I'm kinda new with the PIL was wondering why my circle is not perfect. Is there a fix for this? Thanks.
here's my code:
avatar_image = avatar_image.resize((128, 128))
avatar_size = (avatar_image.size[0] * 3, avatar_image.size[1] * 3)
circle_image = Image.new('L', avatar_size, 0)
circle_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(circle_image)
circle_draw.ellipse((0, 0) + avatar_size, fill=255)
mask = circle_image.resize(avatar_image.size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
final = ImageOps.fit(avatar_image, mask.size, centering=(0.5, 0.5))
Draw Circle: right side of the circle looks off
Circle with Picture:
You have an off-by-one error, commonly caused by a confusion between size and position which is the case here too.
image.new takes a width and height in number of pixels.
circle_draw.ellipse takes a start and end position, which is based on a 0-indexed grid.
To get a full circle you need to make the circle one pixel smaller than it is now to fit inside circle_image
How can I crop images that looks like this and save as 3 different images?
The issue is that images are different in size and non-proportional, so I want to make a code that dynamically cuts black borders but not the black part which is inside the picture.
Here is the desired outcome:
Below is the sample code I've made which works only for one specific image.
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open(r"image.jpg")
# Setting the points for cropped image1
# im1 = im.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
im1 = im.crop((...))
im2 = im.crop((...))
im3 = im.crop((...))
im1 = im1.save(r"image1.jpg")
im2 = im2.save(r"image2.jpg")
im3 = im3.save(r"image3.jpg")
Finally I've found the solution. Here is what I did:
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
def RemoveBlackBorders(img):
bg = Image.new(img.mode, img.size, img.getpixel((0,0)))
diff = ImageChops.difference(img, bg)
diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
bbox = diff.getbbox()
if bbox:
return img.crop(bbox)
# Opens a image in RGB mode
im = Image.open(r"C:\Path\Image.jpg")
# removing borders
im = RemoveBlackBorders(im)
# getting midpoint from size
width, height = im.size
mwidth = width/2
# assign shape of figure from the midpoint
#crop((x,y of top left, x, y of bottom right))
im1 = im.crop((0, 0, mwidth-135, height))
im2 = im.crop((mwidth-78, 0, mwidth+84, height))
im3 = im.crop((mwidth+135, 0, width, height))
The function to remove borders I've found from here.
Although the solution is not completely dynamic, it still solves my problem with ~90% accuracy. But I believe there should be a more universal approach for this problem.
If the areas have always the same size and the same top and bottom coordinates the following should work:
The coordinates for the crops can be retrieved by calculating the sums per rows and per columns, then analyzing them.
import cv2
import numpy as np
im = cv2.imread(image_path)
sum_of_rows = np.sum(im, axis=(1,2))
sum_of_cols = np.sum(im, axis=(0,2))
The top and bottom can be calculated by calculating the sum for each row (each sum value being calculated R+G+B, the value should be zero for black). Then looking for the first value being different form zero and the last value being different than zero. Both indicating the top and bottom.
top = np.argmax(sum_of_rows > 0)
bottom = top + np.argmax(sum_of_rows[top:]==0)
The same can be done for the sum for each column, but here checking for multiple left and right values.
When I try to make an inverse polar transformation to my image, the output is outside of the output image. There are also some weird white patterns on the top. I tried to make the output image larger but the circle is on the left side so it didn't help.
I am trying to make a line circle using warpPolar function, for that first I'm flipping the line and giving it a black area as shown on the image, then using the cv2.warpPolar function with WARP_INVERSE_MAP flag.
How can I fully draw the circle, and get its bounding box is my question.
line = np.ones(shape=(20,475),dtype=np.uint8)*255
flipped = cv2.rotate(line,cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
h,w = flipped.shape
radius = int(h / (2*np.pi))
new_image = np.zeros(shape=(h,radius+w),dtype=np.uint8)
h2,w2 = new_image.shape
new_image[: ,w2-w:w2] = flipped
h,w = new_image.shape
center = (w/2,h)
output= cv2.warpPolar(new_image,center=center,maxRadius=radius,dsize=(1500,1500),flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP + cv2.WARP_POLAR_LINEAR)
Note: I am not getting the same result as you showed above when I tried the same code. You may miss some code lines to add ?
If I didn't misunderstand your problem,you are trying to get this result: (If I am wrong, I will update the answer accordingly)
The only point you are missing is that defining the center and radius. You are making inverse transform here, the input is created by you not warpPolar. Since you are defining size as (1500,1500), you need to update center and radius accordingly. Here is my code giving this result:
import cv2
import numpy as np
line = np.ones(shape=(20,475),dtype=np.uint8)*255
flipped = cv2.rotate(line,cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
h,w = flipped.shape
radius = int(h / (2*np.pi))
new_image = np.zeros(shape=(h,radius+w),dtype=np.uint8)
h2,w2 = new_image.shape
new_image[: ,w2-w:w2] = flipped
h,w = new_image.shape
center = (750,750)
maxRadius = 750
output= cv2.warpPolar(new_image,center=center,maxRadius=radius,dsize=(1500,1500),flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP + cv2.WARP_POLAR_LINEAR)
Here is a test program. I started with two random dots and the line connecting them. Now, I want to take a given image (with x,y dimensions of 79 x 1080) and blit it on top of the guide line. I understand that arctan will give me the angle between the points on a cartesian grid, but because y is backwards the screen (x,y), I have to invert some values. I'm confused about the negating step.
If you run this repeatedly, you'll see the image is always parallel to the line, and sometimes on top, but not consistently.
import math
import pygame
import random
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600,600))
#target = (126, 270)
#start = (234, 54)
target = (random.randrange(600), random.randrange(600))
start = (random.randrange(600), random.randrange(600))
BLACK = (0,0,0)
BLUE = (0,0,128)
GREEN = (0,128,0)
pygame.draw.circle(screen, GREEN, start, 15)
pygame.draw.circle(screen, BLUE, target, 15)
pygame.draw.line(screen, BLUE, start, target, 5)
route = pygame.Surface((79,1080))
BMP = pygame.image.load('art/trade_route00.png').convert()
(bx, by, bwidth, bheight) = route.get_rect()
route.blit(BMP, (0,0), area=route.get_rect())
# get distance within screen in pixels
dist = math.sqrt((start[0] - target[0])**2 + (start[1] - target[1])**2)
# scale to fit: use distance between points, and make width extra skinny.
route = pygame.transform.scale(route, (int(bwidth * dist/bwidth * 0.05), int( bheight * dist/bheight)))
# and rotate... (invert, as negative is for clockwise)
angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(-1*(target[1]-start[1]), target[0]-start[0]))
route = pygame.transform.rotate(route, angle + 90 )
position = route.get_rect()
HERE = (abs(target[0] - position[2]), target[1]) # - position[3]/2)
screen.blit(route, HERE)
print(start, target, dist, angle, position)
The main problem
The error is not due to the inverse y coordinates (0 at top, max at bottom) while rotating as you seems to think. That part is correct. The error is here:
HERE = (abs(target[0] - position[2]), target[1]) # - position[3]/2)
HERE must be the coordinates of the top-left corner of the rectangle inscribing your green and blue dots connected by the blue line. At those coordinates, you need to place the Surface route after rescaling.
You can get this vertex by doing:
HERE = (min(start[0], target[0]), min(start[1], target[1]))
This should solve the problem, and your colored dots should lay on the blue line.
A side note
Another thing you might wish to fix is the scaling parameter of route:
route = pygame.transform.scale(route, (int(bwidth * dist/bwidth * 0.05), int( bheight * dist/bheight)))
If my guess is correct and you want to preserve the original widht/height ratio in the rescaled route (since your original image is not a square) this should be:
route = pygame.transform.scale(route, (int(dist* bwidth/bheight), int(dist)))
assuming that you want height (the greater size in the original) be scaled to dist. So you may not need the 0.05, or maybe you can use a different shrinking parameter (probably 0.05 will shrink it too much).
Is there any convenient way to draw text right into OpenCV circle? Haven't found any similar answer in Google.
If I simply use circle's Centroid_X and Centroid_Y for putText I get something like in the picture below but I want Text completely fit circle and cannot find any elegant way to draw text inside circle.
cv2.putText(frame, text, (cX, cY), FONT, 1.5, TEXT_COLOUR, int(TEXT_THICKNESS), cv2.LINE_AA)
The problem occurs due to the fact that the position given to cv2.putText defines the origin (bottom left corner of the rectangular area that fits the drawn text).
In order to have the text centered around some given point, you first need to measure the size of this rectangular area (bounding box). This can be done using the function cv2.getTextSize.
Now, to have the text centered, the origin needs to move down by half the height of the bouding box, and to the left by half the width of the bounding box.
text_origin = (CENTER[0] - text_size[0] / 2, CENTER[1] + text_size[1] / 2)
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = np.zeros((128, 128, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
CENTER = (64, 64)
cv2.circle(img, CENTER, 48, (127,0,127), -1)
TEXT = "0"
text_size, _ = cv2.getTextSize(TEXT, TEXT_FACE, TEXT_SCALE, TEXT_THICKNESS)
text_origin = (CENTER[0] - text_size[0] / 2, CENTER[1] + text_size[1] / 2)
cv2.putText(img, TEXT, text_origin, TEXT_FACE, TEXT_SCALE, (127,255,127), TEXT_THICKNESS, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imwrite('centertext_out.png', img)
Output image:
I am trying to draw a circle on an image, using Python. I tried this using PIL but I would like to specify a linewidth. Currently, PIL draws a circle but the border is too thin.
Here is what I have done.
For a test image: I created a 1632 X 1200 image in MS Paint and filled it green. I called it test_1.jpg. Here is the input file:
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
im = Image.open('test_1.jpg')
width, height = im.size
eX, eY = 816,816 #Size of Bounding Box for ellipse
bbox = (width/2 - eX/2, height/2 - eY/2, width/2 + eX/2, height/2 + eY/2)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
bbox_L = []
for j in range(0,5):
bbox_L.append([element+j for element in bbox])
draw.ellipse(tuple(bbox_L[j]), outline ='white')
Basically, I tried to draw multiple circles that would be centered at the same spot but with a different radius. My thinking was that this would create the effect of a thicker line.
However, this is producing the output shown in the attached file below:
Problem: As you can see, the bottom-left and top-right are too thin. Also, there are gaps between the various circles (see top left and bottom right).
The circle has a varying thickness. I am looking a circle with a uniform thickness.
Is there a way to do draw a circle in Python, on an image like test_1.jpg, using PIL, NumPy, etc. and to specify line thickness?
I had the same problem, and decided to write a helper function, similar to yours. This function draws two concentric ellipses in black and white on a mask layer, and the intended outline colour is stamped onto the original image through the mask. To get smoother results (antialias), the ellipses and mask is drawn in higher resolution.
Output with and without antialias
The white ellipse is 20 pixels wide, and the black ellipse is 0.5 pixels wide.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
def draw_ellipse(image, bounds, width=1, outline='white', antialias=4):
"""Improved ellipse drawing function, based on PIL.ImageDraw."""
# Use a single channel image (mode='L') as mask.
# The size of the mask can be increased relative to the imput image
# to get smoother looking results.
mask = Image.new(
size=[int(dim * antialias) for dim in image.size],
mode='L', color='black')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask)
# draw outer shape in white (color) and inner shape in black (transparent)
for offset, fill in (width/-2.0, 'white'), (width/2.0, 'black'):
left, top = [(value + offset) * antialias for value in bounds[:2]]
right, bottom = [(value - offset) * antialias for value in bounds[2:]]
draw.ellipse([left, top, right, bottom], fill=fill)
# downsample the mask using PIL.Image.LANCZOS
# (a high-quality downsampling filter).
mask = mask.resize(image.size, Image.LANCZOS)
# paste outline color to input image through the mask
image.paste(outline, mask=mask)
# green background image
image = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(700, 300), color='green')
ellipse_box = [50, 50, 300, 250]
# draw a thick white ellipse and a thin black ellipse
draw_ellipse(image, ellipse_box, width=20)
# draw a thin black line, using higher antialias to preserve finer detail
draw_ellipse(image, ellipse_box, outline='black', width=.5, antialias=8)
# Lets try without antialiasing
ellipse_box[0] += 350
ellipse_box[2] += 350
draw_ellipse(image, ellipse_box, width=20, antialias=1)
draw_ellipse(image, ellipse_box, outline='black', width=1, antialias=1)
I've only tested this code in python 3.4, but I think it should work with 2.7 without major modification.
Simple (but not nice) solution is to draw two circles (the smaller one with color of background):
outline = 10 # line thickness
draw.ellipse((x1-outline, y1-outline, x2+outline, y2+outline), fill=outline_color)
draw.ellipse((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill=background_color)
From version 5.3.0 onwards, released on 18 Oct 2018, Pillow has supported width for ImageDraw.ellipse. I doubt many people are using PIL nowadays.
I don't think there's a way to specify ellipse thickness, but you probably can draw lines at each pixel where ellipse pass, with the argument width=...
NB: I'm foreign, so sorry if my english is wrong.
You can use the Image.core.draw method like this:
zero_array = np.zeros((224,224))
im = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(zero_array))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
dr_im = Image.core.draw(im.getdata(), 0)
dr_im.draw_rectangle((22,33, 150,100),220,2)
dr_im.draw_rectangle((22,33, 150,100),125,0)
#draw.rectangle((22,33, 150,100), fill=220,outline = 125)