The text on the right side cannot be shown in tkinter treeview - python

self.fm10 = tk.Frame(self.fm5)
self.treeview_box2 = Treeview(self.fm10,columns=('Assignment'))
self.style2 = Style()
my_cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM schedule')
self.schd = my_cursor.fetchall()
print(self.schd) ##A138MS Excel Test
self.count2 = 1
for s in self.schd:
self.count2 += 1
In this code, I am trying to show the value s[1] on the treeview_box2 second column. The program is run successfully and stored into the database table. However the right side of value s[1] cannot be shown and only the left part is shown on the treeview_box2 table. May I ask is there any problems causing the value can be printed out but only the right part cannot be shown on the table?


Changing row-height and column-width in LibreOffice Calc using Python3

I want to write a LibreOffice Calc document from within a Python3 program. Using pyoo I can do almost everything I want, including formatting and merging cells. But I cannot adjust row heights and column widths.
I found Change the column width and row height very helpful, and have been experimenting with it, but I can't seem to get quite the result I want. My present test file, based on the answer mentioned above, looks like this:
#! /usr/bin/python3
import os, pyoo, time, uno
s = '-'
while s != 'Y':
s = input("Have you remembered to start Calc? ").upper()
os.popen("soffice --accept=\"socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;\" --norestore --nologo --nodefault")
desktop = pyoo.Desktop('localhost', 2002)
doc = desktop.create_spreadsheet()
class ofic:
sheet_idx = 0
row_num = 0
sheet = None
o = ofic()
uno_localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
uno_resolver = uno_localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("", uno_localContext )
uno_ctx = uno_resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
uno_smgr = uno_ctx.ServiceManager
uno_desktop = uno_smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "", uno_ctx)
uno_model = uno_desktop.getCurrentComponent()
uno_controller = uno_model.getCurrentController()
uno_sheet_count = 0
doc.sheets.create("Page {}".format(1), index=o.sheet_idx)
o.sheet = doc.sheets[o.sheet_idx]
o.sheet[0, 0].value = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
o.sheet[1, 1].value = o.sheet_idx
uno_sheet_count += 1
uno_active_sheet = uno_model.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
uno_columns = uno_active_sheet.getColumns()
uno_column = uno_columns.getByName("B")
uno_column.Width = 1000
The main problem with the above is that I have 2 Calc documents on the screen, one of which is created before the Python program gets going; the other is created from Python with a pyoo function. The first document gets the column width change, and the second receives the text input etc. I want just the second document, and of course I want the column width change applied to it.
I am sure the answer must be fairly straightforward, but after hours of experimentation I still can't find it. Could someone point me in the right direction, please?
Your code alternates between pyoo and straight Python-UNO, so it's no wonder that it's giving messy results. Pick one or the other. Personally, I use straight Python-UNO and don't see the benefit of adding the extra pyoo library.
the other is created from Python with a pyoo function
Do you mean this line of code from your question, and is this the "second document" that you want the column change applied to?
doc = desktop.create_spreadsheet()
If so, then get objects from that document instead of whichever window the desktop happens to have selected.
controller = doc.getCurrentController()
sheets = doc.getSheets()
Or perhaps you want the other document, the one that didn't get created from Python. In that case, grab a reference to that document before creating the second one.
first_doc = uno_desktop.getCurrentComponent()
second_doc = desktop.create_spreadsheet()
controller = first_doc.getCurrentController()
sheets = first_doc.getSheets()
If you don't have a reference to the document, you can find it by iterating through the open windows.
oComponents = desktop.getComponents()
oDocs = oComponents.createEnumeration()
Finally, how to resize a column. The link in your question is for Excel and VBA (both from Microsoft), so I'm not sure why you think that would be relevant. Here is a Python-UNO example of resizing columns.
oColumns = oSheet.getColumns()
oColumn = oColumns.getByName("A")
oColumn.Width = 7000
oColumn = oColumns.getByName("B")
oColumn.OptimalWidth = True

Using a cell value in an IF statment

I'm working on looking up a cell value, and if that cell has nothing entered I want my code to do nothing, else I want to place a label on a Tkinter canvas, for some reason no matter what I do the label always ends up showing up, should the below code work?
##Grabbing the cell value from that indexed row and specific column, in this case pulling the value of indexed cell and column "Zixi Device"
Searched_Service_Row_Location_B = (excel_data_df.iloc[Searched_Service_Row_Location]["Zixi Device"])
Searched_Service_Row_Location_B_Value = (Searched_Service_Row_Location_B.values)
I am then taking the var Searched_Service_Row_Location_B_Value in an IF statment
if Searched_Service_Row_Location_B_Value == None:
Source1 = Label(Standard_window, text=Searched_Service_Row_Location_B_Value), y=100)
The Source1 label always shows up, even though the cell value stored in the var has nothing entered in the excel document.
This seems to work the way I want it to
if str(Searched_Service_Row_Location_B_Value) in (None, "[nan]"):
Source1 = Label(Standard_window, text=Searched_Service_Row_Location_B_Value), y=100)

win32com moving between Styles in a Selectoin

I'm attempting to programmatically write a Word file and am struggling to alternate styles on a selection object. Here is the relevant bit of code:
objWord = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
objSel = objWord.Selection
writestuff = "\r\nSome Heading"
objSel.Style = objWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 3")
#This works so far, we have a heading and some text, now we want to write data below the heading
objSel.Style = objWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal") #Setting style back to 'Normal' for next section
writestuff = "\r\nSome data about the heading we just wrote")
#At this point the heading and new text both go to the 'Normal' style.
It appears that my 'selection' is affecting all of the document, however, when I make my initial objSel.Style assignment to 'Heading 3' previous lines aren't affected. When I switch back to normal everything else is.
It appears that what I needed to do (or at least one of the things which will solve this problem) is to add a TypeParagraph() method
Corrected code looks like this:
objWord = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
objSel = objWord.Selection
writestuff = "\r\nSome Heading"
objSel.Style = objWord.ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 3")
writestuff = "\r\nSome data about the heading we just wrote")
This would present data with the correct heading and then normal-type text on the following line.

pygtk cellrenderertoggle is not checked

I have the following code:
self.con = lite.connect(self.db)
self.cur = self.con.cursor()
self.q_oblig_initial='SELECT data_plirotees.rowid as rowid,recdate,bank,amount,dueto,gto,plirstatus FROM data_plirotees WHERE plirstatus=0 ORDER BY dueto ASC'
self.store_oblig = gtk.ListStore(int,str,str,str,str,str,bool)
for value in self.data_oblig:
if value[6]==0:
elif value[6]==1:
self.store_oblig.append([value[0],datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value[1])).strftime('%d/%m/%Y'),value[2],"%.2f" %(value[3]),datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value[4])).strftime('%d/%m/%Y'),value[5],plir])`
which gets data from a sqlite database and puts it in a liststore and,
rendererToggle.connect("toggled", self.on_cell_toggled)
column_toggle = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Καλύφθηκε", rendererToggle, active=1)
which has to show it in a column where true should show a checked toggle/checkbox and false should show un-checked.
Unfortunately this doesn't happen.
The checkbox needs not to be active (i don't want it to be able to toggle) but by clicking on the treeview row it opens a new window (where a checkbutton is checked or not accordingly). From that I understand that the true/false value is contained there somewhere but it is not presented visually.
Can someone show me where I'm wrong?
I didn't post the whole program 'cause it would be too big and perhaps misguiding...
self.store_oblig = gtk.ListStore(int,str,str,str,str,str,bool)
This line creates a GtkListStore where each column is of a different type. The columns are numbered from left to right, starting at 0:
self.store_oblig = gtk.ListStore(int,str,str,str,str,str,bool)
column number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
You create your GtkTreeViewColumn with this:
column_toggle = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Καλύφθηκε", rendererToggle, active=1)
This says that the column's cell renderer should get the value of its active property from column 1 of the model (in this case, the list store). And the active property expects a bool.
But if you look back above, column 1 isn't a bool, but rather a string! So what you really wanted was active=6, not active=1. (Your code to add to the list store, on the other hand, seems correct.)
This is what the warning Warning: unable to set property 'active' of type 'gboolean' from value of type 'gchararray' gtk.main() is trying to tell you; gchararray is (one of) GLib's internal name(s) for a string.

Using python win32com can't make two separate tables in MS Word 2007

I am trying to create multiple tables in a new Microsoft Word document using Python. I can create the first table okay. But I think I have the COM Range object configured wrong. It is not pointing to the end. The first table is put before "Hello I am a text!", the second table is put inside the first table's first cell. I thought that returning a Range from wordapp will return the full range, then collapse it using wdCollapseStart Enum which I think is 1. (I can't find the constants in Python win32com.). So adding a table to the end of the Range will add it to the end of the document but that is not happening.
Any ideas?
Thanks Tim
import win32com.client
wordapp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
wordapp.Visible = 1
worddoc = wordapp.Documents.Add()
worddoc.PageSetup.Orientation = 1
worddoc.PageSetup.BookFoldPrinting = 1
worddoc.Content.Font.Size = 11
worddoc.Content.Paragraphs.TabStops.Add (100)
worddoc.Content.Text = "Hello, I am a text!"
location = worddoc.Range()
table = location.Tables.Add (location, 3, 4)
table.ApplyStyleHeadingRows = 1
location1 = worddoc.Range()
table = location1.Tables.Add (location1, 3, 4)
table.ApplyStyleHeadingRows = 1
worddoc.Close() # Close the Word Document (a save-Dialog pops up)
wordapp.Quit() # Close the Word Application
The problem seems to be in the Range object that represents a part of the document. In my original code the Range object contains the first cell and starts at the first cell, where it will insert. Instead I want to insert at the end of the range. So I got the following code replacement to work. I moved the Collapse after the Add() call and gave it an argument of 0. Now there is only one Collapse call per Range object.
location = worddoc.Range()
Now the code works, I can read from a database and populate new tables from each entry.

