The code is simple. In tkinter I create a button which opens a new window. The difference in the pictures below might be hard to see but if you look closely you can see that in the first picture the root window is selected even though it's behind the new opened window.
In my actual program I use keybindings to operate the second window so it would be nice to instantly select this window so you don't have to click on it to use keys to operate it. How can I select the Toplevel window as soon as it opens?
from tkinter import *
def open_new_window():
top = Toplevel(root)
root = Tk()
Button(root, text="open new window", command=open_new_window).pack()
Possible duplicate of this question
Like acw1668 said, simply add top.focus() at the end of your function open_new_window
Your new open_new_window function will look like this:
def open_new_window():
top = Toplevel(root)
I'm making an app in tkinter which uses the ttk.Scale widget to show the process of an mp3 song.
I have a function that I want to add buttons with the names of which (the buttons) should be relied on filenames. Therefore I've made this example:
from tkinter import Tk, Button
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilenames
from tkinter.ttk import Scale
from threading import Timer
root = Tk()
slider = Scale(root, from_=0, to=100, orient='horizontal')
# slider is continuously set to a bigger number so that it keeps going
def update_slider(num):
num += 1
root.after(50, update_slider, num)
# this function creates buttons based on the files opened
def add_buttons():
# the 'X' button of this particular window slows down execution of update_slider function
files = askopenfilenames(title='Add Buttons')
for i in list(files):
Button(root, text=i).pack()
button = Button(root, text='Browse', command=lambda: Timer(0.1, add_buttons).start())
The problem I'm facing is that when I open the askopenfilenames dialog box or when I press its 'X' button, my slider which is running continuously in the background gets stuck, and as a result doesn't show the process correctly.
Here is a picture where I hold down the 'X' button and the ttk.Scale stops moving:
I've tried using threading to run the add_buttons function but the behavior of the program remains the same.
Can I edit the askopenfilenames dialog box with something similar like overrideredirect(True) so that I can make my own title bar and 'X' button and the events generated not to slow down my Scale?
Replying to:
I cannot reproduce the issue in Linux, the scale keeps moving no matter what I do with the filedialog window. So this may be an OS specific issue.
I'm aware that this problem doesn't appear on Linux. I faced the same problem with the root's close button and other Toplevels' close button, but I fixed it by replacing the title bar using overrideredirect(True).
Is there anything similar I can do with this askopenfilenames window?
Is there any way to put a toplevel window in front of the main window?
Here's the code:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def create_new_window():
root2 = Toplevel()
Here, I want the root2 window to always stay in front of the root window.
I tried using root2.attributes('-topmost' , 1), but the problem is that this line puts the window on top of all the other programs as well.
What I want is that the toplevel window should only be in front of the main window, and it should never go back when I click on the main window.
Is there any way to achieve this in tkinter?
It would be great if anyone could help me out.
What you want, i think, is a transient window, you nedd to do:
From the manual:
wm transient window ?master?
If master is specified, then the window manager is informed that window is a transient window (e.g. pull-down menu) working on behalf of master (where master is the path name for a top-level window). If master is specified as an empty string then window is marked as not being a transient window any more. Otherwise the command returns the path name of window's current master, or an empty string if window isn't currently a transient window. A transient window will mirror state changes in the master and inherit the state of the master when initially mapped. It is an error to attempt to make a window a transient of itself.
So you could do something like this, but it seems buggy for me.
What I have done is to bind the FocusOut event to the toplevel that was created, so every time it looses the focus it triggers the event stackingorder to put the windos in the right order. You may need to expire this code for several events of your choice, but to get you the idea..
Here is the code:
import tkinter as tk
def add_toplevel(idx, toplevel):
if idx == 'end':
idx = len(toplevels)
def create_new_window():
root2 = tk.Toplevel()
root2.bind('<FocusOut>', stackingorder)
def stackingorder(event):
for toplevel in toplevels:
toplevels = [] #stacking order by index
root = tk.Tk()
You are maybe also intrested in this:
So the code initially begins with a pop up asking you if you are ready, then once you select yes, a pop-up appears and if you try and close it, it will duplicate itself. Right now, it cannot duplicate itself.
Sorry if code is bad and riddled with mistakes (I'm just a beginner.) Thanks for helping.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
def a():
window2 = Tk()
offset = 300 + 1*10
window2.resizable(False, False)
la = Label(window2,text = 'ccmeockeoowpeokv.').pack()
button = Button(window2, text = 'OK', command = a()).pack()
def begining():
window = Tk()
window.eval('tk::PlaceWindow %s center' %window.winfo_toplevel())
if messagebox.askyesno("heh", "Ready?.") == True:
Do NOT ever insert Tk() if there are the absolute root of application, because it's just gonna make a new App, and NOT a new Window
The only method is using Toplevel()
Here, i explain you a bit
What is Toplevel()?
The Toplevel() widget is used to create and display the toplevel windows which are directly managed by the window manager
What is the function of Toplevel()?
The function of Toplevel() is to create a new window, without using Tk(). The Tk() and Toplevel() is almost same, but Toplevel() is to create a new window, without even create new application, if you watch some tutorial, the Tk() function is used to be creating a new application
What is the difference between Toplevel() and Tk()?
Tk() is the absolute root of the application, it is the first widget that needs to be instantiated and the GUI will shut down when it is destroyed. Toplevel() is a window in the application, closing the window will destroy all children widgets placed on that window but will not shut down the program
I suggest you to read more of the docs, or watch some tkinter tutorials on Youtube
Happy coding!
I've made a program in python with Tkinter that allows you to free draw and choose different colors. I decided to make a button that would close the window instead of clicking the exit button in the top right corner. My question is how do I make the window close when the button is pressed?
If you are using a main loop for your application, then you can use the .destroy() method to release all the resources associated with the window and close the application. You call this method within the command function for your button like so:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root)
button = Button(frame, text="Exit", command=exit)
def exit():
That should close your window. Optionally, the destroy() method may also be used at the end of your main loop if the X button of your application won't close the window immediately.
See these examples for more info:
I have created a submenu inside a menu using Menubutton and Menu widgets:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def f(event):
mainmenu = Menubutton(root, text="Menu")
submenu = Menu(mainmenu)
submenu.add_command(label="Option 1")
submenu.add_command(label="Option 2")
Now I want to add a key binding to my menu:
mainmenu.bind("<Key>", f)
It works as charm: when I press a key, it opens up the submenu. But the problem is, the submenu is opened as a torn off toplevel window. But I want it to be opened in same window with menu. I added tearoff=0 into submenu (so it became like this:submenu = Menu(mainmenu, tearoff=0)). But now, it does not return anything. I'm trying to figure out why it doesn't. Maybe I'm doing something wrong... I have looked for a solution, but none of them solves the problem. All they tell is just adding a key binding that prints out something, however I want a key binding that kinda automatically clicks on a menu item, and it pops up the item elements, but not as a separate window (maybe it's called contextmenu?). I couldn't find any solution to this specific problem anywhere.
So how can I make it happen? Any help would be appreciated.
I think
def f(event):,
mainmenu.winfo_rooty() + mainmenu.winfo_height())
does what you want, even with the tearoff=False option.