How to get related value between two dataframes - python

If I have two dataframes. Dataframe A have an a_id column, dataframe B have an b_id column and a b_value column. How can I join A and B on a_id = b_id and get C with id and max(b_value)?
enter image description here

you can use the concat function in pandas to append either columns or rows from one DataFrame to another.
heres an example:
# Read in first 10 lines of surveys table
survey_sub = surveys_df.head(10)
# Grab the last 10 rows
survey_sub_last10 = surveys_df.tail(10)
# Reset the index values to the second dataframe appends properly
survey_sub_last10 = survey_sub_last10.reset_index(drop=True)
# drop=True option avoids adding new index column with old index values
When i concatenate DataFrames, i need to specify the axis. axis=0 tells pandas to stack the second DataFrame UNDER the first one. It will automatically detect whether the column names are the same and will stack accordingly. axis=1 will stack the columns in the second DataFrame to the RIGHT of the first DataFrame. To stack the data vertically, i need to make sure we have the same columns and associated column format in both datasets. When i stack horizontally, i want to make sure what i am doing makes sense (i.e. the data are related in some way).


Using pandas I need to create a new column that takes a value from a previous row

I have many rows of data and one of the columns is a flag. I have 3 identifiers that need to match between rows.
What I have:
partnumber, datetime1, previousdatetime1, datetime2, previousdatetime2, flag
What I need:
partnumber, datetime1, previousdatetime1, datetime2, previousdatetime2, flag, previous_flag
I need to find flag from the row where partnumber matches, and where the previousdatetime1(current row*) == datetime1(other row)*, and the previousdatetime2(current row) == datetime2(other row).
*To note, the rows are not necessarily in order so the previous row may come later in the dataframe
I'm not quite sure where to start. I got this logic working in PBI using a LookUpValue and basically finding where partnumber = Value(partnumber), datetime1 = Value(datetime1), datetime2 = Value(datetime2). Thanks for the help!
Okay, so assuming you've read this in as a pandas dataframe df1:
(1) Make a copy of the dataframe:
(2) For sanity, drop some columns in df2
Now you have a df2 that has columns:
(3) Merge the two dataframes
Now you have a newdf that has columns:
(4) Drop the unnecessary columns
newdf.drop(['partnumber_previous', 'datetime1_previous', 'datetime2_previous'],axis=1,inplace=True)
Now you have a newdf that has columns:

Drop duplicates from a pandas dataframe based on all columns starting from the third one

I have a dataframe with 50 + more columns, and the first 2 are unique IDs. For some reason for different IDs the data from the third column can be the exact same.
What I want to achieve is to delete the duplicates from the dataframe based on all columns starting from the third one. If there are more than 1 rows with different IDs and the same data from the third column, it is all the same which row we will keep, it can be the last one or the first one, whichever is easier to do.
I am fairly new to pandas, what I tried is something like this:
df.drop_duplicates(subset=df.iloc[2:], keep="last")
df.drop_duplicates expects a list of column names as the subset argument, so try this:
df.drop_duplicates(subset=df.columns[2:], keep="last")

Combining two pandas dataframes based on column AND row VALUES

First, I haven't found this asked before - probably because I'm not using the right words to ask it. So if it has been asked, please send me in that direction.
How can I combine two pandas data frames based on column AND row. My main dataframe has a column 'years' and a column 'county' among others. Ideally, I want to add another column 'percent' from the second data frame below.
For example, I have this image of my first df:
and I have another data frame with the same 'year' column and every other column name is a string value in the original "main" dataframe's 'county' column:
How can I combine these two data frames in a way that adds another column to the 'main df'? It would be helpful to first put the second data frame in the format where there are three columns: 'year', 'county', and 'percent'. If anyone can help me with this part, I can merge it.
I think what you will want to do is transform the second dataframe to have a row for each year/county combination and then you can use a left join to combine the two. I believe the ```melt`` method will do this transformation. Try this:
melted_second_df = second_df.melt(id_vars=["year"], var_name="county", value_name="percent")
combined_df = first_df.merge(
on=["year", "county"],

Comparing two dataframes and storing results in another dataframe

I have two data frames like this: The first has one column and 720 rows (dataframe A), the second has ten columns and 720 rows(dataframe B). The dataframes contain only numerical values.
I am trying to compare them this way: I want to go through each column of dataframe B and compare each cell(row) of that column to the corresponding row in dataframe A .
(Example: For the first column of dataframe B I compare the first row to the first row of dataframe A, then the second row of B to the second row of A etc.)
Basically I want to compare each column of dataframe B to the single column in dataframe A, row by row.
If the the value in dataframe B is smaller or equal than the value in dataframe A, I want to add +1 to another dataframe (or list, depending on how its easier). In the end, I want to drop any column in dataframe B that doesnt have at least one cell to satisfy the condition (basically if the value added to the list or new dataframe is 0).
I tried something like this (written for a single row, I was thinking of creating a for loop using this) but it doesn't seem to do what I want:
DfA_i = pd.DataFrame(DA.iloc[i])
DfB_j = pd.DataFrame(DB.iloc[j])
B = DfB_j.values
DfC['Criteria'] = DfA_i.apply(lambda x: len(np.where(x.values <= B)), axis=1)
dv = dt_dens.values
if dv[1] < 1:
DF = DA.drop(i)
I hope I made my problem clear enough and sorry for any mistakes. Thanks for any help.
Let's try:
Explanation: dfA.values returns the numpy array with shape (720,1). Then check each column from dfB against that single column from dfA; this returns a boolean dataframe of same size with dfB. Finally .any() check along the columns of that boolean dataframe for any True.
how about this:
pd.DataFrame(np.where(A.to_numpy() <= B.to_numpy(),1,np.nan), columns=B.columns, index=A.index).dropna(how='all')
you and replace the np.nan in the np.where condition with whatever values you wish, including keeping the original values of dataframe 'B'

python pandas difference between df_train["x"] and df_train[["x"]]

I have the following dataset and reading it from csv file.
x =[1,2,3,4,5]
with the pandas i can access the array
df_train = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
x = df_train["x"]
x = df_train[["x"]]
I could wonder since both producing the same result the former one could make sense but later one not. PLEASE, COULD YOU explain the difference and use?
In pandas, you can slice your data frame in different ways. On a high level, you can choose to select a single column out of a data frame, or many columns.
When you select many columns, you have to slice using a list, and the return is a pandas DataFrame. For example
df[['col1', 'col2', 'col3']] # returns a data frame
When you select only one column, you can pass only the column name, and the return is just a pandas Series
df['col1'] # returns a series
When you do df[['col1']], you return a DataFrame with only one column. In other words, it's like your telling pandas "give me all the columns from the following list:" and just give it a list with one column on it. It will filter your df, returning all columns in your list (in this case, a data frame with only 1 column)
If you want more details on the difference between a Series and a one-column DataFrame, check this thread with very good answers

