download pip3 for python 3.9.0 - python

when i run python3 -V on my amazon workdsace - it gives me Python 3.9.0
and when i run python -V - it gives me Python 2.7.18
and when i run pip --version - it gives me pip 20.2.4 from /home/myName/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip (python 2.7)
what i want is to download pip3 for python 3.9.0 to download modules also the script i made works with python3 not python2
any idea ?

It depends on your distribution here are the commands for CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu:
Centos: yum install python3-pip
Debian: apt install python3-pip
(you can found command for others Distributions here
Or you can install directly from the python script provided by pip developers (not recommended if you have installed your python from OS package manager):


ElasticBeanstalk PHP with Python - Install packages with pip [duplicate]

I want to install pip. It should support Python 3, but it requires setuptools, which is available only for Python 2.
How can I install pip with Python 3?
edit: Manual installation and use of setuptools is not the standard process anymore.
If you're running Python 2.7.9+ or Python 3.4+
Congrats, you should already have pip installed. If you do not, read onward.
If you're running a Unix-like System
You can usually install the package for pip through your package manager if your version of Python is older than 2.7.9 or 3.4, or if your system did not include it for whatever reason.
Instructions for some of the more common distros follow.
Installing on Debian (Wheezy and newer) and Ubuntu (Trusty Tahr and newer) for Python 2.x
Run the following command from a terminal:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Installing on Debian (Wheezy and newer) and Ubuntu (Trusty Tahr and newer) for Python 3.x
Run the following command from a terminal:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
On a fresh Debian/Ubuntu install, the package may not be found until you do:
sudo apt-get update
Installing pip on CentOS 7 for Python 2.x
On CentOS 7, you have to install setup tools first, and then use that to install pip, as there is no direct package for it.
sudo yum install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
Installing pip on CentOS 7 for Python 3.x
Assuming you installed Python 3.4 from EPEL, you can install Python 3's setup tools and use it to install pip.
# First command requires you to have enabled EPEL for CentOS7
sudo yum install python34-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
If your Unix/Linux distro doesn't have it in package repos
Install using the manual way detailed below.
The manual way
If you want to do it the manual way, the now-recommended method is to install using the script from pip's installation instructions.
Install pip
To install pip, securely download
Then run the following (which may require administrator access):
If setuptools is not already installed, will install setuptools for you.
I was able to install pip for python 3 on Ubuntu just by running sudo apt-get install python3-pip.
Python 3.4+ and Python 2.7.9+
Good news! Python 3.4 (released March 2014) ships with Pip. This is the best feature of any Python release. It makes the community's wealth of libraries accessible to everyone. Newbies are no longer excluded by the prohibitive difficulty of setup. In shipping with a package manager, Python joins Ruby, Nodejs, Haskell, Perl, Go--almost every other contemporary language with a majority open-source community. Thank you Python.
Of course, that doesn't mean Python packaging is problem solved. The experience remains frustrating. I discuss this at Does Python have a package/module management system?
Alas for everyone using an earlier Python. Manual instructions follow.
Python ≤ 2.7.8 and Python ≤ 3.3
Follow my detailed instructions at . Essentially
Official instructions
Download, being careful to save it as a .py file rather than .txt. Then, run it from the command prompt.
You possibly need an administrator command prompt to do this. Follow
For me, this installed Pip at C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe. Find pip.exe on your computer, then add its folder (eg. C:\Python27\Scripts) to your path (Start / Edit environment variables). Now you should be able to run pip from the command line. Try installing a package:
pip install httpie
There you go (hopefully)!
if you're using python 3.4+
just type:
python3 -m pip
For Ubuntu 12.04 or older,
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
won't work. Instead, use:
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools ca-certificates
sudo easy_install3 pip
Update 2015-01-20:
As per the current way is:
I think that should work for any version
Original Answer:
easy_install pip
Single Python in system
To install packages in Python always follow these steps:
If the package is for python 2.x: sudo python -m pip install [package]
If the package is for python 3.x: sudo python3 -m pip install [package]
Note: This is assuming no alias is set for python
Through this method, there will be no confusion regarding which python version is receiving the package.
Multiple Pythons/Virtual Envs
Say you have python3 ↔ python3.6 and python3.7 ↔ python3.7
To install for python3.6: sudo python3 -m pip install [package]
To instal for python3.7: sudo python3.7 -m pip install [package]
This is essentially the same method as shown previously.
Note 1
How to find which python? Do one of the following:
~ » python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
3.9.5 (default, Nov 18 2021, 16:00:48)
your python3 command spawns:
~ » python3
Python 3.9.5 (default, Nov 18 2021, 16:00:48)
[GCC 10.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Notice python 3.9.5 in the second line.
or say you are using virtual env and see where your python points to:
» which python
Note 2
Change what python3 or python points to:
python3 -m ensurepip
I'm not sure when exactly this was introduced, but it's installed pip3 for me when it didn't already exist.
Older version of Homebrew
If you are on macOS, use homebrew.
brew install python3 # this installs python only
brew postinstall python3 # this command installs pip
Also note that you should check the console if the install finished successfully. Sometimes it doesn't (e.g. an error due to ownership), but people simply overlook the log.
UPDATED - Homebrew version after 1.5
According to the official Homebrew page:
On 1st March 2018 the python formula will be upgraded to Python 3.x and a python#2 formula will be added for installing Python 2.7 (although this will be keg-only so neither python nor python2 will be added to the PATH by default without a manual brew link --force). We will maintain python2, python3 and python#3 aliases.
So to install Python 3, run the following command:
brew install python3
Then, the pip is installed automatically, and you can install any package by pip install <package>.
If your Linux distro came with Python already installed, you should be able to install PIP using your system’s package manager. This is preferable since system-installed versions of Python do not play nicely with the script used on Windows and Mac.
Advanced Package Tool (Python 2.x)
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Advanced Package Tool (Python 3.x)
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pacman Package Manager (Python 2.x)
sudo pacman -S python2-pip
pacman Package Manager (Python 3.x)
sudo pacman -S python-pip
Yum Package Manager (Python 2.x)
sudo yum upgrade python-setuptools
sudo yum install python-pip python-wheel
Yum Package Manager (Python 3.x)
sudo yum install python3 python3-wheel
Dandified Yum (Python 2.x)
sudo dnf upgrade python-setuptools
sudo dnf install python-pip python-wheel
Dandified Yum (Python 3.x)
sudo dnf install python3 python3-wheel
Zypper Package Manager (Python 2.x)
sudo zypper install python-pip python-setuptools python-wheel
Zypper Package Manager (Python 3.x)
sudo zypper install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel
This is the one-liner I copy-and-paste:
curl | python3
curl -L | python3
From Installing with
To install pip, securely download by following this link: Alternatively, use
curl -o
Then run the following command in the folder where you have downloaded
Warning: Be cautious if you are using a Python install that is managed
by your operating system or another package manager. does
not coordinate with those tools, and may leave your system in an
inconsistent state.
If you use several different versions of python try using virtualenv
With the advantage of pip for each local environment.
Then install a local environment in the current directory by:
virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.3 ENV --verbose
Note that you specify the path to a python binary you have installed on your system.
Then there are now an local pythonenvironment in that folder. ./ENV
Now there should be ./ENV/pip-3.3
./ENV/pip-3.3 freeze to list the local installed libraries.
use ./ENV/pip-3.3 install packagename to install at the local environment.
use ./ENV/python3.3 to run your python script.
Here is my way to solve this problem at ubuntu 12.04:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev
Then install the python3 from source code:
tar xvf Python-3.4.0.tar.xz
cd Python-3.4.0
make test
sudo make install
When you finished installing all of them, pip3 will get installed automatically.
This is what I did on OS X Mavericks to get this to work.
Firstly, have brew installed
Install python 3.4
brew install python3
Then I get the latest version of distribute:
cd distribute-0.7.3
sudo install
sudo easy_install-3.4 pip
sudo pip3.4 install virtualenv
sudo pip3.4 install virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv py3
python --version
Python 3.4.1
I hope this helps.
pip is installed together when you install Python. You can use
sudo pip install (module)
python3 -m pip install (module).
Please follow below steps to install python 3 with pip:
Step 1 : Install Python from download here
Step 2 : you’ll need to download
Step 3 : After download , open your commant prompt and go to directory where your file saved .
Step 4 : Enter command python in cmd.
Step 5 : Pip installed successfully , Verify pip installation by type command in cmd pip --version
What’s New In Python 3.4
pip should always be available
By default, the commands pipX and pipX.Y will be installed on all platforms (where X.Y stands for the version of the Python installation), along with the pip Python package and its dependencies.
so if you have python 3.4 installed, you can just: sudo pip3 install xxx
For python3 try this:
wget -O - | python
The good thing is that It will also detect what version of python you have (even if it's an environment of python in your custom location).
After this you can proceed normally with (for example)
pip install numpy
Assuming you are in a highly restricted computer env (such as myself) without root access or ability to install packages...
I had never setup a fresh/standalone/raw/non-root instance of Python+virtualenv before this post. I had do quite a bit of Googling to make this work.
Decide if you are using python (python2) or python3 and set your PATH correctly. (I am strictly a python3 user.) All commands below can substitute python3 for python if you are python2 user.
tar -xzvf virtualenv-x.y.z.tar.gz
python3 virtualenv-x.y.z/ --python $(which python3) /path/to/new/virtualenv
source /path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/activate
Assumes you are using a Bourne-compatible shell, e.g., bash
Brilliantly, this virtualenv package includes a standalone version of pip and setuptools that are auto-magically installed into each new virtualenv. This solves the chicken and egg problem.
You may want to create an alias (or update your ~/.bashrc, etc.) for this final command to activate the python virtualenv during each login. It can be a pain to remember all these paths and commands.
Check your version of python now: which python3 should give: /path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/python3
Check pip is also available in the virtualenv via which pip... should give: /path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/pip
Then... pip, pip, pip!
Final tip to newbie Pythoneers: You don't think you need virtualenv when you start, but you will be happy to have it later. Helps with "what if" installation / upgrade scenarios for open source / shared packages.
To install pip, securely download
Then run the following:
Be cautious if you're using a Python install that's managed by your
operating system or another package manager. does not
coordinate with those tools, and may leave your system in an
inconsistent state.
Refer: PIP Installation
And for Windows 8.1/10 OS Users just open cmd (command prompt)
write this : C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts
just write this : pip3 install {name of package}
Hint: the location of folder Python36-32 may get different for new python 3.x versions
If you used the command "python", you should have the 'pip' function for Python3. However, 'pip' for Python2 might still be present. In my case I uninstalled 'pip', which removed it from Python2.
After that I ran "python" again. (Make sure that '' is saved in the same folder as Python3.) The final step was to add the directory with 'pip' command to $PATH. That solved it for me.
=>Easy way to install Python any version on Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04 follow these steps:-
Step 1: Update Local Repositories:-
sudo apt update
Step 2: Install Supporting Software:-
sudo apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev wget
Step3: Create directory on your home directory To download the newest release of Python Source Code, navigate to the /python-source-files directory and use the wget command:-
mkdir python-source-files
Step 4: Download the Latest Version of Python Source Code:-
"you can change python version by just modifies this:-"3.7.5" with the version you want example:-"3.5.2"
Step 5: Extract Compressed Files:-
tar –xf Python-3.7.5.tgz
tar xvzf Python-3.7.5.tgz
Step 6: Test System and Optimize Python:-
cd python-3.7.5 or your version of python.
Step 7: Now configure(Using the ––optimization option speeds code execution by 10-20%.):-
./configure ––enable–optimizations
OR you can also do this also if you facing ssl error:-
./configure --with-openssl
Step 8: Install a Second Instance of Python:-
sudo make altinstall
"It is recommended that you use the altinstall method. Your Ubuntu system may have software packages dependent on Python 2.x.
If you want to Overwrite Default Python Installation/version:-
sudo make install"
Step 9:Now check Python Version:-
python3 ––version
Step 10: To install pip for python3 just go with this command:-
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Trying to install PIPX on linux [duplicate]

I want to install pip. It should support Python 3, but it requires setuptools, which is available only for Python 2.
How can I install pip with Python 3?
edit: Manual installation and use of setuptools is not the standard process anymore.
If you're running Python 2.7.9+ or Python 3.4+
Congrats, you should already have pip installed. If you do not, read onward.
If you're running a Unix-like System
You can usually install the package for pip through your package manager if your version of Python is older than 2.7.9 or 3.4, or if your system did not include it for whatever reason.
Instructions for some of the more common distros follow.
Installing on Debian (Wheezy and newer) and Ubuntu (Trusty Tahr and newer) for Python 2.x
Run the following command from a terminal:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Installing on Debian (Wheezy and newer) and Ubuntu (Trusty Tahr and newer) for Python 3.x
Run the following command from a terminal:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
On a fresh Debian/Ubuntu install, the package may not be found until you do:
sudo apt-get update
Installing pip on CentOS 7 for Python 2.x
On CentOS 7, you have to install setup tools first, and then use that to install pip, as there is no direct package for it.
sudo yum install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
Installing pip on CentOS 7 for Python 3.x
Assuming you installed Python 3.4 from EPEL, you can install Python 3's setup tools and use it to install pip.
# First command requires you to have enabled EPEL for CentOS7
sudo yum install python34-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
If your Unix/Linux distro doesn't have it in package repos
Install using the manual way detailed below.
The manual way
If you want to do it the manual way, the now-recommended method is to install using the script from pip's installation instructions.
Install pip
To install pip, securely download
Then run the following (which may require administrator access):
If setuptools is not already installed, will install setuptools for you.
I was able to install pip for python 3 on Ubuntu just by running sudo apt-get install python3-pip.
Python 3.4+ and Python 2.7.9+
Good news! Python 3.4 (released March 2014) ships with Pip. This is the best feature of any Python release. It makes the community's wealth of libraries accessible to everyone. Newbies are no longer excluded by the prohibitive difficulty of setup. In shipping with a package manager, Python joins Ruby, Nodejs, Haskell, Perl, Go--almost every other contemporary language with a majority open-source community. Thank you Python.
Of course, that doesn't mean Python packaging is problem solved. The experience remains frustrating. I discuss this at Does Python have a package/module management system?
Alas for everyone using an earlier Python. Manual instructions follow.
Python ≤ 2.7.8 and Python ≤ 3.3
Follow my detailed instructions at . Essentially
Official instructions
Download, being careful to save it as a .py file rather than .txt. Then, run it from the command prompt.
You possibly need an administrator command prompt to do this. Follow
For me, this installed Pip at C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe. Find pip.exe on your computer, then add its folder (eg. C:\Python27\Scripts) to your path (Start / Edit environment variables). Now you should be able to run pip from the command line. Try installing a package:
pip install httpie
There you go (hopefully)!
if you're using python 3.4+
just type:
python3 -m pip
For Ubuntu 12.04 or older,
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
won't work. Instead, use:
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools ca-certificates
sudo easy_install3 pip
Update 2015-01-20:
As per the current way is:
I think that should work for any version
Original Answer:
easy_install pip
Single Python in system
To install packages in Python always follow these steps:
If the package is for python 2.x: sudo python -m pip install [package]
If the package is for python 3.x: sudo python3 -m pip install [package]
Note: This is assuming no alias is set for python
Through this method, there will be no confusion regarding which python version is receiving the package.
Multiple Pythons/Virtual Envs
Say you have python3 ↔ python3.6 and python3.7 ↔ python3.7
To install for python3.6: sudo python3 -m pip install [package]
To instal for python3.7: sudo python3.7 -m pip install [package]
This is essentially the same method as shown previously.
Note 1
How to find which python? Do one of the following:
~ » python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
3.9.5 (default, Nov 18 2021, 16:00:48)
your python3 command spawns:
~ » python3
Python 3.9.5 (default, Nov 18 2021, 16:00:48)
[GCC 10.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Notice python 3.9.5 in the second line.
or say you are using virtual env and see where your python points to:
» which python
Note 2
Change what python3 or python points to:
python3 -m ensurepip
I'm not sure when exactly this was introduced, but it's installed pip3 for me when it didn't already exist.
Older version of Homebrew
If you are on macOS, use homebrew.
brew install python3 # this installs python only
brew postinstall python3 # this command installs pip
Also note that you should check the console if the install finished successfully. Sometimes it doesn't (e.g. an error due to ownership), but people simply overlook the log.
UPDATED - Homebrew version after 1.5
According to the official Homebrew page:
On 1st March 2018 the python formula will be upgraded to Python 3.x and a python#2 formula will be added for installing Python 2.7 (although this will be keg-only so neither python nor python2 will be added to the PATH by default without a manual brew link --force). We will maintain python2, python3 and python#3 aliases.
So to install Python 3, run the following command:
brew install python3
Then, the pip is installed automatically, and you can install any package by pip install <package>.
If your Linux distro came with Python already installed, you should be able to install PIP using your system’s package manager. This is preferable since system-installed versions of Python do not play nicely with the script used on Windows and Mac.
Advanced Package Tool (Python 2.x)
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Advanced Package Tool (Python 3.x)
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pacman Package Manager (Python 2.x)
sudo pacman -S python2-pip
pacman Package Manager (Python 3.x)
sudo pacman -S python-pip
Yum Package Manager (Python 2.x)
sudo yum upgrade python-setuptools
sudo yum install python-pip python-wheel
Yum Package Manager (Python 3.x)
sudo yum install python3 python3-wheel
Dandified Yum (Python 2.x)
sudo dnf upgrade python-setuptools
sudo dnf install python-pip python-wheel
Dandified Yum (Python 3.x)
sudo dnf install python3 python3-wheel
Zypper Package Manager (Python 2.x)
sudo zypper install python-pip python-setuptools python-wheel
Zypper Package Manager (Python 3.x)
sudo zypper install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel
This is the one-liner I copy-and-paste:
curl | python3
curl -L | python3
From Installing with
To install pip, securely download by following this link: Alternatively, use
curl -o
Then run the following command in the folder where you have downloaded
Warning: Be cautious if you are using a Python install that is managed
by your operating system or another package manager. does
not coordinate with those tools, and may leave your system in an
inconsistent state.
If you use several different versions of python try using virtualenv
With the advantage of pip for each local environment.
Then install a local environment in the current directory by:
virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.3 ENV --verbose
Note that you specify the path to a python binary you have installed on your system.
Then there are now an local pythonenvironment in that folder. ./ENV
Now there should be ./ENV/pip-3.3
./ENV/pip-3.3 freeze to list the local installed libraries.
use ./ENV/pip-3.3 install packagename to install at the local environment.
use ./ENV/python3.3 to run your python script.
Here is my way to solve this problem at ubuntu 12.04:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev
Then install the python3 from source code:
tar xvf Python-3.4.0.tar.xz
cd Python-3.4.0
make test
sudo make install
When you finished installing all of them, pip3 will get installed automatically.
This is what I did on OS X Mavericks to get this to work.
Firstly, have brew installed
Install python 3.4
brew install python3
Then I get the latest version of distribute:
cd distribute-0.7.3
sudo install
sudo easy_install-3.4 pip
sudo pip3.4 install virtualenv
sudo pip3.4 install virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv py3
python --version
Python 3.4.1
I hope this helps.
pip is installed together when you install Python. You can use
sudo pip install (module)
python3 -m pip install (module).
Please follow below steps to install python 3 with pip:
Step 1 : Install Python from download here
Step 2 : you’ll need to download
Step 3 : After download , open your commant prompt and go to directory where your file saved .
Step 4 : Enter command python in cmd.
Step 5 : Pip installed successfully , Verify pip installation by type command in cmd pip --version
What’s New In Python 3.4
pip should always be available
By default, the commands pipX and pipX.Y will be installed on all platforms (where X.Y stands for the version of the Python installation), along with the pip Python package and its dependencies.
so if you have python 3.4 installed, you can just: sudo pip3 install xxx
For python3 try this:
wget -O - | python
The good thing is that It will also detect what version of python you have (even if it's an environment of python in your custom location).
After this you can proceed normally with (for example)
pip install numpy
Assuming you are in a highly restricted computer env (such as myself) without root access or ability to install packages...
I had never setup a fresh/standalone/raw/non-root instance of Python+virtualenv before this post. I had do quite a bit of Googling to make this work.
Decide if you are using python (python2) or python3 and set your PATH correctly. (I am strictly a python3 user.) All commands below can substitute python3 for python if you are python2 user.
tar -xzvf virtualenv-x.y.z.tar.gz
python3 virtualenv-x.y.z/ --python $(which python3) /path/to/new/virtualenv
source /path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/activate
Assumes you are using a Bourne-compatible shell, e.g., bash
Brilliantly, this virtualenv package includes a standalone version of pip and setuptools that are auto-magically installed into each new virtualenv. This solves the chicken and egg problem.
You may want to create an alias (or update your ~/.bashrc, etc.) for this final command to activate the python virtualenv during each login. It can be a pain to remember all these paths and commands.
Check your version of python now: which python3 should give: /path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/python3
Check pip is also available in the virtualenv via which pip... should give: /path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/pip
Then... pip, pip, pip!
Final tip to newbie Pythoneers: You don't think you need virtualenv when you start, but you will be happy to have it later. Helps with "what if" installation / upgrade scenarios for open source / shared packages.
To install pip, securely download
Then run the following:
Be cautious if you're using a Python install that's managed by your
operating system or another package manager. does not
coordinate with those tools, and may leave your system in an
inconsistent state.
Refer: PIP Installation
And for Windows 8.1/10 OS Users just open cmd (command prompt)
write this : C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts
just write this : pip3 install {name of package}
Hint: the location of folder Python36-32 may get different for new python 3.x versions
If you used the command "python", you should have the 'pip' function for Python3. However, 'pip' for Python2 might still be present. In my case I uninstalled 'pip', which removed it from Python2.
After that I ran "python" again. (Make sure that '' is saved in the same folder as Python3.) The final step was to add the directory with 'pip' command to $PATH. That solved it for me.
=>Easy way to install Python any version on Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04 follow these steps:-
Step 1: Update Local Repositories:-
sudo apt update
Step 2: Install Supporting Software:-
sudo apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev wget
Step3: Create directory on your home directory To download the newest release of Python Source Code, navigate to the /python-source-files directory and use the wget command:-
mkdir python-source-files
Step 4: Download the Latest Version of Python Source Code:-
"you can change python version by just modifies this:-"3.7.5" with the version you want example:-"3.5.2"
Step 5: Extract Compressed Files:-
tar –xf Python-3.7.5.tgz
tar xvzf Python-3.7.5.tgz
Step 6: Test System and Optimize Python:-
cd python-3.7.5 or your version of python.
Step 7: Now configure(Using the ––optimization option speeds code execution by 10-20%.):-
./configure ––enable–optimizations
OR you can also do this also if you facing ssl error:-
./configure --with-openssl
Step 8: Install a Second Instance of Python:-
sudo make altinstall
"It is recommended that you use the altinstall method. Your Ubuntu system may have software packages dependent on Python 2.x.
If you want to Overwrite Default Python Installation/version:-
sudo make install"
Step 9:Now check Python Version:-
python3 ––version
Step 10: To install pip for python3 just go with this command:-
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

How can I install a legacy PIP version with python 2.6.6 or python 2.7.5?

I'm struggling to install the python pip module on my centOS server which is running on python2.6.6(centOS 6) or python 2.7.5(CentOS7). Due to some reasons I'm not able to upgrade the python version to 3 or later. So in the case, how can I install a legacy PIP version line pip 20 with my python2.6 or python 2.7 platform?
You can use for 2.7. Here's an example in a centos:7 Docker container:
$ python -V
Python 2.7.5
$ curl -fsSL -O
$ python --no-python-version-warning && rm -f
$ python -m pip --version
pip 20.3.4 from /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip (python 2.7)
Docs: (Though admittedly, they don't go out of their way to point out the presence of the 2.6/2.7 branches, given that Python 2 is prominently EOL.)
If you have Python 2, you most likely have pip. Try python2 -m pip install foobar.
Turns out that in CentOS7 pip is not available in distro repos by default. You need to yum install epel-release to enable the EPEL repo, which in turn contains pip: yum install python-pip.
So do this: (as root/using sudo)
yum install epel-release
yum makecache
yum install python-pip

How do I install pip3 for Python3 without root privileges on CentOS 7.6? [duplicate]

I want to install pip. It should support Python 3, but it requires setuptools, which is available only for Python 2.
How can I install pip with Python 3?
edit: Manual installation and use of setuptools is not the standard process anymore.
If you're running Python 2.7.9+ or Python 3.4+
Congrats, you should already have pip installed. If you do not, read onward.
If you're running a Unix-like System
You can usually install the package for pip through your package manager if your version of Python is older than 2.7.9 or 3.4, or if your system did not include it for whatever reason.
Instructions for some of the more common distros follow.
Installing on Debian (Wheezy and newer) and Ubuntu (Trusty Tahr and newer) for Python 2.x
Run the following command from a terminal:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Installing on Debian (Wheezy and newer) and Ubuntu (Trusty Tahr and newer) for Python 3.x
Run the following command from a terminal:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
On a fresh Debian/Ubuntu install, the package may not be found until you do:
sudo apt-get update
Installing pip on CentOS 7 for Python 2.x
On CentOS 7, you have to install setup tools first, and then use that to install pip, as there is no direct package for it.
sudo yum install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
Installing pip on CentOS 7 for Python 3.x
Assuming you installed Python 3.4 from EPEL, you can install Python 3's setup tools and use it to install pip.
# First command requires you to have enabled EPEL for CentOS7
sudo yum install python34-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
If your Unix/Linux distro doesn't have it in package repos
Install using the manual way detailed below.
The manual way
If you want to do it the manual way, the now-recommended method is to install using the script from pip's installation instructions.
Install pip
To install pip, securely download
Then run the following (which may require administrator access):
If setuptools is not already installed, will install setuptools for you.
I was able to install pip for python 3 on Ubuntu just by running sudo apt-get install python3-pip.
Python 3.4+ and Python 2.7.9+
Good news! Python 3.4 (released March 2014) ships with Pip. This is the best feature of any Python release. It makes the community's wealth of libraries accessible to everyone. Newbies are no longer excluded by the prohibitive difficulty of setup. In shipping with a package manager, Python joins Ruby, Nodejs, Haskell, Perl, Go--almost every other contemporary language with a majority open-source community. Thank you Python.
Of course, that doesn't mean Python packaging is problem solved. The experience remains frustrating. I discuss this at Does Python have a package/module management system?
Alas for everyone using an earlier Python. Manual instructions follow.
Python ≤ 2.7.8 and Python ≤ 3.3
Follow my detailed instructions at . Essentially
Official instructions
Download, being careful to save it as a .py file rather than .txt. Then, run it from the command prompt.
You possibly need an administrator command prompt to do this. Follow
For me, this installed Pip at C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe. Find pip.exe on your computer, then add its folder (eg. C:\Python27\Scripts) to your path (Start / Edit environment variables). Now you should be able to run pip from the command line. Try installing a package:
pip install httpie
There you go (hopefully)!
if you're using python 3.4+
just type:
python3 -m pip
For Ubuntu 12.04 or older,
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
won't work. Instead, use:
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools ca-certificates
sudo easy_install3 pip
Update 2015-01-20:
As per the current way is:
I think that should work for any version
Original Answer:
easy_install pip
Single Python in system
To install packages in Python always follow these steps:
If the package is for python 2.x: sudo python -m pip install [package]
If the package is for python 3.x: sudo python3 -m pip install [package]
Note: This is assuming no alias is set for python
Through this method, there will be no confusion regarding which python version is receiving the package.
Multiple Pythons/Virtual Envs
Say you have python3 ↔ python3.6 and python3.7 ↔ python3.7
To install for python3.6: sudo python3 -m pip install [package]
To instal for python3.7: sudo python3.7 -m pip install [package]
This is essentially the same method as shown previously.
Note 1
How to find which python? Do one of the following:
~ » python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
3.9.5 (default, Nov 18 2021, 16:00:48)
your python3 command spawns:
~ » python3
Python 3.9.5 (default, Nov 18 2021, 16:00:48)
[GCC 10.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Notice python 3.9.5 in the second line.
or say you are using virtual env and see where your python points to:
» which python
Note 2
Change what python3 or python points to:
python3 -m ensurepip
I'm not sure when exactly this was introduced, but it's installed pip3 for me when it didn't already exist.
Older version of Homebrew
If you are on macOS, use homebrew.
brew install python3 # this installs python only
brew postinstall python3 # this command installs pip
Also note that you should check the console if the install finished successfully. Sometimes it doesn't (e.g. an error due to ownership), but people simply overlook the log.
UPDATED - Homebrew version after 1.5
According to the official Homebrew page:
On 1st March 2018 the python formula will be upgraded to Python 3.x and a python#2 formula will be added for installing Python 2.7 (although this will be keg-only so neither python nor python2 will be added to the PATH by default without a manual brew link --force). We will maintain python2, python3 and python#3 aliases.
So to install Python 3, run the following command:
brew install python3
Then, the pip is installed automatically, and you can install any package by pip install <package>.
If your Linux distro came with Python already installed, you should be able to install PIP using your system’s package manager. This is preferable since system-installed versions of Python do not play nicely with the script used on Windows and Mac.
Advanced Package Tool (Python 2.x)
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Advanced Package Tool (Python 3.x)
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pacman Package Manager (Python 2.x)
sudo pacman -S python2-pip
pacman Package Manager (Python 3.x)
sudo pacman -S python-pip
Yum Package Manager (Python 2.x)
sudo yum upgrade python-setuptools
sudo yum install python-pip python-wheel
Yum Package Manager (Python 3.x)
sudo yum install python3 python3-wheel
Dandified Yum (Python 2.x)
sudo dnf upgrade python-setuptools
sudo dnf install python-pip python-wheel
Dandified Yum (Python 3.x)
sudo dnf install python3 python3-wheel
Zypper Package Manager (Python 2.x)
sudo zypper install python-pip python-setuptools python-wheel
Zypper Package Manager (Python 3.x)
sudo zypper install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel
This is the one-liner I copy-and-paste:
curl | python3
curl -L | python3
From Installing with
To install pip, securely download by following this link: Alternatively, use
curl -o
Then run the following command in the folder where you have downloaded
Warning: Be cautious if you are using a Python install that is managed
by your operating system or another package manager. does
not coordinate with those tools, and may leave your system in an
inconsistent state.
If you use several different versions of python try using virtualenv
With the advantage of pip for each local environment.
Then install a local environment in the current directory by:
virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.3 ENV --verbose
Note that you specify the path to a python binary you have installed on your system.
Then there are now an local pythonenvironment in that folder. ./ENV
Now there should be ./ENV/pip-3.3
./ENV/pip-3.3 freeze to list the local installed libraries.
use ./ENV/pip-3.3 install packagename to install at the local environment.
use ./ENV/python3.3 to run your python script.
Here is my way to solve this problem at ubuntu 12.04:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev
Then install the python3 from source code:
tar xvf Python-3.4.0.tar.xz
cd Python-3.4.0
make test
sudo make install
When you finished installing all of them, pip3 will get installed automatically.
This is what I did on OS X Mavericks to get this to work.
Firstly, have brew installed
Install python 3.4
brew install python3
Then I get the latest version of distribute:
cd distribute-0.7.3
sudo install
sudo easy_install-3.4 pip
sudo pip3.4 install virtualenv
sudo pip3.4 install virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv py3
python --version
Python 3.4.1
I hope this helps.
pip is installed together when you install Python. You can use
sudo pip install (module)
python3 -m pip install (module).
Please follow below steps to install python 3 with pip:
Step 1 : Install Python from download here
Step 2 : you’ll need to download
Step 3 : After download , open your commant prompt and go to directory where your file saved .
Step 4 : Enter command python in cmd.
Step 5 : Pip installed successfully , Verify pip installation by type command in cmd pip --version
What’s New In Python 3.4
pip should always be available
By default, the commands pipX and pipX.Y will be installed on all platforms (where X.Y stands for the version of the Python installation), along with the pip Python package and its dependencies.
so if you have python 3.4 installed, you can just: sudo pip3 install xxx
For python3 try this:
wget -O - | python
The good thing is that It will also detect what version of python you have (even if it's an environment of python in your custom location).
After this you can proceed normally with (for example)
pip install numpy
Assuming you are in a highly restricted computer env (such as myself) without root access or ability to install packages...
I had never setup a fresh/standalone/raw/non-root instance of Python+virtualenv before this post. I had do quite a bit of Googling to make this work.
Decide if you are using python (python2) or python3 and set your PATH correctly. (I am strictly a python3 user.) All commands below can substitute python3 for python if you are python2 user.
tar -xzvf virtualenv-x.y.z.tar.gz
python3 virtualenv-x.y.z/ --python $(which python3) /path/to/new/virtualenv
source /path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/activate
Assumes you are using a Bourne-compatible shell, e.g., bash
Brilliantly, this virtualenv package includes a standalone version of pip and setuptools that are auto-magically installed into each new virtualenv. This solves the chicken and egg problem.
You may want to create an alias (or update your ~/.bashrc, etc.) for this final command to activate the python virtualenv during each login. It can be a pain to remember all these paths and commands.
Check your version of python now: which python3 should give: /path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/python3
Check pip is also available in the virtualenv via which pip... should give: /path/to/new/virtualenv/bin/pip
Then... pip, pip, pip!
Final tip to newbie Pythoneers: You don't think you need virtualenv when you start, but you will be happy to have it later. Helps with "what if" installation / upgrade scenarios for open source / shared packages.
To install pip, securely download
Then run the following:
Be cautious if you're using a Python install that's managed by your
operating system or another package manager. does not
coordinate with those tools, and may leave your system in an
inconsistent state.
Refer: PIP Installation
And for Windows 8.1/10 OS Users just open cmd (command prompt)
write this : C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts
just write this : pip3 install {name of package}
Hint: the location of folder Python36-32 may get different for new python 3.x versions
If you used the command "python", you should have the 'pip' function for Python3. However, 'pip' for Python2 might still be present. In my case I uninstalled 'pip', which removed it from Python2.
After that I ran "python" again. (Make sure that '' is saved in the same folder as Python3.) The final step was to add the directory with 'pip' command to $PATH. That solved it for me.
=>Easy way to install Python any version on Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04 follow these steps:-
Step 1: Update Local Repositories:-
sudo apt update
Step 2: Install Supporting Software:-
sudo apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev wget
Step3: Create directory on your home directory To download the newest release of Python Source Code, navigate to the /python-source-files directory and use the wget command:-
mkdir python-source-files
Step 4: Download the Latest Version of Python Source Code:-
"you can change python version by just modifies this:-"3.7.5" with the version you want example:-"3.5.2"
Step 5: Extract Compressed Files:-
tar –xf Python-3.7.5.tgz
tar xvzf Python-3.7.5.tgz
Step 6: Test System and Optimize Python:-
cd python-3.7.5 or your version of python.
Step 7: Now configure(Using the ––optimization option speeds code execution by 10-20%.):-
./configure ––enable–optimizations
OR you can also do this also if you facing ssl error:-
./configure --with-openssl
Step 8: Install a Second Instance of Python:-
sudo make altinstall
"It is recommended that you use the altinstall method. Your Ubuntu system may have software packages dependent on Python 2.x.
If you want to Overwrite Default Python Installation/version:-
sudo make install"
Step 9:Now check Python Version:-
python3 ––version
Step 10: To install pip for python3 just go with this command:-
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

How to install pip for a specific python version

I have my deployment system running CentOS 6.
It has by default python 2.6.6 installed. So, "which python" gives me /usr/bin/python (which is 2.6.6)
I later installed python3.5, which is invoked as python3 ("which python3" gives me /usr/local/bin/python3)
Using pip, I need to install a few packages that are specific to python3. So I did pip install using:-
"sudo yum install python-pip"
So "which pip" is /usr/bin/pip.
Now whenever I do any "pip install", it just installs it for 2.6.6. :-(
It is clear that pip installation got tied to python 2.6.6 and invoking pip later, only installs packages for 2.6.6.
How can I get around this issue?
If pip isn’t already installed, then first try to bootstrap it from the standard library:
$ python3.5 -m ensurepip --default-pip
If that still doesn’t allow you to run pip:
Securely Download
Run sudo python3.5
Now you can use pip3 to install packages for python3.5. For example, try:
$ sudo pip3 install ipython # isntall IPython for python3.5
Alternatively, as long as the corresponding pip has been installed, you can use pip for a specific Python version like this:
$ python3.5 -m pip install SomePackage # specifically Python 3.5
Ensure you can run pip from the command line
work with multiple versions of Python installed in parallel?
I have python 3.6 and 3.8 on my Ubuntu 18.04 WSL machine. Running
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install my_package_name
kept installing packages into Python 3.6 dist directories. The only way that I could install packages for Python 3.8 was:
python3.8 -m pip install my_package_name
That installed appropriate package into the Python 3.8 dist package directory so that when I ran my code with python3.8, the required package was available.
Example of how to install pip for a specific python version
curl -o
Script is from official doc:
On Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS I wanted to install pip for my second python version (python3) and the following command did the trick for me:
$ sudo apt install python3-pip

