I followed this coadingforentrepreneurs tutorial to generate pdfs and it works fine.
The issue is when i use a post request to generate a pdf it shows me a 405 error. I am using post method to access customer-id to generate a invoice.
Here is my GeneratePDF class
class GeneratePDF(View):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if request.method == 'POST':
template = get_template('head/invoice.html')
context = {
html = template.render(context)
pdf = render_to_pdf('head/invoice.html', context)
if pdf:
response = HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf')
filename = "Invoice_%s.pdf" %("12341231")
content = "inline; filename='%s'" %(filename)
download = request.GET.get("download")
if download:
content = "attachment; filename='%s'" %(filename)
response['Content-Disposition'] = content
return response
template = get_template('head/invoice.html')
context = {
html = template.render(context)
pdf = render_to_pdf('head/invoice.html', context)
if pdf:
response = HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf')
filename = "Invoice_%s.pdf" %("12341231")
content = "inline; filename='%s'" %(filename)
download = request.GET.get("download")
if download:
content = "attachment; filename='%s'" %(filename)
response['Content-Disposition'] = content
return response
I have not edited any other files
Here is the response from the server
Method Not Allowed (POST): /employee/customer_printbill/
Method Not Allowed: /employee/customer_printbill/
I am a beginner in django and i am unable to resolve this issue. Please help me out.
You're mixing function based and class based views. You should define post method in your class based view, and request will be dispatched to that post method. And thus you do not need to check if request.method is POST in your get method, because POST request will be handled by your post method. Please see Django Docs for more info.
I have django a view that exports records using the xhtml2pdf library, however I have observed that the view keeps refreshing several times as my pdf function processes the request. Also, this behavior keeps reloading the view for a number of times until the file is ready for export. This is potentially harmful since the view queries data in bulk to be loaded onto the pdf.
The error I am getting from the terminal is:
Broken pipe from ('', 1314)
I read somewhere that this could be as a result of the browser closing and opening the connection but I tested on another view loading a page and delayed the response but it did not happen as above.
This is my views.py:
def export_assets(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
checkbox_list = request.POST.getlist('id[]')
if not len(checkbox_list) > 0:
messages.error(request, "You must select at least one row to export.")
return redirect('view_active_assets')
queryset = Assets.objects.filter(id__in=checkbox_list)[:10000]
if 'excel' in request.POST:
return process_excel_export(queryset)
if 'pdf' in request.POST:
return process_pdf_export(request, queryset)
return redirect('view_active_assets')
render function:
def render_to_pdf(template_src, context_dict={}):
template = get_template(template_src)
html = template.render(context_dict)
result = BytesIO()
pdf = pisa.pisaDocument(BytesIO(html.encode("UTF-8")), result)
if not pdf.err:
return HttpResponse(result.getvalue(), content_type='application/pdf')
return None
Process pdf function:
def process_pdf_export(request, queryset):
domain = settings.DOMAIN
context = {'queryset': queryset, 'asset_count': queryset.count()}
pdf = render_to_pdf('dashboard/pdf_templates/assets_pdf.html', context)
response = HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf')
filename = "Assets Export.pdf"
content = "inline; filename=%s" % (filename)
download = request.GET.get("download")
if download:
content = "attachment; filename='%s'" % (filename)
response['Content-Disposition'] = content
return response
I am trying to create a "convert to pdf" button for a current page (service detail, which is a dynamic page) I tried to work with ReportLab (as Django documentation suggests, but I just can't make it work, and ReportLab documentation is not saying a word about such possibilities)
for now I can create a pdf file out of this view: (edit, got back to the code from django documentation for clarity)
def service_detail(request, pk):
service = get_object_or_404(Service, pk=pk)
return render(request, 'detail.html', {'service':service, 'pk':pk})
def render_to_pdf(request):
# Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate PDF headers.
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="service.pdf"''
# Create the PDF object, using the response object as its "file."
p = canvas.Canvas(response)
# Draw things on the PDF. Here's where the PDF generation happens.
p.drawString("Hello world.")
# Close the PDF object cleanly, and we're done.
return response
url(r'^service/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.service_detail, name='service_detail'), #Services details
url(r'^render_to_pdf/', views.render_to_pdf, name='render_to_pdf'),
The template of the service detail includes dynamic elements, like:
Your location: {{ service.user_location }} <br><br>
Anyone knows what can I do, or what other technology I can use to create such PDF?
I am mostly working with Python, Django, HTML and CSS
content_type need to be application/pdf not service/pdf, also try to give pdf file name without spaces for example service.pdf, from docs, also you forgot to put attachment in Content-Disposition
try to write pdf to response like so and use BytesIO:
from io import BytesIO
def render_to_pdf(request):
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename="service.pdf'
buffer = BytesIO()
p = canvas.Canvas(buffer)
# Start writing the PDF here
p.drawString(100, 100, 'Hello world.')
# End writing
pdf = buffer.getvalue()
return response
You might want to consider the package django-wkhtmltopdf for generating PDF's in Django.
Using this, you can layout your PDF as an HTML-page (with CSS markup), like any other view, but it will render it as an PDF-file. Note that you will have to install the wkhtmltopdf binary to get it working.
By adding the ?as=html prefix in the url, you can view your page in the browser while developing.
The django-wkhtmltopdf package uses class based views. Here an example:
from django.utils.text import slugify
from wkhtmltopdf.views import PDFTemplateView
class Portfolio(PDFTemplateView):
template_name = 'frontend/portfolio.html'
def get_filename(self):
return slugify('portfolio ' + self.request.user.first_name + ' ' + self.request.user.last_name) + '.pdf'
def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
from django.urls import path
from . import views
app_name = 'frontend'
urlpatterns = [
I'm currently using the Requests library to send a file to a remote server from a form(InMemoryUploadedFile). I initially sent the 'file'(file = self.request.FILES.get('file')) as part of my payload, and when I ran the code I received a JSON error response from the server that says:
{"outcome":"error","message":"string contains null byte"}
Upon further reading(https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/files/uploads/) it seems like it would make sense to read the file. So I decided to read the file using the .chunks() method(in case you have files larger than 2.5MB), but now I'm getting a:
{"outcome":"error","message":"invalid byte sequence in UTF-8"}
And if I use .multiple_chunks() I get a server 500 error.
Does anyone have any ideas what steps could be taken to resolve this issue?
class AddDocumentView(LoginRequiredMixin, SuccessMessageMixin, CreateView):
login_url = reverse_lazy('users:login')
form_class = FileUploadForm
template_name = 'docman/forms/add-document.html'
success_message = 'Document was successfully added'
def form_valid(self, form):
pk = self.kwargs['pk']
user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=pk)
file = self.request.FILES.get('file')
if not self.post_to_server(file, user.id):
messages.error(self.request, "Upload failed", extra_tags='alert alert-danger')
return render(self.request, self.template_name, {'form': form})
def post_to_server(self, file, cid):
url = 'https://exampleapi.herokuapp.com/api/files/'
headers = {'token': 'secret-token93409023'}
payload = {'file': file.chunks(), 'client_id': cid}
r = requests.post(url, data=payload, headers=headers)
if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
return True
return False
I figured it out, it had to do with me sending the file as part of the payload, which doesn't multipart encode the upload. So what I had to do was send the file as the correct 'file' parameter which does properly multipart encode the upload.
class AddDocumentView(LoginRequiredMixin, SuccessMessageMixin, CreateView):
login_url = reverse_lazy('users:login')
form_class = FileUploadForm
template_name = 'docman/forms/add-document.html'
success_message = 'Document was successfully added'
def form_valid(self, form):
pk = self.kwargs['pk']
user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=pk)
file = self.request.FILES.get('file')
if not self.post_to_server(file, user.id):
messages.error(self.request, "Upload failed", extra_tags='alert alert-danger')
return render(self.request, self.template_name, {'form': form})
def post_to_server(self, file, cid):
url = 'https://exampleapi.herokuapp.com/api/files/'
headers = {'token': 'secret-token93409023'}
# Remove files as part of payload
payload = {'client_id': cid}
files = {'file': file}
# Place 'files' as file paramter to be properly multipart encoded
r = requests.post(url, files=files, data=payload, headers=headers)
if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
return True
return False
I need to return generated file download as a Django REST Framework response. I tried the following:
def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
template = webodt.ODFTemplate('test.odt')
queryset = Pupils.objects.get(id=kwargs['pk'])
serializer = StudentSerializer(queryset)
context = dict(serializer.data)
document = template.render(Context(context))
doc = converter().convert(document, format='doc')
res = HttpResponse(
res['Content-Disposition'] = u'attachment; filename="%s_%s.zip"' % (context[u'surname'], context[u'name'])
return res
But it returns a msword document as json.
How do I make it start downloading as file instead?
Here's an example of returning a file download directly from DRF. The trick is to use a custom renderer so you can return a Response directly from the view:
from django.http import FileResponse
from rest_framework import viewsets, renderers
from rest_framework.decorators import action
class PassthroughRenderer(renderers.BaseRenderer):
Return data as-is. View should supply a Response.
media_type = ''
format = ''
def render(self, data, accepted_media_type=None, renderer_context=None):
return data
class ExampleViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
queryset = Example.objects.all()
#action(methods=['get'], detail=True, renderer_classes=(PassthroughRenderer,))
def download(self, *args, **kwargs):
instance = self.get_object()
# get an open file handle (I'm just using a file attached to the model for this example):
file_handle = instance.file.open()
# send file
response = FileResponse(file_handle, content_type='whatever')
response['Content-Length'] = instance.file.size
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % instance.file.name
return response
Note I'm using a custom endpoint download instead of the default endpoint retrieve, because that makes it easy to override the renderer just for this endpoint instead of for the whole viewset -- and it tends to make sense for list and detail to return regular JSON anyway. If you wanted to selectively return a file download you could add more logic to the custom renderer.
This may work for you:
file_path = file_url
FilePointer = open(file_path,"r")
response = HttpResponse(FilePointer,content_type='application/msword')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=NameOfFile'
return response.
For FrontEnd code refer this
I am using DRF and i found a view code to download file, which would be like
from rest_framework import generics
from django.http import HttpResponse
from wsgiref.util import FileWrapper
class FileDownloadListAPIView(generics.ListAPIView):
def get(self, request, id, format=None):
queryset = Example.objects.get(id=id)
file_handle = queryset.file.path
document = open(file_handle, 'rb')
response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(document), content_type='application/msword')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % queryset.file.name
return response
and url.py will be
I am using React.js in frontend and i get a response like
handleDownload(id, filename) {
response => {
response.blob().then(blob => {
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
let a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = url;
a.download = filename;
and after i got successful in downloading a file which also opens correctly and i hope this gonna work. Thanks
For me, using Python 3.6, Django 3.0, and DRF 3.10, The problem came from using the wrong type of response. I needed to use a django.http.HttpResponse, as seen below:
from django.http import HttpResponse
with open('file.csv', 'r') as file:
response = HttpResponse(file, content_type='text/csv')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=file.csv'
return response
I solved my problem by saving file in media folder and sending of the link of it to front-end.
class StudentDocxViewSet(mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet):
def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
template = webodt.ODFTemplate('test.odt')
queryset = Pupils.objects.get(id=kwargs['pk'])
serializer = StudentSerializer(queryset)
context = dict(serializer.data)
document = template.render(Context(context))
doc = converter().convert(document, format='doc')
p = u'docs/cards/%s/%s_%s.doc' % (datetime.now().date(), context[u'surname'], context[u'name'])
path = default_storage.save(p, doc)
return response.Response(u'/media/' + path)
And handled this like in my front-end (AngularJS SPA)
$http(req).success(function (url) {
window.location = url;
In models.py
class Attachment(models.Model):
file = models.FileField(upload_to=attachment_directory_path, blank=True, null=True)
def filename(self):
return self.file.name.split('/')[-1:][0]
in views.py
import mimetypes
from django.http import FileResponse
class AttachmentViewSet(ModelViewSet):
#action(methods=['GET'], detail=True)
def download(self, request, **kwargs):
att = self.get_object()
file_handle = att.file.open()
mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(att.file.path)
response = FileResponse(file_handle, content_type=mimetype)
response['Content-Length'] = att.file.size
response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename={}".format(att.filename)
return response
and in frontend, I used axios for download files. api is axios client.
export function fileDownload(url, filename){
return api.get(url, { responseType: 'blob' })
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([response.data]));
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url;
link.setAttribute('download', filename);
hope that it helps
Using django-downloadview this can be done like so:
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from django_downloadview import ObjectDownloadView
class DocumentViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
def download(self, request, pk):
return ObjectDownloadView.as_view(
model=, # your model here
)(request, pk=pk)
The viewset can then be registered via DRF routers.
I need to send a pdf file and some other parameters in response to a get API call using django rest framework.
How can I do it?
I tried this but it gives an error <django.http.HttpResponse object at 0x7f7d32ffafd0> is not JSON serializable.
def fetch_report(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
short_report = open("somePdfFile", 'rb')
response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(short_report), content_type='application/pdf')
return Response({'detail': 'this works',
'report': response})
The problem here is that you are trying to return a mix of JSON and PDF, which either isn't what you are looking for or is going to return a giant base64-encoded response. PDF is a binary format and JSON is a text format, and you can't really mix them well.
Within a DRF view you can directly return a Django response, which you already appear to be generating (the HttpResponse), and DRF will pass it through and skip the renderers. This is useful in cases like this, as it allows you to return a binary response such as an image or PDF without worrying about DRF's rendering layer causing problems.
def fetch_report(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
short_report = open("somePdfFile", 'rb')
response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(short_report), content_type='application/pdf')
return response
The alternative is to encode the PDF as text, using something like base64 encoding. This will dramatically increase your response sizes, but it will allow you to use DRF's rendering layer without problems.
def fetch_report(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
import base64
short_report = open("somePdfFile", 'rb')
report_encoded = base64.b64encode(short_report.read())
return Response({'detail': 'this works',
'report': report_encoded})
But the route I would recommend here is to generate the PDF and store it in either your media storage, or an alternative private location, and provide a direct link to it in your response. This way you don't need to worry about the encoding issues, don't need to directly return the PDF, and don't need to worry about directly serving the PDF.
If you really need to serve binary files directly from your backend (e.g. when they're being generated dynamically) you can use a custom renderer:
from rest_framework.renderers import BaseRenderer
class BinaryFileRenderer(BaseRenderer):
media_type = 'application/octet-stream'
format = None
charset = None
render_style = 'binary'
def render(self, data, media_type=None, renderer_context=None):
return data
Then use it in your action in a viewset:
from rest_framework.decorators import action
#action(detail=True, methods=['get'], renderer_classes=(BinaryFileRenderer,))
def download(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
with open('/path/to/file.pdf', 'rb') as report:
return Response(
headers={'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="file.pdf"'},
You can use DRF-PDF project with PDFFileResponse:
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from drf_pdf.response import PDFFileResponse
from drf_pdf.renderer import PDFRenderer
class PDFHandler(APIView):
renderer_classes = (PDFRenderer, )
def get(self, request):
return PDFFileResponse(
But, maybe you cannot respond in both formats (json and stream).
You can send pdf file as a response to any request without installing any packages.
You can do the following.
def get(request, *args, **kwargs):
# some code
# some code
with fs.open("path/to/file/Report.pdf") as pdf:
response = HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf')
filename = "Report.pdf"
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(filename)
return response
Now, open your postman and hit a get/post request.
Important: Before clicking send button in postman, select the option send and download.
With DRF you can write as following:
pdf_file_in_bytes = AnyModel.file.read() # file is a FileField
pdf_file_name = "PDF's Download Name"
response = Response(
headers={'Content-Disposition': f'attachment; filename={pdf_file_name}'},
response.content = pdf_file_in_bytes
return response