Neural network classifies heavily towards few particular classes - python

I am performing sentiment analysis on a dataset of Movie Reviews. The neural network is a single-hidden layer NN, made from scratch in Python. The classifier is expected to assign one of five classes(0 to 4) to each review phrase. however, upon training, the confusion matrix for the dev set gives the following results:
This means that the classifier is heavily biased towards class 0 and class 4. What could be the possible reasons?
The classifier earlier predicted only class 2 always because the dataset was skewed (~ 50% of the data was from class 2). Hence I chose a subset of the dataset containing an equal number of examples from all 5 classes. I still don't understand the output and low accuracy.
The link to my notebook can be found here

first of all your model is linear, with only 1 layer. so its simple model which might not produce good results, try increasing number of layers.
you training cost is also very high, you have to train for more epochs until you get good training cost. which also affect your validation cost which is twice the training cost.
it is sign of over fitting.


Model doesn't learn from data

We have a dataset with ~40000 data points each having 160 features. We know nothing about what each feature represents, but they are 0-5 integers, most probably some rankings. Our task is to take a subset of those features, lets say (40000,30) and predict the initial (40000,160) data. In other words, we need to create a model, that takes 30 features as input and outputs the full 160 set of features.
the example of the dataset.
What we have done so far, we trained a ANN with the following architecture:
We are calculating an accuracy score by rounding the prediction(lets say I predicted 3.6 for 4, 3.6~4, 4==4, so True)
We got ~52% accuracy and nothing makes it go higher.
So, the problem is a multi-output regression problem. The prediction is done using 30 discrete numeric features. The normalization was done both by using Min-Max Scaling and Standardization(The target is also normalized). In the model, we tried different number of layers with different capacity, tried to use batch-norm, different activations (relu is used now, for the output layer no activation is used), different losses (mse is the current one), different optimizers (adam is the current one). Both Keras and PyTorch is used in the case something is wrong with the PyTorch implementation.
So, the accuracy still remains 50-52%. There is one straightforward thing - when we increase the model capacity (the number of parameters) the model is more prone to overfitting. Even after increasing the model capacity very very much, we couldn't make the model overfit the data. We tried to use the features separately (For example, predict one feature from another) - nothing useful. Tried to predict 1 feature using 159 features, but again ~52% and even less.
What I understand and can conclude from these - there is no relationship between those ratings and most of them can't predict others. What do you think about this case?

Why am I getting 100% accuracy using feed-forward neural networks for separate training, validation, and testing datasets in Keras?

Today I was working on a classifier to detect whether or not a mushroom was poisonous given its features. The data was in a .csv file(read to a pandas DataFrame) and the link to the data can be found at the end.
I used sci-kit learn's train_test_split function to split the data into training and testing sets.
I then removed the column that specified whether or not the mushroom was poisonous or not for the training and testing labels and assigned this to a yTrain, and yTest variable.
I then applied a one-hot-encoding (Using pd.get_dummies()) to the data since the parameters were categorical.
After this, I normalized the training and testing input data.
Essentially the training and testing input data was a distinct list of one-hot-encoded parameters and the output data was a list of one's and zeroes representing the output(one meant poisonous, zero meant edible).
I used Keras and a simple-feed forward network for this project. This network is comprised of three layers; A simple Dense(Linear Layer for PyTorch users) layer with 300 neurons, a Dense layer with 100 neurons, and a Dense layer with two neurons, each representing the probability of whether or not the given parameters of the mushroom signified it was poisonous, or edible. Adam was the optimizer that I had used, and Sparse-Categorical-Crossentropy was my loss-function.
I trained my network for 60 epochs. After about 5 epochs the loss was basically zero, and my accuracy was 1. After training, I was worried that my network had overfitted, so I tried it on my distinct testing data. The results were the same as the training and validation data; the accuracy was at 100% and my loss was negligible.
My validation loss at the end of 50 epochs is 2.258996e-07, and my training loss is 1.998715e-07. My testing loss was 4.732502e-09. I am really confused at the state of this, is the loss supposed to be this low? I don't think I am overfitting, and my validation loss is only a bit higher than my training loss, so I don't think that I am underfitting, as well.
Do any of you know the answer to this question? I am sorry if I had messed up in a silly way of some sort.
Link to dataset:
It seems that that Kaggle dataset is solvable, in the sense that you can create a model which gives the correct answer 100% of the time (if these results are to be believed). If you look at those results, you can see that the author was actually able to find models which give 100% accuracy using several methods, including decisions trees.

Strategies for solving overfitting - other options?

I am building a predictive model where I want to know can I predict whether a package will be delivered on time (Binary Yes / No), in the event that the package is not delivered on time, I wish to be able to predict by when it will be delivered in categories of <7days, <14days, <21days >28days after expected date.
I have built and tested a model for binary classification and have got an f Score of 0.92, which is satisfactory for my needs. However, when I train my categorical model, I start to see training accuracy and validation accuracy diverge (training accuracy is much better than validation accuracy). This is a sign of overfitting.
However, I have tried regularization and different values, plus using dropout and different values, and the validation accuracy never gets above 0.7. My total training set is of ~10k examples, ~3k validation, and whilst the catgorical spread is not equal there are sufficient examples of each category (I think). I am using a NN and have increased / decreased both layers and activations and still no joy
Any thoughts on where to go next. Thanks
Because you are using NN, introduce dropout layers. See if it can help to reduce the overfitting problem. And also checkout this How to choose the number of hidden layers and nodes in a feedforward neural network?
The more complex the network (hidden layers, number of neurons in them), also contribute to overfitting problem
The approach we have chosen is to carry out a linear regression with the expected duration as target variable. We have excluded some outliers, and then taken the differences between the actual and predicted days. We then max'd and min'd the difference and we now have a prediction with a tolerable range. We will keep working on the other techniques to see if we can improve. Thanks to everyone who suggested ideas

excluding bias for prediction in NN

I have a continuous dataset, for which I built a neural network. Before running the NN, I have scaled the training data and added bias after each layer. I am pretty happy with training result, however, I am facing a problem, when trying to build a predict method.
As I have said, the training data was scaled. The problem is, if I run un-scaled testing data with training weights, whole model will act differently and testing score will of course produce different result.
My question is, how to exclude bias from prediction model? Do I need to remove every weight out manually or are there and good practises around?

How can the output of a model be displayed?

I am performing a machine learning task wherein I am using logistic regression for topic classification.
If this is my code:
model= LogisticRegression()
model=, label_tmp)
y_train_pred = model.predict(mat_tmp_test)
print(metrics.accuracy_score(label_tmp_test, y_train_pred))
Is there a way I can output what exactly is happening inside the model. Like probably a working example of what my model is doing? Like maybe displaying 2-3 documents and how they are being classified?
In order to be fully aware of what is happening in your model, you must first take some time to study the logistic regression algorithm (eg. from lecture notes or Wikipedia). As with other supervised techniques, logistic regression has hyper-parameters and parameters. Hyper-parameters basically specify how your algorithm runs, which you must provide at initialisation (ie. before it sees any data). For example, you could have prior information about the distribution of classes, which then would be a hyper-parameter. Parameters are "learnt" from your data.
Once you understand the algorithm, the interesting question will be what the parameters of your model are (recall that these are retrieved from the data). By visiting the documentation, you find in the attributes section, that this classifier has 3 parameters, which you can access by their field names.
If you are not interested in such details, but only want to assess the accuracy of your classifier, a useful technique is cross-validation. You split your labeled data into k equal sized subsets, and train your classifier using k-1 of them. Then you evaluate the trained classifier on the remaining 1 subset and calculate the accuracy (ie. what proportion of the data could be predicted properly). This method has its drawbacks, but proves to be very useful in general.

