I have a timeseries df comprised of daily Rates in column A and the relative change from one day to the next in column B.
DF looks something like the below:
IR Shift
May/24/2019 5.9% -
May/25/2019 6% 1.67%
May/26/2019 5.9% -1.67
May/27/2019 20.2% 292%
May/28/2019 20.5% 1.4%
May/29/2019 20% -1.6%
May/30/2019 5.1% -292%
May/31/2019 5.1% 0%
I would like to delete all values in column A which occur between between large relative shifts,> +/- 50%.
So the above DF should look as the below:
IR Shift
May/24/2019 5.9% -
May/25/2019 6% 1.67%
May/26/2019 5.9% -1.67
May/27/2019 np.nan 292%
May/28/2019 np.nan 1.4%
May/29/2019 np.nan -1.6%
May/30/2019 5.1% -292%
May/31/2019 5.1% 0%
This is where I've got to so far.... would appreciate some help
for i, j in df1.iterrows():
if df1['Shift'][i] > .50 :
x = df1['IR'][i]
if df1['Shift'][j] < -.50 :
y = df1['IR'][j]
df1['IR'] = np.where(df1['Shift'].between(x,y), df1['Shift'],
Error ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().
We can locate rows between pairs ([1st-2nd), [3rd-4th), ...) of outlier values to then mask the entire DataFrame at once.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_clipboard()
df = df.apply(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x.str.replace('%', ''), errors='coerce'))
IR Shift
May/24/2019 5.9 NaN
May/25/2019 6.0 1.67
May/26/2019 5.9 -1.67
May/27/2019 20.2 292.00
May/28/2019 20.5 1.40
May/29/2019 20.0 -1.60
May/30/2019 5.1 -292.00
May/31/2019 5.1 0.00
# Locate the extremal values
s = df.Shift.lt(-50) | df.Shift.gt(50)
# Get the indices between consecutive pairs.
# This doesn't mask 2nd outlier, which matches your output
m = s.cumsum()%2==1
df.loc[m, 'IR'] = np.NaN
# IR Shift
#May/24/2019 5.9 NaN
#May/25/2019 6.0 1.67
#May/26/2019 5.9 -1.67
#May/27/2019 NaN 292.00
#May/28/2019 NaN 1.40
#May/29/2019 NaN -1.60
#May/30/2019 5.1 -292.00
#May/31/2019 5.1 0.00
Here I've added a few more rows to show how this will behave in the case of multiple spikes. IR_modified is how IR will be masked with the above logic.
IR Shift IR_modified
May/24/2019 5.9 NaN 5.9
May/25/2019 6.0 1.67 6.0
May/26/2019 5.9 -1.67 5.9
May/27/2019 20.2 292.00 NaN
May/28/2019 20.5 1.40 NaN
May/29/2019 20.0 -1.60 NaN
May/30/2019 5.1 -292.00 5.1
May/31/2019 5.1 0.00 5.1
June/1/2019 7.0 415.00 NaN
June/2/2019 17.0 15.00 NaN
June/3/2019 27.0 12.00 NaN
June/4/2019 17.0 315.00 17.0
June/5/2019 7.0 -12.00 7.0
You can also np.where function from numpy as follows:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':[datetime(2019,5,24), datetime(2019,5,25), datetime(2019,5,26), datetime(2019,5,27), datetime(2019,5,28),datetime(2019,5,29),datetime(2019,5,30)], 'IR':[0.059,0.06,0.059,0.202, 0.205, 0.2, 0.051], Shift':[pd.np.nan, 0.0167, -0.0167, 2.92, 0.014, -0.016, -2.92]})
df['IR'] = np.where(df['Shift'].between(df['Shift']*0.5, df['Shift']*1.5), df['Shift'], np.nan)
In [8]: df
Date IR Shift
0 2019-05-24 NaN NaN
1 2019-05-25 0.0167 0.0167
2 2019-05-26 NaN -0.0167
3 2019-05-27 2.9200 2.9200
4 2019-05-28 0.0140 0.0140
5 2019-05-29 NaN -0.0160
6 2019-05-30 NaN -2.9200
Here's an attempt. There could be more "proper" ways to do it but I'm not familiar with all the pandas built-in functions.
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':[datetime(2019,5,24), datetime(2019,5,25), datetime(2019,5,26), datetime(2019,5,27), datetime(2019,5,28),datetime(2019,5,29),datetime(2019,5,30)], 'IR':[0.059,0.06,0.059,0.202, 0.205, 0.2, 0.051], 'Shift':[pd.np.nan, 0.0167, -0.0167, 2.92, 0.014, -0.016, -2.92]})
Date IR Shift
0 2019-05-24 0.059 NaN
1 2019-05-25 0.060 0.0167
2 2019-05-26 0.059 -0.0167
3 2019-05-27 0.202 2.9200
4 2019-05-28 0.205 0.0140
5 2019-05-29 0.200 -0.0160
6 2019-05-30 0.051 -2.9200
df['IR'] = [pd.np.nan if abs(y-z) > 0.5 else x for x, y, z in zip(df['IR'], df['Shift'], df['Shift'].shift(1))]
Date IR Shift
0 2019-05-24 0.059 NaN
1 2019-05-25 0.060 0.0167
2 2019-05-26 0.059 -0.0167
3 2019-05-27 NaN 2.9200
4 2019-05-28 NaN 0.0140
5 2019-05-29 0.200 -0.0160
6 2019-05-30 NaN -2.9200
Using df.at to access a single value for a row/column label pair.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':[datetime(2019,5,24), datetime(2019,5,25), datetime(2019,5,26), datetime(2019,5,27), datetime(2019,5,28),datetime(2019,5,29),datetime(2019,5,30),datetime(2019,5,31)], 'IR':[5.9,6,5.9,20.2, 20.5, 20, 5.1, 5.1], 'Shift':[pd.np.nan, 1.67, -1.67, 292, 1.4, -1.6, -292, 0]})
print("DataFrame Before :")
count = 1
while (count < len(df.index)):
if (abs(df.at[count-1, 'Shift'] - df.at[count, 'Shift']) >= 50):
df.at[count, 'IR'] = np.nan
count = count + 1
print("DataFrame After :")
Output of program:
DataFrame Before :
Date IR Shift
0 2019-05-24 5.9 NaN
1 2019-05-25 6.0 1.67
2 2019-05-26 5.9 -1.67
3 2019-05-27 20.2 292.00
4 2019-05-28 20.5 1.40
5 2019-05-29 20.0 -1.60
6 2019-05-30 5.1 -292.00
7 2019-05-31 5.1 0.00
DataFrame After :
Date IR Shift
0 2019-05-24 5.9 NaN
1 2019-05-25 6.0 1.67
2 2019-05-26 5.9 -1.67
3 2019-05-27 NaN 292.00
4 2019-05-28 NaN 1.40
5 2019-05-29 20.0 -1.60
6 2019-05-30 NaN -292.00
7 2019-05-31 NaN 0.00
As per your description of triggering this on any large shift, positive or negative, you could do this:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date':[datetime(2019,5,24), datetime(2019,5,25), datetime(2019,5,26), datetime(2019,5,27), datetime(2019,5,28),datetime(2019,5,29),datetime(2019,5,30)], 'IR':[0.059,0.06,0.059,0.202, 0.205, 0.2, 0.051], 'Shift':[np.nan, 0.0167, -0.0167, 2.92, 0.014, -0.016, -2.92]})
df.loc[(abs(df.Shift) > .5).cumsum() % 2 == 1, 'IR'] = np.nan
Date IR Shift
0 2019-05-24 0.059 NaN
1 2019-05-25 0.060 0.0167
2 2019-05-26 0.059 -0.0167
3 2019-05-27 NaN 2.9200
4 2019-05-28 NaN 0.0140
5 2019-05-29 NaN -0.0160
6 2019-05-30 0.051 -2.9200
abs(df.Shift) > .5: Find shift of above +/- 50%
.cumsum(): Gives unique values to each period, where the odd numbered periods are the ones we want to omit.
% 2 == 1: Checks which rows have odd numbers for cumsum().
Note: This does not work if what you want is to constrain this so that every positive spike needs to be followed by a negative spike, or vice versa.
Was not sure about your shift, so calculated again. Does this works for you?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df.drop(columns=['Shift'], inplace=True) ## calculated via method below
df['nextval'] = df['IR'].shift(periods=1)
def shift(current, previous):
return (current-previous)/previous * 100
indexlist=[] ## to save index that will be set to null
prior=0 ## temporary flag to store value prior to a peak
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if index==0: ## to skip first row of data
if flag==False and (shift(row[1], row[2])) > 50: ## to check for start of peak
if flag==True: ## checking until when the peak lasts
if (shift(row[1], prior)) > 50:
df.loc[df.index.isin(indexlist),'IR'] = np.nan ## replacing with nan
Output on print(df)
date IR nextval
0 May/24/2019 5.9 NaN
1 May/25/2019 6.0 5.9
2 May/26/2019 5.9 6.0
3 May/27/2019 NaN 5.9
4 May/28/2019 NaN 20.2
5 May/29/2019 NaN 20.5
6 May/30/2019 5.1 20.0
7 May/31/2019 5.1 5.1
df.loc[df['Shift']>0.5,'IR'] = np.nan
Say I have a data frame like this:
Open Close Split
144 144 False
142 143 False
... ... ...
138 139 False
72 73 True
72 74 False
75 76 False
... ... ...
79 78 False
Obviously the dataframe can be quite large, and may contain other columns, but this is the core.
My end goal is to adjust all of the data to account for the split, and so far I've been able to identify the split (that's the "Split" column).
Now, I'm looking for an elegant way to divide everything before the split by 2, or multiply everything after the split by 2.
I thought the best way might be to spread the True down towards the bottom, and then multiply all rows that contain a True in the "Split" column, but is there a more Pythonic way to do it?
Assuming Split is the only boolean column, and that everything else is numeric in nature, you can just take the cumsum and set values with loc accordingly -
m = df.pop('Split').cumsum()
df.loc[m.eq(0)] /= 2 # division before split
df.loc[m.eq(1)] *= 2 # multiplication after split
Open Close
0 72.0 72.0
1 71.0 71.5
2 69.0 69.5
3 144.0 146.0
4 144.0 148.0
5 150.0 152.0
6 158.0 156.0
This is by far the most performant option. Another possible option involves np.where -
df[:] = np.where(m.eq(0)[:, None], df / 2, df * 2)
Open Close
0 72.0 72.0
1 71.0 71.5
2 69.0 69.5
3 144.0 146.0
4 144.0 148.0
5 150.0 152.0
6 158.0 156.0
df.where/df.mask -
(df / 2).where(m.eq(0), df * 2)
(df / 2).where(m.ne(0), df * 2)
Open Close Split
0 72.0 72.0 0
1 71.0 71.5 0
2 69.0 69.5 0
3 144.0 146.0 2
4 144.0 148.0 0
5 150.0 152.0 0
6 158.0 156.0 0
These are nowhere as near efficient as the indexing option with loc, because it involves a lot of redundant computation.
Another cumsum-based solution:
columns = ['Open','Close']
df[columns] = df[columns].mul(df.Split.cumsum() + 1, axis=0)
# Open Close Split
#0 144 144 False
#1 142 143 False
#2 138 139 False
#3 144 146 True
#4 144 148 False
#5 150 152 False
#6 158 156 False
split_true = df[df['Split'] == True].index[0]