome.
This is my current script. I run into the error:
File "", line 63, in get_table_csv_results
bash: File: command not found
KeyError: 'Blocks'
import webbrowser, os
import json
import boto3
import io
from io import BytesIO
import sys
from pprint import pprint
def get_rows_columns_map(table_result, blocks_map):
rows = {}
for relationship in table_result['Relationships']:
if relationship['Type'] == 'CHILD':
for child_id in relationship['Ids']:
cell = blocks_map[child_id]
if cell['BlockType'] == 'CELL':
row_index = cell['RowIndex']
col_index = cell['ColumnIndex']
if row_index not in rows:
# create new row
rows[row_index] = {}
# get the text value
rows[row_index][col_index] = get_text(cell, blocks_map)
return rows
def get_text(result, blocks_map):
text = ''
if 'Relationships' in result:
for relationship in result['Relationships']:
if relationship['Type'] == 'CHILD':
for child_id in relationship['Ids']:
word = blocks_map[child_id]
if word['BlockType'] == 'WORD':
text += word['Text'] + ' '
if word['BlockType'] == 'SELECTION_ELEMENT':
if word['SelectionStatus'] =='SELECTED':
text += 'X '
def get_table_csv_results(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'rb') as file:
img_test =
bytes_test = bytearray(img_test)
print('Image loaded', file_name)
# process using image bytes
# get the results
client = boto3.client('textract')
response = client.start_document_text_detection(
'S3Object': {
'Bucket': s3BucketName,
'Name': documentName
# Get the text blocks
blocks_map = {}
table_blocks = []
for block in blocks:
blocks_map[block['Id']] = block
if block['BlockType'] == "TABLE":
if len(table_blocks) <= 0:
return "<b> NO Table FOUND </b>"
csv = ''
for index, table in enumerate(table_blocks):
csv += generate_table_csv(table, blocks_map, index +1)
csv += '\n\n'
return csv
def generate_table_csv(table_result, blocks_map, table_index):
rows = get_rows_columns_map(table_result, blocks_map)
table_id = 'Table_' + str(table_index)
# get cells.
csv = 'Table: {0}\n\n'.format(table_id)
for row_index, cols in rows.items():
for col_index, text in cols.items():
csv += '{}'.format(text) + ","
csv += '\n'
csv += '\n\n\n'
return csv
def main(file_name):
table_csv = get_table_csv_results(file_name)
output_file = 'output.csv'
# replace content
with open(output_file, "wt") as fout:
# show the results
print('CSV OUTPUT FILE: ', output_file)
# Document
s3BucketName = ""
documentName = "DETAIL.pdf"
if __name__ == "__main__":
file_name = sys.argv[1]
There is a much simpler way using the Amazon Textractor Textractor library. pip install amazon-textract-textractor
This will create a csv per table in your pdf document. e.g output_p0_t0.csv
from textractor import Textractor
def extract_tables(s3_file_path, output_directory, s3_output_path):
extractor = Textractor(profile_name="default")
document = extractor.start_document_analysis(s3_file_path,, s3_output_path)
for j, page in enumerate(document.pages):
for i, table in enumerate(document.tables):
with open(output_directory+f'/output_p{j}_t{i}.csv', 'w') as csv_file:
return document
document = extract_tables('s3://<INPUT_FILE.PDF>', './<LOCAL_DIRECTORY_FOR_CSV>', 's3://<TEXTRACT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>')
I had to make slight changes to #Thomas answer by importing profile `
extractor = Textractor(profile_name="default") right after importing Textractor as shown below to avoid getting this error -> NameError: name 'textractor' is not defined.
from textractor import Textractor
extractor = Textractor(profile_name="default")
def extract_tables(s3_file_path, output_directory, s3_output_path):
document = extractor.start_document_analysis(s3_file_path,, s3_output_path)
for j, page in enumerate(document.pages):
for i, table in enumerate(document.tables):
with open(output_directory+f'/output_p{j}_t{i}.csv', 'w') as csv_file:
return document
document = extract_tables('s3://<INPUT_FILE.PDF>', './<LOCAL_DIRECTORY_FOR_CSV>', 's3://<TEXTRACT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>')
Hope it helps someone out there.

Check if a file exists using a text file

I have a folder (Molecules) with many sdf files (M00001.sdf, M00002.sdf and so on) representing different molecules. I also have a csv where each row represents the a molecule (M00001, M00002 etc).
I'm writing a code in order to get files on Molecules folder if their name is a row on the csv file.
First attempt
import os
path_to_files = '/path_to_folder/Molecules' # path to Molecules folder
for files in os.listdir(path_to_files):
names = os.path.splitext(files)[0] # get the basename (molecule name)
with open('molecules.csv') as ligs: # Open the csv file of molecules names
for hits in ligs:
if names == hits:
print names, hits
print 'File is not here'
However this returns nothing on the command line (literally nothing). What is wrong with this code?
I am not sure that this is the best way (I only know that the following code works for my data) but if your molecule.csv has the standard csv format, i.e. "molecule1,molecule2,molecule3 ...", you can try to rearrange your code in this way:
import os
import csv
path_to_files = '/path_to_folder/Molecules' # path to Molecules folder
for files in os.listdir(path_to_files):
names = os.path.basename(files)
names = names.replace(".sdf","")
with open('molecules.csv','r') as ligs:
content = csv.reader(ligs)
for elem in content:
for hits in elem:
if names == hits:
print names, hits
print 'File is not here'
See csv File Reading and Writing for csv module
I solved the problem with a rather brute approach
import os
import csv
import shutil
path_to_files = None # path to Molecules folder
new_path = None # new folder to save files
os.mkdir(new_path) # create the folder to store the molecules
hits = open('molecules.csv', 'r')
ligands = []
for line in hits:
lig = line.rstrip('\n')
for files in os.listdir(path_to_files):
molecule_name = os.path.splitext(files)[0]
full_name = '/' + molecule_name + '.sdf'
old_file = path_to_files + full_name
new_file = new_path + full_name
if molecule_name in ligands:
shutil.copy(old_file, new_file)

Search and replace for text within a pdf, in Python

This question already has answers here:
How can I replace text in a PDF using Python?
(4 answers)
Closed 14 hours ago.
I am writing mailmerge software as part of a Python web app.
I have a template called letter.pdf which was generated from a MS Word file and includes the text {name} where the resident's name will go. I also have a list of c. 100 residents' names.
What I want to do is to read in letter.pdf do a search for "{name}" and replace it with the resident's name (for each resident) then write the result to another pdf. I then want to gather all these pdfs together into a big pdf (one page per letter) which my web app's users will print out to create their letters.
Are there any Python libraries that will do this? I've looked at pdfrw and pdfminer but I couldn't see where they would be able to do it.
(NB: I also have the MS Word file, so if there was another way of using that, and not going through a pdf, that would also do the job.)
This can be done with PyPDF2 package. The implementation may depend on the original PDF template structure. But if the template is stable enough and isn't changed very often the replacement code shouldn't be generic but rather simple.
I did a small sketch on how you could replace the text inside a PDF file. It replaces all occurrences of PDF tokens to DOC.
import os
import argparse
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
from PyPDF2.generic import DecodedStreamObject, EncodedStreamObject
def replace_text(content, replacements = dict()):
lines = content.splitlines()
result = ""
in_text = False
for line in lines:
if line == "BT":
in_text = True
elif line == "ET":
in_text = False
elif in_text:
cmd = line[-2:]
if cmd.lower() == 'tj':
replaced_line = line
for k, v in replacements.items():
replaced_line = replaced_line.replace(k, v)
result += replaced_line + "\n"
result += line + "\n"
result += line + "\n"
return result
def process_data(object, replacements):
data = object.getData()
decoded_data = data.decode('utf-8')
replaced_data = replace_text(decoded_data, replacements)
encoded_data = replaced_data.encode('utf-8')
if object.decodedSelf is not None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-i", "--input", required=True, help="path to PDF document")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
in_file = args["input"]
filename_base = in_file.replace(os.path.splitext(in_file)[1], "")
# Provide replacements list that you need here
replacements = { 'PDF': 'DOC'}
pdf = PdfFileReader(in_file)
writer = PdfFileWriter()
for page_number in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
page = pdf.getPage(page_number)
contents = page.getContents()
if isinstance(contents, DecodedStreamObject) or isinstance(contents, EncodedStreamObject):
process_data(contents, replacements)
elif len(contents) > 0:
for obj in contents:
if isinstance(obj, DecodedStreamObject) or isinstance(obj, EncodedStreamObject):
streamObj = obj.getObject()
process_data(streamObj, replacements)
with open(filename_base + ".result.pdf", 'wb') as out_file:
The results are
UPDATE 2021-03-21:
Updated the code example to handle DecodedStreamObject and EncodedStreamObject which actually contian data stream with text to update.
If #Dmytrio solution do not alter final PDF
Dymitrio's updated code example to handle DecodedStreamObject and EncodedStreamObject which actually contain data stream with text to update could run fine, but with a file different from example, was not able to alter pdf text content.
According to EDIT 3, from How to replace text in a PDF using Python?:
By inserting page[NameObject("/Contents")] = contents.decodedSelf before writer.addPage(page), we force pyPDF2 to update content of the page object.
This way I was able to overcome this problem and replace text from pdf file.
Final code should look like this:
import os
import argparse
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
from PyPDF2.generic import DecodedStreamObject, EncodedStreamObject, NameObject
def replace_text(content, replacements = dict()):
lines = content.splitlines()
result = ""
in_text = False
for line in lines:
if line == "BT":
in_text = True
elif line == "ET":
in_text = False
elif in_text:
cmd = line[-2:]
if cmd.lower() == 'tj':
replaced_line = line
for k, v in replacements.items():
replaced_line = replaced_line.replace(k, v)
result += replaced_line + "\n"
result += line + "\n"
result += line + "\n"
return result
def process_data(object, replacements):
data = object.getData()
decoded_data = data.decode('utf-8')
replaced_data = replace_text(decoded_data, replacements)
encoded_data = replaced_data.encode('utf-8')
if object.decodedSelf is not None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-i", "--input", required=True, help="path to PDF document")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
in_file = args["input"]
filename_base = in_file.replace(os.path.splitext(in_file)[1], "")
# Provide replacements list that you need here
replacements = { 'PDF': 'DOC'}
pdf = PdfFileReader(in_file)
writer = PdfFileWriter()
for page_number in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
page = pdf.getPage(page_number)
contents = page.getContents()
if isinstance(contents, DecodedStreamObject) or isinstance(contents, EncodedStreamObject):
process_data(contents, replacements)
elif len(contents) > 0:
for obj in contents:
if isinstance(obj, DecodedStreamObject) or isinstance(obj, EncodedStreamObject):
streamObj = obj.getObject()
process_data(streamObj, replacements)
# Force content replacement
page[NameObject("/Contents")] = contents.decodedSelf
with open(filename_base + ".result.pdf", 'wb') as out_file:
Important: from PyPDF2.generic import NameObject
Decompress the pdf to make parsing easier (solves many of the issues in the previous answer). I use pdftk. (If this step fails, one hack to pre-process the pdf is to open the pdf in OSX Preview, print it, and then choose save as pdf from the print menu. Then retry the command below.)
pdftk original.pdf output uncompressed.pdf uncompress
Parse and replace using PyPDF2.
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
replacements = [
("old string", "new string")
pdf = PdfFileReader(open("uncompressed.pdf", "rb"))
writer = PdfFileWriter()
for page in pdf.pages:
contents = page.getContents().getData()
for (a,b) in replacements:
contents = contents.replace(a.encode('utf-8'), b.encode('utf-8'))
with open("modified.pdf", "wb") as f:
[Optional] Re-compress the pdf.
pdftk modified.pdf output recompressed.pdf compress
Here is a solution using the MS Word source file.
As trying to edit the pdf itself turned out to be too complicated for me because of the encoding errors, I went with the MS Word >> Pdf option.
Prepare MS Word template with {{input_fields}}
Fill in the template with data
Convert the filled in MS Word file to PDF
The DocxTemplate module uses jinja like syntax: {{variable_name}}
In my solution I use an intermediate temp file. I tried to get rid of this step using BytesIO/StringIO to virtualize this step only in memory, but haven't make that work yet.
Here is an easy and working solution to perform the required task:
import os
import comtypes.client
from pathlib import Path
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate
import random
in_file_path = "files/template.docx"
temp_file_path = "files/"+str(random.randint(0,50))+".docx"
out_file_path = "files/output.pdf"
# Fill in text
data_to_fill = {'Field_name' : "John Tester",
'Field_ocupation' : "Test tester",
'Field_address' : "Test Address 123",
template = DocxTemplate(Path(in_file_path))
# Convert to PDF
wdFormatPDF = 17
in_file = os.path.abspath(Path(temp_file_path))
out_file = os.path.abspath(Path(out_file_path))
word = comtypes.client.CreateObject('Word.Application')
doc = word.Documents.Open(in_file)
doc.SaveAs(out_file, FileFormat=wdFormatPDF)
# Get rid of the temp file

Python - stuck at reading a specific row from a csv

I need to add columns to a "matched" shape file based on a csv. I have one last step to complete which is to get the value to enter into the shp from the csv.
I get
readCSV[rowID] Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: '_csv.reader'
object is not subscriptable
The stripped down CSV is
The files look like
The code mataches OVL_CAT + OVL2_DESC to the File Name.
I then get the code to add a column called LGA_CODE and need to populate it with '583094' which is row 2, column do I get this when I can't call FileList2 to get row 2 from the csv (3 in the example below but 2 in python)?
import os, sys, datetime, csv, arcpy, string
from subprocess import Popen
from itertools import islice
top = os.getcwd() # change to a specific path if required.
# This otherwise starts with the directory the script is in (preferred).
RootOutput = r'P:\2012\273_CCRC_Townplanning_Datasets\Working\scratch' # change if you want output somewhere else
SourceDIR = r'P:\2012\273_CCRC_Townplanning_Datasets\Working\scratch\OM_011' # source of your data (subdirectories searched as well
outDIR = top+"\\workingFiles" # directory where output is written to. Includes temp files
finalDIR = top+"\\final" # folder for final data only
AOI = 'AOI.csv' # name of the file containing the las file names in the second column
Compare_Column = 2
Compare_Column2 = 3
# END setting base paths
# NOTHING BELOW should need editing.
List =[]
#Generate list with unique file name codes from CSV
FileList = csv.reader(open(AOI))
for File in FileList:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(SourceDIR, topdown=False):
for fl in files:
currentFile=os.path.join(root, fl)
for FileType in FileTypes:
status= str.endswith(currentFile,FileType)
if str(status) == 'True':
for SearchString in SearchStrings:
#print currentFile
#print SearchString
if str(SearchString in currentFile) == 'True':
#print str(currentFile)+str(status)
#del fl
# Get list of Column Names
headers_count = 1
with open(AOI) as fin:
headers = list(islice(fin, headers_count))
# Process matching files
for fl in List:
for header in header_list:
#arcpy.AddField_management(dfStore, str(header) ,'TEXT')
# Get RowID to read column data from
for field in SearchStrings:
#print field, filename
if field.endswith(filename):
with open(AOI, 'rb') as f:
readCSV= csv.reader(f)
## arcpy.CalculateField_management(fl, header, text,"PYTHON_9.3")
=== UPDATED CODE BASED ON COMMENTS -it's all working find if anyone needs it.
import os, sys, datetime, csv, arcpy, string
from subprocess import Popen
from itertools import islice
top = os.getcwd() # change to a specific path if required.
# This otherwise starts with the directory the script is in (preferred).
RootOutput = r'P:\2012\273_CCRC_Townplanning_Datasets\Working\scratch' # change if you want output somewhere else
SourceDIR = r'P:\2012\273_CCRC_Townplanning_Datasets\Working\scratch\OM_011' # source of your data (subdirectories searched as well
outDIR = top+"\\workingFiles" # directory where output is written to. Includes temp files
finalDIR = top+"\\final" # folder for final data only
AOI = 'AOI.csv' # name of the file containing the las file names in the second column
Compare_Column = 3
Compare_Column2 = 4
# END setting base paths
# NOTHING BELOW should need editing.
List =[]
#Generate list with unique file name codes from CSV
FileList = csv.reader(open(AOI))
for File in FileList:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(SourceDIR, topdown=False):
for fl in files:
currentFile=os.path.join(root, fl)
for FileType in FileTypes:
status= str.endswith(currentFile,FileType)
if status:
for SearchString in SearchStrings:
#print currentFile, SearchString
if str(SearchString[SearchString.find('_')+1:] in currentFile) == 'True':
#print str(currentFile)+str(status)
#del fl
# Get list of Column Names
headers_count = 1
with open(AOI) as fin:
headers = list(islice(fin, headers_count))
for hdr in header_listT:
# Process matching files
for fl in List:
for header in header_list:
print header
arcpy.AddField_management(dfStore, str(header) ,'TEXT')
# Get RowID to read column data from
for field in SearchStrings:
#print field, filename
#print header, field
if field.endswith(filename):
#print 'FOUND......................'
if columnID < len(header_list):
text = rows[rowID][columnID]
print filename, header, text
arcpy.CalculateField_management(fl, header, "text" ,"PYTHON_9.3")
Your problem is in these two lines:
readCSV= csv.reader(f)
csv.reader is an iterable over the lines of the file; it cannot be directly indexed. You could use islice to get the element you want (islice(readCSV, rowID, rowID+1).next()), though a neater solution would just be to store a dictionary mapping rowID to the AOI row when you read it the first time (in the SearchStrings loop):
FileList = csv.reader(open(AOI))
SearchStrings = []
rows = []
for File in FileList:
... # later
text = rows[rowID][1]

